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Flood-Hit Thailand Declines Offer Of Help: US Navy


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AGREE.If help is not in the form of MONEY they do not care.It's not about helping people. nobody cares a s. in the thai government.On top of that add their proverbial pride, based on absolutely nothing.I feel quite ashamed by all those foreigners giving money to ' relieve' the pain of the flood in a country where ten thousands of superich thai not caring a s. about other thai people ride around in 7 million bath Mercedes Benz.It's not bona fide stupidity, it'sARROGANT stupidity.

If this isn't absolute proof of their bona fide stupidity, nothing is. It's as if they want people to die.

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It's the same old "loss of Face" stupidity.

I agree with lentsa that this is what may be involved with denial of help from the US Navy. However, I find it in conflict with the cooperation that exists for all the "Cobra Gold" operations that take place all the time. Not to mention all the R&R time spent by military personnel here. It is apparently OK to line the pockets of the military and the bars in Pattaya but to hell with the other people.

The navy resources could have helped thousands in a short amount of time and now that opportunity is lost and I hope the affected citizens of this epic flood are provided a good reason for their government turning its' back on the offered help.

Maybe Taksin told his sister that because he was denied US entry, she should not accept help from the USA.

At least the USA made a valid attempt help. Can't say the same for many other countries.

The Netherlands offered help as well and did sent experts but it was impossible for them to work as no one was in charge and they "the Thai experts" knew everything better. So the left Thailand already.

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Too bad. The US offer fo assist should have gotten an unqualified yes!.

No doubt the Thai politicians didn't want to expose their confusion and incompetence to a group of competent Americans who would do the job MUCH better than they.

This is sad for the Thai people who need the help.

Do you think those Thai people in need care about who brings them water, food, or safety?

Very bad decision.

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"There were two channels (in the Thai government)," the defense official told AFP. "One was saying 'Yes' and one was saying 'No.'"

I wonder which channel of the Thai government said no? I sure hope this fact is revealed.

Is this a trick question?

The governing channel OBVIOUSLY.

"You say yes, I say no

You say stop and I say go, go, go

Oh, no

You say goodbye and I say hello

Hello, hello

I don't know why you say goodbye

I say hello

Hello, hello

I don't know why you say goodbye

I say hello"

Perhaps this song was a prophecy. John Lennon

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Thailand doesn't need major help and being seen to do so would be more than losing face, it would affect the country's international standing - credit, investment the baht etc - they didn't ask for aid at the time of the tsunami and they won't ask now. They have ample capital reserves anyhow.

the only aid they may ask for is in some specialist areas........ engineering, dykes, medical advice.

What would they do with a US ship?

They certainly have not turned away any monetary donations from various nations including the US.

Also, the capital reserves that they have will be seriously impacted if/when some of the large Japanese industrial firms either

1) demand not only

a) full repayment (perhaps in form of capital gains taxes reduction) for damage done by the floods or

b ) further long term economic policies/favors relatively disadvantage to Thailand OR

2) pull out from the country all together which seems a possibility for some.

EDIT: readibility

Edited by ThailandMan
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According to wiki,

"A typical aircraft carrier in the U.S. military uses nuclear power to desalinate 400,000 US gallons (1,500,000 lt; 330,000 imp gal) of water per day"

But there's loads of water here already. That's the main problem. Why on earth would Thailand want more?

A million and half liters a day of potable drinking water is not "here already."

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...today the US help you, tomorrow they'll be ready to reclaim the favor and put it in your a**...

and don't tell me it never happened before


You've got to be being facetious, right? Has there ever been a case of humanitarian aid given my the Navy for a natural disaster being turned around and put somewhere, as you so eloquently state? Indonesia? Bangladesh? Japan? Korea? Name one time where this has happened.

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According to wiki,

"A typical aircraft carrier in the U.S. military uses nuclear power to desalinate 400,000 US gallons (1,500,000 lt; 330,000 imp gal) of water per day"

But there's loads of water here already. That's the main problem. Why on earth would Thailand want more?

Is the "loads of water" of which you speak of drinkable and proximate?

That's usually a problem during a flood.

" A Thai company that distributes drinking water across the city sent out an SMS to customers announcing deliveries had been halted because of the crisis."


That's what I thought.

Sorry.... I didn't use an emoticon and make it easy for you.

Yes there's flooding.

No, there's no disaster.

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Well, as I see things these marines would need a work permit; seven underlings, get screened for syphilis and swim to the immigration every ninety days. How sick this all is - disgusting!

Just to get this out of the way. If they are invited work permits are not required and is covered under labor laws, specifically the below. I worked here in the military for a year and had now work permit and no passport but was completely legal. Military ID is all that was required.


5. Persons who perform duties on missions in Thailand under an agreement between the Thai Government and a foreign Government or international organization;

Good to knows, so the military are spared from this requirement but only if there is a formal request.

So if we, normal people, want to help. all we have to do is join the army again and hope Thailand is going to ask for us, otherways we will all get arrested for helping....as they have already turned away the american military, maybe that is not going to work anyway....

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It's the same old "loss of Face" stupidity.

I agree with lentsa that this is what may be involved with denial of help from the US Navy. However, I find it in conflict with the cooperation that exists for all the "Cobra Gold" operations that take place all the time. Not to mention all the R&R time spent by military personnel here. It is apparently OK to line the pockets of the military and the bars in Pattaya but to hell with the other people.

The navy resources could have helped thousands in a short amount of time and now that opportunity is lost and I hope the affected citizens of this epic flood are provided a good reason for their government turning its' back on the offered help.

Maybe Taksin told his sister that because he was denied US entry, she should not accept help from the USA.

At least the USA made a valid attempt help. Can't say the same for many other countries.

The Netherlands offered help as well and did sent experts but it was impossible for them to work as no one was in charge and they "the Thai experts" knew everything better. So the left Thailand already.

This situation is not limited to the government.

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Before you spit in the face of the most generous nation in the world, check your facts. Ask the Japanese which friend helped the most. ask the Indonesian who helped the most. It wasn't the sorry selfish Arab nations to help the worlds largest muslim country.

...today the US help you, tomorrow they'll be ready to reclaim the favor and put it in your a**...

and don't tell me it never happened before

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"There were two channels (in the Thai government)," the defense official told AFP. "One was saying 'Yes' and one was saying 'No.'"

..................just a cunning ploy to ensure that NOBODY had to make a decision!

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stupidity at its best....

Even worse...... Sad to see what a bunch of idiots are "on top" in TH. Only taking care for themselves and their families, but all those millions of poor people out their in the water are left in the dark :realangry:

Of course it's all about $$$. The Thai government see that they cannot gain any money by this US help (if they could, the help was accepted, that's for sure ! )

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Given how much the government has used the Thai military, is it any surprise that they refused the US military help?

After Cyclone Nargis didn't the Myanmar gov refuse US assistance? Something about being paranoid it was a coup strategy disguises as humanitarian aid.

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...today the US help you, tomorrow they'll be ready to reclaim the favor and put it in your a**...

and don't tell me it never happened before

The Thai military and the US military have been working together for decades, The Thai Government / Military allowed US bombers to refuel in Thailand durring the invation of Iraq.. Then there is Cobra Gold that runs every year and has been for decades. When the US military comes into port, it supplies volunteers to donate time and material for social programs in Thailand. Last Cobra gold exercise 50 Marines and Navy personnel volunteered to make needed repairs to a Orphanage here in Pattaya....So since Vietnam the Thai Government and Military have been closely working with the US and US Military....So how much longer do you think it will take for the BAD AMERICANS to call in their so called markers...

Really..... please comment, but make informed comments.

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Yes there's flooding.

No, there's no disaster.

Maybe for you it's no disaster, especially as you posted in the Where Is It Flooding? thread above that you and your family were packing your bags and bugging out for Scotland tonight.

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...today the US help you, tomorrow they'll be ready to reclaim the favor and put it in your a**...

and don't tell me it never happened before

The Thai military and the US military have been working together for decades, The Thai Government / Military allowed US bombers to refuel in Thailand durring the invation of Iraq.. Then there is Cobra Gold that runs every year and has been for decades. When the US military comes into port, it supplies volunteers to donate time and material for social programs in Thailand. Last Cobra gold exercise 50 Marines and Navy personnel volunteered to make needed repairs to a Orphanage here in Pattaya....So since Vietnam the Thai Government and Military have been closely working with the US and US Military....So how much longer do you think it will take for the BAD AMERICANS to call in their so called markers...

Really..... please comment, but make informed comments.

Well said, Thank You !

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"On October 15, a small ten-man team of US Marines traveled to Thailand to deliver thousands of sandbags and to assess how the American military could help with relief efforts"

sending sandbags is the least, what US government should be doing, in such situation. Much more important are basic medical supplies, medicines and equipment.

but, of course, it's a very strange position, not to accept an offer of help. Those marines could be used in rescue work, which is so much needed.

looks, life thai foreign ministry made a big mistake, because there weren't any diplomatic favours in exchange for help.

Its all about "FACE"...................... the Thai nation is getting its just rewards for being so stuck up their own ass...!!

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...today the US help you, tomorrow they'll be ready to reclaim the favor and put it in your a**...

and don't tell me it never happened before

Based on how much aid the US has given Thailand over the years, the number of times it has protected the country from insurgency (see 1965 and 1975 history not to mention assuring that Thailand had a monarchy after WWII against England and Frances desire to punish them), the amount of commerce it does with the US, they owe the USA more favors already than they could ever pay back. So whatever ignorance you are basing this comment on, you can see you are in a minority.

Edited by gohmer
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