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Thaksin To Definitely Return In December: Kwanchai


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Well if that is true, it will certianly tug at the heart strings of the Thai's. It will possibly assist in opening the door for his return, it definitely wont hurt.

Why do you think it's already being so mismanaged in the first place?

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or if he commanded a force which killed nearly a hundred young men in gov't detention

Actually he didn't.He was PM at the time and after the Tak Bai massacre made some foolish and ill advised remarks.But he did not command the force responsible which was of course the Thai army.No generals took responsibility and the officers concerned were absolved of all charges under a military court under the Abhisit administration.

Foolish and ill advised you say? When he bragged that he was the PM and so of course he was in control of everything and knew what was going on down there at the time, well even a busted watch tells the right time twice a day.

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Nothing would surprise me about the Thai psyche. A significant proportion of Thais saw the Reds as heroes - when they rioted in Bkk in 2009 and when they came back a year lager and commandeered downtown for two months with tires and bamboo spikes and bloodshed. That same proportion keeps rallying around T, even though he's proven in dozens of ways what a scoundrel he is. No matter what low down act he does, or denigrating thing he utters, he will forever be a hero to the Reds. Even if he were to not pay taxes on his multi-billions or if he commanded a force which killed nearly a hundred young men in gov't detention, he would still be a hero to die hard Reds.

Oh wait a moment, now that I think about it, .......he already did those things.

So then, it wouldn't surprise you if Thaksin and the Reds turned on each other either.

Me? I'd really like to see that.

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It will be interesting to see how Thaksin uses the flood later. Right now he stays quiet but is fully aware that he was always regarded, even by his enemies, as the the most effective can do PM - Abhisit was weak and couldnt control the bureaucracy, the military government couldnt get any first choices to work for them, and Yingluck hasnt shown control over the bureaucracy her brother did. After such a natural disaster I would be surprised if there were no people thinking if Thaksin came back we could sort this recovery out a lot better, and Im sure he will give public advice from afar

IMO your comments are far too simplistic to be convincing. The record shows thatThaksin was indeed adept at two things - lining his pockets and galloping off at great speed in the wrong direction, "A tempest of sound and fury, signifying nothing." He did however have enough sense to get out while the getting was still good. By contrast, Abhisit showed both the sense and sensibility hoped for to point the country in the right direction (e.g. Jurin on Education), but there's a lot of deadwood in the party to drag around, so dragging the country into the modern world will take time and patience and ability - rather than Thaksin's party mix of bragdaccio, skullduggery, crass neuvo-riche ignorance and delusions of grandeur.

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Nothing would surprise me about the Thai psyche. A significant proportion of Thais saw the Reds as heroes - when they rioted in Bkk in 2009 and when they came back a year lager and commandeered downtown for two months with tires and bamboo spikes and bloodshed. That same proportion keeps rallying around T, even though he's proven in dozens of ways what a scoundrel he is. No matter what low down act he does, or denigrating thing he utters, he will forever be a hero to the Reds. Even if he were to not pay taxes on his multi-billions or if he commanded a force which killed nearly a hundred young men in gov't detention, he would still be a hero to die hard Reds.

Oh wait a moment, now that I think about it, .......he already did those things.

So then, it wouldn't surprise you if Thaksin and the Reds turned on each other either.

Me? I'd really like to see that.

It would be a surprise if the Reds turned on him. There are some inklings of that happening, but until it becomes wide-spread and a completed disassociation occurs, they lack the credibility they've always had. I, too, would welcome their removal of support as it would be opportunity to actually do something positive for the rural poor, instead of them being manipulatively used as pawns.

As for Thaksin turning on the Reds, I'd say that's an impossibility. They are his bread and butter and without them, he's finished in the political arena.


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Nothing would surprise me about the Thai psyche. A significant proportion of Thais saw the Reds as heroes - when they rioted in Bkk in 2009 and when they came back a year lager and commandeered downtown for two months with tires and bamboo spikes and bloodshed. That same proportion keeps rallying around T, even though he's proven in dozens of ways what a scoundrel he is. No matter what low down act he does, or denigrating thing he utters, he will forever be a hero to the Reds. Even if he were to not pay taxes on his multi-billions or if he commanded a force which killed nearly a hundred young men in gov't detention, he would still be a hero to die hard Reds.

Oh wait a moment, now that I think about it, .......he already did those things.

So then, it wouldn't surprise you if Thaksin and the Reds turned on each other either.

Me? I'd really like to see that.

It would be a surprise if the Reds turned on him. There are some inklings of that happening, but until it becomes wide-spread and a completed disassociation occurs, they lack the credibility they've always had. I, too, would welcome their removal of support as it would be opportunity to actually do something positive for the rural poor, instead of them being manipulatively used as pawns.

As for Thaksin turning on the Reds, I'd say that's an impossibility. They are his bread and butter and without them, he's finished in the political arena.


Absolutely. It has to happen the other way round. Perhaps they'll slowly wake up to the fact that he is manifestly corrupt. I doubt it though.

That said however, Abhisit missed a perfect opportunity to embrace the rural poor. And I don't think it would have been that hard.

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Nothing would surprise me about the Thai psyche. A significant proportion of Thais saw the Reds as heroes - when they rioted in Bkk in 2009 and when they came back a year lager and commandeered downtown for two months with tires and bamboo spikes and bloodshed. That same proportion keeps rallying around T, even though he's proven in dozens of ways what a scoundrel he is. No matter what low down act he does, or denigrating thing he utters, he will forever be a hero to the Reds. Even if he were to not pay taxes on his multi-billions or if he commanded a force which killed nearly a hundred young men in gov't detention, he would still be a hero to die hard Reds.

Oh wait a moment, now that I think about it, .......he already did those things.

So then, it wouldn't surprise you if Thaksin and the Reds turned on each other either.

Me? I'd really like to see that.

It would be a surprise if the Reds turned on him. There are some inklings of that happening, but until it becomes wide-spread and a completed disassociation occurs, they lack the credibility they've always had. I, too, would welcome their removal of support as it would be opportunity to actually do something positive for the rural poor, instead of them being manipulatively used as pawns.

As for Thaksin turning on the Reds, I'd say that's an impossibility. They are his bread and butter and without them, he's finished in the political arena.


The Thai CP remnants and left-wing odds and bobs like to sell the story of an independent red movement, but they have done absolutely nothing to support this idea. Nothing. In fact it has been purely a veil to wave in front of the bottom-line Thaksin apologetics. So irrelevant that it (and they for that matter) can be discarded into the trash bin. The red movement is Thaksin's aspirant militia. He owns them.

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Returning to the purpose of the thread of Thaksin "definitely" returning in December, his daughter, Pinthongta, had her formal engagement ceremony today in Bangkok.

She is going to marry Natthapong Kunakornwong and they partied at the 5-star Park Nai Lert hotel, which was a recent change as Thaksin's house is flooded.

The soon-to-be bride's aunt, PM Yingluck, did not attended.

The wedding ceremony is scheduled for December 12th at a different 5-star hotel, the Plaza Athenee hotel.

I'm still waiting for my invitation.


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Returning to the purpose of the thread of Thaksin "definitely" returning in December, his daughter, Pinthongta, had her formal engagement ceremony today in Bangkok.

She is going to marry Natthapong Kunakornwong and they partied at the 5-star Park Nai Lert hotel, which was a recent change as Thaksin's house is flooded.

The soon-to-be bride's aunt, PM Yingluck, did not attended.

The wedding ceremony is scheduled for December 12th at a different 5-star hotel, the Plaza Athenee hotel.

I'm still waiting for my invitation.

The floods are likely causing delays. :whistling:

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Returning to the purpose of the thread of Thaksin "definitely" returning in December, his daughter, Pinthongta, had her formal engagement ceremony today in Bangkok.

She is going to marry Natthapong Kunakornwong and they partied at the 5-star Park Nai Lert hotel, which was a recent change as Thaksin's house is flooded.

The soon-to-be bride's aunt, PM Yingluck, did not attended.

The wedding ceremony is scheduled for December 12th at a different 5-star hotel, the Plaza Athenee hotel.

I'm still waiting for my invitation.

The floods are likely causing delays. :whistling:

That's highly probable. Got a soggy letter last week in my mailbox that took 4 weeks to arrive from the USA.

Anyway, while I wait, here's Pinthongta at her engagement ceremony with brother, Oak, filling in and fulfilling the absent father's role to receive the prospective suitor:


And here are the loverly to-be's...

Pinthongta and Natthapong


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Here's some background on Thaksin's first son-in-law, Nattapong Kunakornwong, AKA "Pong", who was voted "Hi-So Idol" of Cleo magazine in 2007. :rolleyes:

At the time of the article's writing, Thaksin didn't sound so "definite" of returning in December.

July 25, 2011

The young man who will be Thaksin's son-in-law


Thaksin told Voice TV: "I told my soon-to-be son-in-law that although we weren't too close together, I wanted him to know that I love my daughter very much and he must also love her and I will consider him my child too. This was my brief statement to him..."

Matichon also quoted Thaksin as saying that although he would very much like to attend his daughter's wedding in Thailand around the end of this year "but if I can't make it, she will understand. They will come to pay me homage after the ceremony."

Full Article:



suppose there's no need to mention "Ping"thongta is hitching up with "Pong."


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Returning to the purpose of the thread of Thaksin "definitely" returning in December, his daughter, Pinthongta, had her formal engagement ceremony today in Bangkok.

She is going to marry Natthapong Kunakornwong and they partied at the 5-star Park Nai Lert hotel, which was a recent change as Thaksin's house is flooded.

The soon-to-be bride's aunt, PM Yingluck, did not attended.

The wedding ceremony is scheduled for December 12th at a different 5-star hotel, the Plaza Athenee hotel.

I'm still waiting for my invitation.

The floods are likely causing delays. :whistling:

That's highly probably. Got a soggy letter last week in my mailbox that took 4 weeks to arrive from the USA.

Anyway, while I wait, here's Pinthongta at her engagement ceremony with brother, Oak, filling in and fulfilling the absent father's role to receive the prospective suitor:


And here are the loverly to-be's...

Pinthongta and Natthapong


Any bets as to who gets to wear the pants in that household?:unsure:

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Pinthongta and Natthapong


A review of the sin sod threads in General Forum failed to provide any information as to what an appropriate sum is for proposing marriage to a Billionairess.

I wonder what amount transpired.


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Returning to the purpose of the thread of Thaksin "definitely" returning in December, his daughter, Pinthongta, had her formal engagement ceremony today in Bangkok.

She is going to marry Natthapong Kunakornwong and they partied at the 5-star Park Nai Lert hotel, which was a recent change as Thaksin's house is flooded.

The soon-to-be bride's aunt, PM Yingluck, did not attended.

The wedding ceremony is scheduled for December 12th at a different 5-star hotel, the Plaza Athenee hotel.

I'm still waiting for my invitation.

The floods are likely causing delays. :whistling:

That's highly probable. Got a soggy letter last week in my mailbox that took 4 weeks to arrive from the USA.

Anyway, while I wait, here's Pinthongta at her engagement ceremony with brother, Oak, filling in and fulfilling the absent father's role to receive the prospective suitor:


And here are the loverly to-be's...

Pinthongta and Natthapong


Do we have any estimation on the cost of the extravaganza?

We can compare it with the Burma Junta's leaders' daughters' wedding.

My guess the Shinawatra's outdid the Burmese.

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Returning to the purpose of the thread of Thaksin "definitely" returning in December, his daughter, Pinthongta, had her formal engagement ceremony today in Bangkok.

She is going to marry Natthapong Kunakornwong and they partied at the 5-star Park Nai Lert hotel, which was a recent change as Thaksin's house is flooded.

The soon-to-be bride's aunt, PM Yingluck, did not attended.

The wedding ceremony is scheduled for December 12th at a different 5-star hotel, the Plaza Athenee hotel.

I'm still waiting for my invitation.


If Thaksin returns this becomes an address to avoid at all costs on Dec 12th. IMHO.

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Pinthongta and Natthapong


Any bets as to who gets to wear the pants in that household?:unsure:

Her aunt, Yaowapa, and uncle, Somchai, could provide a clue:


Ironically enough, the aunt and uncle (right side behind) fulfilled the role of hosts at the ceremony


Why the heck is Somchai and the alluring Yaowapa sitting so far apart? Surely they can't be still sparring over those motel vids?

Bride to be looks cute, in a bovine sort of way.

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Buchholz timestamp='1321010529' post='4839984'

Pinthongta and Natthapong



Any bets as to who gets to wear the pants in that household?:unsure:

Her aunt, Yaowapa, and uncle, Somchai, could provide a clue:


Ironically enough, the aunt and uncle (right side behind) fulfilled the role of hosts at the ceremony


Why the heck is Somchai and the alluring Yaowapa sitting so far apart? Surely they can't be still sparring over those motel vids?

Bride to be looks cute, in a bovine sort of way.

Maybe her seventh inning stretch is wider than we think.

They ARE sitting close. rolleyes.gif

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Politicians set to continue breeding

Pinthongta "Aim" Shinawatra, Thaksin's eldest daughter, went ahead with her nuptials last Friday, marrying Natthapong Kunakornwong at the Swiss Park Nai Lert Hotel.

Her father, unable to attend in person for some unspecified reason, relied on his tried-and-true technique of "virtual attendance" by phoning in his blessings in a 10-minute message via Skype.

Aim's brother Panthongtae stood in for the old man where an actual arm was needed, and Khunying Potjaman Na Pompetch and Somchai and Yaowapa Wongsawat were among the 200 guests.

But the aunt of the bride, Prime Minister Yingluck, also had to give the event a miss because she was helping her Lao counterpart open another bridge across the Mekong River.

Meanwhile over at Sanan Kachornprasart's house, Sanam Bin Nam, his son Siriwat, the Deputy Commerce Minister, wed 24-year-old designer Sicha Annchananant. The got engaged at 9.09am and married at 11.11am, so absolutely nothing can go wrong.

The guest list included Banharn Silpa-archa, Chuan Leekpai and more big names from almost every party, plus the red shirts, but no one from Pheu Thai, who presumably "Aimed" higher.


-- The Nation 2011-11-14

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Buchholz, you sure that's not Pee Wee Herman knotting the Thai?:D

post-9891-0-89116600-1321230358_thumb.jp post-9891-0-48005100-1321230456_thumb.jp

Although there's a strong resemblance, I don't think so.

At least there haven't been any reports yet of "Pong" being arrested for masturbating publicly in an adult theater.


Give it time, they were just married.whistling.gif

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Buchholz, you sure that's not Pee Wee Herman knotting the Thai?:D

post-9891-0-89116600-1321230358_thumb.jp post-9891-0-48005100-1321230456_thumb.jp

Although there's a strong resemblance, I don't think so.

At least there haven't been any reports yet of "Pong" being arrested for masturbating publicly in an adult theater.

Give it time, they were just married.whistling.gif

That's a valid point.


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The Nation - the Newspaper of the Year Award must only be another incite insightful article such as this away....................Hello anyone? And people use this rag for "facts".............?

Better than reading some of the baseless rhetoric perpetuated on some so-called political blogs authored by the likes of Andrew Spooner....

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What a disgusting thread. It is obvious that a great many angry men are jealous that hey are unable to associate with beautiful and educated Thai women.

The childish ridicule directed at the couple is unwarranted. The thread reminds me of the losers at school that would sit there like lumps making fun of anyone they saw as a threat. Happiness and a purpose in life must terrify some of you. Envy and hate characterize this thread and its pathetic and it is indicative of some serious emotional problems..

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Well, it appears Kwanchai was probably correct, according to the "other paper" this morning and the leading line in this OP. "Kwanchai Priaphana, the chairman of Udon Thani Loving Club, said former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra would return to Thailand in December." The Cabinet has "rammed" through a Royal Decree, during a secret meeting, that is designed for him to return in time for his daughter's wedding, if approved by HRM. Thank you DPM Chalerm for your diligence in taking care of the Thai people during this time of crisis. :huh:

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