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Deluge Can't Cover Up Government's Press Clampdown: Thai Talk


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Ahh yes, when it doubt label someone. A fellow by the name of Joe McCarthy did the same thing back in the 1950's.

For the record, I am not a Redshirt, nor a Red supporter. I do have some sympathy for the UDD positions. I also find Dr. Weng Tohjirakarn to be an interesting gentleman He is tough, demonstrates sincerity, discipline and integrity.

His medical clinic took care of the destitute. Yes I respect the physician. As the BBC reported; "Back in 1976, Dr Weng Tojirakarn was a young student leader in protests that ended with the military opening fire and killing many of his fellow demonstrators. He fled to the hills" . He is not particularly fond of Mr. Thaksin.

Not red, but you support 100% of red positions and have an apology reflex for everything they do. Sorry man, I have to add 'dishonest' to your list of sins.

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If passed by Parliament into law, it will give the national police chief the power to censor, close down and threaten the constitutional rights of any newspaper with impunity.

To those not following the plot closely, the current police chief is Thaksin's brother in law. How convenient.

Apparently, you are not following the plot closely, since Mr. Thaksin is divorced. As such, the "police chief" is not his brother in law.

It is uncommon for divorced people to remain "close" to their ex inlaws. Based upon the expert opinion of TVFers, it seems to be the norm to put as much distance as possible between the ex inlaws and the divorced spouse.

In respect to the issue at hand, the Nation with its small following has appointed itself as the official opposition to the democratically elected government of Thailand. Perhaps the Nation is worried that its rabid vociferous opinions that denigrate and insult the government are coming back to bite it on its posterior? If the Nation spent as much time on constructive criticism and unbiased reporting as it does on stirring up animosities, and spewing hatred, it might not be in panic mode?

As usual you do not have a clue. Or if you do, you are intentionally trying to mislead people. It would be much better if you find something to occupy your mind with instead of writing silly and unfounded posts on TV. As for your remark on the Shinawatra family, you dont have a clue there either. The "divorce" between the former pm and his wife has nothing to do with the closeness in the family and decisions on who can be put in charge of valuable positions that can be of use for this family. That is their sole intention. They have no wish to improve Thailand in any other way than what can be profitable for their own pockets.

It is sad for the country that its people have not yet seen through this. And it is also sad that people who are assumingly educated in other countries but chose to live here, cannot see the truth. Judging by your post, you are either very ignorant or quite unintelligent. Just like many of your red shirt heroes.

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1319728693[/url]' post='4800573']
1319728464[/url]' post='4800564']
1319727697[/url]' post='4800537']

can someone shed light on the cabinet minister who admitted that he stopped the big dam to release water back in September, which was against the management of the dam. What connections does this person have? Or better who was likely whispering into his ears to do that.

This seem to have been lost even it was allegedly announced on twitter.

This is the other shoe dropping... Actually more a large boot.

Think, rice pledging crop. Think, paying off election debts. Who had the most to benefit from the rice scheme being ramrodded through so fast. Who had the most to lose if the dams released too much, too early. Follow the money and favors trail. Stinks to high heaven.

All will be revealed. Nick Nostitz is on the case.

So far... ---... --- ... --- this story has been buried. Lord knows if this is true, someone must have suddenly grasped the nettle of culpability and run screaming fast from said responsability.

Pretty clearly if this countermanding of standard, reccomended and prudent dam management practice, did emminate from the cabinet... ... It can not, at this level of severity of consequences, be laid at the feet of one minister, and one alone....

Edited by animatic
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