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Teary-Eyed Pm Yingluck Pledges To Fight Bangkok Flood


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I understand and have sympathy.

I also have some flood experience.

My business was flooded out 3 times a few years ago in Chiangmai.

The losses were quite high, certainly beyond what could afford, but somehow we got through it.

Point is what is happening now is a major disaster for the country and if you yourself are flooded maybe empathy with others is a more appropriate reaction.

Natural disaster made worse by human politicking ( of all kinds )............

It was "natural" disaster monts ago, up North.

Now it is man-made disaster here in the central plains, where no any rain falled for a month or so - but the water comes from the wide-opened watergates.

You please don't tell me it is "natural" here and now. It isn't.

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Maybe they should ask Holland or the UK for drainage advice, Holland and the UK has been managing water levels for years. Lincolnshire in the UK is only about 6 inches above sea level and in Holland some are actually below sea level.

In Holland over 25% is below sea-level, not some. But I agree, they're the kings of water management - have you seen the massive storm protection gate for Rotterdam? Amazing!!

Edited by SABloke
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I understand and have sympathy.

I also have some flood experience.

My business was flooded out 3 times a few years ago in Chiangmai.

The losses were quite high, certainly beyond what could afford, but somehow we got through it.

Point is what is happening now is a major disaster for the country and if you yourself are flooded maybe empathy with others is a more appropriate reaction.

Natural disaster made worse by human politicking ( of all kinds )............

It was "natural" disaster monts ago, up North.

Now it is man-made disaster here in the central plains, where no any rain falled for a month or so - but the water comes from the wide-opened watergates.

You please don't tell me it is "natural" here and now. It isn't.

Sure it s not natural enymore and wasnt. The dams were closed for the next dry season and they didn t except so much water. So they opened the gates...

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Sure it s not natural enymore and wasnt. The dams were closed for the next dry season and they didn t except so much water. So they opened the gates...

Does anyone know why the were saving water for the next dry season, before the wet season had even started properly?

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*Deleted quote edited out*

I am far from being a PTP supporter and IMPO I think that the Democrats are a far better party.

Having said that I feel truly sorry you Yingluck as shew was selected form a very short list, elected and most probably given a list of PTP people who were also selected and put into their current positions with little or any thought of how to be a Minister and run a department.

In a "normal" Thai world this wouldn't matter a lot but the current situation is far from normal and nobody at the top has any idea of what to do or how to cope with it.

The people with the best ideas and knowledge are a long way down the pecking list and would not be allowed to take control.

So the PM has a small crying session and everybody picks on her for that.

She is probably putting in a lot of time and emotion into actually trying to do something and it seems to me that few people have given her any credit at all.

She probably sees little of her son and partner and misses their love and support and they know her better than most people including her big brother who also seems very quiet at the moment.

I suspect that most people would not want to be in her position at the moment

I haven't heard much from the other PT ministers or Red Shirt bigwigs and certainly nothing that would do much good.

There are many people detracting her and very few actively helping her so of course she is a bit emotional, it is just that the publicity, spotlight and camera or on her for what must seem like 24/7 with few places for her to take a break and relax even for 30 minutes or so.

She is doing the best she can under circumstance way beyond her control with a bunch of people allegedly behind her all the way whilst they try to blame everybody else.

Cry me a river. All you say is true, but who cares? When the wolf is at your door, or the water is lapping against your armpits, does it really matter who caused the problem? What matters is what is done about it. Crying is not helping, and most probably making it worse. So in the very best case we can say that this activity displayed by the PM is maybe NOT hurting the country, while there's a reasonable cause to believe it is making things worse.

So let's first pity the poor people that have lost everything they owned, and even their loved ones. Let's not wast our time feeling sorry for someone who knowingly tricked the country into thinking she was capable of handling the job. If you really feel sorry for her, then you should do your best to help her remove herself from this uncomfortable position. Let her go back to a job that she is capable of handling, and both she and the country will be happier and better off.

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Sure it s not natural enymore and wasnt. The dams were closed for the next dry season and they didn t except so much water. So they opened the gates...

Does anyone know why the were saving water for the next dry season, before the wet season had even started properly?

Because last year the dry season was really dry and water was mising....and people complained about the lack of water...but maybe the news didn t speak too much about this as it was mainly in Isaan

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Sure it s not natural enymore and wasnt. The dams were closed for the next dry season and they didn t except so much water. So they opened the gates...

....and more than that - they have'em opened in FULL and WITHOUT any steps or control.....instead of opening bit-by-bit to improve flow, but under the level of possible disaster - and be ready to shut it back down if the flow becomes too strong...Nope. Noway. TIT.

And now the WALL of water is going down.

Mind that the dams will be drained sooner or later. And you know what?.....the dry season comes, and rainings already stopped..........Yeah, let's empty the dams NOW......

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Sure it s not natural enymore and wasnt. The dams were closed for the next dry season and they didn t except so much water. So they opened the gates...

Does anyone know why the were saving water for the next dry season, before the wet season had even started properly?

Because last year the dry season was really dry and water was mising....and people complained about the lack of water...but maybe the news didn t speak too much about this as it was mainly in Isaan

Thank you - finally someone with a straight, no BS answer.

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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

Thanks for a bit of decency. This flood is no more a political failure than the flooding of the Mississippi River or Australia earlier this year. Some posters are just self centered mules.

Neither of you quite get it. I don't believe anyone is faulting Yingluck for feeling compassionate. They are faulting her for her public bahavior. It is one thing to feel compassion, but it is quite another to let your followers down by acting like a child every time something doesn't go the way you want. Leaving aside ALL politics, when Ms. Y decided to accept her post as leader she should have also accepted that she must act as a leader. How many times have you heard it? "With power comes responsibility." In this case Ms. Y has a responsibility to do all she can to help the people of Thailand, and that means helping to give them strength through a crisis. One leads by example.

Look, if you decide you want to be super-famous, then you have to be brain dead to not understand that doing so literally insures that you give up a private life. You can't have it both ways. And when you decide to become a leader, then you must understand that you give up the right to teary-eyed displays, and all sorts of other behavior that ordinary people feel entitled to. Does anyone here feel they want generals running their army who cry in front of their troops from fear? It doesn't make a fart's worth of difference whether they're afraid or not; such displays are totally unacceptable because they cut into the morale of the troops ... and soldiers will die.

Hey, Ms. Y can bawl as loudly and as long as she wants in private. If on the other hand if Ms. Y prefers to have a good public cry whenever there's a problem, then perhaps she should think about changing her profession. Good leaders have compassion, but good leaders do not appear to be fearful cry babies. It is not just embarassing, it is demoralizing. How many people in this kingdom have just lost everything and are now entertaining suicidal thoughts? You've seen the same statistics that I have. How many of these unfortunates are helped by having a leader that shows by her behavior that this problem is simply overwhelming? Not many, I'm sure.

So make up your mind, Ms. PM, and either act the leader, or pass the job on to someone that can handle it. You asked for this position - some would even say you participated in deceptions and dishonesty to gain it - and now this nation needs someone in it that can lead. A nation is depending on you.


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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

If it is real compassion, what has she personally done in the past to demonstrate that quality. Has she made big personal donations to the needy? I do not know but she has big money to spread around if she is truly compassionate.

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Yeah, give her a break people. It's not like shes intending to sink Bkk.

Trying her best to save it. Sometimes lucks just against people.

And sometimes it is bad Governmental management against people!

Sure she's not intending to sink BKK. That's why the natural course run of the water to BKK was diverted, to save BKK and delay the inevitable.

Phatumtani, where I have lost my new home, all wordly goods and 'white goods' inclusively, including a new car, was unnecessary to flood. The waters were directed there, to save BKK.

Millions of extra people lost their homes, myself included, at the cost of bad judgment and self-preservation.

So, of course, she has tried to save BKK, at the cost of others' lives unnecessarily.

I saw crocodile tears. Shame she doesn't have to trudge and swim thru 2m of crap to save her own life, as we had to, as a result of her own decisions.

A rookie cop running a country, refusing international help, and saying we have our own boats and helicopters to cope doesn't exactly ring of a true ability in leadership.

For the armchair commentators - enjoy your swim for bottled water over the next few weeks. It's a delightful experience getting out of the 2m, drying and seeing your clothes and skin caked in crap. Truly delightful. Enjoy!


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Even my maid, who I assume voted for her, has been disgusted watching Yingluck's performance on TV today and stumbling over reading a script obviously written by some one else two days ago. Truly pitiful for a country of 65 million to have some one so useless as prime minister but they elected her.

FROC would have got a lot more sympathy if they had done a half decent and honest job. Due to the pressing political priorities of Pheua Thai and cronies, that has not been the case. At least if they have been flooded out of their homes, the government will take care of them, unlike many of their dissatisfied customers, and they can only blame themselves if they weren't warned.

Edited by Arkady
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If i remember well the one who didn t opened the gates first even after the government asked for it wad the Bkk governor which is far than red

Have the gates been opened since the government took over control? The Bangkok canals don't seem to have changed much in the last couple of weeks.

Also, Yingluck has repeated the governor's actions and statements in "Protecting Bangkok at all costs".

Maybe now the water is higher it s too risky to open the gates...anyway, personnaly, i am not an expert of flooding, but it seems a lot of thaivisa posters are

I just cannot understand the attitude of individuals putting quotes on here when they obviously do not understand the extremities these people are facing to loose everything is beyond the realms of understanding we as a company feel that help should be given and several of our staff are on site now the last time i posted on here the mesg was deleated by the administrater maybe that same person should read some of the crap thats been posted about this very serious problem Bangkok is facing and put some constuctive advice for nationals of countries that are stuck there . (no refrence to company name or any advertising with this posting )

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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

If it is real compassion, what has she personally done in the past to demonstrate that quality. Has she made big personal donations to the needy? I do not know but she has big money to spread around if she is truly compassionate.

Donations - that's a good idea. Beats whining.


I had the link to the red cross in my signature, but URLs are not allowed, unfortunately, in the signature.

here is the link provided in a message earlier from SBK :


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“Many are exhausted and some problems cannot be controlled and were not caused by FROC,” said Ms Yingluck.

So we can infer that: SOME problems CAN be controlled and WERE caused by FROC?

Is this a Freudian slip on her part?

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Neither of you quite get it. I don't believe anyone is faulting Yingluck for feeling compassionate. They are faulting her for her public bahavior. It is one thing to feel compassion, but it is quite another to let your followers down by acting like a child every time something doesn't go the way you want. Leaving aside ALL politics, when Ms. Y decided to accept her post as leader she should have also accepted that she must act as a leader. How many times have you heard it? "With power comes responsibility." In this case Ms. Y has a responsibility to do all she can to help the people of Thailand, and that means helping to give them strength through a crisis. One leads by example.

Look, if you decide you want to be super-famous, then you have to be brain dead to not understand that doing so literally insures that you give up a private life. You can't have it both ways. And when you decide to become a leader, then you must understand that you give up the right to teary-eyed displays, and all sorts of other behavior that ordinary people feel entitled to. Does anyone here feel they want generals running their army who cry in front of their troops from fear? It doesn't make a fart's worth of difference whether they're afraid or not; such displays are totally unacceptable because they cut into the morale of the troops ... and soldiers will die.

Hey, Ms. Y can bawl as loudly and as long as she wants in private. If on the other hand if Ms. Y prefers to have a good public cry whenever there's a problem, then perhaps she should think about changing her profession. Good leaders have compassion, but good leaders do not appear to be fearful cry babies. It is not just embarassing, it is demoralizing. How many people in this kingdom have just lost everything and are now entertaining suicidal thoughts? You've seen the same statistics that I have. How many of these unfortunates are helped by having a leader that shows by her behavior that this problem is simply overwhelming? Not many, I'm sure.

So make up your mind, Ms. PM, and either act the leader, or pass the job on to someone that can handle it. You asked for this position - some would even say you participated in deceptions and dishonesty to gain it - and now this nation needs someone in it that can lead. A nation is depending on you.

It has been stated that the reason British officers previously wore red coats was so that if they were wounded, their men would not see the blood. There was a similar claim about french officers and their brown trousers. :D

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Despite all the surrounding politics she seems genuinely upset to me.

This is looking like being a disastrous weekend for Bangkokians and it would be nice to see politics put aside for a while.

She cried all the way through the election campaign and since. It's like she's still a spoiled little girl who turns on the teary eye every time there's some pressure or she done something wrong to gain sympathy. "oh it's ok little yingy; you've only let the capital flood; come on, dry those tears; big brother will fix everything just like that cushy job when no one else would take you".

Also it's clear as day that the whole flood response has been a complete shambles at best and worst criminally negligent. Experts have been warning about this for months but she's been too busy with ............. Passports, cronyism etc etc

On another note about this breaking of levies by redshirt gangs and some people's response that "oh just wait till your homes flooded and maybe you'll feel the same" and "levies make the flood worse for everyone else". Sorry but you are mentally and emotionally retarded! So you'd rather everyone was sat in a few feet of water than those who are flooded already have an extra foot and some stay dry? Compare this mentality to images from numerious other countries where neighbours whose homes can't be saved are out help others save theirs. Really sad, so sad an indictment of how selfish some sections of the population have become.

The well proven taking over of relief efforts as a propaganda tool by the reds is also a new low and maybe even tops the burning of Bangkok on the sickening discrase levels.

It's truly incredible that anyone can continue to support these people; yet they do; baffling. Dont call them quai! Its far too harsh on the buffalo! At least buffalo is useful

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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

Well said "DocN" These poor people keep smiling despite their woes. I think the PM has been overwhelmed by her lack of experience to deal with this type of scenario and the bad advice received from her government aides who are like headless chickens. I just wish that she had called in Marine and water irriagtion engineers to discuss the problem. But sadly she was ill advised and lacks the experience. My heart goes out to the Thai people for this disaster.

It is a time for support not inane criticisms from armchair experts.

Agreed, but do keep in mind Bangkok is virtually controlled by an "elected" governor (the only one in the entire country). He didn't inform FROC that some gates were inoperational, plus when the PM first asked the him to open the flood gates he ignored the request was forced to do so days later. he has been part of the problem., not the solution. Come election time, the people of Bangkok should vote this do-nothing out. And, the country should have gubernatorial elections for all the provinces, so you don't get stuck with one bad apple.

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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

Thanks for a bit of decency. This flood is no more a political failure than the flooding of the Mississippi River or Australia earlier this year. Some posters are just self centered mules.

Neither of you quite get it. I don't believe anyone is faulting Yingluck for feeling compassionate. They are faulting her for her public bahavior. It is one thing to feel compassion, but it is quite another to let your followers down by acting like a child every time something doesn't go the way you want. Leaving aside ALL politics, when Ms. Y decided to accept her post as leader she should have also accepted that she must act as a leader. How many times have you heard it? "With power comes responsibility." In this case Ms. Y has a responsibility to do all she can to help the people of Thailand, and that means helping to give them strength through a crisis. One leads by example.

Look, if you decide you want to be super-famous, then you have to be brain dead to not understand that doing so literally insures that you give up a private life. You can't have it both ways. And when you decide to become a leader, then you must understand that you give up the right to teary-eyed displays, and all sorts of other behavior that ordinary people feel entitled to. Does anyone here feel they want generals running their army who cry in front of their troops from fear? It doesn't make a fart's worth of difference whether they're afraid or not; such displays are totally unacceptable because they cut into the morale of the troops ... and soldiers will die.

Hey, Ms. Y can bawl as loudly and as long as she wants in private. If on the other hand if Ms. Y prefers to have a good public cry whenever there's a problem, then perhaps she should think about changing her profession. Good leaders have compassion, but good leaders do not appear to be fearful cry babies. It is not just embarassing, it is demoralizing. How many people in this kingdom have just lost everything and are now entertaining suicidal thoughts? You've seen the same statistics that I have. How many of these unfortunates are helped by having a leader that shows by her behavior that this problem is simply overwhelming? Not many, I'm sure.

So make up your mind, Ms. PM, and either act the leader, or pass the job on to someone that can handle it. You asked for this position - some would even say you participated in deceptions and dishonesty to gain it - and now this nation needs someone in it that can lead. A nation is depending on you.

That just about sums it up.:thumbsup:

Or to paraphrase Harry Truman " If you can't handle the water get out of the bathroom".

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Agreed, but do keep in mind Bangkok is virtually controlled by an "elected" governor (the only one in the entire country). He didn't inform FROC that some gates were inoperational, plus when the PM first asked the him to open the flood gates he ignored the request was forced to do so days later. he has been part of the problem., not the solution. Come election time, the people of Bangkok should vote this do-nothing out. And, the country should have gubernatorial elections for all the provinces, so you don't get stuck with one bad apple.

Why is "elected" in quotes? Are you suggesting he wasn't elected?

Which gates weren't operational?

It's interesting that the canal levels in Bangkok haven't changed much since Yingluck took control. Yingluck has also continuously repeated Sukhumband's statements of "protecting Bangkok at all costs". Does that mean she's doing nothing too?

Why would Sukhumband get voted out if he protects Bangkok?

I agree with you about the rest of the province governors being elected.

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Agreed, but do keep in mind Bangkok is virtually controlled by an "elected" governor (the only one in the entire country). He didn't inform FROC that some gates were inoperational, plus when the PM first asked the him to open the flood gates he ignored the request was forced to do so days later. he has been part of the problem., not the solution. Come election time, the people of Bangkok should vote this do-nothing out. And, the country should have gubernatorial elections for all the provinces, so you don't get stuck with one bad apple.

The Bangkok governor is elected, not "elected".


Govnr. Sukhumbhand is the head of the executive branch of the BMA.


So just to put things in perspective, he is elected by Bangkok people to take care of Bangkok. Flooding Bangkok is not part of that. He has been co-operating with the FROC since PM Yingluck invoked the "Disaster Law". The PM has demanded floodgates to be opened, and retracted a few days later (as it didn't help much?) to state to try to keep Bangkok dry. I think the only remarkably astute observation from the PM was from almost two weeks ago there's just too much water

Edited by rubl
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Fact: Yingluck's government sent home the US navy who offered help Fact: Many university students have been told they are not welcome to help unless wearing a red shirt when doing it Fact: People were being told not to worry by Yingluck at a time when they should have worried. Fact: Jatuporn is blaming the Democrats for a conspiracy to make Yingluck look bad which she clearly has not trouble doing herself Fact: Foreign aid dollars are being spent on some relief that is being delivered to people with the Shinawatra name printed on it This is not armchair expertise. Thailand needs strength, resolve and a PLAN! Not a mild wishy washy leader who is out of her depth anywhere other than an Armani store. This woman is incapable of doing anything OTHER than looking compassionate and/or taking credit for others contributions.

PS: I have been doing what I can and have donated a few thousand dollars to a relief effort I trust is not going into red shirt pockets so no patronising replies about whinging do nothings please.

Edited by Scott
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Relief Operations Centre (FROC)

What is the term FROC short for? Never heard of it.

Actually, in French, "FROC" is a very common slang for "trousers".

Said that, it's not the time for too obvious bad jokes as the situation is serious. A quick look at the past will show that every administration has been blamed for their management of the floods, nothing new here. These last few weeks people have died, other will, millions of people are suffering, and anger goes towards whoever is in charge. I know this feeling. I have helped with saving lives during the 2004 Tsunami. I have also watched people die, impotent. You can be as strong as you want. But at some point, I can tell you, everybody cries.

So, does really matter if YS is competent for the job or not ? Can't really say she is in charge anyway, she is just taking all the hits. Yesterday she was the clone, tomorrow she will be called a pale copy.

Has the Government done a good job ? We will never know. If real, criminal mistakes have been done in the release of the dams, it will be covered up. And if somebody proves that the flow of water has been properly managed, somebody will prove the opposite. But placing the FROC in a location that has an high chance to get flooded undermine a lot of credibility....

Was the communication with the public and the victims sufficient ? Well, it was a total clusterFROC, as somebody mentioned in another thread. Wrong information, contradictions, all giving the feeling that the Government had no clue of what was happening, or what to to. Scary. Sometimes you don't want to alarm the population because panic is the LAST thing you need. Panic is chaos, irrational behaviors and more deaths. It's common to downsize the problem first, and then re-assess. But in this particular case I would laugh, if it wasn't for the people suffering out there.

Would a SOE have changed anything ? That's a whole debate by itself...

What we know is that SOMETHING has to be done, I am sure there are competent hydrologists (Dutch, Thai, or from Mars I don't care....) who can find a way to solve the problem on the long term. Many reasons, documented in other threads, will make these seasonal floods worse and worse. A large scale plan exists, and is apparently still underway, but it will take years to complete, if ever, and by that time it will be probably obsolete, because the land configuration has considerably changed since 15 years.

But for something to REALLY happen Thailand needs a real political commitment towards the Thai people and, so far, I haven't seen any. On one side the elite, with his disdain for the working class. On the other side a bunch of hypocrite go-getter's dreaming to BE the elite, Sad.

And no, english is not my first language.....

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