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Teary-Eyed Pm Yingluck Pledges To Fight Bangkok Flood


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I read on this forum within the last couple of days, that the u.s. aircraft carrier was capable of producing clean drinking water using it's nuclear powered engines at a rate of 1,500,000 litres PER DAY. So, if you moored this vessel at a dock which had reasonable road access you could turn it into a huge water treatment facility. Bangkok is short of drinking water, but has too much water of every other description. Seems to me that if you remove 1,500,000 litres of water from the area, AND create that much drinking water, it would have made just a little bit of sense to have kept the carrier than let it return to base.....And, just how far is this panic buying going to spread ? I live some 350kms from Bangkok near Buriram, but shelves are being emptied at Big C, Macro, 7/11 and the like. Crazy. We have a shop and went to our regular water supplier today to get some stock for the shelves. Surprise surprise, the price of bottled water had gone up, but the best bit was when they asked us not to order too much because someone had ordered 200 dozen packs of bottled water to take to Bangkok -- 350kms away ! Maybe they were going to cash in on Bangkok people's misery ?

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I can't read past the second page of this thread, as most on this site there are a few good comments and tons of BS/yellow vs red, sexism (especially about a woman crying for some reason) racist comments about Thais and as in general about the site lots of twitter like bad information. No wonder Thais don't don't like us Farangs much, is about all I can think. That and I get just as much and just as good watching the TV.

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The gov he was elected - no issue. I pointed that out for those who don't realize that Bangkok is the only province which has an election. All the others are appointed and many of those governors don't even come from the region in which they serve, but from Bangkok in many cases. This implies that the rest of Thailand's electorate are viewed as second class citizens.

Two control gates were not functioning properly but that info was not passed up the the FROC team and it altered the flow. Less an issue of the gates but more an issue of not working jointly. Let's face it - the governor does not like this PM, but the politics should be put aside in the face of disaster. He won't get voted out ( a touch of rant on my part) but as far as protecting he sat on his tush and the flow should have been control opened long ago (Think Holland) to dissipate higher levels. He just tried to put off the inevitable while districts farter north were inundated. Politically motivated, that all made it all the easier to point at the PM for problems. Many screwed up across the board at every level on this, not just him, not just her.

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The flooding is also affecting the rest of the country Tescos up north the shelves are virtually empty as supplies are not able to get here from Bangkok not sure about the other big shops but I am sure they have the same problem. Good luck to all those staying in Bangkok

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"Water Water everywhere nor any drop to drink".

Who can remember their English Literature ?,

"Day after day, day after day

,We stuck, nor breath nor motion

;As idle as a painted ship

.Upon a painted ocean

.Water, water, every where

,And all the boards did shrink

;Water, water, every where

,Nor any drop to drink.

The Rime of the Ancient Marriner (1798) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Edited by KKvampire
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The gov he was elected - no issue. I pointed that out for those who don't realize that Bangkok is the only province which has an election. All the others are appointed and many of those governors don't even come from the region in which they serve, but from Bangkok in many cases. This implies that the rest of Thailand's electorate are viewed as second class citizens.

Two control gates were not functioning properly but that info was not passed up the the FROC team and it altered the flow. Less an issue of the gates but more an issue of not working jointly. Let's face it - the governor does not like this PM, but the politics should be put aside in the face of disaster. He won't get voted out ( a touch of rant on my part) but as far as protecting he sat on his tush and the flow should have been control opened long ago (Think Holland) to dissipate higher levels. He just tried to put off the inevitable while districts farter north were inundated. Politically motivated, that all made it all the easier to point at the PM for problems. Many screwed up across the board at every level on this, not just him, not just her.

I think some truth in that.

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Fact: Yingluck's government sent home the US navy who offered help<br>Fact: Many university students have been told they are not welcome to help unless wearing a red shirt when doing it<br>Fact: People were being told not to worry by Yingluck at a time when they should have worried.<br>Fact: Jatuporn is blaming the Democrats for a conspiracy to make Yingluck look bad which she clearly has not trouble doing herself<br>Fact: Foreign aid dollars are being spent on some relief that is being delivered to people with the Shinawatra name printed on it<br><br>This is not armchair expertise. Thailand needs strength, resolve and a PLAN! Not a mild wishy washy leader who is out of her depth anywhere other than an Armani store. This woman is incapable of doing anything OTHER than looking compassionate and/or taking credit for others contributions. <br><br>PS: I have been doing what I can and have donated a few thousand dollars to a relief effort I trust is not going into red shirt pockets so no patronising replies about whinging do nothings please.<br> <br>

You are repeating information that has been proven incorrect. Please read the lng thread on the subject. The USN vessels were not a fleet but was an aircraft carrier with its destroyer escorts. The vessels were not turned back. The navy vessels were not the right equipment. If assistance is required it will come by way of the specialised hospital ship and supply tenders. Your other comments are just hysterical allegations typical of the small foreign population that always have to blame someone for events beyond their control. You cannot prove your allegations, so why bother making them? Is this a cathartic release of displaced aggression?

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Agreed, but do keep in mind Bangkok is virtually controlled by an "elected" governor (the only one in the entire country). He didn't inform FROC that some gates were inoperational, plus when the PM first asked the him to open the flood gates he ignored the request was forced to do so days later. he has been part of the problem., not the solution. Come election time, the people of Bangkok should vote this do-nothing out. And, the country should have gubernatorial elections for all the provinces, so you don't get stuck with one bad apple.

Which gates weren't operational?

It's interesting that the canal levels in Bangkok haven't changed much since Yingluck took control. Yingluck has also continuously repeated Sukhumband's statements of "protecting Bangkok at all costs". Does that mean she's doing nothing too?

I agree fully with this last analysis, as the flood gates were working perfectly in Narvanakhorn and Phatum, but were ordered to be kept closed, "to protect BKK at all costs!"

Sod the people who lived in Navarnakhorn and Phatumtani ! They mean little compared to others who are perceived to represent the half way between the red and yellow river!!

The canal levels didn't rise, as Yingunlucky had given orders to protect BKK at 'all costs'.

If Thaksin dares to enter this country, I'll be Ronin, from a roof top, 400m away.

Spot on!


Think you might find it was the Governor of BKK and his staff who were protecting Bangkok at the expense of other areas and against the instructions of the Government.

Lets see what the next few weeks bring as the truth slowly emerges.

Which I hope it will.

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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

Maybe she feels responsible for her pathetic effort.

Maybe she finally accepts this disaster as being partly her own fault.

Maybe she realises how badly she's f***** up.

Maybe she's scared that her gig is almost up.


Maybe it was 'suggested' that tears might be in order on this occasion.

Maybe she's trying to gain sympathy from the obviously gullible people who elected her.

Or even...

Maybe she's simply chopping onions 2 mins before the press conference.

Who knows???

One things for sure, the word COMPASSION isn't in the 'Shin dictionary'...Of this we can be absolutely certain.

They didn't get where they are by showing compassion, and yet they continue to fool the masses, including you it would seem (with all due respect), with such embarrassing emotional displays.

Even worse, K. Abhisit was on holiday for three days. Surely that really aggreviated the situation as some here have it <_<

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A large number of posts have been deleted. Whinging, moaning and political comments which were particularly off-topic are removed. Replies to them have been deleted or edited.

There are threads which are political in nature. This one is about the floods.

Please stay on topic.

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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

I agree wholeheartedly. Whenever there is news, the Baboons come out to make light and criticize everything said or ask on this site. Isn't it time the super duper moderators delete a lot of the BS? The country is being torn apart and the same people trying to live here on a penny are the same ones making stupid comments about everything. It's no wonder TV is slowly getting a bad rap reputation.

I have to believe, politics aside, that everyone's doing their best to help the people and save the infrastructure. Long hours, little food, no sleep, and many losing everything. Give them a break! Their are a lot of humanitarians their sacrificing for their people. What are all the wiseacres and sideline pundits doing to help? Mostly nothing!

The biggest Baboon is somewhere outside there -- perhaps in Dubai? He's the one who chose to put little sister where she is now, somewhere where she shouldn't be, her place is in the classroom or in a monastary as she is a political novice!

Didn't Abhisit asked more than 2 weeks ago to announce the state of emergency!? But of course Big Brother out there told her not to listen to him. Then came the American Navy with some help, what was the result? "No, we don't want to loose face" -- imbecils!

And now people should have pitty on little sister??? GO AWAY !!!! If they wanted to help the Thai people, they should have done it WAY back!! It's really a shame that all those poor people pick everything what the government is doing with them, what a shame. i really hope one starts wondering why they voted for the Reds during the last election! :realangry:

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Think you might find it was the Governor of BKK and his staff who were protecting Bangkok at the expense of other areas and against the instructions of the Government.

Lets see what the next few weeks bring as the truth slowly emerges.

Which I hope it will.

Think you may find that the Bangkok governor was doing the job he was voted in for to the best of his abilities. He studiously tried to ignore what the government asked, till PM Yingluck invoked the "Disaster Law'. From that moment on the Governor and BMA in general complied to PM/FROC requests. PM Yingluck ordered gates opened and one/two days later closed. The PM said we'll protects Bangkok, then she said it may be flooded. She really spoke the truth two weeks ago "there is just too much water".

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Think you might find it was the Governor of BKK and his staff who were protecting Bangkok at the expense of other areas and against the instructions of the Government.

Lets see what the next few weeks bring as the truth slowly emerges.

Which I hope it will.

You might find that when Yingluck took over with her Disaster Act ... nothing changed. She is protecting Bangkok "at all costs".

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Fact: Yingluck's government sent home the US navy who offered help<br>Fact: Many university students have been told they are not welcome to help unless wearing a red shirt when doing it<br>Fact: People were being told not to worry by Yingluck at a time when they should have worried.<br>Fact: Jatuporn is blaming the Democrats for a conspiracy to make Yingluck look bad which she clearly has not trouble doing herself<br>Fact: Foreign aid dollars are being spent on some relief that is being delivered to people with the Shinawatra name printed on it<br><br>This is not armchair expertise. Thailand needs strength, resolve and a PLAN! Not a mild wishy washy leader who is out of her depth anywhere other than an Armani store. This woman is incapable of doing anything OTHER than looking compassionate and/or taking credit for others contributions. <br><br>PS: I have been doing what I can and have donated a few thousand dollars to a relief effort I trust is not going into red shirt pockets so no patronising replies about whinging do nothings please.<br> <br>

You are repeating information that has been proven incorrect. Please read the lng thread on the subject. The USN vessels were not a fleet but was an aircraft carrier with its destroyer escorts. The vessels were not turned back. The navy vessels were not the right equipment. If assistance is required it will come by way of the specialised hospital ship and supply tenders. Your other comments are just hysterical allegations typical of the small foreign population that always have to blame someone for events beyond their control. You cannot prove your allegations, so why bother making them? Is this a cathartic release of displaced aggression?

This reply to hysterics deserves to be repeated. The American NAVY was NOT, repeat, NOT sent home. FACT (a actual one): a US ship from the 7th fleet, the USS Mustin, a US navy destroyer, is in port and it's crew id helping. Others may follow which have the right equipment while the USS Enterprise heads for the Sea of Japan. Water always seeks it's own level and your comments about Yingluck this, red shirts that, show it's already swelling your brain. Spouting off yellow shirt journalism doesn't help in this situation. Knock it off, grow up and realize this is a crisis which DEMANDS bi-lateral support.

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Think you might find it was the Governor of BKK and his staff who were protecting Bangkok at the expense of other areas and against the instructions of the Government.

Lets see what the next few weeks bring as the truth slowly emerges.

Which I hope it will.

Think you may find that the Bangkok governor was doing the job he was voted in for to the best of his abilities. He studiously tried to ignore what the government asked, till PM Yingluck invoked the "Disaster Law'. From that moment on the Governor and BMA in general complied to PM/FROC requests. PM Yingluck ordered gates opened and one/two days later closed. The PM said we'll protects Bangkok, then she said it may be flooded. She really spoke the truth two weeks ago "there is just too much water".

Thank you for making the point that the Governor of Bangkok refused and ignored the lawful instruction of his Prime Minister.

Nothing more need be said.

Your quote below.

"He studiously tried to ignore what the government asked, till PM Yingluck invoked the "Disaster Law'."

Edited by philw
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This reply to hysterics deserves to be repeated. The American NAVY was NOT, repeat, NOT sent home. FACT (a actual one): a US ship from the 7th fleet, the USS Mustin, a US navy destroyer, is in port and it's crew id helping. Others may follow which have the right equipment while the USS Enterprise heads for the Sea of Japan. Water always seeks it's own level and your comments about Yingluck this, red shirts that, show it's already swelling your brain. Spouting off yellow shirt journalism doesn't help in this situation. Knock it off, grow up and realize this is a crisis which DEMANDS bi-lateral support.

The US Navy was not sent home, a ship is in port. Others who were not needed may return.

Water not only may swell brains, but can also effect one's sense of reality it seems :ermm:

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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

I agree wholeheartedly. Whenever there is news, the Baboons come out to make light and criticize everything said or ask on this site. Isn't it time the super duper moderators delete a lot of the BS? The country is being torn apart and the same people trying to live here on a penny are the same ones making stupid comments about everything. It's no wonder TV is slowly getting a bad rap reputation.

I have to believe, politics aside, that everyone's doing their best to help the people and save the infrastructure. Long hours, little food, no sleep, and many losing everything. Give them a break! Their are a lot of humanitarians their sacrificing for their people. What are all the wiseacres and sideline pundits doing to help? Mostly nothing!

The biggest Baboon is somewhere outside there -- perhaps in Dubai? He's the one who chose to put little sister where she is now, somewhere where she shouldn't be, her place is in the classroom or in a monastary as she is a political novice!

Didn't Abhisit asked more than 2 weeks ago to announce the state of emergency!? But of course Big Brother out there told her not to listen to him. Then came the American Navy with some help, what was the result? "No, we don't want to loose face" -- imbecils!

And now people should have pitty on little sister??? GO AWAY !!!! If they wanted to help the Thai people, they should have done it WAY back!! It's really a shame that all those poor people pick everything what the government is doing with them, what a shame. i really hope one starts wondering why they voted for the Reds during the last election! :realangry:

The elections are over, Yingluck got in and is doing her best even after having a meeting with Abhisit, who I remind you left the country during the disaster.

Do you really think he Abhisit and his boys could stop this disaster? I reckon not. No one could stop it, state of emergency announced or not.

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Think you might find it was the Governor of BKK and his staff who were protecting Bangkok at the expense of other areas and against the instructions of the Government.

Lets see what the next few weeks bring as the truth slowly emerges.

Which I hope it will.

Think you may find that the Bangkok governor was doing the job he was voted in for to the best of his abilities. He studiously tried to ignore what the government asked, till PM Yingluck invoked the "Disaster Law'. From that moment on the Governor and BMA in general complied to PM/FROC requests. PM Yingluck ordered gates opened and one/two days later closed. The PM said we'll protects Bangkok, then she said it may be flooded. She really spoke the truth two weeks ago "there is just too much water".

Thank you for making the point that the Governor of Bangkok refused and ignored the lawful instruction of his Prime Minister.

Nothing more need be said.

Your quote below.

"He studiously tried to ignore what the government asked, till PM Yingluck invoked the "Disaster Law'."

There is a difference in government asking, requesting or instructing. You're English I think, need your local Dutch uncle explain this to you?

Anyway blame me, I forgot to explicitly add "IMHO" <_<

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The biggest Baboon is somewhere outside there -- perhaps in Dubai? He's the one who chose to put little sister where she is now, somewhere where she shouldn't be, her place is in the classroom or in a monastary as she is a political novice!

Didn't Abhisit asked more than 2 weeks ago to announce the state of emergency!? But of course Big Brother out there told her not to listen to him. Then came the American Navy with some help, what was the result? "No, we don't want to loose face" -- imbecils!

And now people should have pitty on little sister??? GO AWAY !!!! If they wanted to help the Thai people, they should have done it WAY back!! It's really a shame that all those poor people pick everything what the government is doing with them, what a shame. i really hope one starts wondering why they voted for the Reds during the last election! :realangry:

The elections are over, Yingluck got in and is doing her best even after having a meeting with Abhisit, who I remind you left the country during the disaster.

Do you really think he Abhisit and his boys could stop this disaster? I reckon not. No one could stop it, state of emergency announced or not.

Abhisit left during the disaster? K. Abhisit was on a short holiday break from the 20th till 23rd of October 2011. Obviously that's the main reason we now have a disaster at our hands. How could he leave and throw us to the Shinto's (aka lions) by doing so :rolleyes:

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The biggest Baboon is somewhere outside there -- perhaps in Dubai? He's the one who chose to put little sister where she is now, somewhere where she shouldn't be, her place is in the classroom or in a monastary as she is a political novice!

Didn't Abhisit asked more than 2 weeks ago to announce the state of emergency!? But of course Big Brother out there told her not to listen to him. Then came the American Navy with some help, what was the result? "No, we don't want to loose face" -- imbecils!

And now people should have pitty on little sister??? GO AWAY !!!! If they wanted to help the Thai people, they should have done it WAY back!! It's really a shame that all those poor people pick everything what the government is doing with them, what a shame. i really hope one starts wondering why they voted for the Reds during the last election! :realangry:

The elections are over, Yingluck got in and is doing her best even after having a meeting with Abhisit, who I remind you left the country during the disaster.

Do you really think he Abhisit and his boys could stop this disaster? I reckon not. No one could stop it, state of emergency announced or not.

Abhisit left during the disaster? K. Abhisit was on a short holiday break from the 20th till 23rd of October 2011. Obviously that's the main reason we now have a disaster at our hands. How could he leave and throw us to the Shinto's (aka lions) by doing so :rolleyes:

My point being, it would not matter who was in power neither of them or anyone else was going to stop this disaster. :unsure:

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The biggest Baboon is somewhere outside there -- perhaps in Dubai? He's the one who chose to put little sister where she is now, somewhere where she shouldn't be, her place is in the classroom or in a monastary as she is a political novice!

Didn't Abhisit asked more than 2 weeks ago to announce the state of emergency!? But of course Big Brother out there told her not to listen to him. Then came the American Navy with some help, what was the result? "No, we don't want to loose face" -- imbecils!

And now people should have pitty on little sister??? GO AWAY !!!! If they wanted to help the Thai people, they should have done it WAY back!! It's really a shame that all those poor people pick everything what the government is doing with them, what a shame. i really hope one starts wondering why they voted for the Reds during the last election! :realangry:

The elections are over, Yingluck got in and is doing her best even after having a meeting with Abhisit, who I remind you left the country during the disaster.

Do you really think he Abhisit and his boys could stop this disaster? I reckon not. No one could stop it, state of emergency announced or not.

Abhisit left during the disaster? K. Abhisit was on a short holiday break from the 20th till 23rd of October 2011. Obviously that's the main reason we now have a disaster at our hands. How could he leave and throw us to the Shinto's (aka lions) by doing so :rolleyes:

My point being, it would not matter who was in power neither of them or anyone else was going to stop this disaster. :unsure:

If you believe that, this country really has got no chance.

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Think you might find it was the Governor of BKK and his staff who were protecting Bangkok at the expense of other areas and against the instructions of the Government.

Lets see what the next few weeks bring as the truth slowly emerges.

Which I hope it will.

Think you may find that the Bangkok governor was doing the job he was voted in for to the best of his abilities. He studiously tried to ignore what the government asked, till PM Yingluck invoked the "Disaster Law'. From that moment on the Governor and BMA in general complied to PM/FROC requests. PM Yingluck ordered gates opened and one/two days later closed. The PM said we'll protects Bangkok, then she said it may be flooded. She really spoke the truth two weeks ago "there is just too much water".

Thank you for making the point that the Governor of Bangkok refused and ignored the lawful instruction of his Prime Minister.

Nothing more need be said.

Your quote below.

"He studiously tried to ignore what the government asked, till PM Yingluck invoked the "Disaster Law'."

There is a difference in government asking, requesting or instructing. You're English I think, need your local Dutch uncle explain this to you?

Anyway blame me, I forgot to explicitly add "IMHO" <_<

I was going to say " nice, the way you avoid the issue " but actually it's rather ugly.

To respond to your post, " uh " ??

I do realise there is a difference in "in government asking, requesting or instructing." , but perhaps a "Dutch Uncle" could clarify ??

Fact remains, a provincial official refused a lawful instruction from the Prime Minister in a time of national emergency.

What would happen in Holland ??

Pretty serious if true and you yourself admit it's true.

Goes a long way towards understanding the problems that this country faces.

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no diffrent to Brisbane really, the QLD goverment was TOLD 3/4 months in advance to lower the dam levels AND prepare for abnormal rain season, to me its same same no one listens to the lowley unelected --it then ANNA cryed too, again same same

This is the crutch of the problem. The Wivenhoe Dam was built to protect Brisbane post the 1974 floods (yes I am old enough to remember that flood very well). I don't know the real facts however from what I have read officials in RID (Rivers Irrigation Dept) warned PTP Ministers that water must be released from the overfull dams at the beginning of the monsoon season but a political decision was made that rice farmers had to be ensured enough water for two crops so permission was refused to release water.

Call it stupid politics or self-centred 'I know better than you' syndrome. This is the reason that Thailand is now experiencing these massive floods, just as in Brisbane, too much water was released too late. I know as I am in 1.5 metres of water at the minute and was varyingly told that we were safe, then maybe 10 cms to 20 cms of water to no more than 50 cms and that last statement was by Yingluck two days ago.

This five day holiday is nothing more than admission by the Government that they have lost control (if they every had any!) over the situation and want people to flee the capital to avoid any more unnecessary deaths.

Yet all is not bad. I live in a Moo Baan near Mahasawat and we are flooded out. Yesterday I decided to walk up to Homeworks to purchase a submersible pump etc. On the way back I was offered a lift by a lady on a MC to the dyke. Then an old thai lady saw me attempting to carry my purchases above the water level and she offered me a large bin to float my goods in to home. She will be getting a large bunch of flowers as soon as I can.

This morning a boat came up to our gate and a member of the Committee and in his broken english said as he was giving me water and a large bag of provisions 'a gift from the King'. There is always good among the rotten and I am happy I live here.

Notwithstanding the ineptitude of this government we will survive. Remember that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Good luck to all, stay safe

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Well I do believe that no one was going to stop this and if ther are any doubts about Abhisit's whereabouts during the crisis have a look at this.

Abhisit admits to Maldives trip amid Thailand flood crisis

A couple of days ago I blogged about allegations that former Thai PM and leader of the oppositionDemocrat Party, Abhisit Vejjajiva, ran away to the Maldives for a quick luxuryholiday as Bangkok faced flooding.

At first the Democrats seemed to deny 'Mark' (Abhisit) had been sunning histush at some luxury resort in the Maldives. Or, in typically evasive style,(why aren't the Democrats and the truth ever on speaking terms?) wouldn't denyAbhisit had been there.

Now they've admitted he was in the Maldives. But only after they got theirstory "straight".

The line now being put out by the Democrats, according to a report in the Matichon newspaper, is that Abhisit did actually travel to theMaldives but went there to visit the Maldives' President in some kind ofofficial capacity based on an invitation said president sent Mark severalmonths ago. The claim is that they discussed the "floods". But why didn't Markannounce his "official" visit before he left? Will he be publishing hisfindings on Maldivean flood control? Why the evasiveness? Why the secrecy?

Yet a quick look on the Maldives' President's website and at the list of official engagements and it isplain to see it makes no mention of Abhisit's visit. It does mention an Under 25s CricketTournament andvarious messages the President has sent to diplomats etc. but nothing aboutKhun Mark's important visit to the Maldives to discuss how to combat thefloods.

So has Abhisit compounded one mistake by making another? I'm sure these are questionsthe President's press office in the Maldives will be eager to answer once itopens in the morning.

But, at the end of the day, the only real judges of the wisdom of Abhisit'sluxury sojourn will be the Thai electorate. Do they prefer a leader who, despiteterrible, once-in-a-lifetime floods, sticks it out and does her best or apolitician who snipes from the sidelines and then runs off to a luxury resortwhen things get tough?

Andrew Spooner's public Facebook page is here.


Edited by OZEMADE
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Let's be realistic guys. Since when is she PM? August? She can not be the root of this problem. OK she had the wrong guys thelling her sweet things about that it will not be that bad. But that is normal in Thailand isn't it? The more I wonder is why they never cleaned the canals propperly? Also evreyone knows when the rainy season is so why did no one thought about lowering the levels of the water reserves - knowing that the rainy season is coming? Then when you can see they are filling up faster than expected you could leave out a little more at a time when there is no rain. There is no 24x7 rain!!! So it is more with the previous PMs and even others in charge who should now work together and take some blame for failure. She is only a scapegoat. And on top of all you all know what Thai men think about women!!! By the way I remeber in a smaller scale in Ireland where the officials opened the gates to leave water down the river Lee in Cork knowing that it must hit the high tide with water coming in and what happened? FLOODDING!!!

Edited by Wolfram
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There is a difference in government asking, requesting or instructing. You're English I think, need your local Dutch uncle explain this to you?

Anyway blame me, I forgot to explicitly add "IMHO" <_<

I was going to say " nice, the way you avoid the issue " but actually it's rather ugly.

To respond to your post, " uh " ??

I do realise there is a difference in "in government asking, requesting or instructing." , but perhaps a "Dutch Uncle" could clarify ??

Fact remains, a provincial official refused a lawful instruction from the Prime Minister in a time of national emergency.

What would happen in Holland ??

Pretty serious if true and you yourself admit it's true.

Goes a long way towards understanding the problems that this country faces.

It's your interpretation that 'a lawful instruction was refused' whereas it's my interpretation that 'what was asked was ignored'. Even when a PM asks it's only an instruction to be obeyed when the law says so. Wasn't that why the PM invoked the 'disaster law' to make all report to and follow instructions of the FROC, those knowledgable people in DonMuangCastle with the moat filled :ermm:

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Let's be realistic guys. Since when is she PM? August? She can not be the root of this problem. OK she had the wrong guys thelling her sweet things about that it will not be that bad. But that is normal in Thailand isn't it? The more I wonder is why they never cleaned the canals propperly? Also evreyone knows when the rainy season is so why did no one thought about lowering the levels of the water reserves - knowing that the rainy season is coming? Then when you can see they are filling up faster than expected you could leave out a little more at a time when there is no rain. There is no 24x7 rain!!! So it is more with the previous PMs and even others in charge who should now work together and take some blame for failure. She is only a scapegoat. And on top of all you all know what Thai men think about women!!! By the way I remeber in a smaller scale in Ireland where the officials opened the gates to leave water down the river Lee in Cork knowing that it must hit the high tide with water coming in and what happened? FLOODDING!!!

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Well I do believe that no one was going to stop this and if ther are any doubts about Abhisit's whereabouts during nthe crisis have a look at this.

Abhisit admits to Maldives trip amid Thailand flood crisis

A couple of days ago I blogged about allegations that former Thai PM and leader of the oppositionDemocrat Party, Abhisit Vejjajiva, ran away to the Maldives for a quick luxuryholiday as Bangkok faced flooding.

At first the Democrats seemed to deny 'Mark' (Abhisit) had been sunning histush at some luxury resort in the Maldives. Or, in typically evasive style,(why aren't the Democrats and the truth ever on speaking terms?) wouldn't denyAbhisit had been there.

Now they've admitted he was in the Maldives. But only after they got theirstory "straight".

The line now being put out by the Democrats, according to a report in the Matichon newspaper, is that Abhisit did actually travel to theMaldives but went there to visit the Maldives' President in some kind ofofficial capacity based on an invitation said president sent Mark severalmonths ago. The claim is that they discussed the "floods". But why didn't Markannounce his "official" visit before he left? Will he be publishing hisfindings on Maldivean flood control? Why the evasiveness? Why the secrecy?

Yet a quick look on the Maldives' President's website and at the list of official engagements and it isplain to see it makes no mention of Abhisit's visit. It does mention an Under 25s CricketTournament andvarious messages the President has sent to diplomats etc. but nothing aboutKhun Mark's important visit to the Maldives to discuss how to combat thefloods.

So has Abhisit compounded one mistake by making another? I'm sure these are questionsthe President's press office in the Maldives will be eager to answer once itopens in the morning.

But, at the end of the day, the only real judges of the wisdom of Abhisit'sluxury sojourn will be the Thai electorate. Do they prefer a leader who, despiteterrible, once-in-a-lifetime floods, sticks it out and does her best or apolitician who snipes from the sidelines and then runs off to a luxury resortwhen things get tough?

Andrew Spooner's public Facebook page is here.


What exactly are you trying to prove?

There are people losing their livelihoods by the minute and you spend your time having a go at a man who probably has more feeling for his people in his big toe than you have in your entire body.

Go buy a bucket, and have whip round among your friends, if you have any, collect some money to help those in need and make yourself useful instead of posting negative crap

Members on here seem more interested in having ago at the PM for being emotional than they do showing a bit of sympathy for these poor people.

They me sick to my stomach and the lot should get the heck out of Thailand as all they do is moan about the place.

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There is a difference in government asking, requesting or instructing. You're English I think, need your local Dutch uncle explain this to you?

Anyway blame me, I forgot to explicitly add "IMHO" <_<

I was going to say " nice, the way you avoid the issue " but actually it's rather ugly.

To respond to your post, " uh " ??

I do realise there is a difference in "in government asking, requesting or instructing." , but perhaps a "Dutch Uncle" could clarify ??

Fact remains, a provincial official refused a lawful instruction from the Prime Minister in a time of national emergency.

What would happen in Holland ??

Pretty serious if true and you yourself admit it's true.

Goes a long way towards understanding the problems that this country faces.

It's your interpretation that 'a lawful instruction was refused' whereas it's my interpretation that 'what was asked was ignored'. Even when a PM asks it's only an instruction to be obeyed when the law says so. Wasn't that why the PM invoked the 'disaster law' to make all report to and follow instructions of the FROC, those knowledgable people in DonMuangCastle with the moat filled :ermm:

Straw and semantics clutched......

My case is rested.

Wish you no hardship and good luck in Bangkok.

Good night.

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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

Compassion? Possibly your confusing compassion with con-passion.

We all feel compassion with what's going on. Open your eyes and see things for what they really are.

Politics and especially politics in this country is a greasy part of reality. Priorities before this disaster was and is propaganda and focusing on short term promises, no organization whatsoever for the deluge and even having enough of a heads up to at best minimize the damage and provide proper evacuation procedures. Bringing in the military like any developed country would do. Thailand has the solutions to deal with flooding.

Just watch the PM when people are explaining things to her. Reminds me of Homer Simpson (Shriiiiiiiiiiiiimp).

When this story has passed and things return to the norm here, they will most likely shift their focus back to finishing up setting things in place for "The BOss"

Anyways what do I know right. Not sh*t

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