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Military Mobilised To Deal With Bangkok Flood


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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

Well. They have about 300 heavy trucks, 1,000 Humvees and about 200+ personnel carriers (reva,alvis etc) That's not including the Unimogs that they have as i can't find a reference.. but i know they have them cos i've seen them. both in the pictures around BKK and Nakswan

So add to that the over vehicles that can be used ..job done ....at last.

Edited by thaicbr
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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

They have a large number of heavy trucks available, not just the 250 M35 trucks listed in wikipedia. In fact they recently received a shipment of 1,474 new Isuzu trucks. They also have heavy trucks from Kia, Mercedes, BAE, and others.



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Gee, maybe things would have gone much better with an aircraft carrier as logistical support.

How would that work? Just what would this aircraft carrier do?

Fresh water, tents, supplies, first aid, additional medical staff, evacuations, additional boats, vehicles, helicopters, generators if needed, the list is really endless for those who understand the logistics of an aircraft carrier and what it has as stocks to support troops anywhere in the world on a moments notice..

t) and can accommodate 6,250 crewmembers. Its four distilling units can make 400,000 U.S. gallons (1,500,000 L) of potable water a day; its food service divisions serve 18,000 meals per day

USS George Washington

Some people just don't get it, this is not an over night tragedy nor is it localized there is going to be country wide food shortages, fuel shortages it's impossible to list all that is going to be effected for months to come no one is going to be insulated..

Relax, don't panic, get on with life in the same way the Thai people are doing with some considerable aplomb, given the circumstances.

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Gee, maybe things would have gone much better with an aircraft carrier as logistical support.

How would that work? Just what would this aircraft carrier do?

Fresh water, tents, supplies, first aid, additional medical staff, evacuations, additional boats, vehicles, helicopters, generators if needed, the list is really endless for those who understand the logistics of an aircraft carrier and what it has as stocks to support troops anywhere in the world on a moments notice..

t) and can accommodate 6,250 crewmembers. Its four distilling units can make 400,000 U.S. gallons (1,500,000 L) of potable water a day; its food service divisions serve 18,000 meals per day

USS George Washington

Some people just don't get it, this is not an over night tragedy nor is it localized there is going to be country wide food shortages, fuel shortages it's impossible to list all that is going to be effected for months to come no one is going to be insulated..

But treat it as "an over night tragedy" describes precisely the government's approach to crisis management. I have never seen such a lack of foresight. And I'm not just talking about the need for a September water discharge from the dam, I mean their every day management of this catastrophe. Nobody takes action until the crisis is actually happening, whether it's the national govt. or the BMA. Just look: oops, our canals are choked with water lillies--this was 2 days ago! Oops, the canal gate isn't working. Oops, we shouldn't have let all that water go into (fill in the blank) instead of equalizing drainage throughout the provinces. Oops, we didn't think to stockpile emergency rations of water and food for an effective supply distribution network. Oops, we didn't think of what to do with all the evacuees--just tell everybody in Bangkok to head for the provinces last night at almost 10 pm. Just one screw up after another of what should be the most basic items of disaster prevention and crisis management. I'll bet they don't have batteries for their flashlights.

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How would that work? Just what would this aircraft carrier do?

Fresh water, tents, supplies, first aid, additional medical staff, evacuations, additional boats, vehicles, helicopters, generators if needed, the list is really endless for those who understand the logistics of an aircraft carrier and what it has as stocks to support troops anywhere in the world on a moments notice..

t) and can accommodate 6,250 crewmembers. Its four distilling units can make 400,000 U.S. gallons (1,500,000 L) of potable water a day; its food service divisions serve 18,000 meals per day

USS George Washington

Some people just don't get it, this is not an over night tragedy nor is it localized there is going to be country wide food shortages, fuel shortages it's impossible to list all that is going to be effected for months to come no one is going to be insulated..

Relax, don't panic, get on with life in the same way the Thai people are doing with some considerable aplomb, given the circumstances.

Easy for you to say, I'm not here as a drunk sexpat so I've a bit more on my mind then where to get my next beer and happy ending from.. JFYI it's not panic I'm quite calm in spite of getting no reliable information from those who are supposed to be providing it..

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Military mobilised to deal with Bangkok flood

I'm sure that will mightily please my friend jayboy who just four days ago wondered

""Another very odd circumstance ... is that out of an Army of 300,000 plus, only 20 to 40,000 soldiers were mobilized to do flood work. What are all the other soldiers doing?"


I'm wondering if they will mobilize all 2,500 Thai Army Generals ... they will only have to be careful not to slip from boats, the brass will take them down :)


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All of Thaksins hundreds of millions couldn't even purchase a 1 week personal cruise on a destroyer.

His net worth and global influence with the U.S. is peanuts.

Judging by how much the US embassy is supporting the present government I beg to differ. Americans should be embarrassed on how UNevenhanded the embassy has been and one can only assume they are taking orders from higher up and are not autonomous.

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The Thai military are the unsung heroes in this mess.

They are doing a lot and have been doing it since the beginning but the PM ties them up as much as she can.

If you checked at all, you'd find Thai generals tend to be well educated and not bumps on a log.

No, I don't have any friends or relatives who are Thai generals.

I am not a red shirt. I am not a yellow shirt. I am not a blue shirt. I am not a pink shirt. I am not a green shirt. These days I tend to wear a white shirt more often than not.

News organization present a skewed, biased view based on their owner's agenda.

CNN coverage is amazingly sensational and biased.

So I can understand a lot of the comments on TVF being based on inaccurate or incomplete info.

I appreciate the wide range of perspective and ideas and insight and each of you taking the time to comment.

In my opinion it's better and more reliable than TV or newspapers.

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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

The Defence Minister most likely with permission of PM Yingluck has ordered the Armed Forces to mobilise 50,000 with truck and boats and whatever. In a "can do" spirit and with "ours is not to reason why, ours is just to do" we'll do it. Give it our best try, help our fellow Thai.

So tell me, dear GKid, what's your problem :ermm:

I don't have a problem. If you choose to believe more disinformation that is your choice.

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Gee, maybe things would have gone much better with an aircraft carrier as logistical support.

How would that work? Just what would this aircraft carrier do?

Fresh water, tents, supplies, first aid, additional medical staff, evacuations, additional boats, vehicles, helicopters, generators if needed, the list is really endless for those who understand the logistics of an aircraft carrier and what it has as stocks to support troops anywhere in the world on a moments notice..

t) and can accommodate 6,250 crewmembers. Its four distilling units can make 400,000 U.S. gallons (1,500,000 L) of potable water a day; its food service divisions serve 18,000 meals per day

USS George Washington

Some people just don't get it, this is not an over night tragedy nor is it localized there is going to be country wide food shortages, fuel shortages it's impossible to list all that is going to be effected for months to come no one is going to be insulated..

A US carrier is not equipped to provide drinking water to a dispersed civilian population. Did you think this through? The water resources on board the vessel are used by the ship. It is not a bottling plant. Even if the vessel could supply all the water you wish, just how would it transport this water to the people that need it? Do you propose stringing fire hoses over several kilometers?

The meals that can be prepared are intended for the crew. The aircraft carrier is not a meals on wheels service. Yes food could be spared for a few days, but there is no way an important warship will strip its supplies for foreign refugees. Get real. None of the euipment on board the aircraft carrier is intended for refugee support purposes. Each piece of equipment has a purpose and the removal of equipment degrades the effectiveness of the ship. The supplies that can be used for offloarding are intended to support the marines attached to the vessel. I will repeat again, catastrophe assistance is provided by hospital ships and tenders.Warships are intnded for a completely different use.

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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

They have a large number of heavy trucks available, not just the 250 M35 trucks listed in wikipedia. In fact they recently received a shipment of 1,474 new Isuzu trucks. They also have heavy trucks from Kia, Mercedes, BAE, and others.



Too bad you didn't dig a little deeper and see what the vehicles were. Yes, there are Isuzu trucks. They are power units intended for hauling tanks.

Some of the other Isuzu trucks are basically modified D Max pickups.

How about the ThaiRung vehicles which you call humvees. they seat 4 and are cramped. They are not intended for water logged areas. Look at the clearance.

You also neglect to mention that the purchase order for the new Isuzu trucks was in 2010 and the procurement is ongoing, i.e. the trucks were not all delivered. As per the procurement backgrounder, the new inventory was intended to replace the vehicles that had alreaddy completed their lifespan or were out of service.

The other vehicles you reference are specific purpose vehicles. Some are tow trucks, others are rocket launchers, others are mobile anti aircraft units, some are ambulances. Very few arre basic transport vehicles.

Other Isuzu trucks are basic carriers and can carry people, but they are not going to be very effective in a flooded area

Compare theUS standard clearance to the Isuzu


Yes large numbers of vehicles can be rallied, but they need to be suited for the task at hand.

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- snip -

How would that work? Just what would this aircraft carrier do?

Fresh water, tents, supplies, first aid, additional medical staff, evacuations, additional boats, vehicles, helicopters, generators if needed, the list is really endless for those who understand the logistics of an aircraft carrier and what it has as stocks to support troops anywhere in the world on a moments notice..

t) and can accommodate 6,250 crewmembers. Its four distilling units can make 400,000 U.S. gallons (1,500,000 L) of potable water a day; its food service divisions serve 18,000 meals per day

USS George Washington

Some people just don't get it, this is not an over night tragedy nor is it localized there is going to be country wide food shortages, fuel shortages it's impossible to list all that is going to be effected for months to come no one is going to be insulated..

A US carrier is not equipped to provide drinking water to a dispersed civilian population. Did you think this through? The water resources on board the vessel are used by the ship. It is not a bottling plant. Even if the vessel could supply all the water you wish, just how would it transport this water to the people that need it? Do you propose stringing fire hoses over several kilometers?

The meals that can be prepared are intended for the crew. The aircraft carrier is not a meals on wheels service. Yes food could be spared for a few days, but there is no way an important warship will strip its supplies for foreign refugees. Get real. None of the euipment on board the aircraft carrier is intended for refugee support purposes. Each piece of equipment has a purpose and the removal of equipment degrades the effectiveness of the ship. The supplies that can be used for offloarding are intended to support the marines attached to the vessel. I will repeat again, catastrophe assistance is provided by hospital ships and tenders.Warships are intnded for a completely different use.

Last time I looked, Thailand was a large country with lots and lots of fresh water in these places they call "water tables" which are accessed through innovative devices known as "wells". These have been shown to be more than 1000 times more effective than desalinization by nuclear powered aircraft carriers. It's just a simple matter of economics...


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Last time I looked, Thailand was a large country with lots and lots of fresh water in these places they call "water tables" which are accessed through innovative devices known as "wells". These have been shown to be more than 1000 times more effective than desalinization by nuclear powered aircraft carriers. It's just a simple matter of economics...

Sadly many of those wells are in flooded area thus the water as may be obtained from them is likely to be polluted. This is the reason that the poor souls that are stranded need a supply of potable water.

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All of Thaksins hundreds of millions couldn't even purchase a 1 week personal cruise on a destroyer.

His net worth and global influence with the U.S. is peanuts.

Judging by how much the US embassy is supporting the present government I beg to differ. Americans should be embarrassed on how UNevenhanded the embassy has been and one can only assume they are taking orders from higher up and are not autonomous.

I was under the impression that the US Government was trying to support the Thai people. What do you base your conspiracy theory on?

Embarrassed, on the contrary, I am quite proud of the response and generosity shown by the US.

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Too bad you didn't dig a little deeper and see what the vehicles were. Yes, there are Isuzu trucks. They are power units intended for hauling tanks.

They are not intended for 'hauling tanks' they are general purpose 2.5 ton supply trucks intended to transport troops and equipment, as it says right there in the description in the link!

How about the ThaiRung vehicles which you call humvees. they seat 4 and are cramped. They are not intended for water logged areas. Look at the clearance.

I didn't mention any TR vehicles, but I don't think the MUV4 has even been ordered yet by the military. The humvees they have now are actual license built although smaller, as you would have seen many times if you lived in BKK. The Thai 4x4 ordered by the army is from Chaiseri and is called First Win


You also neglect to mention that the purchase order for the new Isuzu trucks was in 2010 and the procurement is ongoing, i.e. the trucks were not all delivered

The link says the procurement is finished on those trucks. And I don't know where you're getting the order was in 2010, that's when the website was created. This package is from 2549 (it's 2554 now), some stuff has been completed like the Isuzu order, some stuff is ongoing, and some stuff was cancelled or there is no information

The other vehicles you reference are specific purpose vehicles. Some are tow trucks, others are rocket launchers, others are mobile anti aircraft units, some are ambulances. Very few arre basic transport vehicles.

No they're not. They are also general purpose trucks

Thai UNIMOG for example


Well, at least this is progress. Before based on an inaccurate wiki entry you were saying before they only have 250 total trucks (M35) and only 200 can be rallied in order to defend the government's handling of the flood. Now you'll switch to the 1,474 Isuzu trucks aren't suited for the job in order to defend the government. Well, even if they're not as good they have a lot of them and I see them on the news moving through flood water every day.

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How would that work? Just what would this aircraft carrier do?

Fresh water, tents, supplies, first aid, additional medical staff, evacuations, additional boats, vehicles, helicopters, generators if needed, the list is really endless for those who understand the logistics of an aircraft carrier and what it has as stocks to support troops anywhere in the world on a moments notice..

t) and can accommodate 6,250 crewmembers. Its four distilling units can make 400,000 U.S. gallons (1,500,000 L) of potable water a day; its food service divisions serve 18,000 meals per day

USS George Washington

Some people just don't get it, this is not an over night tragedy nor is it localized there is going to be country wide food shortages, fuel shortages it's impossible to list all that is going to be effected for months to come no one is going to be insulated..

A US carrier is not equipped to provide drinking water to a dispersed civilian population. Did you think this through? The water resources on board the vessel are used by the ship. It is not a bottling plant. Even if the vessel could supply all the water you wish, just how would it transport this water to the people that need it? Do you propose stringing fire hoses over several kilometers?

The meals that can be prepared are intended for the crew. The aircraft carrier is not a meals on wheels service. Yes food could be spared for a few days, but there is no way an important warship will strip its supplies for foreign refugees. Get real. None of the euipment on board the aircraft carrier is intended for refugee support purposes. Each piece of equipment has a purpose and the removal of equipment degrades the effectiveness of the ship. The supplies that can be used for offloarding are intended to support the marines attached to the vessel. I will repeat again, catastrophe assistance is provided by hospital ships and tenders.Warships are intnded for a completely different use.

Yes I most definitely thought it through but your thinking is more then suspect clearly you have no clue of the logistics that aircraft carriers supply and or are capable of supplying in these disasters. The mere fact that you are brash enough to think that YOU know more about what an aircraft carrier group can provide over the US government especially after they sent a 10 man recon team to tell them exactly how they could help, that they are so ignorant as to send a carrier group to the aid just demonstrates in spades how clearly clueless you are as they know much better then either of us all the logistics they can provide..

At the top of that list is fresh water just to name one very critical contribution as they have multiple ways of distribution and it could be bottled if need be once prepared or dumped bulk in victims own containers the fresh water plants on those aircraft carriers are capable of making far more water then required for the ships operations, enough to supply a sizable town and that's by design so they can be support for troops on the ground while they're off shore.. They also have water plants that are mobile and can be set up on shore..


MWP Units

These units can actually filter and purify the rubbish sewer water all around everyone right now into safe, clean drinking water.

The dispersal you're speaking of is another critical logistic they can provide with small boats, large trucks and helicopters they can distribute it to locations of which are designated water distribution locations the Thai's will make their way too believe it. I'm from a state that has major annual storms so I THINK EVERY detail of such logistics to it's max because I've grown up with the need to do so..

This carrier group would be continuously supplied by shipments from Hawaii and Japan to keep it fully stocked but it's better to have an off shore command and staging point such as this carrier as it requires no outside support to operate being fully self contained to the max for it's entire crew of service men and women and from which operations could be carried out 24/7..

Aircraft carriers provide far more support to troops then just flying bombing sorties..

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All of Thaksins hundreds of millions couldn't even purchase a 1 week personal cruise on a destroyer.

His net worth and global influence with the U.S. is peanuts.

Judging by how much the US embassy is supporting the present government I beg to differ. Americans should be embarrassed on how UNevenhanded the embassy has been and one can only assume they are taking orders from higher up and are not autonomous.

I was under the impression that the US Government was trying to support the Thai people. What do you base your conspiracy theory on?

Embarrassed, on the contrary, I am quite proud of the response and generosity shown by the US.

Well I agree on this point.. it was offered and refused we certainly have nothing to be embarrassed about and on the contrary much to be proud of..

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Last time I looked, Thailand was a large country with lots and lots of fresh water in these places they call "water tables" which are accessed through innovative devices known as "wells". These have been shown to be more than 1000 times more effective than desalinization by nuclear powered aircraft carriers. It's just a simple matter of economics...

Sadly many of those wells are in flooded area thus the water as may be obtained from them is likely to be polluted. This is the reason that the poor souls that are stranded need a supply of potable water.

Yep, not to mention most of them are now under as much as 2 or more meters of the most rancid, polluted water you'd ever want to know about....................

Actually I was disturbed to learn in all of this that the local Bangkok water supply is provided through that nasty, polluted, mud pit of a klong they call klong bra pa and not through a deep well like I'm used to back home, nasty surface water :bah: gag me..

No more need be said, it's amazing if not disturbing the amount of blinkered and myopic people there are amongst us..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

don't be ridiculous! The army has a huge amount of trucks in different sizes, as well hummer, pickups etc etc

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How would that work? Just what would this aircraft carrier do?

Fresh water, tents, supplies, first aid, additional medical staff, evacuations, additional boats, vehicles, helicopters, generators if needed, the list is really endless for those who understand the logistics of an aircraft carrier and what it has as stocks to support troops anywhere in the world on a moments notice..

t) and can accommodate 6,250 crewmembers. Its four distilling units can make 400,000 U.S. gallons (1,500,000 L) of potable water a day; its food service divisions serve 18,000 meals per day

USS George Washington

Some people just don't get it, this is not an over night tragedy nor is it localized there is going to be country wide food shortages, fuel shortages it's impossible to list all that is going to be effected for months to come no one is going to be insulated..

A US carrier is not equipped to provide drinking water to a dispersed civilian population. Did you think this through? The water resources on board the vessel are used by the ship. It is not a bottling plant. Even if the vessel could supply all the water you wish, just how would it transport this water to the people that need it? Do you propose stringing fire hoses over several kilometers?

The meals that can be prepared are intended for the crew. The aircraft carrier is not a meals on wheels service. Yes food could be spared for a few days, but there is no way an important warship will strip its supplies for foreign refugees. Get real. None of the euipment on board the aircraft carrier is intended for refugee support purposes. Each piece of equipment has a purpose and the removal of equipment degrades the effectiveness of the ship. The supplies that can be used for offloarding are intended to support the marines attached to the vessel. I will repeat again, catastrophe assistance is provided by hospital ships and tenders.Warships are intnded for a completely different use.

JFYI You need to get real you're so far out in space your about to enter moons orbit.

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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

Well. They have about 300 heavy trucks, 1,000 Humvees and about 200+ personnel carriers (reva,alvis etc) That's not including the Unimogs that they have as i can't find a reference.. but i know they have them cos i've seen them. both in the pictures around BKK and Nakswan

So add to that the over vehicles that can be used ..job done ....at last.

and many pickups

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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

don't be ridiculous! The army has a huge amount of trucks in different sizes, as well hummer, pickups etc etc

Yep H2's mostly...But they've been running trucks all up and own our local soi's for days granted we're right next door to the Army base but they're still running many other locations as well..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

don't be ridiculous! The army has a huge amount of trucks in different sizes, as well hummer, pickups etc etc

Yep H2's mostly...But they'v been running trucks all up and own our ocal soi's for days granted we're right next door to the Army base but they're still running many other locations as well..

Yes you can like or not like the Thai Army, but it has huge resources. Don't know why geriatrickid always tries to spread wrong informations.

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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

don't be ridiculous! The army has a huge amount of trucks in different sizes, as well hummer, pickups etc etc

Yep H2's mostly...But they'v been running trucks all up and own our ocal soi's for days granted we're right next door to the Army base but they're still running many other locations as well..

Yes you can like or not like the Thai Army, but it has huge resources. Don't know why geriatrickid always tries to spread wrong informations.

Well he's just seriously misinformed and in the age of the Internet there's no excuse he was/is so far off base with what the US carrier group could provide it's beyond laughable..

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Last time I looked, Thailand was a large country with lots and lots of fresh water in these places they call "water tables" which are accessed through innovative devices known as "wells". These have been shown to be more than 1000 times more effective than desalinization by nuclear powered aircraft carriers. It's just a simple matter of economics...

Sadly many of those wells are in flooded area thus the water as may be obtained from them is likely to be polluted. This is the reason that the poor souls that are stranded need a supply of potable water.

Yep, not to mention most of them are now under as much as 2 or more meters of the most rancid, polluted water you'd ever want to know about....................

Actually I was disturbed to learn in all of this that the local Bangkok water supply is provided through that nasty, polluted, mud pit of a klong they call klong bra pa and not through a deep well like I'm used to back home, nasty surface water :bah: gag me..

No more need be said, it's amazing if not disturbing the amount of blinkered and myopic people there are amongst us..

Obviously wells in the flood zone are under water, and there is a need for potable water.

The idea that the US aircraft carrier is a good way to supply that water is ludicrous when you need only go outside the flood zone, load up the necessary transport with potable water and take it to the people who need it. As for the rest of the support that this aircraft carrier can provide, the flooding (unlike this some of it this spring) is on the mainland and everything that could have been provided by an aircraft carrier can be found on the mainland. Finally, the Thai Royal Navy has its own aircraft carrier as well as other resources. I had the good fortune to see them in action supporting flood relief efforts in March and they are doing it again now.

I certainly do not mean to disparage the people in need or those who are flooded. I was flooded in March. I have friends who are flooded now. Good luck to everyone.

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The military will mobilize 1000 vehicles? What exactly are they mobilizing? The generals' fleet of mercedes? Seriously, the army doesn't have that many trucks. Just what are the small "jeeps", tanks and APCs going to do? Has anyone looked at the motor pool inventory for the Thai army? This suggests tome that resources are being diverted from other flood crisis zones to Bangkok. Understandable, but the news source gives the impression that somehow new vehicles have been sourced. There are a limited number of heavy trucks available for army use, unless the army is taking over private fleets of vehicles?

The Army has around 1500 US made HMMWV's (HUMVEE's). I used to be a field rep for the company that manufactures them so I know.

They also have a huge fleet of Mercedes 2.5 ton trucks (that'd be a lorry for our British friends).

Both models can operate in up to 1.5 meters of water. The HMMWV's need a snorkel kit for this, but they have many that are outfitted with this equipment already.

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Last time I looked, Thailand was a large country with lots and lots of fresh water in these places they call "water tables" which are accessed through innovative devices known as "wells". These have been shown to be more than 1000 times more effective than desalinization by nuclear powered aircraft carriers. It's just a simple matter of economics...

Sadly many of those wells are in flooded area thus the water as may be obtained from them is likely to be polluted. This is the reason that the poor souls that are stranded need a supply of potable water.

Yep, not to mention most of them are now under as much as 2 or more meters of the most rancid, polluted water you'd ever want to know about....................

Actually I was disturbed to learn in all of this that the local Bangkok water supply is provided through that nasty, polluted, mud pit of a klong they call klong bra pa and not through a deep well like I'm used to back home, nasty surface water :bah: gag me..

No more need be said, it's amazing if not disturbing the amount of blinkered and myopic people there are amongst us..

Obviously wells in the flood zone are under water, and there is a need for potable water.

The idea that the US aircraft carrier is a good way to supply that water is ludicrous when you need only go outside the flood zone, load up the necessary transport with potable water and take it to the people who need it. As for the rest of the support that this aircraft carrier can provide, the flooding (unlike this some of it this spring) is on the mainland and everything that could have been provided by an aircraft carrier can be found on the mainland. Finally, the Thai Royal Navy has its own aircraft carrier as well as other resources. I had the good fortune to see them in action supporting flood relief efforts in March and they are doing it again now.

I certainly do not mean to disparage the people in need or those who are flooded. I was flooded in March. I have friends who are flooded now. Good luck to everyone.

Only ludicrous to the simpletons kinda like the Simpsons, are you one of those??

Another one who thinks he knows more then the professionals who are tasked with the evaluation, you still don't get it! You're a rank, uneducated, amateur, know nothing compared to the people who have made the recommendations.. I know that because otherwise you'd be making them on their request and your not are you?.. Rhetorical question BTW

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Sadly many of those wells are in flooded area thus the water as may be obtained from them is likely to be polluted. This is the reason that the poor souls that are stranded need a supply of potable water.

Yep, not to mention most of them are now under as much as 2 or more meters of the most rancid, polluted water you'd ever want to know about....................

Actually I was disturbed to learn in all of this that the local Bangkok water supply is provided through that nasty, polluted, mud pit of a klong they call klong bra pa and not through a deep well like I'm used to back home, nasty surface water :bah: gag me..

No more need be said, it's amazing if not disturbing the amount of blinkered and myopic people there are amongst us..

Obviously wells in the flood zone are under water, and there is a need for potable water.

The idea that the US aircraft carrier is a good way to supply that water is ludicrous when you need only go outside the flood zone, load up the necessary transport with potable water and take it to the people who need it. As for the rest of the support that this aircraft carrier can provide, the flooding (unlike this some of it this spring) is on the mainland and everything that could have been provided by an aircraft carrier can be found on the mainland. Finally, the Thai Royal Navy has its own aircraft carrier as well as other resources. I had the good fortune to see them in action supporting flood relief efforts in March and they are doing it again now.

I certainly do not mean to disparage the people in need or those who are flooded. I was flooded in March. I have friends who are flooded now. Good luck to everyone.

Only ludicrous to the simpletons kinda like the Simpsons, are you one of those??

Another one who thinks he knows more then the professionals who are tasked with the evaluation, you still don't get it! You're a rank, uneducated, amateur, know nothing compared to the people who have made the recommendations.. I know that because otherwise you'd be making them on their request and your not are you?.. Rhetorical question BTW

Hi WarpSpeed, as I recall from your posts, you are currently in the middle of the flood, so I wish you luck in dealing with it and also with the clean up and the recovery.

I'm not one of those experts tasked with the evaluation, no, but as you are aware, the experts were involved already, and it was that group of experts who sent the US aircraft carrier on its way again.

Although here on TVF there were plenty of "rank, uneducated, amateurs", as you call them, who disagreed vehemently with the decision of these experts.

Again, I hope that you and your neighbors get through this as well as possible. I was in the same boat, so to speak, just last March. Good luck.

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