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Some Things I Think Thailand Need To Change On

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Hi, there are some things that I think Thailand needs to change. Here are they:

- raise a new social security structure. This includes welfare, social care and other stuff. Everything includes like free medicines and just everything.

- raise taxes, but this is going to be tough to do

- invest in school, hospitals, security and infrastructure

- stimulate young talent

- stimulate university research & developers

- make the southern province independable, unless its really important for the economy

- combine forces with other countries in southeast asia to battle against the baddies like China and EU (ignore this point if partnership with either one is realised, see below)

- get young fresh talent out of different countries to raise the competition of universitities and thus make the level higher.

- get fresh talent either outside of Thailand or inside to help build up the countries infrastructure and economy

- have a good partnership with China or EU

- persuade wellknown companies to come and invest in Thailand

- have a good clear policy on everything. Adjust and modernise laws and rules

- promote Thailand as a superforce in the world. Be strong and stand your ground

And here is where it might hurt some members on thaivisa:

- close borders more

- screen everyone really good in order to prevent criminals coming to country

- thai/foreigner couples with income less then x amount of baht per year are not allowed to come and settle. Foreigner will not get visa or anything

- Legalize prostitution (in certain areas) but tax them heavily

- Legalize soft drugs but heavy taxes

- Heavy taxes petrol, alcohol, sigars and unhealthy food

- take care of child porn! come on man!

You forgotten something very important indeed...

MOSQUITOS SHOULD BE BANNED and the goverment should take care of it because is their fault that mosquitos are allowed in Thailand. :D:D:o

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Hi, there are some things that I think Thailand needs to change. Here are they:

Do you mean to say "Here they are?"

- make the southern province independable, unless its really important for the economy

Independable? Don't believe I have ever heard that word before.

- combine forces with other countries in southeast asia to battle against the baddies like China and EU (ignore this point if partnership with either one is realised, see below)

- have a good partnership with China or EU

Are they supposed to oppose them or join with them?  This is quite unclear.

- Heavy taxes petrol, alcohol, sigars and unhealthy food

Sigars?  How are we supposed to take this seriously when you can't spell?


leave Thailand as it is, dont change anything.

The folks here are happy, leave them to it.

If you force western ideas and politics on them they will become as miserable as the people I left behind in farangland and then i will have to find somewhere else to live :o

Who is Mr. Chuwit?

in my dictionary = ex-pimp


Clown comes to mind too!!!! :D

Hey!!! leave us Krowns out of it!!! :D

Icey, Khall, Bambi, Patsy, Move aside..

We got a Flamenco Dancer in the house....


NB: Darn bad time to have changed my signature

well I can see from your signature that you cannot dance... -_-  maybe we have to do something about it...what do you think about taking some lessons through the forum...Moderators I am just joking

Bueno y ahora en castellano asi me desahogo (aunque me repita)

por tu firma veo que no sabes bailar...bueno pue tendremos que hacer algo al respecto...que te parecen unas clases atraves del foro? :D

Kayo you have changed your signature ! :D ...well it seems that the first sentece of my post does not make sense anymore... however the offer is still there but I have forgotten to tell you is 800tbh per hour... :D:D


I didn´t do that!!!... The mods removed it I think, because it had a swear word in it.

I was hoping they wouldn´t notice.... But also, how can I quote someone accurately... I didn´t want to change Voltaires words.

Anyway, in case anyone is curious, I will "paraphrase" the quote in question... which said something like, "If you don´t know how to dance, you get to have sexual intercourse (that said a four letter word) ... get to have sexual intercourse with lots of waitresses."


Mods, Virtual Flamenco classes sound good. I´m under the impression we have a beautiful young female spanish teacher available.


no I don´t...i also do modern dance...but i have just started so I am not very good at it...

Didn´t you ask for spanish lessons?...

I think I am going to drop my job and make my wages out of tv members :o:D

Who is Mr. Chuwit?

in my dictionary = ex-pimp


Clown comes to mind too!!!!

Hey!!! leave us Krowns out of it!!! :burp:

Icey, Khall, Bambi, Patsy, Move aside..

We got a Flamenco Dancer in the house....


NB: Darn bad time to have changed my signature

well I can see from your signature that you cannot dance... -_-  maybe we have to do something about it...what do you think about taking some lessons through the forum...Moderators I am just joking

Bueno y ahora en castellano asi me desahogo (aunque me repita)

por tu firma veo que no sabes bailar...bueno pue tendremos que hacer algo al respecto...que te parecen unas clases atraves del foro? :D

Kayo you have changed your signature ! :D ...well it seems that the first sentece of my post does not make sense anymore... however the offer is still there but I have forgotten to tell you is 800tbh per hour...


I didn´t do that!!!... The mods removed it I think, because it had a swear word in it.

I was hoping they wouldn´t notice.... But also, how can I quote someone accurately... I didn´t want to change Voltaires words.

Anyway, in case anyone is curious, I will "paraphrase" the quote in question... which said something like, "If you don´t know how to dance, you get to have sexual intercourse (that said a four letter word) ... get to have sexual intercourse with lots of waitresses."

Mods, Virtual Flamenco classes sound good. I´m under the impression we have a beautiful young female spanish teacher available.



However waitress offer you a much wider range of choice...because...restaurants are include...are they not? :D:D:D


Fanta rood

The best way to do this (assuming that you are a Thai citizen) is to take your trillion dollars US, start a political party, spend all of your money and perhaps your party will win the next election.

Then you become the Prime Minister and you can do pretty much what you want.

That is assuming that you don't have an "accident" or run out of money on the way.

I like Thailand as it is. Of course there are a few things I would like to change but after 12 years here on and off I know that what I want which is good for me would not necessarily be what Thai people want and after all it is their country and not mine and their choice of what to do with it.'

I am a guest in Thailand, allbeit self invited and paying my way and supporting my Thai wife and family.

I am not sure that if I was living back in the UK where I came from I would want someone from another country telling me that they wants to change my country to be something else.

That is why I live quietly in Thailand upcountry and keep my opinions to myself (mostly).


Interesting you failed to bring up tackling corruption, transparency in government, fairness in elections. And rather target foreigners who don't earn enough money, in your eyes. I see, so, if my husband doesn't earn your minimum then he will have to go live in my country instead, a citizen either unwelcome in his own country or forced to divorce his wife. Charming ideas you have.


But, billd7xxx there is nothing wrong with having an opinion on somethings. What is wrong with that? I'm sure you have an opinion about bush or other controversial things in the world

Ok ok, sbk. Corruption would be taken care of automaticly when Thailand is going to give social security and high salaries like in western countries. But ofcourse corruption would never disappear. If you are a respected politician, a referee from a football match or a regular guy in Thailand. Does not matter

The "earn x amount of money"-rule it's just a rule. I know there are a few rotten apples in the foreigners and the other people would be a victim of it. But there has to be a drawn line. You cannot import unlimited amounts of husbands/wives to Thailand. There has to be a line that says stop right here and no further. If this rule is applied in the west then its ok. Cause it prevents the muslims etc from bringing their wives to the west. But if its in Thailand then not?

Sometime ago I read a topic on thaivisa:

"would you give up your EU/USA passport for a thai passport?"

The answer was no. Why? Because Thailand does not give you all the advantages (disadvantages for (so)me) like the western countries was the answer. I think its good to change things in Thailand. =)

The "earn x amount of money"-rule it's just a rule. I know there are a few rotten apples in the foreigners and the other people would be a victim of it. But there has to be a drawn line. You cannot import unlimited amounts of husbands/wives to Thailand. There has to be a line that says stop right here and no further. If this rule is applied in the west then its ok. Cause it prevents the muslims etc from bringing their wives to the west. But if its in Thailand then not?

You're wrong. Pretty much all countries make family members, especially spouses a priority in the immigration queues. It would be illegal in any western democracy to make any law or regulation blocking one religion from bringing in family members.

I find it odd that you think money in the bank is what divides good people from bad. You must think monks are horrible people, and Pablo Escobar (Late Columbian drug lord & terrorist) was a saint.

I think you're way over your head here. Maybe you should read some books and come back in a few years with some realistic ideas. This kind of stuff I expect to hear from a middle school student.


...I find it odd that you think money in the bank is what divides good people from bad. You must think monks are horrible people....

I've seen some pretty nice "houses" that some monks live in :o


Hi, there are some things that I think Thailand needs to change. Here are they:

fanta rood you are obviously a young Thai person who wants the best for their country - nothing wrong with airing your thoughts - but maybe you should have composed your post pasted it to word reread over a few days - edited/deleted then posted.

You seem to have a downer on having "farangs" here in Thailand surely you don't want us all to go and leave Thais to their own devices - read what your very own PM said today about home grown bodies not being able to take Thailand into the 21st century without overseas expertise.(I am sure it pained him to say IT if he realised what he was actually saying that is. :o

On second thoughts maybe you are not young and naive - Is that you in the photo? If so which one are you it's just nice to put a name to a face. My money is on center front or should that be front and centre :D:D


i have a complaint about the stairs at the crossing bridge at MBK over the street.

These stairs are too small to handle all the folks going up and down the stairs ,there is always a people jam .cant they increase the width of the stairs?

you could go down thru the shop stalls area but this takes too long .

...I find it odd that you think money in the bank is what divides good people from bad. You must think monks are horrible people....

I've seen some pretty nice "houses" that some monks live in :o

and whay are there so many monks flying domestic around the realm?

it must be urgent !

do they get free flights ?

and why do they never take the rear seats of the aircraft as they would do on a bus?

they seem to take the front seats so they can get off first .

must be urgent business!


Ok ok I looked closer. So they are guys who cares?

Look at it this way. Thai girls are also discriminating foreigners. I know 99% of them marry with you cause of love. Don't worry. It happens in the west too. But still..

Its just some things on my mind.

Ok ok I looked closer. So they are guys who cares?

Look at it this way. Thai girls are also discriminating foreigners. I know 99% of them marry with you cause of love. Don't worry. It happens in the west too. But still.. 

Its just some things on my mind.

Sometimes that's where they should stay. :o

Just kidding around BTW.

The "earn x amount of money"-rule it's just a rule. I know there are a few rotten apples in the foreigners and the other people would be a victim of it. But there has to be a drawn line. You cannot import unlimited amounts of husbands/wives to Thailand. There has to be a line that says stop right here and no further. If this rule is applied in the west then its ok. Cause it prevents the muslims etc from bringing their wives to the west. But if its in Thailand then not?

You're wrong. Pretty much all countries make family members, especially spouses a priority in the immigration queues. It would be illegal in any western democracy to make any law or regulation blocking one religion from bringing in family members.

I find it odd that you think money in the bank is what divides good people from bad. You must think monks are horrible people, and Pablo Escobar (Late Columbian drug lord & terrorist) was a saint.

I think you're way over your head here. Maybe you should read some books and come back in a few years with some realistic ideas. This kind of stuff I expect to hear from a middle school student.


Vic, Escobar wasn't such a bad guy you know. He did his best to provide the demands of the U.S.A> citizens that which their own gov't didn't help supply. \

He really wasn't so bad. He built whole towns for his people when he witnessed poverty.

He really wasn't so bad, as long as he liked you. :D

Uh/Oh! Two cops just came in and sat down on the computer terminal next to me.... They are looking at me funny.... :D:D:o

You're wrong. Pretty much all countries make family members, especially spouses a priority in the immigration queues. It would be illegal in any western democracy to make any law or regulation blocking one religion from bringing in family members.


Hey. I think you are wrong. It is not illegal in the western countries. It happens right here right now in Netherland. It was confirmed in the news just today.They were talking about import husbands/wives. Here's the dutch link:


Run it through google translator.

Ok so it says there is a decline in import wives. Less dutch "foreigners" are marrying with partner in the country of their roots. This decline is thanks too strict rules then before. Dutch partner has to earn 120% of the minimum loan. Also he needs to be 21 years or older.

I want to Thailand to apply the same rules as Netherland. Ok so I don't have any experience in politics or never studied economics or other stuff. That doesn't mean you have to hurt my feelings. Just joking with you


Whether illegal or not, it is immoral to base immigration and visa status on religion.

Regarding Muslims, I spent a lot of time in the Middle East and I must say I really object to this constant denegration of Muslims.

No, I'm not kidding.

I do not of course support in any way the nutters that run around blowing things up - the b*&^%rds deserve to be drawn and quartered while still alive - and all the Muslims that I have met and spoken with hate them as much as non-Muslims do.

I am not a supporter of any particular religious group, but picking on one part of society because of the acts of a few fanatic members of that group is unreasonable.

As for the other items on this dubious "wish list"...it is based on Western concepts - and the Dutch influence is very much at the forefront - legalise "soft drugs"?

I am pretty sure that I have read about a study that seems to indicate that an introduction to drugs via so called "soft drugs" is directly linked to later "hard drug" usage - and I think the study came from the Netherlands too...I may be wrong, but I am sure I have read of this.

As for the raising of taxes - don't get me started...

As has been pointed out by a number of others here - there are LOTS of other more worthwhile things that the Thai government has to do before they even start considering many of these suggestions...thankfully...

By the way - The Association of South East Asian Nations - Thailand is a member already.

Western methods cannot, at present, work in this region - and why should they - this is Thailand - we don't want Western systems imported, because they simply cannot work here.

There is a very different mind-set in Asia than in the west, and until that changes, importing "solutions" just screws things up and creates more scope for corruption.

The mind-set is different...it makes it virtually impossible to import solutions "as is" due to this basic intrinsic difference - and it affects all aspects of life.

The difference is what makes the country attractive - imagine how boring the world would be if all places were the same.


I think he is wanting to say some things could be done to better. However I think this should summerize what may be needed.

A politician is voted into office to take care of the people who put them there. A politician stops being a politician when there voting and dealings cease being for the people who put them there and start being self serving. So what is needed are real live and breathing politicians.

Western methods cannot, at present, work in this region - and why should they - this is Thailand - we don't want Western systems imported, because they simply cannot work here.

There is a very different mind-set in Asia than in the west, and until that changes, importing "solutions" just screws things up and creates more scope for corruption.

The mind-set is different...it makes it virtually impossible to import solutions "as is" due to this basic intrinsic difference - and it affects all aspects of life.

Is that right?

All the prosperity Thailand has been enjoing comes from doing the western things or for the West.

All the industry, tourism (best and good hotels are managed by westerners).

SE Asia is also Malaysia, where did the biggest PC company in the world (DELL) set their support center? If the menthality was so adamant to accept Western ways, why would 3850 western (and Japanese, Korean) companies locate their production plants in Thailand? Many have their Asia Pacific headquarters in BKK.

Great deal of the disk drives on the planet come from Thailand. Seagate is there, Hitachi (former IBM business).

Just look at the banks - Thai banks and ATMs are as good as anywhere. Those are the "solutions". Even better and easier to deal with than in Japan.

The menthality does play some role but it's nothing to be worried about.

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