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Flood Relief Operations Center Video Clip Reveals Donation Hoarding

Lite Beer

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Regardless of whether the goods were "hoarded" or not, the people that allowed the relief goods to get flooded at Don Muaeng should be sacked immediately.

They have known for a week that there was serious risk of flooding there. They simply have NO excuse.

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I saw similar images over a week ago on one of the cable news channels. It was shown in junction with talks about how poorly organized the FROC was.

I am not so sure it is kept by ill intent - more likely by having incompetent people in control of everything.

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Regardless of whether the goods were "hoarded" or not, the people that allowed the relief goods to get flooded at Don Muaeng should be sacked immediately.

They have known for a week that there was serious risk of flooding there. They simply have NO excuse.

There was an official announcement only a few days ago that there were no plans to move FROC from Don Muang, despite the high flood risk. Due to the fact that they were pretty much told by the FROC that they weren't moving, they are absolved of any responsibility for letting the warehoused (not hoarded) supplies be destroyed.

To suggest that they should have taken the initiative and gone against the instructions of the boss no matter how glaringly wrong the boss's assertion may be indicates a poor knowledge of the average Thai mentality.

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Regardless of whether the goods were "hoarded" or not, the people that allowed the relief goods to get flooded at Don Muaeng should be sacked immediately.

They have known for a week that there was serious risk of flooding there. They simply have NO excuse.

There was an official announcement only a few days ago that there were no plans to move FROC from Don Muang, despite the high flood risk. Due to the fact that they were pretty much told by the FROC that they weren't moving, they are absolved of any responsibility for letting the warehoused (not hoarded) supplies be destroyed.

To suggest that they should have taken the initiative and gone against the instructions of the boss no matter how glaringly wrong the boss's assertion may be indicates a poor knowledge of the average Thai mentality.

FROC is in charge of the relief goods. So they don't really get to absolve themselves by making an announcement.

Edited by whybother
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I would be more worried if video showed empty warehouses...

With 2 feet of water, it would have been much better if they were empty (of goods). It's not like there wasn't any warning that it was going to flood there. Has anyone ever heard of risk management?

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having been in the airport during the hoarding of these goods i guess all of you a right. too much BU**LSH*T about th epolitics. most of the clothes we helped to pack are now floating down VR road in the crappy water that is there. the wastage of the food is incredible. i helped to unload mote than 100 KG mushrooms, that were left for 2 days before being used. 300 KG frozen meat that was left out for more than 2 DAYS.

try stop the crap flying about whose blame. we all know the people in control are a bunch of useless prats.

why not arrange some transport and someone to get the stuff out of there to distribute it. some of it can still be salvaged for sure.

i helped to unload about 100 diesel engines into the cargo area. water pumps too.

stop your mouths and get some action started please.

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^^ ^^^ What part of the concept, 'My boss says it is not going to flood and I know in my heart otherwise but my ingrained inability to decide for myself and take the initiative prevents me from doing anything proactive' is too hard to embrace?

Risk management? In LOS? LOL

Edited by NanLaew
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^^ ^^^ What part of the concept, 'My boss says it is not going to flood and I know in my heart otherwise but my ingrained inability to decide for myself and take the initiative prevents me from doing anything proactive' is too hard to embrace?

Risk management? In LOS? LOL

Then "the boss" should be held accountable. If "the boss" can't make a decision to make sure the goods don't get ruined, then "the boss" shouldn't be "the boss".

Didn't Yingluck make the announcement? Isn't Yingluck "the boss" of FROC?

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Didn't you see the warehouse FROC had with loads of dontated bottled water , bags of rice, and other items and they didn't know how to get it to the people because of no planning????? Doesn't surprise me. How can a country in the 21 century have so many "losers???" or should I say"experts" that don't know anything? I am giving money to local foundations that I know can take care of the needy during this flooding. ------------------ I predict a month from now, we will hear all kinds of complaining from those without jobs, and homes that haven't received help though most people have donated money or supplies to the cause. (so predictable in corrupt Thailand)

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I understood perfectly what was said thanks. Not sure why anybody would brag about knowing Thai about the most useless language on the planet outside of Thailand.

Your responses are not worthy of comment save for the one above. Some of us live here in Thailand and find knowing Thai quite useful. For example, if you could understand Thai you would have instantly known the channel 3 story didn't mention hoarding or hiding, which might have set off a lightbulb in your head. Or maybe not...

Read again, note the bold letters... understand now??? Good boy.

I live in BKK I speak Thai get off your high horse.

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...and they didn't know how to get it to the people because of no planning????? Doesn't surprise me. How can a country in the 21 century have so many "losers???" or should I say"experts" that don't know anything?

Planning? Which top men (and women) have time to plan and administer when most of their time are spent on photo ops...:whistling:

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According to an anonymous source, a video clip released on the internet revealing the Flood Relief Operations Center or FROC has hoarded a large number of donated items from various charitable donors. The items are held up at Cargo 1 in Don Mueng Airport and were not distributed to the flood victims. Items such as mobile toiletries were all locked away by the FROC.

Furthermore, the hoarded items also included donations from Japan

Channel 3 report showing the hoarded and now ruined supplies kept at the Don Meuang.


Thanks for the link.

It makes me so mad (and sad) I want to hit someone.:annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed:

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I saw similar images over a week ago on one of the cable news channels. It was shown in junction with talks about how poorly organized the FROC was.

I am not so sure it is kept by ill intent - more likely by having incompetent people in control of everything.

Absolute agreement. FROC is just (another) government task force band aid that was hastily cobbled together with no mandate to work in conjunction with the half a dozen or so other hastily cobbled together or tragically geriatric and useless (like the RID) government agencies.

The fact that within days of the RTAF and hours of remaining commercial carriers evacuating the premises, the announcement that FROC will remain at Don Muang was so blindingly stupid, we can only hazard a guess at the rationale, if any. They stated the premise that to do otherwise would undermine public confidence in their abilities. Well, how about public opinion now... as if they ever cared?

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This has been a crisis years in the making. But if it makes you feel better to spread rumors and blame the party you hate -- go for it.

Clearly you are drunk, I never spread any rumors. I never blamed anybody for anything I pointed out the facts of this gov'ts poor handling of this crisis. Sorry if YOU are to blinded to accept that.

For the record not that you will care about facts. NOBODY in my family voted for either 1 or 10 in the last elections.

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Nice rush to judgment based on: 1. An anonymous source 2. A 'video on the Internet' but no link to said video; 3. A claim by said 'anonymous source' that the material pictured is being hoarded-but how could we know that is the case even if we saw the video? How would you be able to determine that it was 'hidden' or 'hoarded' and not stored. A sign saying 'hoarded'?

At any rate, nice attempt at dividing the people during this time of crisis, something that is really important right now. Let me take a stab at playing this game, looks pretty easy:

I found this on a Thai web forum: I heard from an anonymous source that there was a video on the Internet that showed Abhisit pushing people into the water while they were trying to get into the boat he was riding on.

I assume you all believe that since I provided as much proof as this so-called news story.

P.S. Just to make it clear, I made that up. I feel I need to say that because if you believe this story based on what was presented to you then there is no reason for you not to believe the 'news' I just passed on to you.

Shows your feelings --political HaHa, your opinion though. But even if you made the Abhisit boat story up. (must have anti Abhisit instilled in your head to think of it. Get real please, Did you see the T.V. channel ????..........Whoever is in power, This sort of stealing will go on, it's sick, I have no def-proof but knowing what does take place here I can believe the story. (past experiences ).

This is more than a crises it's a complete disaster, atrocious weather, but lousy management of water in the last 3 months, because of non release of stored water, Just blaming of high tides, and rainfall is BU##sh#T. and the damming up of Bkk stupid.:whistling:

1. So putting the shoe on the other foot to illustrate how stupid it is to believe such a poorly sourced story proves I have anti-abhisit feelings?? Good to know.

2. I saw both TV clips and you can see my response to those in other comments. Unlike you I can understand what is being said in both. Not bragging, but it usually helps to be able to understand what the reporter is saying. That is why the news has an audio track.

3. "Atrocious management of water in the last 3 months" Oh, forget about the last 30 years though, the new government should have been able to tackle those deficiencies in two months, right?

4. "Damming up Bkk was stupid" Guess how I know you don't know the mayor of Bangkok is a democrat?

... it usually helps to be able to understand what the reporter is saying. That is why the news has an audio track.

cool.gif LOL

made my day...

Regarding this topic, what is clear is that on one hand most people are doing amazing things in a crisis and really showing tremendous generosity, yet on the other hand there are still some people who will latch on to the slightest hint of abuse and vault it from irrelevant or unsubstantiated rumor to the the height of truth and indignation.

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^^ ^^^ What part of the concept, 'My boss says it is not going to flood and I know in my heart otherwise but my ingrained inability to decide for myself and take the initiative prevents me from doing anything proactive' is too hard to embrace?

Risk management? In LOS? LOL

Then "the boss" should be held accountable. If "the boss" can't make a decision to make sure the goods don't get ruined, then "the boss" shouldn't be "the boss".

Didn't Yingluck make the announcement? Isn't Yingluck "the boss" of FROC?

No she didn't make the announcement but she endorsed it.

No she isn't but the boss of FROC reports to her.

You get my point.... FINALLY.

Edited by NanLaew
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Regardless of whether the goods were "hoarded" or not, the people that allowed the relief goods to get flooded at Don Muaeng should be sacked immediately.

They have known for a week that there was serious risk of flooding there. They simply have NO excuse.

There was an official announcement only a few days ago that there were no plans to move FROC from Don Muang, despite the high flood risk. Due to the fact that they were pretty much told by the FROC that they weren't moving, they are absolved of any responsibility for letting the warehoused (not hoarded) supplies be destroyed.

To suggest that they should have taken the initiative and gone against the instructions of the boss no matter how glaringly wrong the boss's assertion may be indicates a poor knowledge of the average Thai mentality.

FROC is in charge of the relief goods. So they don't really get to absolve themselves by making an announcement.

Even if they thought they could run operations from a higher level in the buildings, this doesn't excuse losing all these donations to pure and simple stupidity. Oversight, misinformation, mis-communication, and misanthropic dealings with NGOs willing and able to distribute ASAP = gross mistakes....

they, leaders of FROC, are supposed to KNOW what to do, why else should they be put in charge. Oh, yes politics and nepotism. But even then there IS NO EXCUSE.

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Excuse me, but why do you use the word hoarding instead of stockpiled? Rhetorical question, I know why. Was FROC supposed to release all goods at once, which would have been logistically impossible? The Channel 3 video only mentions that some goods could not be evacuated in time and there is no mention at all that they were hoarded or hidden, none whatsoever. I am not claiming FROC did a 100% competent job, but to use the words 'hoarding' and 'hidden' implies that there was some secret agenda involved,

<personal attack snipped>

"Please calm down.

I'm using the terminology of the thread title and the OP.

If you have specific information that the goods were not being hoarded, you are welcome to share it."

Sorry but ...NO!

He has not to provide any "specific information".

The guys who came up with that story or the ones backing it, have to.

I do not speak Thai, but if the video doesn't say anything about "hoarding" or "hiding", it is worthless. It prooves nothing and it is not fit to back up this story.

It's simply too easy, to bring up some alligations, having no or weak evidence and then say: "So, we can not back this story up, now you proove us wrong" That is rediculous.


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Here's the link to the video. Unbelievable how much stuff is hoarded at Don Muang.

Unbelievable how much stuff is WAREHOUSED at Don Muang.

had to laugh at the chap getting out of the portable crapper and scuttling away. I imagine they are getting some use after all.

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...and they didn't know how to get it to the people because of no planning????? Doesn't surprise me. How can a country in the 21 century have so many "losers???" or should I say"experts" that don't know anything?

Planning? Which top men (and women) have time to plan and administer when most of their time are spent on photo ops...:whistling:

Also planning to bring back the "big" Mr. T.

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When you consider that the people chosen to handle natural disasters, and distribution of relief supplies, normally have had experience, if not, a learning curve can be expected. I would have thought the portable toilets would have been placed in the centers for evacuated people as well as other relief supplies. These locations were determined some time ago but watching the news, it appeared a lot of the food/etc was brought in after the fact. It did appear that small tents/mosquito nets had been prepared, so maybe some items shown on video were destined for later use????

This whole sequence of events from the initial record rainfall in the north of Thailand, starting several months ago, to the present problems whose effects will be around for several more months. We should expect more problems with the lack of organization, transport logistics, aid promised/received, rebuilding/repair, etc. What I think really reveals the mindset of the present government figures is the mention of cost to rectify the water/drainage systems of Thailand before they have solved the immediate and foreseeable problems so apparent. Seems most want to be 'Boss'/>Planner, but few want to do what is most pressing to those who elected/thus pay their salaries.

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having been in the airport during the hoarding of these goods i guess all of you a right. too much BU**LSH*T about th epolitics. most of the clothes we helped to pack are now floating down VR road in the crappy water that is there. the wastage of the food is incredible. i helped to unload mote than 100 KG mushrooms, that were left for 2 days before being used. 300 KG frozen meat that was left out for more than 2 DAYS.

try stop the crap flying about whose blame. we all know the people in control are a bunch of useless prats.

why not arrange some transport and someone to get the stuff out of there to distribute it. some of it can still be salvaged for sure.

i helped to unload about 100 diesel engines into the cargo area. water pumps too.

stop your mouths and get some action started please.

I think you're right.

Let me add on. It's all about logistic. You can't centralize relief goods the way it happens here. This is a live event disaster , therefore the goods must be mobile at all time. Lets say five to ten 16 wheeler with smaller trucks in all areas as standby, probably some boats to reach out to hardly hit areas as well.

A virtual database that can be setup in no time, goods can be delivered on a short call. The trucks, at the same time and while they are circling around, can pickup stuff from the collecting areas and putting the collected goods directly into the database and deliver by being delegated from a crisis response area.

Technically it is all possible.

Sure there are more little discuss to discuss about this.

I can feel for people like you, who have worked and sacrificed time and energy, to watch now how that all goes to waste.

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