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Flood Relief Operations Center Video Clip Reveals Donation Hoarding

Lite Beer

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Why would anyone setup and Cammand and Control Center, an Evacuation Center, and a Disaster Distrabution Center in a site which was already known to be most likely flooded to begin with?

It's a sodding airport and major military airfield ( and golf course ) that has operated without hinderance for about 40 years or more.

What is it about an extreme flood that you do not understand??

I think that this is probably the first time that DM has been inundated.

Surely that tells you something.

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Incredible. Images of of portopotties and some small amounts of water bottles and plastic boxes in a near empty hangar are used as an excuse to accuse the government of hoarding.

There was no hoarding.

The hangar had insignificant amounts of inventory. For comparison purposes, have a look at what an actual relief supply warehouse inventory looks like. Now compare the images.

It is obvious that this event serves as an excuse for some to foment civil unrest and launch cheap atatcks against those that have been working hard. And some foreigners wonder why their opinions are dismissed?

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Come on guys this is understandable, it takes time to repackage donated goods as being personal gifts from politicians.

And it's not easy to transport these goods either. It's not like they had a US aircraft carrier to airlift the goods!

Aircraft carriers are not used to transport portopotties into congested urban areas. An area with high rise structures and hanging wires is not a recommended flight zone for helicopters.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Incredible. Images of of portopotties and some small amounts of water bottles and plastic boxes in a near empty hangar are used as an excuse to accuse the government of hoarding.

There was no hoarding.

The hangar had insignificant amounts of inventory. For comparison purposes, have a look at what an actual relief supply warehouse inventory looks like. Now compare the images.

It is obvious that this event serves as an excuse for some to foment civil unrest and launch cheap atatcks against those that have been working hard. And some foreigners wonder why their opinions are dismissed?

The picture says that's a warehouse in Louisiana. What the FROC has that got to do with anything?

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Incredible. Images of of portopotties and some small amounts of water bottles and plastic boxes in a near empty hangar are used as an excuse to accuse the government of hoarding.

There was no hoarding.

The hangar had insignificant amounts of inventory. For comparison purposes, have a look at what an actual relief supply warehouse inventory looks like. Now compare the images.

It is obvious that this event serves as an excuse for some to foment civil unrest and launch cheap atatcks against those that have been working hard. And some foreigners wonder why their opinions are dismissed?

You should direct your misdirection to those that have been working hard :

having been in the airport during the hoarding of these goods i guess all of you a right. too much BU**LSH*T about th epolitics. most of the clothes we helped to pack are now floating down VR road in the crappy water that is there. the wastage of the food is incredible. i helped to unload mote than 100 KG mushrooms, that were left for 2 days before being used. 300 KG frozen meat that was left out for more than 2 DAYS.

try stop the crap flying about whose blame. we all know the people in control are a bunch of useless prats.

as well as to the government's own news agency that wrote the expose' (on itself)


Official news provided by The Royal Thai Government's News Agency.


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Come on guys this is understandable, it takes time to repackage donated goods as being personal gifts from politicians.

And it's not easy to transport these goods either. It's not like they had a US aircraft carrier to airlift the goods!

Aircraft carriers are not used to transport portopotties into congested urban areas. An area with high rise structures and hanging wires is not a recommended flight zone for helicopters.

Anything left behind still shows that things have not been handled properly especially aid from a foreign country.. They are going to think WHY DID THEY BOTHER.

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For those of you who are working on the technicality of the word "hoarding" being used, you're right the camera man and crew didn't say such a thing. He said:

In regards to water = What the hell are they here for? If we drink all of this, we could piss gallons.

In regards to potties = These are toilets... from Japan! Wonder who they're for to take a piss and take a shit?

In regards to boats = Look at all these boats! What are they for, to float in the Chao Praya river for fun?

In regards to tents = WTH for? Dogs to sleep in?

In regards to long boats = These are boats from Siam (something), saved for doing what &*(&(..

They are not 100% exact translations because there are many slangs used. So yea he didn't use the word "hoarding" but he's implying WHAT THE FROC ARE THEY DOING THERE?

I'd be pretty pissed too if I knew my donations were going to waste... they better admit their incompetence or admit to hoarding, which is better? Don't even spout BS about not being to able to get those items out to the people, they had the resources but they didn't utilize it.

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How silly and gullible people can be.

This is not hoarding it is stockpiling and preparation in case Bangkok (inner) does get truly flooded and hundreds of thousands of people are truly cut off from water and supplies.

Of course all the constant complainers and geniuses would be screaming and complaining if things did or do turn much worse and people are truly stuck without these goods ... they will all be screaming how crazy the government was to give away all their supplied early in the crisis to those areas where people were not truly in need and cut off from all supplies.

Why in the world does anybody think they would be hording supplies? Do you think these people, in charge of helping people in a crisis and mostly well off compared to most Thais, are going to try to sell the items at to 711 after the waters recede? I'm sure what isn't necessary to be handed out in the crisis will be given to organization who help the poor including various temples.

So far, this natural disaster is barely a fraction of how bad it could or might become because of steps the current government has taken but the doom & gloomers and the faux superior intellects will never acknowledge this.

I would love to have seen the Abhisit party have won the election and believe Thaksin and his crew are criminals and bad for Thailand but it seems this administration has done a good job in preventing things from being much much worse in this crisis .. at least for now.

Edited by Nisa
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Having viewed the video, most of the items do not look as though exposure to water would 'spoil' them.

I saw plastic portacabins (toilets) ,pallets of bottled water wrapped in clingwrap, bamboo rafts and a nice selection of small plastic boats, some with outboard engines.

I don't think they were too badly stored, but if I was a cynic I might start to think that some wealthy person lacking in ethics may have looked on this as an opportunity to start equipping his own resort on some island.

Boats, toilets, rafts? No not possible? :ermm:

If they don't hurry up and distribute this gear soon, the flood will be over.

Expect to see many ads for plastic boats for sale in the coming months.

Might get one for myself actually.:o

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How silly and gullible people can be.

This is not hoarding it is stockpiling and preparation in case Bangkok (inner) does get truly flooded and hundreds of thousands of people are truly cut off from water and supplies.

Of course all the constant complainers and geniuses would be screaming and complaining if things did or do turn much worse and people are truly stuck without these goods ... they will all be screaming how crazy the government was to give away all their supplied early in the crisis to those areas where people were not truly in need and cut off from all supplies.

Why in the world does anybody think they would be hording supplies? Do you think these people, in charge of helping people in a crisis, are going to try to sell the items at to 711 after the waters recede? I'm sure what isn't necessary to be handed out in the crisis will be given to organization who help the poor including various temples.

Guess you've missed this.

As for the managment of the old FROC located in Don Mueang Airport, FROC Spokesperson Pol. Gen. Pongsapat Pongcharoen revealed that today was the last day cars would be allowed to enter the airport to transport the rest of the donation items. Asked about the suspicious hoarding of the donation items, he claimed that it was under the responsibility of the person in charge who must be investigated later on. However, he could not point out the authorized persons.

We're gullible for believing them FROCers... they were just pulling our chains. They had it all planned out by saying "cars" and not "trucks or boats"... they got us there.:whistling:

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How silly and gullible people can be.

This is not hoarding it is stockpiling and preparation in case Bangkok (inner) does get truly flooded and hundreds of thousands of people are truly cut off from water and supplies.

Of course all the constant complainers and geniuses would be screaming and complaining if things did or do turn much worse and people are truly stuck without these goods ... they will all be screaming how crazy the government was to give away all their supplied early in the crisis to those areas where people were not truly in need and cut off from all supplies.

Why in the world does anybody think they would be hording supplies? Do you think these people, in charge of helping people in a crisis and mostly well off compared to most Thais, are going to try to sell the items at to 711 after the waters recede? I'm sure what isn't necessary to be handed out in the crisis will be given to organization who help the poor including various temples.

So far, this natural disaster is barely a fraction of how bad it could or might become because of steps the current government has taken but the doom & gloomers and the faux superior intellects will never acknowledge this.

I would love to have seen the Abhisit party have won the election and believe Thaksin and his crew are criminals and bad for Thailand but it seems this administration has done a good job in preventing things from being much much worse in this crisis .. at least for now.

So you are honestly trying to say that these supplies have been left for emergencies. jesus look around the emergency is here already. And who in their right mind leaves supplies in a flooded warehouse.. not mention the other supplies left floating in the water... people donated these things and they expected them to go out to those that needed them. NOT to be left to rot. FROCKERS

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Guess you've missed this.

As for the managment of the old FROC located in Don Mueang Airport, FROC Spokesperson Pol. Gen. Pongsapat Pongcharoen revealed that today was the last day cars would be allowed to enter the airport to transport the rest of the donation items. Asked about the suspicious hoarding of the donation items, he claimed that it was under the responsibility of the person in charge who must be investigated later on. However, he could not point out the authorized persons.

We're gullible for believing them FROCers... they were just pulling our chains. They had it all planned out by saying "cars" and not "trucks or boats"... they got us there.:whistling:

Seems like you want to believe what you want to believe. There is absolutely no mention at all that any of these goods would go to waste or for that matter that all goods will not be transferred to another location by the end of this day. The only thing is that a spokesman was asked about the " suspicious hoarding". You really need to thing more about the quality and inherent problems with translations as well as the quality of reporting .... Example: was he really asked about 'suspicious hoarding" or "the suspicion of hoarding" ?

Is it abnormal for supplies to not be handed out in disasters? It happens all the time all around the globe in disasters but it is not the result of hoarding by officials who have no use for these goods and who have plenty of supplies themselves. I have not seen the video but donated items need to be inventoried and organized and used if and when the time is right accordingly and a plan is made. You don't want to head into an area where thousands of people are without drinking water and only have toothpaste and dried noodles to hand them. There are still very large densities of people in areas right now that could be inundated with over a meter of water but nobody knows if and where this may happen. If they hand out all the supplied to people in the Chatuchak area and it remains dry but Min Buri becomes submerged ... it is not hard to imagine many hear screaming about how inept they were to hand out all the donated items before people needed them and without knowing which items which area needed most.

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How silly and gullible people can be.

This is not hoarding it is stockpiling and preparation in case Bangkok (inner) does get truly flooded and hundreds of thousands of people are truly cut off from water and supplies.

Of course all the constant complainers and geniuses would be screaming and complaining if things did or do turn much worse and people are truly stuck without these goods ... they will all be screaming how crazy the government was to give away all their supplied early in the crisis to those areas where people were not truly in need and cut off from all supplies.

Why in the world does anybody think they would be hording supplies? Do you think these people, in charge of helping people in a crisis and mostly well off compared to most Thais, are going to try to sell the items at to 711 after the waters recede? I'm sure what isn't necessary to be handed out in the crisis will be given to organization who help the poor including various temples.

So far, this natural disaster is barely a fraction of how bad it could or might become because of steps the current government has taken but the doom & gloomers and the faux superior intellects will never acknowledge this.

I would love to have seen the Abhisit party have won the election and believe Thaksin and his crew are criminals and bad for Thailand but it seems this administration has done a good job in preventing things from being much much worse in this crisis .. at least for now.

So you are honestly trying to say that these supplies have been left for emergencies. jesus look around the emergency is here already. And who in their right mind leaves supplies in a flooded warehouse.. not mention the other supplies left floating in the water... people donated these things and they expected them to go out to those that needed them. NOT to be left to rot. FROCKERS

So, they should have handed out all the items already even though there are no reports of any areas in the Bangkok where large portions of people are without water or supplies and trapped in their homes? And if a levee breaks and hundreds of thousands of people are cut off from water and supplies for weeks ... I guess officials could just tell those starving people that they listened to a poster on Thai Visa, because everyone knows how superior to Thais they are, instead of preparing for worst case scenarios.

Where in the OP does it say anything about donated items being ruined?

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How silly and gullible people can be.

This is not hoarding it is stockpiling and preparation in case Bangkok (inner) does get truly flooded and hundreds of thousands of people are truly cut off from water and supplies.

Of course all the constant complainers and geniuses would be screaming and complaining if things did or do turn much worse and people are truly stuck without these goods ... they will all be screaming how crazy the government was to give away all their supplied early in the crisis to those areas where people were not truly in need and cut off from all supplies.

Why in the world does anybody think they would be hording supplies? Do you think these people, in charge of helping people in a crisis and mostly well off compared to most Thais, are going to try to sell the items at to 711 after the waters recede? I'm sure what isn't necessary to be handed out in the crisis will be given to organization who help the poor including various temples.

So far, this natural disaster is barely a fraction of how bad it could or might become because of steps the current government has taken but the doom & gloomers and the faux superior intellects will never acknowledge this.

I would love to have seen the Abhisit party have won the election and believe Thaksin and his crew are criminals and bad for Thailand but it seems this administration has done a good job in preventing things from being much much worse in this crisis .. at least for now.

So you are honestly trying to say that these supplies have been left for emergencies. jesus look around the emergency is here already. And who in their right mind leaves supplies in a flooded warehouse.. not mention the other supplies left floating in the water... people donated these things and they expected them to go out to those that needed them. NOT to be left to rot. FROCKERS

So, they should have handed out all the items already even though there are no reports of any areas in the Bangkok where large portions of people are without water or supplies and trapped in their homes? And if a levee breaks and hundreds of thousands of people are cut off from water and supplies for weeks ... I guess officials could just tell those starving people that they listened to a poster on Thai Visa, because everyone knows how superior to Thais they are, instead of preparing for worst case scenarios.

If people have NO water and there is water in store and water being produced then YES the water in store should be handed out NOW and then replaced. If they have portable toilets available but people in the refugee centres are crapping in plastic bags, Then YES it should be handed out NOW

NO EXCUSES. If you honestly believe these supplies had been left with any plan for worst case scenarios. You are naive.

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If people have NO water and there is water in store and water being produced then YES the water in store should be handed out NOW and then replaced. If they have portable toilets available but people in the refugee centres are crapping in plastic bags, Then YES it should be handed out NOW

NO EXCUSES. If you honestly believe these supplies had been left with any plan for worst case scenarios. You are naive.

What area of the city is not receiving supplies that currently need them? Should they break up all the water supplies and hand them out evenly in the city since they don't know if and what part of the city's people may become trapped and without resources in the coming days or weeks? I guess they can do that and hand out a shot glass size of water to everyone.

What relief center has people crapping in plastic bags? I missed this news story.

Edited by Nisa
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Guess you've missed this.

As for the managment of the old FROC located in Don Mueang Airport, FROC Spokesperson Pol. Gen. Pongsapat Pongcharoen revealed that today was the last day cars would be allowed to enter the airport to transport the rest of the donation items. Asked about the suspicious hoarding of the donation items, he claimed that it was under the responsibility of the person in charge who must be investigated later on. However, he could not point out the authorized persons.

We're gullible for believing them FROCers... they were just pulling our chains. They had it all planned out by saying "cars" and not "trucks or boats"... they got us there.:whistling:

Seems like you want to believe what you want to believe. There is absolutely no mention at all that any of these goods would go to waste or for that matter that all goods will not be transferred to another location by the end of this day. The only thing is that a spokesman was asked about the " suspicious hoarding". You really need to thing more about the quality and inherent problems with translations as well as the quality of reporting .... Example: was he really asked about 'suspicious hoarding" or "the suspicion of hoarding" ?

Is it abnormal for supplies to not be handed out in disasters? It happens all the time all around the globe in disasters but it is not the result of hoarding by officials who have no use for these goods and who have plenty of supplies themselves. I have not seen the video but donated items need to be inventoried and organized and used if and when the time is right accordingly and a plan is made. You don't want to head into an area where thousands of people are without drinking water and only have toothpaste and dried noodles to hand them. There are still very large densities of people in areas right now that could be inundated with over a meter of water but nobody knows if and where this may happen. If they hand out all the supplied to people in the Chatuchak area and it remains dry but Min Buri becomes submerged ... it is not hard to imagine many hear screaming about how inept they were to hand out all the donated items before people needed them and without knowing which items which area needed most.

If you have not seen the video, why are you commenting? There are links to it on this very thread.

No, you are correct, when you are heading in to an area where people have no water you do not want to give them toothpaste and noodles, but perhaps giving them the water that you have in 'storage' would be a neat idea.

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Incredible. Images of of portopotties and some small amounts of water bottles and plastic boxes in a near empty hangar are used as an excuse to accuse the government of hoarding.

There was no hoarding.

The hangar had insignificant amounts of inventory. For comparison purposes, have a look at what an actual relief supply warehouse inventory looks like. Now compare the images.

It is obvious that this event serves as an excuse for some to foment civil unrest and launch cheap atatcks against those that have been working hard. And some foreigners wonder why their opinions are dismissed?

The picture says that's a warehouse in Louisiana. What the FROC has that got to do with anything?

Reading comprehension skills got you down? I wrote; "Have a look at what an actual relief supply warehouse inventory looks like. Now compare the images" I provided examples of what a relief warehouse looks like vs. the bare bones images of some portable toilets, some plastic sheeting, and some scattered supplies. The Thai wares were a small amount in comparison to what the warehouses elsewhere and on the Thai military bases look like. Go and have a look at the Thai army stores at any military base.. They put a Tesco to shame.

I'm going to sleep now. Good night.

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If people have NO water and there is water in store and water being produced then YES the water in store should be handed out NOW and then replaced. If they have portable toilets available but people in the refugee centres are crapping in plastic bags, Then YES it should be handed out NOW

NO EXCUSES. If you honestly believe these supplies had been left with any plan for worst case scenarios. You are naive.

What area of the city is not receiving supplies that currently need them? Should they break up all the water supplies and hand them out evenly in the city since they don't know if and what part of the city's people may become trapped and without resources in the coming days or weeks? I guess they can do that and hand out a shot glass size of water to everyone.

What relief center has people crapping in plastic bags? I missed this news story.

UMMM why would the CITY need many emergency supplies? The flooding is mainly outside the city proper and yes they do need the supplies. You seem to fail to realize there are people FLOODED NOW.. and in need of these supplies.. the people in the city had a run on supplies but the supermarkets and mom and pop shops are generally restocked. BUT it's pretty hard to restock when your in 2 metres of water.. that's who should be getting the relief supplies (that's why they are called relief supplies)

You do not keep stock in an abandoned building that has no electricity and is very difficult to get to (and getting worse).

Oh and you seem to miss a lot of things. common sense being the worst thing missing.

Oh and as for your cheap shot about chatuchuk and minburi...minburi has already been submerged in places.

Edited by thaicbr
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If you have not seen the video, why are you commenting? There are links to it on this very thread.

No, you are correct, when you are heading in to an area where people have no water you do not want to give them toothpaste and noodles, but perhaps giving them the water that you have in 'storage' would be a neat idea.

I've now seen the video and the only thing it shows is goods (little drinking water) high and dry being stored. Who would you have them give all these supplies to? Bangkok is a city of 12-million with the almost the entire city still at risk of being flooded by over a meter of water. There is not enough supplies in this warehouse to distribute throughout the city. So, who should they all have went to?

Does it really seem like a bad plan to have a stock pile of supplies and resources to use when needed? Where in the city now are people under a meter of water and cut off from all supplies while not receiving any assistance & supplies from the government?

But yes, everything should have just been handed out last week despite not knowing who would be in need and not even having enough supplies in that warehouse to distribute to even a small percentage of all the areas and people remaining in Bangkok. partytime2.gif

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If people have NO water and there is water in store and water being produced then YES the water in store should be handed out NOW and then replaced. If they have portable toilets available but people in the refugee centres are crapping in plastic bags, Then YES it should be handed out NOW

NO EXCUSES. If you honestly believe these supplies had been left with any plan for worst case scenarios. You are naive.

What area of the city is not receiving supplies that currently need them? Should they break up all the water supplies and hand them out evenly in the city since they don't know if and what part of the city's people may become trapped and without resources in the coming days or weeks? I guess they can do that and hand out a shot glass size of water to everyone.

What relief center has people crapping in plastic bags? I missed this news story.

UMMM why would the CITY need many emergency supplies? The flooding is mainly outside the city proper and yes they do need the supplies. You seem to fail to realize there are people FLOODED NOW.. and in need of these supplies.. the people in the city had a run on supplies but the supermarkets and mom and pop shops are generally restocked. BUT it's pretty hard to restock when your in 2 metres of water.. that's who should be getting the relief supplies (that's why they are called relief supplies)

You do not keep stock in an abandoned building that has no electricity and is very difficult to get to (and getting worse).

Oh and you seem to miss a lot of things. common sense being the worst thing missing.

Oh and as for your cheap shot about chatuchuk and minburi...minburi has already been submerged in places.

The airport is not very difficult to get to both by vehicle and by helicopter.

The areas outside BKK have been and continue to receive supplies & assistance and those areas effected don't have anywhere near the population density of Bangkok ... which is what is being planned for now.

Yes, it is hard to restock when you are a meter or two under water and at any moment, that could happen in very large portions of Bangkok and why they need to be prepared for that..

Where are the current news accounts of people trapped and going without supplies because the government can't get to them or doesn't have supplies to give them? Of course there will be plenty of these stories of hundreds of thousands and possible millions of people in this situation if Bangkok floods. as they have prepared for, if all the supplies where given out last week or the minute they arrived.

I am just not sure how I can see the logic in giving away all supplies to the areas outside Bangkok, who are already being assisted, and then not have any reserves for the capital city with a population of 12 million.

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If you have not seen the video, why are you commenting? There are links to it on this very thread.

No, you are correct, when you are heading in to an area where people have no water you do not want to give them toothpaste and noodles, but perhaps giving them the water that you have in 'storage' would be a neat idea.

I've now seen the video and the only thing it shows is goods (little drinking water) high and dry being stored. Who would you have them give all these supplies to? Bangkok is a city of 12-million with the almost the entire city still at risk of being flooded by over a meter of water. There is not enough supplies in this warehouse to distribute throughout the city. So, who should they all have went to?

Does it really seem like a bad plan to have a stock pile of supplies and resources to use when needed? Where in the city now are people under a meter of water and cut off from all supplies while not receiving any assistance & supplies from the government?

But yes, everything should have just been handed out last week despite not knowing who would be in need and not even having enough supplies in that warehouse to distribute to even a small percentage of all the areas and people remaining in Bangkok. partytime2.gif

You seem to be under the impression that only Bangkok is at risk of flooding. Some people have been inundated up to 2M for almost 6 weeks! This is nothing to do with Bangkok. The supplies were donated by people for all those suffering in the North. They should not be in the warehouse when people are suffering. These are only supplies donated by other people and other Governments. That does not absolve the Government of providing suitable emergency supplies to assist it's citizens should Bangkok indeed go under.

Watch the video again


There are a few thousand Ltrs of water there, and lots of people out in the sticks that needed it.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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"Does it really seem like a bad plan to have a stock pile of supplies and resources to use when needed? Where in the city now are people under a meter of water and cut off from all supplies while not receiving any assistance & supplies from the government?"<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">

They are underwater in many places outside the city.. Which ever way you spin this..You do not store emergency aid in a place that is becoming increasingly more difficult to get to..... IF they actually had a worst scenario plan then they would probably have aid stored in accessible places like Swampy AND maybe in the West...Do they, I do not know.

I do know that when people are thirsty and water IS being produced then it's crazy to stock pile it in a flooded .unlit building..rather than get it out to these thirsty Thais in the suburbs of BKK....don't you agree?

"The airport is not very difficult to get to both by vehicle and by helicopter."

Really? then WHY did FROC relocate. If it's not very difficult!

More nonsense.<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">

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You seem to be under the impression that only Bangkok is at risk of flooding. Some people have been inundated up to 2M for almost 6 weeks! This is nothing to do with Bangkok. The supplies were donated by people for all those suffering in the North. They should not be in the warehouse when people are suffering. These are only supplies donated by other people and other Governments. That does not absolve the Government of providing suitable emergency supplies to assist it's citizens should Bangkok indeed go under.

How do they give supplies to a heavily populated area of Bangkok that becomes flooded if they don't have any local supplies on hand because they have already given them out to areas outside Bangkok where they are already receiving supplies and assistance?

And by the way, it now is only Bangkok pretty much at risk of flooding. The areas already flooded, and the government has been tending to for weeks and months, are now seeing decreased water levels because most all the water is going through Bangkok to get to the gulf.

No government in the world would not have stock piles of supplies in reserve in this situation when their capital/or most heavily populated and largest city is under such a threat. And they would almost surely be storing the goods at their closest airport in a dry hanger (as is being done here) when there is no predicting where or what area may become overpowered by flood waters.

To pretend this is the only location where goods are being stores is just plain silly. In fact, these are likely almost all goods that came in by plane and may or may not still be there and may have been received hours or a day or two before the video. It was just last week Japan said they would be donating things like boars & toilets (we see in the video) and I doubt they were shipped the moment they announced their intention. The video was posted Friday but may have been taken earlier.

Regardless of how inept folks here things Thais are or how much smarter they believe they are than Thai officials, it is just idiotic to think they want to hoard items at the lives and expenses of their citizens. Even from a cynical aspect this makes zero sense since these officials are being watched closely now for any mistakes and blunders to be used against them politically.

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There are a few thousand Ltrs of water there, and lots of people out in the sticks that needed it.

There are many more thousand liters of water stockpiled in areas closer to the areas that have already been flooded and it gets handed out daily.

At some point all supplies are stored somewhere. It is just silly speculation in terms of where all these goods are headed, how long they have been there, if they are still there and so on and so forth. But the bottom line is even if goods are being stockpiled, it makes perfect sense to do this and EVERY crisis management team would be doing this across the globe in the same situation. There are no areas I am aware of, as I have read no reports, that are lacking assistance from the government because they don't have items like water to be given.

This is a video of supplies and resources to help flood victims. Yet, people have found a way to make something sinister of this.

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"And by the way, it now is only Bangkok pretty much at risk of flooding. The areas already flooded, and the government has been tending to for weeks and months, are now seeing decreased water levels because most all the water is going through Bangkok to get to the gulf. "

Really? I should not worry about the flooding 5km's away to the north of me which is slowly, slowly creeping my way.. by the way i'm 25km's to the west of Dry BKK centre.

The west of Bangkok is still being flooded. The water has to go somewhere it can't all go into BKK so it's going west and east of BKK.

I agree with your point about emergency supplies being available (they should be) I just do not believe that was the intention here. I think that the people in charge just panicked and left it.

Any way it would be great to see these NEW relief distribution centres that the government have set up...They have set them up. haven't they?

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"How do they give supplies to a heavily populated area of Bangkok that becomes flooded if they don't have any local supplies on hand because they have already given them out to areas outside Bangkok where they are already receiving supplies and assistance?"

Yo, I went to a fresh market today in Bangkok. I bought pork chops, ribs, beef, ground pork, and variety of vegetables. Could people in the sticks who have been inundated get what I got today? Emergency supplies are meant for people in need not like myself a Bangkokian who still enjoys the luxury of getting my fridge filled as my heart desires.

When donated items are wasted it's a waste at the expense of the needed. Don't put up all your arguments for ego's sake to show you are logical and a smart one!

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Yo, I went to a fresh market today in Bangkok. I bought pork chops, ribs, beef, ground pork, and variety of vegetables. Could people in the sticks who have been inundated get what I got today? Emergency supplies are meant for people in need not like myself a Bangkokian who still enjoys the luxury of getting my fridge filled as my heart desires.

When donated items are wasted it's a waste at the expense of the needed. Don't put up all your arguments for ego's sake to show you are logical and a smart one!

Yes screw logic and being smart if it means one cannot act superior to Thais.

Yes, give out all the extra supplies and resources to people already receiving supplies and resources and if Bangkok becomes flooded, as was/is a likely scenario, then let the millions affected go without supplies and resources because it would be logical to prepare for a worse situation let alone a worst case scenario along with any future needs of mass numbers of people.

With this lack of logic it makes sense that all water should have been saved and the damns be filled to the brim this monsoon season because last year there was a drought and that is all that should be a concern ... it would be too logical to worry about heavy rains and flooding that might come and to also prepare for that situation.

Some times I am embarrassed being a farang because of how ridiculous some of us can sound with the constant complaining when trying to convince ourselves we are superior to Thais.

Edited by Nisa
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Yo, I went to a fresh market today in Bangkok. I bought pork chops, ribs, beef, ground pork, and variety of vegetables. Could people in the sticks who have been inundated get what I got today? Emergency supplies are meant for people in need not like myself a Bangkokian who still enjoys the luxury of getting my fridge filled as my heart desires.

When donated items are wasted it's a waste at the expense of the needed. Don't put up all your arguments for ego's sake to show you are logical and a smart one!

Yes screw logic and being smart if it means one cannot act superior to Thais.

Yes, give out all the extra supplies and resources to people already receiving supplies and resources and if Bangkok becomes flooded, as was/is a likely scenario, then let the millions affected go without supplies and resources because it would be logical to prepare for a worse situation let alone a worst case scenario along with any future needs of mass numbers of people.

With this lack of logic it makes sense that all water should have been saved and the damns be filled to the brim this monsoon season because last year there was a drought and that is all that should be a concern ... it would be too logical to worry about heavy rains and flooding that might come and to also prepare for that situation.

Some times I am embarrassed being a farang because of how ridiculous some of us can sound with the constant complaining when trying to convince ourselves we are superior to Thais.

ummm who's trying to be superior to Thais? All that was said is if the supplies mentioned were for a 'worst case scenario ' the positioning of the supplies in an abandoned. flooded. no electricity location outside of central Bkk. Was not the best thought out.

PS. I'm not a farang. I'm an Englishman. And proud of it. Just as my Thai friends are proud to be Thai.

Edited by thaicbr
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