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Israel to expedite settlement construction after UNESCO vote


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Israel to expedite settlement construction after UNESCO vote

2011-11-02 09:29:51 GMT+7 (ICT)

JERUSALEM (BNO NEWS) -- Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has ordered that the construction of 2,000 housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem be accelerated, the Prime Minister's office said in a statement on Tuesday.

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today (Tuesday) directed that the construction of apartments in Jerusalem, in the Etzion Bloc and in Maaleh Adumim, be accelerated," the statement said. "These are thousands of residential units, in areas that will, under any future agreement, remain part of Israel."

The decision came after Netanyahu convened a meeting with eight ministers to discuss possible sanctions against the Palestinian National Authority in response to its membership of the United Nations cultural agency UNESCO. The ministers also decided to suspend the transfer of tax money which Israel collected for the Palestinian Authority in October.

Moreover, the eight ministers also decided not to allow any UNESCO missions into Israel and to examine the possibility of revoking the VIP status of senior Palestinian officials which allows them to pass through checkpoints.

On Monday, the U.S. government announced it has been forced to cut all funding to UNESCO after it voted to grant full membership to Palestine. The motion to admit the Palestinians was passed at a UNESCO meeting in Paris with 107 votes in favor of admission, 14 votes against and 52 abstentions.

Admission to UNESCO for states which are not members of the United Nations requires a recommendation by the organization's executive committee and a two thirds majority vote in favor by member states. Abstentions are not considered to be votes and no member state has veto powers.

Among the countries which voted against admission were Israel, the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia and Germany. Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa, Belgium and France were among the countries which voted in favor while the United Kingdom, Italy and Japan were among those who abstained.

Before Palestine will become a full member, it must sign and ratify UNESCO's constitution which is open for signature in the archives of the British government in London. Upon signature, Palestine will become UNESCO's 195th member state.

The move to admit Palestine to UNESCO is part of a broader campaign by Palestine to get recognition as a state by the United Nations. On September 23, Palestine filed a request for a full UN membership even though the United States is likely to veto this.

About 120 out of 193 countries have currently recognized the State of Palestine and those are seen as possible supporters if the UN General Assembly votes on the issue. If the UN Security Council resolution to recognize Palestine is approved, Palestine would become the 194th member of the United Nations.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-02

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The Palestinian Arabs have violated a number of treaties that they have signed by trying to do an end run around negotiating with the Israelis for their own territory and joining up with Hamas. The Palestinians have no credibility in keeping their word. Why not build?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Palestinian Arabs have violated a number of treaties that they have signed by trying to do an end run around negotiating with the Israelis for their own territory and joining up with Hamas. The Palestinians have no credibility in keeping their word. Why not build?

Because they are illegal.

At present, based on the result of numerous UN resolutions that cite Article 49 of the Geneva Convention, the consensus view of the international community is that Israeli settlements are illegal and constitute a violation of international law.[10][11][12][36][37] According to the BBC, every government in the world, except Israel, considers the settlements to be illegal.[38]

From wiki.

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Because they are illegal.

As is violating treaties that one has signed. As is firing rockets at civilians. As is sponsoring suicide bombers. All of which the world condemns.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Because they are illegal.

As is violating treaties that one has signed. As is firing rockets at civilians. As is sponsoring suicide bombers. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Yes that is exactly right, they too are illegal/immoral.

So I agree, Israel is just as bad as the terrorists.

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Israel has never said that it will stop building and Israel has lived up to the peace treaties that it has signed - including land for peace. Its enemies have violated those treaties over and over again and UNESCO is just one more example.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Palestinian bid to for UN membership, and its joining UNESCO signals that its sick and tired of Israeli hypocrisy.

Israel has never negotiated in good faith, but continuously sabotaged peace talks by building illegal settlements.

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Israel has never said that it will stop building and Israel has lived up to the peace treaties that it has signed - including land for peace. Its enemies have violated those treaties over and over again and UNESCO is just one more example.

That is the oddest thing I have heard anyone say.

Israel acts illegally and you say.........well they never said they would stop. hahahaha, that's brilliant. I suppose it makes it all ok because they said they wouldn't act within the law.

Is it ok for other countries to say that too? Iran has always said it wanted to wipe Israel off the map, ok that's fine, no problem because they've always said they would so they can do it. Oh that's a cracker.

Israel is not acting in good faith, it is baiting Palestine then having crocodile tears when Palestine responds.

The world knows this, you don't, but that's no surpise to anyone.

Edited by Wallaby
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With deliberately antagonistic actions like those detailed in the first post, it would be hard to argue that Israel is anything more than a rogue state. Expediting the construction of these illegal settlements only supports my belief that the Israel problem will never be solved with a PM like Netanyahu because he continually thumbs his nose at international law. The Israeli people need to wisen up quickly to what's happening in the world and realize that they're on the wrong side of history.

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Israel has never said that it will stop building and Israel has lived up to the peace treaties that it has signed - including land for peace. Its enemies have violated those treaties over and over again and UNESCO is just one more example.

Maybe the "dreamers"out there should Google up You tube Pat Condell "the great Palestinian lie " Hamas cannot even live in peace with Fattah never mind Israel, the misguided idea that the long running conflict is about land is total BS, Saudi Arabia is one one of Hamas's biggest bankrollers ,the whole truth is that the Muslims want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth ,As Irans crackpot leader has stated time without number. :annoyed:
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Pushing ahead with settlements is one thing but to withhold essential tax payments

to pay for the salaries of Palestinians is totally inexcusable How

vindictive can these people be? Punish ? Punish ? for what ? :ermm:

Israel last night announced that it would accelerate settlement construction and withhold tax revenues from the Palestinian Authority to punish it for joining the UN's cultural arm.


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Pushing ahead with settlements is one thing but to withhold essential tax payments

to pay for the salaries of Palestinians is totally inexcusable How

vindictive can these people be? Punish ? Punish ? for what ? :ermm:

Israel last night announced that it would accelerate settlement construction and withhold tax revenues from the Palestinian Authority to punish it for joining the UN's cultural arm.


For not negotiating directly with Israel. For refusing to accept Israel as a Jewish state. For not giving up the demand for unconditional right of return of Araba into Israel which if implemented eveyone knows would demographically be the end of Israel. For rockets. For bombs. Enough?

Edited by Jingthing
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Pushing ahead with settlements is one thing but to withhold essential tax payments

to pay for the salaries of Palestinians is totally inexcusable How

vindictive can these people be? Punish ? Punish ? for what ? :ermm:

Israel last night announced that it would accelerate settlement construction and withhold tax revenues from the Palestinian Authority to punish it for joining the UN's cultural arm.


For not negotiating directly with Israel. For refusing to accept Israel as a Jewish state. For not giving up the demand for unconditional right of return of Araba into Israel which if implemented eveyone knows would demographically be the end of Israel. For rockets. For bombs. Enough?

how can you have negotiations when you don't have a proper Independent mediator? :unsure:

when the party who is meant to be the mediator then " strongly objects " to the results when it doesn't go their way ? :(

it's a total farce :bah:

Edited by midas
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Here is a list of over 250 UN resolutions that Israel has simply ignored. It is attributed to Wiki, which is a commonly used site, linked to on these forums. The list is in no way anti-semitic, it is simply a list of UN resolutions lodged against Israel, which they have ignored.

Link of UN resolutions ignored by Israel

The latest example of now accelerating building of settlements is an illustration yet again of how the Israeli government, hold with impunity all other governments. Palestine had a democratic right to ask for membership. If the rest of the world had not agreed it would have been a 'no' vote. The rest of the world gave a 'yes' vote.

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Pushing ahead with settlements is one thing but to withhold essential tax payments

to pay for the salaries of Palestinians is totally inexcusable How

vindictive can these people be? Punish ? Punish ? for what ? :ermm:

Israel last night announced that it would accelerate settlement construction and withhold tax revenues from the Palestinian Authority to punish it for joining the UN's cultural arm.


For not negotiating directly with Israel. For refusing to accept Israel as a Jewish state. For not giving up the demand for unconditional right of return of Araba into Israel which if implemented eveyone knows would demographically be the end of Israel. For rockets. For bombs. Enough?

Enough according to who? The majority of the of the world doesn't think Palestine needs to do any of the things you mention. The majority of the world sees the conditions for what they are, roadblocks to geniune negotiations that Israel will ensure not be forthcoming as it continually flouts international law whilst Palestine is expected to lay down and roll over.

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Here is a list of over 250 UN resolutions that Israel has simply ignored. It is attributed to Wiki, which is a commonly used site, linked to on these forums. The list is in no way anti-semitic, it is simply a list of UN resolutions lodged against Israel, which they have ignored.

I wonder why?

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Here is a list of over 250 UN resolutions that Israel has simply ignored. It is attributed to Wiki, which is a commonly used site, linked to on these forums. The list is in no way anti-semitic, it is simply a list of UN resolutions lodged against Israel, which they have ignored.

I wonder why?

Well you can wonder as much as you like. The fact is that Israel continues to flout international law as it sees fit, and every time the UN bring a new resolution out to Israel, the USA wherever possible veto it. If we expect other nations to abide by UN resolutions or face the consequence, then why should Israel be exempt? Just tell me that one point. Why should Israel be exempt from complying with UN resolutions?

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Here is a list of over 250 UN resolutions that Israel has simply ignored. It is attributed to Wiki, which is a commonly used site, linked to on these forums. The list is in no way anti-semitic, it is simply a list of UN resolutions lodged against Israel, which they have ignored.

I wonder why?

UNESCO is similar to other UN bodies in being a rubber stamping facility for the OIC and sundry tinpot commie banana republics. It is quite amusing how we have new posters coming up with the same old tired arguments which have been refuted on this very site dozens of times.

I applaud the settlement building, afterall the Jews evicted from Arab lands and their offspring need to be housed somewhere and why aggravate an already tight housing situation in the off chance that for the first time ever the Palestinians will actually negotiate in good faith?

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Enough according to who? The majority of the of the world doesn't think Palestine needs to do any of the things you mention. The majority of the world sees the conditions for what they are, roadblocks to geniune negotiations that Israel will ensure not be forthcoming as it continually flouts international law whilst Palestine is expected to lay down and roll over.

Negotiation is a two way street. It sounds to me like you think Israel should be expected to roll over on their most existential need -- the need to even exist.

Imagine negotiations in your own life. Say you wanted a promotion from your boss. Instead of discussing the issue with your boss, you go to an international organization to recognize your demand for a promotion. It would make a lot of noise, but it wouldn't get the raise, it would get you punished. Palestinians asked for this and they knew full well it was a deep insult to the party most important to them to get what they want. I realize Israel isn't the Palestinians boss nor should they be, but you get the idea.

To be clear, I think the lack of peace in the region is the responsibility of BOTH parties and to place the blame fully on one side only is pure idiocy.

Edited by Jingthing
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Here is a list of over 250 UN resolutions that Israel has simply ignored. It is attributed to Wiki, which is a commonly used site, linked to on these forums. The list is in no way anti-semitic, it is simply a list of UN resolutions lodged against Israel, which they have ignored.

I wonder why?

UNESCO is similar to other UN bodies in being a rubber stamping facility for the OIC and sundry tinpot commie banana republics. It is quite amusing how we have new posters coming up with the same old tired arguments which have been refuted on this very site dozens of times.

I applaud the settlement building, afterall the Jews evicted from Arab lands and their offspring need to be housed somewhere and why aggravate an already tight housing situation in the off chance that for the first time ever the Palestinians will actually negotiate in good faith?

How abhorrent.

What are the same old tired arguments? The fact that Israel does not comp[ly with UN resolutions? Perhaps the same old tired argument is the lack of a cohesive responsible answer to justify such blatant disregard for international law. You can make little of the UN if you wish, i guess when it suits you. The US and coalition forces used the very same UN resolutions that have resulted in the deaths of thousand of young servicemen and women in Iraq. Clearly on that occasion the concept that UN resolutions must be upheld was adhered to, when it suited political purpose, but not so here eh.

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Israel has never said that it will stop building and Israel has lived up to the peace treaties that it has signed - including land for peace. Its enemies have violated those treaties over and over again and UNESCO is just one more example.

That is the oddest thing I have heard anyone say.

Israel acts illegally and you say.........well they never said they would stop.

The point is that Israel negotiates peace in good faith and lives up to the treaties that it signs. The Palestinian Arabs do not.

However, the truth is that the settlements are not "illegal" as there were Jewish communites there before they were driven out and slaughtered by Arabs in 1948 and on top of that, Jordan took the area by force, so was an occupier itself and held no legal claim on the land. Anyone who studies the legalities knows that the myth that the settlements are illegal is not supported by facts.

During Israel's Independence War Jordan occupied the West Bank/Judea and Samaria, as well as eastern Jerusalem, killing or drivng out all the Jews living there, and destroying their homes and communities. This occupation was never recognized as legitimate. Nineteen years later, Jordan lost eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank/Judea and Samaria to Israel in the Six Day War.


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Enough according to who? The majority of the of the world doesn't think Palestine needs to do any of the things you mention. The majority of the world sees the conditions for what they are, roadblocks to geniune negotiations that Israel will ensure not be forthcoming as it continually flouts international law whilst Palestine is expected to lay down and roll over.

Negotiation is a two way street. It sounds to me like you think Israel should be expected to roll over on their most existential need -- the need to even exist.

Imagine negotiations in your own life. Say you wanted a raise from your boss. Instead of discussing the issue with your boss, you go to an international organization to recognize your demand for a raiss. It would make a lot of noise, but it wouldn't get the raise, it would get you punished. Palestinians asked for this. I realize Israel isn't the Palestinians boss nor should they be, but you get the idea.

No Jingthing, it is not a good or useful analogy.

All that needs to be done for negotiations to take place is to cease the illegal building of settlements. The term 'illegal', is not one that I use or have made up, it is one used by international organizations and even by Obama himself. Obama and Clinton have requested Israel to cease the building on many occasions, but all Israel do is stick the bird up in their faces, and indeed to the nation itself. I am confused as to the unstinting support by some over this issue. Israel is nothing more than an out of control, rogue state and when it comes to the US it somehow succeeds in being a bully. I can only hope one day that a President with kahoonas gets in and puts things absolutely straight and gives the school ground bully something to think about.

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Here is a list of over 250 UN resolutions that Israel has simply ignored. It is attributed to Wiki, which is a commonly used site, linked to on these forums. The list is in no way anti-semitic, it is simply a list of UN resolutions lodged against Israel, which they have ignored.

I wonder why?

UNESCO is similar to other UN bodies in being a rubber stamping facility for the OIC and sundry tinpot commie banana republics. It is quite amusing how we have new posters coming up with the same old tired arguments which have been refuted on this very site dozens of times.

I applaud the settlement building, afterall the Jews evicted from Arab lands and their offspring need to be housed somewhere and why aggravate an already tight housing situation in the off chance that for the first time ever the Palestinians will actually negotiate in good faith?

and do you also applaud the withholding of money and if your answer is yes what is your excuse for that? :rolleyes:

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All that needs to be done for negotiations to take place is to cease the illegal building of settlements.

You're completely wrong. Israel could withdraw from the west bank entirely tomorrow, and the Palestinians would not give up their right of return demand or their refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. You act like it's one way, and it simply isn't.

What the Palestinians recent rude actions have accomplished is basically giving more power to the Israeli right wing. Stupid, stupid, move.

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