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Briton Found Guilty Of Murdering Thai Wife For Smashing His Star Wars Toys


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This is not Farang Pub. This is the News forum, and this story is a tragedy and not the place for crude attempts at humor. At least 20 posts have been deleted. Further such posts will result in some degree of sanctions.

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A 30 year-old man....

suffocating and murdering someone.....

over children's toys. :blink::huh:


Not that I'm justifying the murder but I suspect you know as well I as do that some toys are very collectible and have the potential to become very valuable. Had she known that then she possibly would have never been in a position where he felt the need to kill her.

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He should of just let her go back to Thailand there are plenty more bargirls lining up to tell him he is handsome and love him. Killing her for wanting to leave is pointless.

Not a particularly insightful reply. Perhaps you could explain then why so many expats who live in Thailand get married where the streets are lined with bargirls. Using your logic no one should ever get married in Thailand.

Obviously lonely guys in love don't think things through quite as much as commenters on this forum.

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“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”

“Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.


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A 30 year-old man....

suffocating and murdering someone.....

over children's toys. :blink::huh:


Read the full story....this was not over children's toys.... it was a ticking bomb ready to explode at any time.

If he had come back to Thailand it's likely the outcome would have been reversed.

Well said tropo.

No one except him now know what really went on in the home. I believe that we all could do the same given sufficient provocation. "Who shall cast the first stone" comes to mind.

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A 30 year-old man....

suffocating and murdering someone.....

over children's toys. :blink::huh:

Read the full story....this was not over children's toys.... it was a ticking bomb ready to explode at any time.

If he had come back to Thailand it's likely the outcome would have been reversed.

So it was a pre-emptive murder then?

Quite surprisingly, the courts did not feel it was a justifiable homicide involving precautionary self-defense.

At the end of the day, we had smashed toys and a suffocated and murdered woman.

A tragedy committed by someone incapable of adequately coping with the inherent rigors of a bi-cultural marriage.


Edited by Buchholz
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I think this couple were heading for disaster from the start , having made a mistake myself by marrying my first Thai wife , things are different 2 nd time arround ,1, no marriage in England ,(absolute disaster ) better in Thailand , but not me this time , 2, everything in my name ( company ) or directly . 3, if she wants to go ---- buy buy , with a little money for traveling .

Strange though , i must be lucky , this one seems to totally different . a bit older , been working as a superviser in a big company for 15 years ,never done bar work , she is totally comitted to our relationship , this is a must though --------KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN WIDE . some of them can be the best decievers in the world .

I agree with those who siad -- this was just waiting to happen , why is it so hard for some people to just let go ? . i wonder if given the choice of keeping his star wars toys or keeping his wife which one he would have chosen . i know which one i would chose -- sorry Yoda

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A 30 year-old man....

suffocating and murdering someone.....

over children's toys. :blink::huh:

Read the full story....this was not over children's toys.... it was a ticking bomb ready to explode at any time.

If he had come back to Thailand it's likely the outcome would have been reversed.

Well said tropo.

No one except him now know what really went on in the home. I believe that we all could do the same given sufficient provocation. "Who shall cast the first stone" comes to mind.

Personally speaking, I've had plenty of occasions where I was provoked... sometimes even to the point of severe provocation and yet... I never murdered anyone over it.

I dare say that billions can also say the same thing.

However, it is true what you say about what happened in the home. The only witness is dead. The entity that examined the evidence beyond that of a witness testimony came away with the impression that he murdered her.


Edited by Buchholz
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He should of just let her go back to Thailand there are plenty more bargirls lining up to tell him he is handsome and love him. Killing her for wanting to leave is pointless.

Not a particularly insightful reply. Perhaps you could explain then why so many expats who live in Thailand get married where the streets are lined with bargirls. Using your logic no one should ever get married in Thailand.

Obviously lonely guys in love don't think things through quite as much as commenters on this forum.

Well hopefully thats what this forum is for to help advise people , i jumped in with 2 feet the first time , offer people constructive advise and help save them from making the same mistake . - one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it -- Kung <deleted> Panda

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Life for Leigh man who suffocated Thai wife

A man who suffocated his Thai wife in their home has been jailed for life.

Rickie Nehls, 30, of Maple Crescent, Leigh was found guilty of murdering Pornpilai Srisroy at Preston Crown Court and sentenced to life, with an order to serve a minimum of 12 years.

Nehls, also known as Rickie La-Touche, told police he had killed Mrs Srisroy after she threatened to leave him.

Senior investigating officer Andy Tattersall said police "may never know exactly what happened that morning". Nehls was arrested on 26 April after he told his mother he had killed his wife.


-- BBC 2011-11-02

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Reading the full story.......

By the looks of it the guy was at risk of losing his child........probably in his mind as soon as the child arrived in Thailand the child would never be allowed back........hence his reluctance to get a passport for the child.

Looks like one big pressure cooker that exploded. No winners here.

I read in another topic a TV member saying that your potential wife should spend at least two full winters in the UK prior to marriage, so that she can see the reality of the life awaiting her. Sound advice, very sound advice.

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I wonder if provocation was taken into account in the sentance?

The threats made and previous experience of hell he mentions is likely true and whilst nothing can condone his flipping out and manslaughter there are some girls only interested in money and status. We will never know.

I just get the idea that he'd had the bitch treatment and been to hell and back. The pairing was ill matched and explosive. Married too soon to know each other and whilst he certainly deserves prison time, I really doubt she was blameless in her demise.

I can only go on the info supplied and pic, but it's likely she was no angel. We just don't know.

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He should of just let her go back to Thailand there are plenty more bargirls lining up to tell him he is handsome and love him. Killing her for wanting to leave is pointless.

Not a particularly insightful reply. Perhaps you could explain then why so many expats who live in Thailand get married where the streets are lined with bargirls. Using your logic no one should ever get married in Thailand.

Obviously lonely guys in love don't think things through quite as much as commenters on this forum.

What I was saying is, no reason to kill her just let her go. Plenty of more fish in the sea. I seem to have offended you and I appologise it was not my intention.

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Amazing how many men come to Thailand because they cannot handle a relationship with a women in their home country as if this is going to change their problem with women. Then they come to Thailand and date (hire) prostitutes, since those are the only women to have these men and the men still believe the problem lies outside themselves.

Even here we have a tragic story of a man murdering his wife and the insecure and low self esteem posters here is once again screaming to the world just how pathetic they are by assuming the victim was a prostitute or that she some how deserved to be murdered and how she doesn't look like a good person based on her picture.

A child has now lost his mother and father but some of the posters here can only see an opportunity to let out some of their own steam and feelings of being a loser with women by bashing women after reading a story about a women who has been unjustly killed.

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It is irrelevant what nationality or race the girl is.

I'm sure that these guys would not ever consider marrying a prostitute in their own country and expect the girl to conveniently fall into the guy's mode of lifestyle.

Some years ago a close friend married a Thai bar girl then took her back to the UK with him. They had 3 children together, but this did not change the girl's old ways.

She would sometimes go off to the local pub and disappear until the following morning, arriving home with a hangover from drink and drugs. She even had an affair with her husband`s close friend, plus after a few drinks she was anybodies, I mean that litually.

At one time the couple had a blazing argument resulting with the girl being thrown from a first floor window at the family home. She broke her back and her husband was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.

There are some smashing Thai girls around if you choose carefully and stay well away from the underclass sectors of Thai society.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I wonder if provocation was taken into account in the sentance?

The threats made and previous experience of hell he mentions is likely true and whilst nothing can condone his flipping out and manslaughter there are some girls only interested in money and status. We will never know.

I just get the idea that he'd had the bitch treatment and been to hell and back. The pairing was ill matched and explosive. Married too soon to know each other and whilst he certainly deserves prison time, I really doubt she was blameless in her demise.

I can only go on the info supplied and pic, but it's likely she was no angel. We just don't know.

What we do know from the supplied info is that their history together was presented at the trial.

While the defendant did admit to manslaughter, he wasn't convicted of that.

He was convicted of murder.

The murder victim was never convicted of verbal threats. Even if she had, I doubt the death penalty would have been handed down to her for that offense.

I would expect her morgue photo, if published, would confirm she is no angel, but simply a dead and murdered human.


Edited by Buchholz
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Its one of those things.

Some men are 'obsessive' about certain hobbies and related paraphenalia - Thai women are unlikely to understand this.

Of course those men need to be avoided, but again - Thai women wouldn't realise this.

only "thai" women?

i myself dont understand it.

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It is irrelevant what nationality or race the girl is.

I'm sure that these guys would not ever consider marrying a prostitute in their own country and expect the girl to conveniently fall into the guy's mode of lifestyle.

Some years ago a close friend married a Thai bar girl then took her back to the UK with him. They had 3 children together, but this did not change the girl's old ways.

She would sometimes go off to the local pub and disappear until the following morning, arriving home with a hangover from drink and drugs. She even had an affair with her husband`s close friend, plus after a few drinks she was anybodies, I mean that litually.

At one time the couple had a blazing argument resulting with the girl being thrown from a first floor window at the family home. She broke her back and her husband was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.

There are some smashing Thai girls around if you choose carefully and stay well away from the underclass sectors of Thai society.

Wise wise words ! Plenty of deaf ears ready not to hear them unforunately...

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Please read the artlcle properly.....he met her at a bar! What else do u expect? Waste of time posting articles like these.....both parties deserved each other.

Are you really this jaded to believe that everyone who goes to a bar is somehow damaged and if a women marries a man she met in a bar that she "deserved" to be killed?

Seems kind of a sick thing to say if you ask me.

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It is irrelevant what nationality or race the girl is.

I'm sure that these guys would not ever consider marrying a prostitute in their own country and expect the girl to conveniently fall into the guy's mode of lifestyle.

Some years ago a close friend married a Thai bar girl then took her back to the UK with him. They had 3 children together, but this did not change the girl's old ways.

She would sometimes go off to the local pub and disappear until the following morning, arriving home with a hangover from drink and drugs. She even had an affair with her husband`s close friend, plus after a few drinks she was anybodies, I mean that litually.

At one time the couple had a blazing argument resulting with the girl being thrown from a first floor window at the family home. She broke her back and her husband was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.

There are some smashing Thai girls around if you choose carefully and stay well away from the underclass sectors of Thai society.

I suppose you and I are lucky in the sluts we chose, so far.

I enjoy extrapolating the experience of my own acquaintances to others, but sadly, my acquaintances' experiences are so routine and mundane that I hesitate to apply them to others, for fear that my own might be offered up for comparison.


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