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Here is the latest info about Dekkha. Or as some may know him as Dirk.

He is in the Hospital pending approval of Dekkha's local Doctor and that of the Airline Medical Director (Doctor) to allow Dekkha to fly back to Germany as his brother wishes.

The reason for No Visitors is due to Dekkha's deteriorated Medical condition, and his altered mental state at this time.

Dekkha is not very congnascent of surroundings and persons. To visit him only upsets him and disturbs his recovery if there is ever to be any. He is sedated and asleep or in a limbo state most of the time. He is being nurished by the nursing staff by IV and other means

The doctors and hospital are trying to make him as comfortable as possible thru this difficult time for him, his girl friend and his family that is here.

His GF is very appreciative of All of Your Concearns for Her and for Dekkha.

His Brother also appreciates all the well wishes, but hopes all understand why it is not a good idea or time to visit him in the Hospital.

I will update if there is any new news or changes in condition.


Thanks for the information and update Kimo. It saddens me to see Dirk's medical condition deteriorate so quickly. My prayers are out to him and his family and his lovely girlfriend.


As of Friday Evening Dekkha is now in ICU. He is on a Respirator to assit his ventilations, a feeding tube, and IV.

He is breathing on his own but the respirator is-on damand which means he will receive adequate Oxygen when he breathes.

He is still sedated and in a semi-comitose state.

May He, his Family, Girlfriend, and Friends remain in all our prayers. :wai:

Dekkha's wishes are being observed to the best of abilities


Sorry to ask under these sad circumstances, but is Dirk the photographer

and/or graphic designer who used to stay on Koh Loy in the area of Chan House

many years ago? And later had some business not far from the clocktower?



Sorry to ask under these sad circumstances, but is Dirk the photographer

and/or graphic designer who used to stay on Koh Loy in the area of Chan House

many years ago? And later had some business not far from the clocktower?


Dirk is German and as far as I can recall from previous chats with him , he restored antique buildings to their former glory in his home land. He had lived with his girlfriend (Lala - Chang Bar ) for many years until they went their separate ways. Korky is now with him and has been for about 3 years I think.


Sorry to ask under these sad circumstances, but is Dirk the photographer

and/or graphic designer who used to stay on Koh Loy in the area of Chan House

many years ago? And later had some business not far from the clocktower?


Dirk is German and as far as I can recall from previous chats with him , he restored antique buildings to their former glory in his home land. He had lived with his girlfriend (Lala - Chang Bar ) for many years until they went their separate ways. Korky is now with him and has been for about 3 years I think.

Thanks Sunnuholidaysun,

I think it could be him.

Hope the best for him.



Update from Saturday night the 5th of Nov.

Dekkha's mental and physical condition and awareness is Improving due to the Oxygen and Nutrition both IV and GI that he is receiving.

Still in ICU for One or Two more days til his basic physical condition improves so he can return to normal Bed Rest .

This is not to say his overall condition and prognosis are any better


If the worst comes and he cannot go home it may be worth thinking of Dok Kuay gurdens in Chiangmai. Someone else from here went there after a spell in ChiangMai Public and as he said to me there,,,"That was hell and this is heaven" Sadly he went to heaven a day later. About 25000 baht a month and they do care. It is part of McKean Hospital.


Thank you harrry. Will look into them and inform the family if the Doctors say he can not travel.

I personally am not optomistic that he will be able or allowed to travel by air.

Update from sunday Nov 6: (these are only personal observations and reports from family).

His mental state is improving, and he is more cognative and able to speak a little.

Should be out of ICU and to a private room soon.

If the worst comes and he cannot go home it may be worth thinking of Dok Kuay gurdens in Chiangmai. Someone else from here went there after a spell in ChiangMai Public and as he said to me there,,,"That was hell and this is heaven" Sadly he went to heaven a day later. About 25000 baht a month and they do care. It is part of McKean Hospital.


Picture of Dekkha

Thanks for adding the picture, now I know many will recognise the face to the name.

Dirk does seem to be in respite at the moment but I hope he pulls through but the odds

are very much against him. Hopefully if he can recover enough to be flown back to his homeland then the family will be more at ease I think. We all wish him well .


Update for Monday 7th November.

Back in a Private Room at the Hospital.

Mental state still semi confused and altered.

Overall medical condition is still not stable.

His family still wants to try to fly him back to Germany.

Don't now the Doctor's Opinion of this.

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