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Here is a number in a Thai phone 052308xxx when i seen this number first i taught it was a mexican number i.e +52 is the mexican code but then i figured out that mexican numbers would be 12 digits and would be in the format +52308 in the phone. So i figured maybe its a Thai number because this is the format it would be in, but looking at some online resources i cant find a city code in Thailand beginning with 052, 053 is Chiang Mai but cant seem to find one with 052, does this look like a Thai number or not????

Hope you can help as i was led to believe this person was abroad??


....its a mobile #

However, it could well be a person calling from overseas. A telephone company overseas maybe using a specific 'relay station' provider here in Thailand and an odd number will show. I'm sure a tec guy will explain it better.

Conclusion, don't think or worry too much.

....its a mobile #

However, it could well be a person calling from overseas. A telephone company overseas maybe using a specific 'relay station' provider here in Thailand and an odd number will show. I'm sure a tec guy will explain it better.

Conclusion, don't think or worry too much.

Ok thanks hopefully someone in the business might spot this. Just to clarify this same number is both in Dialled numbers and Recieved Calls over a period of time, just was under the impression you had to have + before the number to dial out of Thailand on a mobile. Thanks

....its a mobile #

However, it could well be a person calling from overseas. A telephone company overseas maybe using a specific 'relay station' provider here in Thailand and an odd number will show. I'm sure a tec guy will explain it better.

Conclusion, don't think or worry too much.

Yep. 05 is a mobile prefix. A bit confusing as the CM area code is 053.

International calls will report as anything from "Protected number", "Unknown", to the actual number with a + in front, to a Bangkok (02) or any mobile prefix number (01, 09, 09, 06, 05).


Siamese Kitty posted this most useful URL some time ago....


It is Thai, but easy enough to use. Enter the first five digits of the mobile number, and it will tell you the cell phone company / plan.

Strangely, it returns nothing for 05230, the OP's number. It is possibly a land line after all.

....its a mobile #

However, it could well be a person calling from overseas. A telephone company overseas maybe using a specific 'relay station' provider here in Thailand and an odd number will show. I'm sure a tec guy will explain it better.

Conclusion, don't think or worry too much.

Ok thanks hopefully someone in the business might spot this. Just to clarify this same number is both in Dialled numbers and Recieved Calls over a period of time, just was under the impression you had to have + before the number to dial out of Thailand on a mobile. Thanks

If the number appears you have indicated in both the Dialled and Recieved Calls then it is definitely a Thai number. No need to use + sign first.

As indicated by Bino - it could still be a landline in Chian Mai or possibly a mobile elsewhere.

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