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Police Shakedown On Loi Kroh Rd


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Hilarious, I was in number 1 bar when they closed the doors and let us have a shut in. Fine but a bit of a waste of time sitting behind roller doors in a pub but then we were all told to stay quiet with the staff going Ssshhh! There was a few cops outside so the whole place had to be dead quiet. Bizzare! I so wanted to let rip a big fart or something but might have got thrown out and locked up..I mean, tell everyone to leave and close or stay open <deleted>!

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Well I heard... that there is/was some big police from BKK in town, and that caused the midnight closedown / shakedown. And if you already have to enforce midnight closings, why not harass some people you don't like along the way.

Also heard that some / all (?) bars knew about this well in advance and were planning to close at midnight.

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Its completely absurd to have 60+ police officers in riot gear descend upon Loi Kroh.

Its a thuggish demonstration of force.

Some apparently do not agree:

No I think he is on to some thing. I believe it is headlines in every major publication in the world.:partytime2::sorry:


Not exactly a deterrent to the family people is it or am I confused as to their purpose here in Thailand.

You are confused.


Edited by venturalaw
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Its completely absurd to have 60+ police officers in riot gear descend upon Loi Kroh.

Its a thuggish demonstration of force.

What, miss that opportunity to show off their shiny new gear? Besides they probably figured they might encounter resistance from drunk farangs who don't know any better because they are drunk. And farangs.

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Its completely absurd to have 60+ police officers in riot gear descend upon Loi Kroh.

Its a thuggish demonstration of force.

What, miss that opportunity to show off their shiny new gear? Besides they probably figured they might encounter resistance from drunk farangs who don't know any better because they are drunk. And farangs.

Someone saw riot gear? Or 60 police officers for that matter? I didn't see any of that. It was all pretty sedate, as usual.

Please don't make it sound like it's something new or unprecedented. This goes on a couple times a year for as long as I can remember.

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Right before tourist season and at the beginning of Loi Krathong. Absolutely consistent with the Thai mindset - Lets do whatever we can to screw up tourism, and then sit around and wonder why the numbers are so low so blame it on the foreigners."

You think too much.

Someone has to.

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Well I heard... that there is/was some big police from BKK in town, and that caused the midnight closedown / shakedown. And if you already have to enforce midnight closings, why not harass some people you don't like along the way.

Also heard that some / all (?) bars knew about this well in advance and were planning to close at midnight.

You heard right

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Well I heard... that there is/was some big police from BKK in town, and that caused the midnight closedown / shakedown. And if you already have to enforce midnight closings, why not harass some people you don't like along the way.

Also heard that some / all (?) bars knew about this well in advance and were planning to close at midnight.

You heard right

I could see why this might motivate the police to crack down on underage drinking, noise, disorderly conduct and bars staying open past the legal closing time of 1:00 a.m., but is there any logic in forcing bars to close earlier than required by law? For that matter, is it legal to close a place that is operating legally?

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Well I heard... that there is/was some big police from BKK in town, and that caused the midnight closedown / shakedown. And if you already have to enforce midnight closings, why not harass some people you don't like along the way.

Also heard that some / all (?) bars knew about this well in advance and were planning to close at midnight.

You heard right

I could see why this might motivate the police to crack down on underage drinking, noise, disorderly conduct and bars staying open past the legal closing time of 1:00 a.m., but is there any logic in forcing bars to close earlier than required by law? For that matter, is it legal to close a place that is operating legally?

They are actually enforcing the law. It is illegal to sell alcohol after 12 o'clock, a lot of places pay tea money to the police for the privilege of opening longer and selling alcohol during this time.

But sometimes there is a new sherif in town or some high placed official visiting and then they have to be shown as enforcing the law. Hence the warning and the "shake down"

Happens every year at some time, business as usual.

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Well I heard... that there is/was some big police from BKK in town, and that caused the midnight closedown / shakedown. And if you already have to enforce midnight closings, why not harass some people you don't like along the way.

Also heard that some / all (?) bars knew about this well in advance and were planning to close at midnight.

You heard right

I could see why this might motivate the police to crack down on underage drinking, noise, disorderly conduct and bars staying open past the legal closing time of 1:00 a.m., but is there any logic in forcing bars to close earlier than required by law? For that matter, is it legal to close a place that is operating legally?

They are actually enforcing the law. It is illegal to sell alcohol after 12 o'clock, a lot of places pay tea money to the police for the privilege of opening longer and selling alcohol during this time.

But sometimes there is a new sherif in town or some high placed official visiting and then they have to be shown as enforcing the law. Hence the warning and the "shake down"

Happens every year at some time, business as usual.

So all the many bars on Nimmanhamin selling alcohol until 1:00 a.m., primarily to Thai customers, are doing so illegally?

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Well I heard... that there is/was some big police from BKK in town, and that caused the midnight closedown / shakedown. And if you already have to enforce midnight closings, why not harass some people you don't like along the way.

Also heard that some / all (?) bars knew about this well in advance and were planning to close at midnight.

You heard right

I could see why this might motivate the police to crack down on underage drinking, noise, disorderly conduct and bars staying open past the legal closing time of 1:00 a.m., but is there any logic in forcing bars to close earlier than required by law? For that matter, is it legal to close a place that is operating legally?

Legal or illegal?

Come on, this is Thailand. What’s legal or illegal depends on who says it is and who’s running the show.

The actual laws, if there are any? Can be totally irrelevant. There are no legal technicalities in the land of smiles.

You have to remember that those given or have bought their way up to high-ranking Government officials have gorgonian powers and are above the law.

It`s a case of; I’m the big cheese here; you do what I tell you and when I tell you.

Many times in the past the missies and I have considered starting some sorts of business in Thailand, but in the end I have always decided against the idea, couldn’t handle the stress and the morons that I would have to deal with.

Running a business as a whitey in Thailand is a mugs game and for those business owners who are already established here; rather you than me, I don`t envy you.

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I was told last week that for the next few weeks/months I couldn't sit inside the bar smoking. Bloody laws. And this wasn't even on Loi Kroh.

I'll tell you what thought. It worked. Quit smoking after Hallowean.

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I could see why this might motivate the police to crack down on underage drinking.

Is there much under age drinking on Loi Kroh?

I suppose some girls in the shadows could be, but most seem to be in their mid 30's and up.

Unless it's the farang schoolboys they are after.

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I could see why this might motivate the police to crack down on underage drinking.

Is there much under age drinking on Loi Kroh?

I suppose some girls in the shadows could be, but most seem to be in their mid 30's and up.

Unless it's the farang schoolboys they are after.

With the police tipping off the bar owners well in advance of any investigative action, they can happily report that 100% of the girls are adults, and Thai.

It's closer to a stage show than a shakedown. Show Wrestling for Dummies. ;)

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They did up the Reggae Bar / Zoe In Yellow area last night. Showed up about 12:25am in an old looking silver van. Drove into the soi from the backside. Were not dressed like the usual boys in brown. Almost had a military look to them, wearing berets and such.

Leaving there, did a quick survey to see what else was closed. From what I saw, Spicy and the Loi Kroh bars were the only other things closed. Jack Van was still going strong, Live Wood or whatever its called, Riverside, and Hotshots + Bubbles.

Lot of the post-shutdown motorbike traffic seemed to be headed towards Hotshots and Bubbles, so my guess is that is the new late night "hotspot".

On a side note, it would be a pretty shrewd business move, if the owners of the newly reopened Bubbles were actually the ones providing the "incentive" to the BiB to conduct these new rounds of early shutdowns...


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Lot of the post-shutdown motorbike traffic seemed to be headed towards Hotshots and Bubbles, so my guess is that is the new late night "hotspot".

From what I remember they always have been. At least that's where I went when others closed down. ;)

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Many local folks would be happy if all dirty bars at LK were gone, what kind of tourists like that kind of places anyway. I'm sure farangs can find their Thai brides else where. These people treat all Thai women like prostitutes.

Ya de da de de....

The tourist you refer to only meet Thai women in the tourist business, and hence treat them all as such. It's a shame that so many people leave Thailand thinking that all Thai women are for sale.

In fact your grievance should be with the Thais, the no money no smile that accompanies a lot of the tourist trade, is just a nother version of what few girls do with faring men what many more of their 'sisters' do with Thai men.

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Many local folks would be happy if all dirty bars at LK were gone, what kind of tourists like that kind of places anyway. I'm sure farangs can find their Thai brides else where. These people treat all Thai women like prostitutes.

I could be wrong, but I was always under the impression that most of the women who work in bars at the Loi Kroh road are prostitutes and are treated as such. As a matter of fact, they prefer it that way, because after all, business is business. Or is this only a rumour? I doubt if many men visit that area specifically to find a wife.

Would like to see the area re-vamped but certainly not closed down with people losing their livelihoods.

Nothing wrong with the bar scene in my opinion and would like to see some expansion, new bars, new restaurants, a new vigour of life into the town.

Whether the so called squeaky clean and holier than thou like it or not, these establishments bring in revenue and attract more tourists, even if they are the types of tourists the toffee nosed and good clean decent folk hate.

The town certainly does not need any more shopping malls and stores. Too many of those around already.

I think history speaks for it`s self. Just consider how bustling Chiang Mai was 15 years ago and before when everything was in full swing before the clampdowns and some bright spark decided to replace Chiang Mai`s night entertainments with a panda as the main tourist attraction. Only need to compare those times with the situation as it is today.

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Many local folks would be happy if all dirty bars at LK were gone, what kind of tourists like that kind of places anyway. I'm sure farangs can find their Thai brides else where. These people treat all Thai women like prostitutes.

Dirty bars, treat all Thai women like prostitues, Thai brides.... you should write a book entitled 'everything I know about anything comes from a stereotype'

There will always be a market for prostitution. In these types of open bars it ends up being the women's choice. If you close down these types of open bars, there will still be a market but with forced slavery.

If you don't like Loi Kroh - don't go. Loi Kroh doesnt represent Chiang Mai and certainly doesnt hurt Chiang Mai's image. Its one small street for farangs to pay 3-4x what their Thai counterparts are paying in about 100 different establishments throughout the city.

The girls send money home to Issan, the farangs 'fall in love' for a night and both sides are happy with the market.

Its only outsiders that have no clue what the market is all about that moan and groan about dirty bars, prostitiutes, and horrible farangs.

When was the last time you sent some money to Issan to support a family?

Solve the drastic economic inequality issue before you complain about the bar girl situation.

Edited by PlanetX
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It is not only Loi Kroh and Spicy, Reggae et al that is under pressure. The Night Bizarre is also under significant strain at the moment. If you have knowledge of the local area, and it's property owners, you might be able to join the dots and come up with a name. A post on the second page of this thread alluded to some of the motivation behind these actions.

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Many local folks would be happy if all dirty bars at LK were gone, what kind of tourists like that kind of places anyway. I'm sure farangs can find their Thai brides else where. These people treat all Thai women like prostitutes.

I like LK and I don't treat all Thai women like prostitutes.

I don't even treat prostitutes like prostitutes, I treat everyone the same, which is by and large the same way that I would like to be treated.

I treat people like individuals, and that street definitely has the full spectrum represented. Which to me is also part of the attraction; always an interesting story. Can be fun, can be heartbreaking, but it's always interesting, and sometimes enlightening.

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Nothing wrong with the bar scene in my opinion and would like to see some expansion, new bars, new restaurants, a new vigour of life into the town.

Whether the so called squeaky clean and holier than thou like it or not, these establishments bring in revenue and attract more tourists, even if they are the types of tourists the toffee nosed and good clean decent folk hate.

There seems to be a few self-rightous hypocrites that want to turn Thailand into a dry county in Alabama. Having fun is part of the Thai culture and long may it reign.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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What extraordinary, self-serving, sad drivel!

"I only hang out with prostitutes to enhance the economic development of the Isaan region" is one line.

"It's all so enlightening" says another.

You two sound almost "holier then thou" in your quest to improve the world and yourselves, conveniently overlooking the fact that prostitution does little to enhance people's lives and much to destroy them. Try moving on from the "Pretty Woman" Hollywood take on prostitution. Sadly it's not a victimless activity and unfortunately the real victim is seldom the punter who can only buy attention and affection.

And before you launch into "religious, do-gooder" attack mode, I certainly qualify for neither, I just have a low tolerance threshold for smug exploitation.

CM was great 15 years ago because it "provided prostitutes rather than pandas". The simple reason that CM has lost it's tourist mojo is that 15/20 years ago the only easy way to experience SE Asia was in Thailand. Now that the rest of the region is open for business CM cannot compete and is rapidly becoming a backwater with few unique reasons to visit it.

Edited by folium
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