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Rats Feeding On Trash Increase Disease Threat In Flooded Bangkok


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All of those who were defending Yinluck and her ''goverment'' don't really have a leg to stand now if I am honest. Yes the flood was pretty much inevitable, yes it was handled and is being handled poorly but that is partly due to the fact the two sides are ways conflicting each other. Now with this new threat of wide spread diseases of all kinds (something I predicted would be on the cards a while ago), is being handled even worse. As it has been pointed out already, where is the money in the budget that is specifically for situations such as this, why are the vast majority of people volunteers?? IMO the Thai people made a very poor decision on election day.

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All of those who were defending Yinluck and her ''goverment'' don't really have a leg to stand now if I am honest. Yes the flood was pretty much inevitable, yes it was handled and is being handled poorly but that is partly due to the fact the two sides are ways conflicting each other. Now with this new threat of wide spread diseases of all kinds (something I predicted would be on the cards a while ago), is being handled even worse. As it has been pointed out already, where is the money in the budget that is specifically for situations such as this, why are the vast majority of people volunteers?? IMO the Thai people made a very poor decision on election day.

I will let aside the last sentence, as I honestly believe, that any choice would have been poor.

What irritates me most (no matter what government is in charge) that there seems to be no disaster- plan AT ALL.

No matter what disaster may strike (flood, epidemic etc) I have a very bad feeling about anything that would involve a situation, slightly beyond 'the normal".

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“We don’t want the rats to walk around finding food,” said Porntep Siriwanarangsun

Is he serious? Why are there so many rats in the first place? There is always food discarded all over BKK.

And rats don't walk, they scurry.

Scurried Rat, delish

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This is a report straight from a refuge center that probably will never be on Thai TV:

In the place refuge center where I work there have been many cases in the last week of food poisoning from the pre-cooked meals. These refuge centers are full of people trying to do good for sure but they do not have the expertise to do it because they are all volunteers. I think many people have this western vision of the army running things all regimental and smooth. The food is being cooked outdoors in an area that gets more and more dirty everyday, hygiene is that of the local street vendors but on a massive scale. At night there are plenty of rats around mopping up the leftovers. I eat out of necessity choosing the foods I think have least chance of being contaminated. My friend just spent 2 days in hospital with severe diarrhea which could have only come from the food at the center.

People have also been donating expired food. I saw some milk powder for babies and the tin looked a little rusty so I check the date and it was 6 months expired. We then started checking all the dates on everything and there were many expired date of various goods. I'm sure they meant well donating it but particularly the baby food and medicines, they should have known better.

They are literally begging for volunteer doctors right now too! I asked why the government has not supplied a doctor and the manager said they are all too busy out in the public areas trying to get in the media. "Stuck in a out of the way relief shelter is not so good for their publicity profile" he said with some bitterness. At first there were lots of volunteer doctors from private hospitals but now almost none, as time wears on people are getting tired and also frustrated with management of almost everything. The manager would like to close the relief center down but just can't because there is nowhere else for these people to go. He is constantly fighting for even basic supplies and services. The government agencies come around, take photos for their portfolios and then leave promising supplies that never come or come too late.

Really the government is doing very little, its the NGO's, private companies and individual volunteers that are doing the majority of all the work and donations. There is supposed to be a huge budget for all of this.... where is it? I'm quite upset about the suffering of these people and the lack of help from the government, I'm not surprised that in 1995 the people burnt down the council building, I wouldn't be surprised if they do it again this year......

Thanks for the report pogal and I am looking forward to next report!

Well done!


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Your bucket method would leave the rat with no oxygen or nowhere to run, if I can picture your trap setup correctly, but on the streets of BKK the rats would merely swim around the waters and find dry areas where they would not drown. Rats a very much water adapt.

You are right that there is no real plan of action in place Docn, it is most likely due to a variety of factors. Novies mainly, I mean how can you appoint somebody as the foreign affairs MP who cannot even speak English? This whole thing is just going to run it's course in a very slow, a very devestating and a very horrible way.

I was amazed a while ago seeing footage of kids and people walking through the flod waters. BKK is not exactly the cleanest of places to say the least. People were just going about their business as if the water wasn't really there at all. Fair enough to take things as they are, but that is just ignorance and very unfortunate for what may be on the horizon.

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Your bucket method would leave the rat with no oxygen or nowhere to run, if I can picture your trap setup correctly, but on the streets of BKK the rats would merely swim around the waters and find dry areas where they would not drown. Rats a very much water adapt.

You are right that there is no real plan of action in place Docn, it is most likely due to a variety of factors. Novies mainly, I mean how can you appoint somebody as the foreign affairs MP who cannot even speak English? This whole thing is just going to run it's course in a very slow, a very devestating and a very horrible way.

I was amazed a while ago seeing footage of kids and people walking through the flod waters. BKK is not exactly the cleanest of places to say the least. People were just going about their business as if the water wasn't really there at all. Fair enough to take things as they are, but that is just ignorance and very unfortunate for what may be on the horizon.

I really meant "long term"- disaster plans. Just one example: an agency like FROC should be working all the time, not hastily be put together if the sh@t hits the fan.

Of course at least NOW, the government (whatever) should be on alert and start working out a plan to fight threatening epidemics, but normally a plan like that should be existing FOR YEARS.

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FROC has been somewhat of a joke throughout this entire DISASTER, but they have had other problems to work against apart from just the floods. People tearing down barriers etc. But yes, any government with a shred of experience would have such plans put in place. I can see maybe that the UN or some organizations will step in soon enough, because it is obvious that this government is pretty incompetent. Sometimes I think people tend to forget that Thailand has not long come out of an 'un-developed' status, but that still is no exscuse really for the folly that has taken place.

Edited by TomTom55
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FROC has been somewhat of a joke throughout this entire DISASTER, but they have had other problems to work against apart from just the floods. People tearing down barriers etc. But yes, any government with a shred of experience would have such plans put in place. I can see maybe that the UN or some organizations will step in soon enough, because it is obvious that this government is pretty incompetent. Sometimes I think people tend to forget that Thailand has not long come out of an 'un-developed' status, but that still is no exscuse really for the folly that has taken place.


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They should put a one baht bounty on rats.

Quick trip when govt is in session should make us all rich then

I have been keeping up to date on this situation in Thailand and what disturbs me the most is how everyone condemns the Government. This is a major catastrophe that has hit Thailand. Instead of putting down everything that the Government is trying to do, get off your arse and go volunteer. If you care about Thailand...do something to help and stop complaining!

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Rats have rights too!

The National Institutes of Health have announced that they will no longer be using rats for medical experimentation. In their place, they will use attorneys. They have given three reasons for this decision:

1. There are now more attorneys than there are rats.

2. The medical researchers don't become as emotionally attached to the attorneys as they did to the rats.

3. No matter how hard you try, there are some things that even rats won't do.

Edited by thaigold
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If you could personify Thailand it would be like the guy who is just negligent in all aspects of life, doesn't try hard if at all, does the bare minimum, leaves it all to someone else, when he works the job only gets half done, never takes out insurance, and so on, and so when a wheel finally falls off the rickety old wagon, this is what you get!! a vermin infested mess.

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It's a catastrophe that so much time has elapsed since the early indication of massive flood disaster were/could have been identified, maybe two months ago or more. It's impossible to remember how many letters to The Nation and The Bangkok Post and posts on this and other sites that I did alerting to disease, contamination , Leptospirosis, Cholera, Malaria, Dengue, Typhoid and others, and the risk of garbage and rats and their urine. Short of a few posts on Thaivisa noting "disease" as a threat, it's a shame that the Thai English newspapers and other posts didn't strike a note of caution with the powers to be. It's incredible that no one in the government, press , or private industry took the initiative on the disease preparations, risk, and education for months and weeks despite numerous letters and posts. Here is an example of a previously posted video three weeks ago highlighting the Bangkok rat problem associated with flooding - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP87SETbTIg . All of these diseases are a very serious threat to Thailand. The disease crisis in Thailand and especially Bangkok will dwarf the inconvenience and hardship of the water and dislocation.

Oh, man. That video was sickening ! I blame myself of course for opening and watching it :)


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This headline has to be the worse. What did rats do before the flood, dine on gourmet meals at the Mandarin Oriental? Rats have been eating garbage since time immemorial in large cities like Bangkok: London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Oakland... etc...etc, and they are going to keep eating garbage until they can find a more available food source, which will be sometime after the human race becomes extinct, like maybe next year (only joking). Another agency with an agenda to create crisis beyond what exists.

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It's a catastrophe that so much time has elapsed since the early indication of massive flood disaster were/could have been identified, maybe two months ago or more. It's impossible to remember how many letters to The Nation and The Bangkok Post and posts on this and other sites that I did alerting to disease, contamination , Leptospirosis, Cholera, Malaria, Dengue, Typhoid and others, and the risk of garbage and rats and their urine. Short of a few posts on Thaivisa noting "disease" as a threat, it's a shame that the Thai English newspapers and other posts didn't strike a note of caution with the powers to be. It's incredible that no one in the government, press , or private industry took the initiative on the disease preparations, risk, and education for months and weeks despite numerous letters and posts. Here is an example of a previously posted video three weeks ago highlighting the Bangkok rat problem associated with flooding - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=oP87SETbTIg . All of these diseases are a very serious threat to Thailand. The disease crisis in Thailand and especially Bangkok will dwarf the inconvenience and hardship of the water and dislocation.

Oh, man. That video was sickening ! I blame myself of course for opening and watching it :)


If rats eat cockroaches they will certainly have enough to last a long time.

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Dear All, please be careful as there is already an outbreak of the Flu Virus called hMPV. This was reported at TAN Newsnetwork and verified by numerous friends of mine at the various centres and also at sources at the Ministry Of Public Health. Those with young kids, elderly relatives and who are sick are to be careful.

This outbreak was already confirmed two days ago by TAN News and also Ministry of Public health but there is nothing in the main media.

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Symptoms and Treatment for Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV)

Human Metapneumovirus is a virus that manifests as a cold or flu virus. How serious the illness is depends upon which area of the respiratory system it attacks.

For most people who contract hMPV, the symptoms are cold-like, such as fever, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and a cough. Like other cold viruses, it will pass after just a few days and the patient can get on with life as planned.

However, in some individuals, the disease of hMPV manifests itself as a flu virus, concentrating on the lower respiratory system and causing flu-like symptoms. These symptoms include a more serious fever, trouble breathing, unusually rapid breathing, wheezing, diarrhea, a severe cough, and/or vomiting.

hMPV can be detected by sampling the respiratory secretions in the nose and mouth, but this test is not yet readily available. Most of the time, it is just treated like any other cold or flu virus.

Treating hMPV involves managing the symptoms, for the most part, like using Tylenol for fever and pain, antihistamines for the irritation, and for those who have difficulty breathing, breathing treatments. Antivirals can be prescribed in extreme cases.

Dear All, please be careful as there is already an outbreak of the Flu Virus called hMPV. This was reported at TAN Newsnetwork and verified by numerous friends of mine at the various centres and also at sources at the Ministry Of Public Health. Those with young kids, elderly relatives and who are sick are to be careful.

This outbreak was already confirmed two days ago by TAN News and also Ministry of Public health but there is nothing in the main media.

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They are literally begging for volunteer doctors right now too! I asked why the government has not supplied a doctor and the manager said they are all too busy out in the public areas trying to get in the media. "Stuck in a out of the way relief shelter is not so good for their publicity profile" he said with some bitterness. At first there were lots of volunteer doctors from private hospitals but now almost none, as time wears on people are getting tired and also frustrated with management of almost everything.

This has been driving me nuts about my Thai friends. They all go to Siriraj or whatever trendy place you're supposed to go to donate as dictated by Facebook. I see tons of pictures of people making peace signs and smiling after I'm sure they've loaded 5-10 sandbags or 20 relief bags. It's all photo ops for the internet. I've been dragging people out to Nonthaburi to places a little further out where they don't get as much coverage and where there are fewer perfectly clean Bangkok residents with amazing outfits and hairdos. I'd encourage anyone to do the same. Just jump on an Army truck at Rama V Bridge or Phra Nang Klao Bridge and get off at the nearest relief center.

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Don't the government agency on getting rid of rats taking any action to trash the rats? I saw a photo report on Bangkok Post showing a large group of rats getting to higher grounds and wonder if the agency in charge do anything about getting rid of those rats? I doubt anything done to control these rats. Now with the disease appearing linking to the rats urine, I hope the agency in charge has already taken action to rid the rats.

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Don't the government agency on getting rid of rats taking any action to trash the rats? I saw a photo report on Bangkok Post showing a large group of rats getting to higher grounds and wonder if the agency in charge do anything about getting rid of those rats? I doubt anything done to control these rats. Now with the disease appearing linking to the rats urine, I hope the agency in charge has already taken action to rid the rats.

We need a Ministry of Rats.

Or maybe the Rat Authority of Thailand or "RAT" ,,, not to be confused with TAT.

Edited by rogerdee123
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Hey I thought some high up in the Government said the other day that there would be no danger to health from all this. Now yet another contradiction.

I am really geting fed up with all the bull these people come up with. I really do hope these few months will serve as a kick up the ***** for the authorities, but I somehow doubt it.

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Don't the government agency on getting rid of rats taking any action to trash the rats? I saw a photo report on Bangkok Post showing a large group of rats getting to higher grounds and wonder if the agency in charge do anything about getting rid of those rats? I doubt anything done to control these rats. Now with the disease appearing linking to the rats urine, I hope the agency in charge has already taken action to rid the rats.

We need a Ministry of Rats.

Or maybe the Rat Authority of Thailand or "RAT" ,,, not to be confused with TAT.

One of chalerm's sons would fit this role. Watch this space.

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Don't the government agency on getting rid of rats taking any action to trash the rats? I saw a photo report on Bangkok Post showing a large group of rats getting to higher grounds and wonder if the agency in charge do anything about getting rid of those rats? I doubt anything done to control these rats. Now with the disease appearing linking to the rats urine, I hope the agency in charge has already taken action to rid the rats.

We need a Ministry of Rats.

Or maybe the Rat Authority of Thailand or "RAT" ,,, not to be confused with TAT.

I think they are setting up a Federal Anti Rat Taskforce - or something like that was in the wind.........

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