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King Advises Security Officials To Do Their Utmost

Jai Dee

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His Majesty the King advised security officials to realize their responsibilities and perform their best in and out of the battle fields. His Majesty the King presided over the Royal Decoration Ceremony for soldiers under the Defense Ministry and police under the Royal Thai Police at the Klaikangwon (ไกลกังวล) Palace in Prachuabkirikan (ประจวบคีรีขันธ์) yesterday evening. There were 1,056 officials who were promoted to become generals this year.

His Majesty the King delivered a speech as a guideline for the officials’ operation. During his speech, His Majesty the King told the officials to perform their best in guarding the nation, recognizing the responsibilities that come with the honor they receive. He said that as the nation is facing many dangers, the officials should carry out their best performance to fulfill their role in defending the country, so that the nation is safe from harm.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 18 November 2005

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The King of Thailand is a wonderful kind and caring man, head and shoulders above many politicians from around the world including the USA. Read the wisdom of what he says and understand that he truly cares about the people in his kingdom. If more people were like him the world would be so much nicer.

Edited by john Krukowski
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A fine balancing act he has done

Definitely to be admired as a true leader.

Subtle as he may be

The King of Thailand is a wonderful kind and caring man, head ans shoulders above many politicians from around the world including the USA. Read the wisdom of what he says and understand that he truly cares about the people in his kingdom. If more people were like him the world would be so much nicer.

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