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Download Speeds Down Due To Flooding?

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I am on a 16Mbs package of True. Yesterday and today I witnessed decreasing speeds throughout the day.

In my router panel the DL is usually 18000kbs (conform the 16Mbs DL) and UL 990kbs (conform the 1Mbs UL). Now it is 4400kbs and 990kbs ... I have reset my modem a couple of times but no increase.

Is this most likely a result of the decreasing line quality? Does anybody noticed this too? I am on Petchburi Rd, where they is no flooding (yet).


Sounds like business as usual for True. I am on an 8 Mbps DSL line from True and I find speeds are all over the map, especially at certain times of the day (usually afternoon and evening) and on weekends. During all this flooding disaster, I have been astonished that my DSL has not been impacted, at least not very noticeably. I should point out I live on Asoke.


Decreasing connection speeds is usually caused by physical line problems, so yes it could have something to do with the flooding.

In general I haven't noticed any slowdown so far, knock wood, so probably local to your area.


I remember bank staff telling me that the ATM's work slower in the winter

when all the migratory birds arrived to perch on the telephone wires and stretch them............... :D


No slowdowns on 3BB premier 5Mbit.

I would disagree there. The 3BB Premier service I'm on was abysmal yesterday. Better today though.

I also have access to 3 totally unrelated wifi systems in nearby buildings (ah, the joys of living down-town) and they were all crap yesterday also.


A friend of mine said CAT was down for a few days due to flooding.

No slowdowns on 3BB premier 5Mbit.

My 9mb has been up and down since the flooding. It was really bad the whole of last week.


Huahinn Download Speed: 600 kbps (75 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 518 kbps (64.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 122 ms

Sun Nov 13 2011 13:18:16 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)


My Pattaya TOT Internet was nearly unusable all day yesterday. I could barely check my mail. Couldn't listen to Internet radio.

The PC Connect to Internet was ON at all times, the modem Internet light was green and blinking but at times I definitely had nothing coming in on that Internet connexion.

It was like that for half a day a couple days ago and again this morning though it improved somewhat later on and after lunch I'm now back to normal speed.

After the first slowdown I read that some Internet cable had been damaged somewhere (in the US, I think).

Anyway, it's quite possible that the flooding is affecting the Thailand Internet system somewhat ... Maybe rats gnawing at fiber optic cables ...


Expect there is no shortage of flooded/water logged ground-level ADSL/phone line junction boxes messing up area circuit and individual lines. Water and ADSL/phone lines just don't mix well.

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