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Are You Scared, Worried, Or Feel Like It'S Pointless To Live In Thailand?


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might I suggest that the OP has brought his typical American paranoia of the world with him, he should have left that at home. Try and relax don't worry about something that even if it does happen probably won't effect you in real terms. they won't be playing Bing Crosby's White Christmas and the hue's won't be lifting off from the American embassy with the last evacuee's.:unsure:

If you must worry, then worry about the relationships you might have with Thais, your far more likely to loose your pension than your life!:lol:

Edited by garrfeild
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might I suggest that the OP has brought his typical American paranoia of the world with him, he should have left that at home. Try and relax don't worry about something that even if it does happen probably won't effect you in real terms. they won't be playing Bing Crosby's White Christmas and the hue's won't be lifting off from the American embassy with the last evacuee's.:unsure:

If you must worry, then worry about the relationships you might have with Thais, your far more likely to loose your pension than your life!:lol:

Looks like we could combine this with another thread

when someone amongst us can't take any more loosers letting rip with their malapropisms.

Loosing is for fateful lightning and dogs of war, and bowels

Losing is for pensions, marbles and the plot.

I suppose it helps us practice staying calm and serene, and distracts us from the calamities befalling our neighbours.


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might I suggest that the OP has brought his typical American paranoia of the world with him, he should have left that at home. Try and relax don't worry about something that even if it does happen probably won't effect you in real terms. they won't be playing Bing Crosby's White Christmas and the hue's won't be lifting off from the American embassy with the last evacuee's.:unsure:

If you must worry, then worry about the relationships you might have with Thais, your far more likely to loose your pension than your life!:lol:

Looks like we could combine this with another thread


when someone amongst us can't take any more loosers letting rip with their malapropisms.

Loosing is for fateful lightning and dogs of war, and bowels

Losing is for pensions, marbles and the plot.

I suppose it helps us practice staying calm and serene, and distracts us from the calamities befalling our neighbours.


"It's a sad and beautiful world ."


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might I suggest that the OP has brought his typical American paranoia of the world with him

On the contrary, you've obviously brought your typical paranoia of Americans with you. Might I suggest you get over it.

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might I suggest that the OP has brought his typical American paranoia of the world with him

On the contrary, you've obviously brought your typical paranoia of Americans with you. Might I suggest you get over it.

I have no paranoia about Americans, they just make me laugh. Your obviously one? Try not to take it personaly it was supposed to be an amusing observation :jap:

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might I suggest that the OP has brought his typical American paranoia of the world with him, he should have left that at home. Try and relax don't worry about something that even if it does happen probably won't effect you in real terms. they won't be playing Bing Crosby's White Christmas and the hue's won't be lifting off from the American embassy with the last evacuee's.:unsure:

If you must worry, then worry about the relationships you might have with Thais, your far more likely to loose your pension than your life!:lol:

Looks like we could combine this with another thread


when someone amongst us can't take any more loosers letting rip with their malapropisms.

Loosing is for fateful lightning and dogs of war, and bowels

Losing is for pensions, marbles and the plot.

I suppose it helps us practice staying calm and serene, and distracts us from the calamities befalling our neighbours.


I can't be bothered, deleted reply

Edited by garrfeild
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might I suggest that the OP has brought his typical American paranoia of the world with him, he should have left that at home. Try and relax don't worry about something that even if it does happen probably won't effect you in real terms. they won't be playing Bing Crosby's White Christmas and the hue's won't be lifting off from the American embassy with the last evacuee's.:unsure:

If you must worry, then worry about the relationships you might have with Thais, your far more likely to loose your pension than your life!:lol:

Looks like we could combine this with another thread


when someone amongst us can't take any more loosers letting rip with their malapropisms.

Loosing is for fateful lightning and dogs of war, and bowels

Losing is for pensions, marbles and the plot.

I suppose it helps us practice staying calm and serene, and distracts us from the calamities befalling our neighbours.


I can't be bothered, deleted reply

It's bovered .

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dont worry its fine yes shit can hit fan but your much safer here than in most places and im one who worries about it turning into a Taksin 1 party state but that will take years to achieve although he will try risk on civil war is IMO on cards but so in total social disorder in USA and it will probably be short lived I would not and never have put all i have here financially and actually have taken out 50% but ive lived here 15+ years and my biggest concern is Taksin only that and i just hope Thai people wake up to real dangers but then he's just probably a robber baron even though i worry he might be a Mugabwie Gaddafi or Saddam or even potentially a Hitler im reassured by total mess his clone and people are making of Thailand and so will in time hang by their own battard. Its very reassuring to see that they will simply totally mess it up steal a few hundred billion leave poor in a worse mess and so fade into background to enjoy their ridiculous wealth gained by looting the country. Im even more reassured that poor who let them do it will probably never realise they have been totally duped and so just let system continue and me and my privileged family will be mostly unaffected but just in case Taksin manages to get his way and become another Mugabwie or Gaddafi and rest ive sent half our assets out of country. whistling.gif

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It is ironic to read your concerns. I am in the process of retiring as a teacher in MInnesota and moving to Pattaya, Thailand. You may not be keeping track of what is going on in the USA, but I can assure you it is much worse than what is going on in Thailand. Millionaires and billionaires pay less percentage tax than teachers and many others and the Republicans think that is OK. Congress refuses to work together on any issue of importance. Many people have lost their jobs and houses. The biggest increase in pay I have ever had in my career was 3%, Education is not supported by states and the federal government. Most kids can no longer afford college and even if they could there cannot find jobs if they do graduate. When New Orleans was flooded the state and federal government totally screwed things up. I can't wait to get to Pattaya! All the guys in the Ex Pat club there that I have talked to love living in Pattaya!

Congratuations on your decision to move to Thailand - I do keep track of whats happening in America, my home country (England) and the rest of the world for that fact, so I am well versed on the current goings on.

I retired nearly 4 years ago at the age of 51 to Sichon, Nakhonsithammarat in Southern Thailand. I can honestly say that it was the best decision I have ever made!!!! I hope that it turns out well for you as well!!!

One word of warning though, you must keep your "sensible head" on at all times and think deeply about making "life changing" decisions in Touristy areas (especially Pattaya and Phuket) as there are some clever and devious females in that "neck of the woods" that are more "worldy wise" than you!!! Don't let your heart rule your head and you should be OK!!!

Best of luck, anyway!!!:jap:.

worst is forang who pray on other forang much much worse than ladies IMO ive been here 15+ years and lucky to find one of few honest thai ladies but thne i usually blame forang hwo mostly want their cake and eat it by wanting a nice honest decent wife and not being prepared to give her honestly monogamy and security in return. They deserve all they get but most cons ive seen and worst have been by forang against forang. Be very careful with relationships but be 100% honest but be more wary and careful about forang you will meet jap.gif

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The next time I stay up all night reading the news, I will make sure I triple check my post. It was awfully inconsiderate of me to ask you to read such a poorly written post. I apologize.

I don't think you need to. If you'd carefully read those posts where you were ridiculed, I'm sure you'd have found mistakes in one or two of them.

+1 hey im dyslecic for a start and also dont have time to check my grammer and all that dont be such a prig

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Why bother? The US will fair far better than Thailand on all counts. Maybe it is the hate America crowd that should do some Googling. :rolleyes:

UG, I think folks who are most critical of America are Americans (or haven't you noticed the "Occupy" movement of late). It's well known that the US govt is drowning in debt, American manufacturing is becoming extinct because jobs are being sent overseas (hence corporate profits remain high, but few jobs being created), Washington is becoming even more dysfunctional than usual (which is saying a lot), not to mention the usual suspects of crime, unemployment, racism, shady deals (another county in Alabama gone bankrupt), rich getting richer, etc. I love America and I want America to succeed (partially selfish--I still have lots of US dollars). But the American model is broke. Euro is not much better and possibly worse. Yet many blowhards on TV are criticizing the Thais and how they live? Better clean up our own houses first.

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Why bother? The US will fair far better than Thailand on all counts. Maybe it is the hate America crowd that should do some Googling. :rolleyes:

UG, I think folks who are most critical of America are Americans (or haven't you noticed the "Occupy" movement of late). It's well known that the US govt is drowning in debt, American manufacturing is becoming extinct because jobs are being sent overseas (hence corporate profits remain high, but few jobs being created), Washington is becoming even more dysfunctional than usual (which is saying a lot), not to mention the usual suspects of crime, unemployment, racism, shady deals (another county in Alabama gone bankrupt), rich getting richer, etc. I love America and I want America to succeed (partially selfish--I still have lots of US dollars). But the American model is broke. Euro is not much better and possibly worse. Yet many blowhards on TV are criticizing the Thais and how they live? Better clean up our own houses first.

I am an American, so I think I have a better perspective on my country than many others. Yes, we gave away virtually everything (including our brains) over the past 50 years. But Americans are still hard-working people who can be innovative when push comes to shove. And push has come to shove. I love the 99% movement. It is exciting to say the least. One thing that I think has not been mentioned is that climate change and overpopulation and reliance on fossil fuels are all real. The negative impacts from these things will be devastating, if slow moving. And the worst places to be will be in the developing countries, like Thailand. It is in the developing world that the impact of climate change and overpopulation will be devastating (when that will happen is only a guess). The entire economic system is shattering before our eyes. If China goes, the entire set of glass dominoes will go as well. In the end, it might actually be better to be in the developing world because these countries, in general, will not suffer as much from climate change and overpopulation. For now, I am staying here, but if the future situation grows considerably worse here, I will move back to the USA, in a remote area.

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In reply to Awoh

Climate (anthropogenic) change is a crock, invented by America to frighten and control it's population (and the world).

Fossil fuels is another red herring, plenty left for the foreseeable future, especially if America stops using 80% of the worlds fuel resource.

America never gave anything away, the most selfish and aggressive country in the world for the past 60 years.

Edited by ludditeman
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I am an American, so I think I have a better perspective on my country than many others. Yes, we gave away virtually everything (including our brains) over the past 50 years. But Americans are still hard-working people who can be innovative when push comes to shove. And push has come to shove. I love the 99% movement. It is exciting to say the least. One thing that I think has not been mentioned is that climate change and overpopulation and reliance on fossil fuels are all real. The negative impacts from these things will be devastating, if slow moving. And the worst places to be will be in the developing countries, like Thailand. It is in the developing world that the impact of climate change and overpopulation will be devastating (when that will happen is only a guess). The entire economic system is shattering before our eyes. If China goes, the entire set of glass dominoes will go as well. In the end, it might actually be better to be in the developing world because these countries, in general, will not suffer as much from climate change and overpopulation. For now, I am staying here, but if the future situation grows considerably worse here, I will move back to the USA, in a remote area.

That's a lot of kool-aid to drink all at once

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The negative impacts from these things will be devastating, if slow moving. And the worst places to be will be in the developing countries, like Thailand.

In the end, it might actually be better to be in the developing world because these countries, in general, will not suffer as much from climate change and overpopulation.

I find your two comments (from the same piece) rather contradicting....unless there's a typo in there that I'm not aware of. But no big. As an American also, I'm quite aware of what's happening back in the US. I'm a voracious consumer of US news, maybe even a little bit too much so. There are times when I may come across as negative on America, but it's usually to make a point. America is still the strongest country on the planet, bar none. Whether its economically, technologically, militarily, culturally (e.g., Hollywood)...you name it. That doesn't make it a utopia place to live. Ever wonder why folks like the Amish shun all these things? That's why I find it so hard to listen to the complaints made by expats in Thailand, which most of the time is to suggest that Thailand should be more like the west. If it was, I wouldn't be here.

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The negative impacts from these things will be devastating, if slow moving. And the worst places to be will be in the developing countries, like Thailand.

In the end, it might actually be better to be in the developing world because these countries, in general, will not suffer as much from climate change and overpopulation.

I find your two comments (from the same piece) rather contradicting....unless there's a typo in there that I'm not aware of. But no big. As an American also, I'm quite aware of what's happening back in the US. I'm a voracious consumer of US news, maybe even a little bit too much so. There are times when I may come across as negative on America, but it's usually to make a point. America is still the strongest country on the planet, bar none. Whether its economically, technologically, militarily, culturally (e.g., Hollywood)...you name it. That doesn't make it a utopia place to live. Ever wonder why folks like the Amish shun all these things? That's why I find it so hard to listen to the complaints made by expats in Thailand, which most of the time is to suggest that Thailand should be more like the west. If it was, I wouldn't be here.

Thanks for pointing that out :) I meant to write this: The negative impacts from these things will be devastating, if slow moving. And the worst places to be will be in the developing countries, like Thailand. In the end, it might actually be better to be in the developed world because these countries, in general, will not suffer as much from climate change and overpopulation.

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I stay here because it's so much better than the infrastructurally better country from which I get a passport, but which is an over regulated, PC and unhappy country, plus other reasons which would get my reply deleted.

Suffice to say that I wish to remain in a country that does not steal my hard earned money to GIVE to the lazy, the ignorant and young girls that can't be bothered to use contraception.

I am married to a Thai, but if I really wanted, I'm sure I could take her back "home", as she believes in working, not sponging off other people, However, I'm putting off the day she gets contaminated by PC BS as long as possible.

It'll take more than a flood or some red shirt riots to drive me out.

As the saying goes, a bad day here is better than a good day back there!

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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The negative impacts from these things will be devastating, if slow moving. And the worst places to be will be in the developing countries, like Thailand.

In the end, it might actually be better to be in the developing world because these countries, in general, will not suffer as much from climate change and overpopulation.

I find your two comments (from the same piece) rather contradicting....unless there's a typo in there that I'm not aware of. But no big. As an American also, I'm quite aware of what's happening back in the US. I'm a voracious consumer of US news, maybe even a little bit too much so. There are times when I may come across as negative on America, but it's usually to make a point. America is still the strongest country on the planet, bar none. Whether its economically, technologically, militarily, culturally (e.g., Hollywood)...you name it. That doesn't make it a utopia place to live. Ever wonder why folks like the Amish shun all these things? That's why I find it so hard to listen to the complaints made by expats in Thailand, which most of the time is to suggest that Thailand should be more like the west. If it was, I wouldn't be here.

Yes indeed, if Thailand was like back 'ome, there would be little point being here, except the weather- it's bliss never being cold. However, I disagree that most complaints are saying that LOS should be like the west. IMO they are saying that things could be a LOT better without losing the Thai factor. Just take visas- Malaysia has a far superior visa system, and it doesn't make them like Britain.

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Why bother? The US will fair far better than Thailand on all counts. Maybe it is the hate America crowd that should do some Googling. :rolleyes:

UG, I think folks who are most critical of America are Americans (or haven't you noticed the "Occupy" movement of late). It's well known that the US govt is drowning in debt, American manufacturing is becoming extinct because jobs are being sent overseas (hence corporate profits remain high, but few jobs being created), Washington is becoming even more dysfunctional than usual (which is saying a lot), not to mention the usual suspects of crime, unemployment, racism, shady deals (another county in Alabama gone bankrupt), rich getting richer, etc. I love America and I want America to succeed (partially selfish--I still have lots of US dollars). But the American model is broke. Euro is not much better and possibly worse. Yet many blowhards on TV are criticizing the Thais and how they live? Better clean up our own houses first.

I am an American, so I think I have a better perspective on my country than many others. Yes, we gave away virtually everything (including our brains) over the past 50 years. But Americans are still hard-working people who can be innovative when push comes to shove. And push has come to shove. I love the 99% movement. It is exciting to say the least. One thing that I think has not been mentioned is that climate change and overpopulation and reliance on fossil fuels are all real. The negative impacts from these things will be devastating, if slow moving. And the worst places to be will be in the developing countries, like Thailand. It is in the developing world that the impact of climate change and overpopulation will be devastating (when that will happen is only a guess). The entire economic system is shattering before our eyes. If China goes, the entire set of glass dominoes will go as well. In the end, it might actually be better to be in the developing world because these countries, in general, will not suffer as much from climate change and overpopulation. For now, I am staying here, but if the future situation grows considerably worse here, I will move back to the USA, in a remote area.

I would disagree that Thailand suffers from overpopulation, or that it will in the future. There are few large families, and ample empty ( of people ) land.

I believe that the countries that will suffer overpopulation are the developed countries as they seem to let anyone stay, once they manage to arrive. That is to say anyone that is an illegal immigrant. The only people that seem to have difficulty are those like Thai women that attempt to enter legally.

Unlike foolish PC western countries, Thailand does not suffer illegal immigrants easily.

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I would disagree that Thailand suffers from overpopulation, or that it will in the future. There are few large families, and ample empty ( of people ) land.

I believe that the countries that will suffer overpopulation are the developed countries as they seem to let anyone stay, once they manage to arrive. That is to say anyone that is an illegal immigrant. The only people that seem to have difficulty are those like Thai women that attempt to enter legally.

Unlike foolish PC western countries, Thailand does not suffer illegal immigrants easily.

IMHO Thailand is one of the most PC countries on the planet. The 1% have done an effective job of putting the 99% in mental straitjackets. This is a very conservative society that almost never changes (of course, some popular past times seem to contradict this). Overpopulation is, in many ways, relative to resources and land. The USA is a huge country with very few people per total land area. Thailand is a small country with lots of people per total land area. Thailand, like so many other developing countries is already grossly overpopulated if "quality of life" is considered. Most people work like slaves for slave wages. Life is not easy for most Thais. Yes, the fertility rate has declined, but the population continues to grow and the govt. is pro-population growth because it needs a large pool of slave labor to keep the system going. In the future it is very likely that Thailand will be impacted seriously, not only by internal population growth, but by illegal immigration from neighboring countries (mass migrations) hard hit by climate change and social chaos. It would be a big mistake to dismiss the negative, future impacts of climate change and population growth on any country in the developing world. I am virtually certain the developing world is going to suffer big time. When? I do not know. Do you? How will it impact the developed world? I am not sure but it could have a positive impact if it slows down or reverses the globalization/centralization of the economy and forces people to focus on creating regional/local sustainability of the type that leads to a high quality lifestyle for the 99%. What we are living through now is a very slow train wreck. Because it is so slow it is not easy to see, so complacency sets in. Speed it up and every person will be screaming! Have a nice day :) Really, this is so obvious to me, and it bums me out to focus on it. Good luck!

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What we are living through now is a very slow train wreck. Because it is so slow it is not easy to see, so complacency sets in. Speed it up and every person will be screaming! Have a nice day :) Really, this is so obvious to me, and it bums me out to focus on it. Good luck!

You worry too much. If the apocalypse is coming, it won't get here until we're dead and buried. Our kids' grandkids might have to deal with it. And by then, they would have figured it all out.

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I would disagree that Thailand suffers from overpopulation, or that it will in the future. There are few large families, and ample empty ( of people ) land.

I believe that the countries that will suffer overpopulation are the developed countries as they seem to let anyone stay, once they manage to arrive. That is to say anyone that is an illegal immigrant. The only people that seem to have difficulty are those like Thai women that attempt to enter legally.

Unlike foolish PC western countries, Thailand does not suffer illegal immigrants easily.

IMHO Thailand is one of the most PC countries on the planet. The 1% have done an effective job of putting the 99% in mental straitjackets. This is a very conservative society that almost never changes (of course, some popular past times seem to contradict this). Overpopulation is, in many ways, relative to resources and land. The USA is a huge country with very few people per total land area. Thailand is a small country with lots of people per total land area. Thailand, like so many other developing countries is already grossly overpopulated if "quality of life" is considered. Most people work like slaves for slave wages. Life is not easy for most Thais. Yes, the fertility rate has declined, but the population continues to grow and the govt. is pro-population growth because it needs a large pool of slave labor to keep the system going. In the future it is very likely that Thailand will be impacted seriously, not only by internal population growth, but by illegal immigration from neighboring countries (mass migrations) hard hit by climate change and social chaos. It would be a big mistake to dismiss the negative, future impacts of climate change and population growth on any country in the developing world. I am virtually certain the developing world is going to suffer big time. When? I do not know. Do you? How will it impact the developed world? I am not sure but it could have a positive impact if it slows down or reverses the globalization/centralization of the economy and forces people to focus on creating regional/local sustainability of the type that leads to a high quality lifestyle for the 99%. What we are living through now is a very slow train wreck. Because it is so slow it is not easy to see, so complacency sets in. Speed it up and every person will be screaming! Have a nice day :) Really, this is so obvious to me, and it bums me out to focus on it. Good luck!

<IMHO Thailand is one of the most PC countries on the planet> ( Sorry, don't understand how to do a small "quote" )

I think your definition of PC is vastly different to mine. Mine is where it is acceptable to give a teenage girl money, a car, a house and a better lifestyle than I could afford going out to work full time just because she was too stupid to use contraception, plus she can't bring up a child because she is a child and ignorant, so the little bastard will grow up to be a lout. Even calling a bastard a bastard is politically incorrect now in the PC world.

Certainly, LOS does not suffer from that version of PC.

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In reply to Awoh

Climate (anthropogenic) change is a crock, invented by America to frighten and control it's population (and the world).

Fossil fuels is another red herring, plenty left for the foreseeable future, especially if America stops using 80% of the worlds fuel resource.

America never gave anything away, the most selfish and aggressive country in the world for the past 60 years.

Unfortunately, climate change is real, and it's been getting warmer since 1972.

Where I agree with you is that it has been co opted by the political establishment which has twisted the facts to pretend that it's man made, and used that to add BS taxes. Not just the US. The Australian PM just pushed through the most stupid tax in forever.

I'm am however, waiting for the Thai Science Minister to expand on his theory that Thailand won't be affected by rising sea levels as LOS is far from the poles and the melting ice.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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I would disagree that Thailand suffers from overpopulation, or that it will in the future. There are few large families, and ample empty ( of people ) land.

I believe that the countries that will suffer overpopulation are the developed countries as they seem to let anyone stay, once they manage to arrive. That is to say anyone that is an illegal immigrant. The only people that seem to have difficulty are those like Thai women that attempt to enter legally.

Unlike foolish PC western countries, Thailand does not suffer illegal immigrants easily.

IMHO Thailand is one of the most PC countries on the planet. The 1% have done an effective job of putting the 99% in mental straitjackets. This is a very conservative society that almost never changes (of course, some popular past times seem to contradict this). Overpopulation is, in many ways, relative to resources and land. The USA is a huge country with very few people per total land area. Thailand is a small country with lots of people per total land area. Thailand, like so many other developing countries is already grossly overpopulated if "quality of life" is considered. Most people work like slaves for slave wages. Life is not easy for most Thais. Yes, the fertility rate has declined, but the population continues to grow and the govt. is pro-population growth because it needs a large pool of slave labor to keep the system going. In the future it is very likely that Thailand will be impacted seriously, not only by internal population growth, but by illegal immigration from neighboring countries (mass migrations) hard hit by climate change and social chaos. It would be a big mistake to dismiss the negative, future impacts of climate change and population growth on any country in the developing world. I am virtually certain the developing world is going to suffer big time. When? I do not know. Do you? How will it impact the developed world? I am not sure but it could have a positive impact if it slows down or reverses the globalization/centralization of the economy and forces people to focus on creating regional/local sustainability of the type that leads to a high quality lifestyle for the 99%. What we are living through now is a very slow train wreck. Because it is so slow it is not easy to see, so complacency sets in. Speed it up and every person will be screaming! Have a nice day :) Really, this is so obvious to me, and it bums me out to focus on it. Good luck!

I think you are too certain for your own good. There's too much talk about the 1%, the reality of the matter is is that it's the middle classes that rule the future of countries. There is a rising middle class across Asia, and Asian politics will change dramatically because of it.

The root of the middle class explosion is the spread of wealth from the West, with wealth education follows. Education is the best contraception invented yet.

Take care of extrapolating today's conditions to what condition's will be in 20 years. No one knows. Including me. Including you.

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Why bother? The US will fair far better than Thailand on all counts. Maybe it is the hate America crowd that should do some Googling. :rolleyes:

UG, I think folks who are most critical of America are Americans (or haven't you noticed the "Occupy" movement of late). It's well known that the US govt is drowning in debt, American manufacturing is becoming extinct because jobs are being sent overseas (hence corporate profits remain high, but few jobs being created), Washington is becoming even more dysfunctional than usual (which is saying a lot), not to mention the usual suspects of crime, unemployment, racism, shady deals (another county in Alabama gone bankrupt), rich getting richer, etc. I love America and I want America to succeed (partially selfish--I still have lots of US dollars). But the American model is broke. Euro is not much better and possibly worse. Yet many blowhards on TV are criticizing the Thais and how they live? Better clean up our own houses first.

I am an American, so I think I have a better perspective on my country than many others. Yes, we gave away virtually everything (including our brains) over the past 50 years. But Americans are still hard-working people who can be innovative when push comes to shove. And push has come to shove. I love the 99% movement. It is exciting to say the least. One thing that I think has not been mentioned is that climate change and overpopulation and reliance on fossil fuels are all real. The negative impacts from these things will be devastating, if slow moving. And the worst places to be will be in the developing countries, like Thailand. It is in the developing world that the impact of climate change and overpopulation will be devastating (when that will happen is only a guess). The entire economic system is shattering before our eyes. If China goes, the entire set of glass dominoes will go as well. In the end, it might actually be better to be in the developing world because these countries, in general, will not suffer as much from climate change and overpopulation. For now, I am staying here, but if the future situation grows considerably worse here, I will move back to the USA, in a remote area.

I would disagree that Thailand suffers from overpopulation, or that it will in the future. There are few large families, and ample empty ( of people ) land.

I believe that the countries that will suffer overpopulation are the developed countries as they seem to let anyone stay, once they manage to arrive. That is to say anyone that is an illegal immigrant. The only people that seem to have difficulty are those like Thai women that attempt to enter legally.

Unlike foolish PC western countries, Thailand does not suffer illegal immigrants easily.

How many illegal immigrants do you estimate there are in Thailand? :blink:

This over-population garbage is...........GARBAGE!! The entire population of the world would fit into Texas. the projected population peak of 9 billion will be easy to feed, excepting local droughts. The biggest scandal just now is the amount of food that is wasted and discarded by the West. There is no world wide food shortage, there is a world wide distribution problem.

Give it ten years though and there will be a shortage of available Thai ladies as the Chinese will be over here in their droves buying them up. Gender imbalance in China and India is a serious problem.

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UG, I think folks who are most critical of America are Americans (or haven't you noticed the "Occupy" movement of late). It's well known that the US govt is drowning in debt, American manufacturing is becoming extinct because jobs are being sent overseas (hence corporate profits remain high, but few jobs being created), Washington is becoming even more dysfunctional than usual (which is saying a lot), not to mention the usual suspects of crime, unemployment, racism, shady deals (another county in Alabama gone bankrupt), rich getting richer, etc. I love America and I want America to succeed (partially selfish--I still have lots of US dollars). But the American model is broke. Euro is not much better and possibly worse. Yet many blowhards on TV are criticizing the Thais and how they live? Better clean up our own houses first.

I am an American, so I think I have a better perspective on my country than many others. Yes, we gave away virtually everything (including our brains) over the past 50 years. But Americans are still hard-working people who can be innovative when push comes to shove. And push has come to shove. I love the 99% movement. It is exciting to say the least. One thing that I think has not been mentioned is that climate change and overpopulation and reliance on fossil fuels are all real. The negative impacts from these things will be devastating, if slow moving. And the worst places to be will be in the developing countries, like Thailand. It is in the developing world that the impact of climate change and overpopulation will be devastating (when that will happen is only a guess). The entire economic system is shattering before our eyes. If China goes, the entire set of glass dominoes will go as well. In the end, it might actually be better to be in the developing world because these countries, in general, will not suffer as much from climate change and overpopulation. For now, I am staying here, but if the future situation grows considerably worse here, I will move back to the USA, in a remote area.

I would disagree that Thailand suffers from overpopulation, or that it will in the future. There are few large families, and ample empty ( of people ) land.

I believe that the countries that will suffer overpopulation are the developed countries as they seem to let anyone stay, once they manage to arrive. That is to say anyone that is an illegal immigrant. The only people that seem to have difficulty are those like Thai women that attempt to enter legally.

Unlike foolish PC western countries, Thailand does not suffer illegal immigrants easily.

How many illegal immigrants do you estimate there are in Thailand? :blink:

This over-population garbage is...........GARBAGE!! The entire population of the world would fit into Texas. the projected population peak of 9 billion will be easy to feed, excepting local droughts. The biggest scandal just now is the amount of food that is wasted and discarded by the West. There is no world wide food shortage, there is a world wide distribution problem.

Give it ten years though and there will be a shortage of available Thai ladies as the Chinese will be over here in their droves buying them up. Gender imbalance in China and India is a serious problem.

Some quotes removed to allow posting.

Hmmmm. Well, if they all went to Texas and stopped destroying everything in their own areas it wouldn't be a problem then!

Unfortunately, as the 9 billion becomes 10 in a few years the amount of raw material they consume will use up most of the easily available planetary resources, making our way of life unsustainable, and I certainly don't want to go back to some sort of peasant economy.

I, and I'm sure everyone else has no idea how many illegal immigrants there are in Thailand, but I'd bet there are less than in the UK, which is too PC to ever be able to deal with them.

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The only real pointless thoughts if you do live in Thailand are that the whole country will be corruption free, (from the head of the snake to the last tip of the tail), political heads, to the street vender, and that the rich will let the poorer people (Reds) from getting out from underneath this 3rd world stigma, most of Thailand is living with. If you can live within the bounds of reality with these, then you for sure are in the right country.:jap:

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