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PM Yingluck's Tears Not Helping Us: Thai Poll


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Tears are a sign of weakness in a national leader, unless something truly extraordinary and horrible has happened. Such as if the dam had burst and killed 10,000 in a day.

A slow moving flood that's killed 450 in 3 months is not that heart wrenching to call for this show of extraordinary emotion, and makes it seem a sign of weakness, not of ' the rock ' needed for all to cling to in their need. It is a truly sad and melancholy thing in so many ways, and should cause controlled emotion to be seen.

Would they accept it if she cried if a plane with 450 Thais crashed and all lost? No they wouldn't. They would expect she was upset, and talked of the steps being taken for their loved ones, not break down in tears. Strength in a leader is what they need and expect.

A leader MUST show STRENGTH to lead,

crying is not a show of this strength,

regardless of is shows humanity.

This is exactly how most men think, and they don't understand women. A woman's tears are not a sign of weakness, but usually a sign of rage and/or frustration. There have been many studies done on the reason men and women tear-up.

In this case she is not simply a woman, but a National Leader, and that calls for sterner stuff. Or are we giving her a 'lady pass' to be weak?

I note 'some' try and equate her to Churchill, which is definitely a stretch.

Of course what he had to deal with was much greater and more Captains decisions of life and death daily. Many went to their deaths specifically from Churchills decisions and orders. Ones I believe Yingluck would not likely be able to deal with. Maybe, but not likely.

And even if a few tears escaped, he tried to hold them back, control them, and show strength as the leader. If anyone knew what I am speaking of it is Churchill himself.

"Or are we giving her a 'lady pass' to be weak?" exactly the point. No one knows why Yingluck has tears in her eyes, not you not me. But the overwhelming assumption that she is "weak" (IMO) is just a lack of understanding. Compassion, anger, frustration can all lead to tears.

As for those spouting about her being a weak leader, let them take her job... right now, today. Go ahead guys, give it your best shot.

Well this statement makes my point.

" But the overwhelming assumption that she is "weak" (IMO) is just a lack of understanding."

Regardless of WHY there is lack of understanding, the presumption is that it shows her to be weak.

Since appearances and their knock-on affects on 'public perceptions and confidence' are so important, looking weak for what ever reasons amplifies the perception that the cryer is not being the strong leader needed in a crisis.

It is a grave PR error, and she clearly just doesn't have the right 'level of spinmeister' by her side, discretely stopping her from making these chronic PR gaffes. And make no mistake Public Relations between a national leader and the citizenry during a crisis is of paramount importance; to avoid panic, rash decision making, and letting loose cannons, who wish to amorally profit on the suffering of others, think they can run their scams unimpeded.

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