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Bangkok Flood Relief.


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I've just come back from a trip to Bangkok to bring food and water to the flooded areas. We were in an area about 10 miles north of Don Muaeng Airport and I was surprised to find that most people were still in their houses - the water there is about one metre deep. But I was astonished when people started telling us that we were the first outsiders they had seen bringing supplies since the water came. There were people coming from every direction - some wading, some in small boats - as we handed out the supplies. We travelled by boat and there were people lowering buckets on ropes as we passed by. I was absolutely gutted when the last of the food and water was gone and there were still more people arriving.

So we are planning to go back as soon as we can get another load together. This is not an appeal for money. I never give money to relief charities because I wonder how it gets used. We need bottled water, rice, eggs and pork. Keep it simple. If your Phu Ying can cook then we could use help in preparing and packing the food. If you have road transport then come with us on the next run and hand the food directly to the people who will be eating it as we did today.

If you can help, PM me and I'll tell you where.

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Actually it was Mrs O'Spalpeen who made the running. I just went along out of curiosity and to see what a flooded Bangkok looks like. But when you find yourself sitting in a boat, surrounded by hungry people standing waist deep in water, and you've just handed out the last of the food and water there's no question that you need to find more supplies and get back to them. So anyone that can spare a bottle of water or a bag of rice, I need it. Two would be better.

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