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Add in family migration, and I really like the US 50,000 people via their immigrant lottery and you get a rich tapestry of migrants who can add immense depth to a country and it society.

Shame the UK does not have the room left to be able to offer this. They do however, not bother checking huge amounts of people at the border. so I spose that is a lottery of some sorts..

totster :D

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Samran - you make a few very good points! However, where 'there's money there's muck! There's many parts of the UK that are now overrun with muck - who will kill their own 'people' for profit -and scare every other local inhabitant to death! This is not from movies, this is real!


Samran - you make a few very good points! However, where 'there's money there's muck! There's many parts of the UK that are now overrun with muck - who will kill their own 'people' for profit -and scare every other local inhabitant to death! This is not from movies, this is real!

Is it a migration problem or is it a general social problem?

Certainly places in the UK I wouldn't walk down the street. Was chased home once by a bunch of young yobs in the east end of London after jumping off the bus. All white.

There is a social malaise in certain parts of the UK. I wouldn't put it down to migration.


Samran - you make a few very good points! However, where 'there's money there's muck! There's many parts of the UK that are now overrun with muck - who will kill their own 'people' for profit -and scare every other local inhabitant to death! This is not from movies, this is real!

Is it a migration problem or is it a general social problem?

Certainly places in the UK I wouldn't walk down the street. Was chased home once by a bunch of young yobs in the east end of London after jumping off the bus. All white.

There is a social malaise in certain parts of the UK. I wouldn't put it down to migration.

One can cause the other, and I'm sorry, but I do think that migration does have a part to play in the social malaise of the UK!


Samran - you make a few very good points! However, where 'there's money there's muck! There's many parts of the UK that are now overrun with muck - who will kill their own 'people' for profit -and scare every other local inhabitant to death! This is not from movies, this is real!

Is it a migration problem or is it a general social problem?

Certainly places in the UK I wouldn't walk down the street. Was chased home once by a bunch of young yobs in the east end of London after jumping off the bus. All white.

There is a social malaise in certain parts of the UK. I wouldn't put it down to migration.

One can cause the other, and I'm sorry, but I do think that migration does have a part to play in the social malaise of the UK!

Counter-factual: Canada, Australia, NZ all successful immigrant countries. What is different?


Samran - you make a few very good points! However, where 'there's money there's muck! There's many parts of the UK that are now overrun with muck - who will kill their own 'people' for profit -and scare every other local inhabitant to death! This is not from movies, this is real!

Is it a migration problem or is it a general social problem?

Certainly places in the UK I wouldn't walk down the street. Was chased home once by a bunch of young yobs in the east end of London after jumping off the bus. All white.

There is a social malaise in certain parts of the UK. I wouldn't put it down to migration.

One can cause the other, and I'm sorry, but I do think that migration does have a part to play in the social malaise of the UK!

Counter-factual: Canada, Australia, NZ all successful immigrant countries. What is different?

We suffer the same social malaise in Scotland, and have done for decades, yet there were very few darkies there, certainly when I was growing up.

So I don't think its the darkies that are the problem.

Maybe we're just able to take decent young Muslim men and turn them into ignorant British louts with remarkable efficiency.

Maybe the biggest difference is that the countries you highlight have a small population based on primary industries. More likely, it is that they were countries established and ruled in their infancy by British emigrant imperialists.

Oh my word! My apologies for the digression, but I've just been cursed with a satellite transmission on Astro of the thirty-minute "SPL Highlights" show - must be a repeat of last season's compilation, to be that long.



Samran - you make a few very good points! However, where 'there's money there's muck! There's many parts of the UK that are now overrun with muck - who will kill their own 'people' for profit -and scare every other local inhabitant to death! This is not from movies, this is real!

Is it a migration problem or is it a general social problem?

Certainly places in the UK I wouldn't walk down the street. Was chased home once by a bunch of young yobs in the east end of London after jumping off the bus. All white.

There is a social malaise in certain parts of the UK. I wouldn't put it down to migration.

One can cause the other, and I'm sorry, but I do think that migration does have a part to play in the social malaise of the UK!

Counter-factual: Canada, Australia, NZ all successful immigrant countries. What is different?

One has to jump through hoops to get into Oz... in the UK one has to walk past UK border control during their 'relaxed borders' phase..

totster :D


Oh my word! My apologies for the digression, but I've just been cursed with a satellite transmission on Astro of the thirty-minute "SPL Highlights" show - must be a repeat of last season's compilation, to be that long.

Ah the SPL, do they still just play on Sundays and get changed in the local pub toilets ?

totster :D


And wear kilts? Must be fantastic - I'd love to ply my trade in the SPL!jap.gif

Are you a plumber?


No, but he is highly skilled in making sausages square.. ;)

totster :D


One has to jump through hoops to get into Oz... in the UK one has to walk past UK border control during their 'relaxed borders' phase..

totster :D

I guess you've never had the pleasure of applying for the uk version of a green card. Hoops galore.

I dare say if many Brits who complain about how "easy" it is to get into the uk to live and work actually bothered to look at the requirements, most wouldn't even qualify if they had to apply those rules to themselves.


No, but I did get a Distinction in fluid dynamics! i love that shit!

Well thank goodness that's over! Can we get back to denigrating foreigners and whinging that people with no money prefer to live in rich countries while people with a little money apparently prefer to live in poor countries?



Abolishing the freedom of movement rights within the EEA would mean that these pensioners would not be able to live in another EEA state without complying with whatever immigration requirements and restrictions said state wished to impose upon them.

I thought that my post made that clear to anyone with half a brain; apparently not.

And my post was suggesting that freedom of movement was extended to Everyone from Everywhere and not about abolishing any.

I thought my post was perfectly clear, but apparently it wasn't.

I did not argue with that point.

You seemed to be saying that citizens of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand enjoyed the same freedom of movement rights in the UK that EEA citizens do; I corrected that in the part of my post which you didn't quote.

As for letting everyone in: in an ideal world there would be no need for border controls; but we don't live in an ideal world.


One has to jump through hoops to get into Oz... in the UK one has to walk past UK border control during their 'relaxed borders' phase..

totster :D

I guess you've never had the pleasure of applying for the uk version of a green card. Hoops galore.

I dare say if many Brits who complain about how "easy" it is to get into the uk to live and work actually bothered to look at the requirements, most wouldn't even qualify if they had to apply those rules to themselves.

Hmmm, maybe it's because a lot of immigrants do not need to apply for the UK version of the green card.. what with being from deepest Europe... not to mention those who have relatives..

Brits don't need to qualify to live and work in their own country, and neither do most residents of their home country, so that's a moot point.

totster :D


Many posts in this thread prove that:-

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink;

You can lead someone to knowledge, but you can't make them think.

I'll let individuals decide for themselves which posts I am referring to!


Something which I'm shore will enjoy broad support amungst the UK members of TV who left the UK to escape Scrounging foreigners.

It seems to me that a lot of people who do not now live in the UK don't actually know the strength of feelings to wards these people, because our standard of living are being eroded by there cheap labour while we are still paying the standard of living prices for the UK. Not all UK people are lazy. most want to work but cannot get jobs because 12000 a month of foreign people are coming into the labour market from outside the UK. And we cannot express our feelings because we are not allowed to. because it may offend them, And there human rights , what about us people who are born and bred in the UK. Don't we have a valid opinion.Where are our Human rights's as British citizen And i have been called racist, because i have my views.


I've never been a believer in the myth that migrants are spongers. Quite the opposite. They are hungry, and countries should welcome them.

[ quote ]

hear hear,, try preaching that in china or even thailand , remember the boat refugees from burma,, towed back out to sea .

It certainly can't be for the 88 quid per week dole in a country where you can't walk out the front door without 20 quid vanishing from your wallet.

what other country gives the equivalent amount ?

do the thai unemployed recieve benefiets?

i think not .



Despite my explaining exactly what public funds immigrants, whether from the EEA or elsewhere, are entitled to (bugger all) some still adhere to the belief that immigrants only come here for the bundles of cash the government dole out to them and so should be removed, or better still not allowed into the country in the first place!

I wonder if these people include their wives in this, or is it different because they are their wives?

No doubt they will say that their wives aren't here to scrounge, but to be with their husbands, work if possible and contribute to society. Exactly like all the other, legal, immigrants they complain about, in fact!

One cannot reason with a closed mind


To bring the topic back into line slightly.. and interesting article from the telegraph


totster :D

From someone signing himself "Home Affairs Editor" I am surprised by the number of basic errors in the article.

For example:-

"The limit could almost double to £25,700............" Wrong, there is no current minimum limit.

"In July, the Government proposed making foreign spouses wait five years before being allowed to apply for citizenship, up from the current two years." Wrong, the current residential qualification for citizenship if the spouse or civil partner of a British citizen is 3 years; for all others it is already 5 years.

"Those sponsoring a family visa must currently earn at least £5,500 a year................" Wrong. As said above, there is no official minimum earnings, though if the family's income would be less than the income support level for a British family of the same size the visa application is almost certain to be refused on maintenance grounds.


You go on about foreiners going into the UK, where I lived we never had a coloured person in the area, ( black,red,pink or yellow) untill they closed the pits, may be they were afraid they might have to go down there to work. I stand corrected we did have Italians open cafe's (those that didn't want to go home after the war) and they good at it.


You go on about foreiners going into the UK, where I lived we never had a coloured person in the area, ( black,red,pink or yellow) untill they closed the pits, may be they were afraid they might have to go down there to work. I stand corrected we did have Italians open cafe's (those that didn't want to go home after the war) and they good at it.

I think they're whinging mostly about the influx of foreigners since after I left. If he'd known I was doing so much to hold back immigration, the late Enoch Powell might've asked me to stay, but he'd retired by the time I'd left.



They do however, not bother checking huge amounts of people at the border. so I spose that is a lottery of some sorts

The popular press would have you believe that border officials are not checking huge amounts of people at the UK border, that isn't the case. All pasports and visas are checked on arrival, what seems to have happened is that IO's were instructed not to open biometric chips and check passengers against the warnings index during busy periods.

Don't forget that for visa nationals, such as those travelling from Thailand, they wouldn't even be allowed to board the aircraft without the appropriate visa.



You go on about foreiners going into the UK, where I lived we never had a coloured person in the area, ( black,red,pink or yellow) untill they closed the pits, may be they were afraid they might have to go down there to work. I stand corrected we did have Italians open cafe's (those that didn't want to go home after the war) and they good at it.

Damn fine ice cream ! :licklips:

totster :D


You go on about foreiners going into the UK, where I lived we never had a coloured person in the area, ( black,red,pink or yellow) untill they closed the pits, may be they were afraid they might have to go down there to work. I stand corrected we did have Italians open cafe's (those that didn't want to go home after the war) and they good at it.

dam_n fine ice cream ! :licklips:

totster :D

i had 20years down the mines,wales and yorks.only ever saw poles,hungarians,loved the brachi's.


ones got a brown nose,the other has a sore arse,who am i referring to :whistling:

I work quite a bit with coal mining and I didn't realise extendend periods of coal dust exposure was a cause of dim-wittedness.

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