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Pardon For Thaksin: Thai Govt Takes Dangerous Path


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Much has been said about Thaksin's character, well in the 8 year I have been living in Thailand my character has very much changed, I have learnt to tell blatant lies, to manipulate, use social contacts and indulge in bribery as a way of life, you could say I hhhave "gone native":lol:

Perhhaps the last few years of living in a civilised culture have equally rubbed off on Thaksin. I'm prepared to wait and see, a leopard cannot change its spots, but people can.

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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

So let me get this straight...they should let this scum back in the country so that one farang can get a job??? :blink:

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when you decide to butt out and let others speak for themselves when they're in discussion.... deal?

i'm interested in what rubl has to say, since that's who i was asking... thanks

It's best to accomplish that through a personal message (PM).

If you post on the public forum, any member in the public reading it can and will respond to it.


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>quote name='hammered' timestamp='1321545171' post='4854165'>

OMR the military may well be to divided to even do anything. They struggled to pull off May last year and the reds are a lot more powerful since that

Edited to add: i think we are close to what we talked about a while ago involving the long march if anyone wants to try it


The army struggled to pull off the clean-up May 2010? Against 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists'? And now the reds are more powerful? :(

Time to watch out for grenade attacks on non-reds ?

rubl, show me one regular on this forum who would argue that every red shirt at the protest in 2010 was a peaceful protester...show me just one...

or else stop with the 'peaceful protesters' baloney, please

Good, then we all agree that what the army cleaned up was rioters, right? Maybe that's why the soldiers got flowers by the public for doing it...

yeah, well done....very smart stuff there mate

hopefully you patted yourself on the shoulder and laid back in your seat after posting that comment, if not... you should have done, amazing.

it was an A+ retort to what i said.

I work at Ratchaprasong and went there every day until end April. I heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd on, there was nothing peaceful about what I saw and heard

My comment about rioters was based on my own daily observations

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OMR the military may well be to divided to even do anything. They struggled to pull off May last year and the reds are a lot more powerful since that

Edited to add: i think we are close to what we talked about a while ago involving the long march if anyone wants to try it

The army struggled to pull off the clean-up May 2010? Against 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists'? And now the reds are more powerful? :(

Time to watch out for grenade attacks on non-reds ?

rubl, show me one regular on this forum who would argue that every red shirt at the protest in 2010 was a peaceful protester...show me just one...

or else stop with the 'peaceful protesters' baloney, please

You weren't here then dude, they were regularly saying this in large numbers.

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so funny all these keyboard terrorists which never will understand that Thai politics are ThaiBusiness :rolleyes:

after 10 pages in TV Forum....what changed? Lets all be happy that Asians forget things easier than Farangs do, how otherwise it would be possible for USAmericans to visit countries like Vietnam or Cambodia without being killed or throwed into a deep sh1tehole on arrival?

If you dont understand Asia and not happy with the rules here, just leave if in your home country things are soooo wunderful and your politicians are so loyal

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Much has been said about Thaksin's character, well in the 8 year I have been living in Thailand my character has very much changed, I have learnt to tell blatant lies, to manipulate, use social contacts and indulge in bribery as a way of life, you could say I hhhave "gone native":lol:

Perhhaps the last few years of living in a civilised culture have equally rubbed off on Thaksin. I'm prepared to wait and see, a leopard cannot change its spots, but people can.

Well, he's called for a bloody revolution twice while in exile; or did you miss that?

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how about this, i'll go talk to them about it when you decide to butt out and let others speak for themselves when they're in discussion.... deal?

i thought not.

rubl blatantly put 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' in quotations to suggest that people who had a problem with the crackdown are of the opinion that they were all peaceful protesters...so show me one regular on here who claims such a thing!

some of ye are all so black and white about things it's verging on the rrrrrrridiculous

i'm interested in what rubl has to say, since that's who i was asking... thanks

Rubl regularly (blatantly) uses the reference to the "Peaceful protesters. Not terrorists" sign when red shirts suggest just that.

It's not the "regular"s on here who are claiming such things. It's the red shirts themselves.

If you can point me to one place where one of the red shirt leaders has accepted that they (or even some of them) were violent and/or armed, that sign will lose some of it's relevance.

Until then, the "Peaceful protesters. Not terrorists" sign will continue to be referred to by many people, including rubl.


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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

So let me get this straight...they should let this scum back in the country so that one farang can get a job??? :blink:

Im not winding people up today so i wont make a comment, and i normally dont make any personally bad comments about people i dont know, (scumbag) your command of English is of the highest order, electrifying even !


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I rather let all others murderers and rapist in Thailand walk free than to see this man return to Thailand.

After all those money he stole from us Thais.

OK, I understand, BUT... maybe you will enlighten us which former PM or other politican hasnt steel any money from Thaipeople?

What hast changed in the years with Khun Abhisit? are there free shools? Free health care for Thais? (visit an Emergency room at 2 o clock in the morning, where 1 24year old woman doc is playing with her telephone instead taking care for the 30 (Phuket) older and younger patients waiting for a doc )

We all know Khun Thaksin is not the best solution for Thailand but he is by far not the worst!

Chuan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anand, appointed after Suchinda. These 2 had the Thai peoples took needs their heart while they were in office. I have been here 25 years and have seen the worst and the best. In my opinion Chuan was the best and Taksin stole the election with money and vacant promises. He is definitely the worst. And the Thai people love him. I will never understand this. Come on back Taksin and steal from us some more.

Well said.

I would like to know, how Mr.Thaksin came to the possibility to be the lone provider (AIS-late 90is) for Mobile phone service and the lone provider of Mobile phones in Thailand for some years?

That was the root of his wealth. That was nearly the possibility to print money!

I remember that he kept the prices of Mobile phones extremly high! A nice Mobile was 30.000 Baht! in 1998. They had been that time much cheaper in Europe.

That is how he got rich from his beloved own Thai people and voters, he exploitet them!

As a Primeminister he invented AIR ASIA-THAILAND, paved the laws in the right way and owned it mostly! No conflict of interest?whistling.gif

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I fear that another military coup will be on the near horizon again. A deep division will come between both factions, one that will not be able to be repaired.

Coup is not easy this time. Because police can counter-army coup. Police have guns too. And who runs Police?

Don't you mean the Police can run to

Police V's Army

you have to be joking

The Police doen't have any tanks or big firepower like the army. Will be interesting to watch!!!

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Whats all the surprise about?. Everybody in the world knew that once The Pheua Thai party got into power, it, was only a matter of time before they would bring in a law to allow Thaksin to come back. His sister was only they to handle things till he got back and then he would take over power and Government.

Not matter which party is in power you will have corruption. It is just a matter of how corrupt and will it be to the detriment of the people.

Watch out for the next round of demonstrations.

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The fact of the matter is that the charges which never seem to be defined in these types of print from the Nation, were ones that were committed by many others on both sides of politics. Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party. Corruption appears endemic in a form that westerners can't tolerate or understand in most parts of Asia. But most parts of Asia had good teachers from Colonial times.

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The fact of the matter is that the charges which never seem to be defined in these types of print from the Nation, were ones that were committed by many others on both sides of politics. Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party. Corruption appears endemic in a form that westerners can't tolerate or understand in most parts of Asia. But most parts of Asia had good teachers from Colonial times.

"were committed by many others on both sides of politics" - which other politicians approved their wife's land purchase from a government entity?

"Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court" - and that's not enough?

"by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party" - It was Mr T's party in power when the court made their decision.

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I still can't work out why the man is still alive! He's made so many enemies both inside and outside Thailand, ripped off millions of dollars, made foreign government officials lose major face, totally ripped off his own clan for God's sake! And yet, he still plots to take over/control this 2nd world country?

What's wrong with Cambodia or heavens forbid, Monte Negro? Takky...go away!

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I fear that another military coup will be on the near horizon again. A deep division will come between both factions, one that will not be able to be repaired.

Coup is not easy this time. Because police can counter-army coup. Police have guns too. And who runs Police?

Don't you mean the Police can run to

Police V's Army

you have to be joking

The Police doen't have any tanks or big firepower like the army. Will be interesting to watch!!!

Budget time for police then.

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Yingluck doesn't give a shit about being a political figure. she was only put in to do one thing... pardon Thaksin.

But she wasn't at the cabinet meeting that discussed this. Seems if she had been the howls of rage would have been the same for her spending all her time working towards a pardon???

But that's predicated on the notion that she really didn't know what was discussed at the Cabinet meeting, which is... more than a bit difficult to buy into.

It would be along the lines of believing she really had no means of transportation to go from Singburi to Bangkok to attend the Cabinet meeting, which is..... even more than a bit difficult to buy into.


The conversation probably went something like this:

PM..Quick start the helicopter I need to get back to Bangkok immediately so I will be able to attend the cabinet meeting.

General Half Track: Uhhhh sorry Madam PM our helicpoter can't fly at night.

PM: Call to Dubai. Hello big brother I did exactly as you said and General Half Track said exactly what I told him to say. Now what do I do?

Big brother: You're the best little sister. Now deny knowing anything that went on in the secret cabinet meeting.

Absolutely spot on!

She can't be seen to be too blatant in her quest to bring him back, so arrange the meeting and make sure your cabinet endorses the amnesty in your convenient absence (i'm visiting flooded areas to prove that I do care about the thai people and running this country).

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The fact of the matter is that the charges which never seem to be defined in these types of print from the Nation, were ones that were committed by many others on both sides of politics. Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party. Corruption appears endemic in a form that westerners can't tolerate or understand in most parts of Asia. But most parts of Asia had good teachers from Colonial times.

"were committed by many others on both sides of politics" - which other politicians approved their wife's land purchase from a government entity?

"Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court" - and that's not enough?

"by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party" - It was Mr T's party in power when the court made their decision.

So often we hear this, why don't people seem to remember, it was Thaksin's PPP-led coalition-government in-power, and his relative former-PM Somchai as Prime Minister, in 2008 ? So if the courts are influenced by the government, as is often claimed, why don't they want to remember this ? It's only a few years ago, for heavens sake ! <_<

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I rather let all others murderers and rapist in Thailand walk free than to see this man return to Thailand.

After all those money he stole from us Thais.

OK, I understand, BUT... maybe you will enlighten us which former PM or other politican hasnt steel any money from Thaipeople?

What hast changed in the years with Khun Abhisit? are there free shools? Free health care for Thais? (visit an Emergency room at 2 o clock in the morning, where 1 24year old woman doc is playing with her telephone instead taking care for the 30 (Phuket) older and younger patients waiting for a doc )

We all know Khun Thaksin is not the best solution for Thailand but he is by far not the worst!

He is the worst thing to happen to Thailand!!! No one comes close to what he has done to the thai people. I would prefer a military dictatorship to Thaksin anyday!!! :realangry:

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The fact of the matter is that the charges which never seem to be defined in these types of print from the Nation, were ones that were committed by many others on both sides of politics. Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party. Corruption appears endemic in a form that westerners can't tolerate or understand in most parts of Asia. But most parts of Asia had good teachers from Colonial times.

"were committed by many others on both sides of politics" - which other politicians approved their wife's land purchase from a government entity?

"Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court" - and that's not enough?

"by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party" - It was Mr T's party in power when the court made their decision.

So often we hear this, why don't people seem to remember, it was Thaksin's PPP-led coalition-government in-power, and his relative former-PM Somchai as Prime Minister, in 2008 ? So if the courts are influenced by the government, as is often claimed, why don't they want to remember this ? It's only a few years ago, for heavens sake ! <_<

But its so much easier and fun to just make up things that fit nicely with your own prejudices than messing around with those nasty, boring facts!

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So often we hear this, why don't people seem to remember, it was Thaksin's PPP-led coalition-government in-power, and his relative former-PM Somchai as Prime Minister, in 2008 ? So if the courts are influenced by the government, as is often claimed, why don't they want to remember this ? It's only a few years ago, for heavens sake ! <_<

The other we hear often is the claim that Thaksin was exiled from his beloved homeland and that "dark forces" are preventing him from entering Thailand. People forget that Thaksin is free to enter Thailand at any time; he can choose to pop at at Suvarnabhumi airport in his private jet, use his Thai/Montenegro/Nicaragua passport to go through customs, and that's it he is back home.

The only thing that is preventing him from coming back now is probably because he wants to spare his brother-in-law the embarrassment of having to arrest him :lol:

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The fact of the matter is that the charges which never seem to be defined in these types of print from the Nation, were ones that were committed by many others on both sides of politics. Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party. Corruption appears endemic in a form that westerners can't tolerate or understand in most parts of Asia. But most parts of Asia had good teachers from Colonial times.

"were committed by many others on both sides of politics" - which other politicians approved their wife's land purchase from a government entity?

"Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court" - and that's not enough?

"by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party" - It was Mr T's party in power when the court made their decision.

So Thaksin organised the coup? Opposing party, can even sit with you?

The charges against his wife were eventually dropped? as they ran out of time.

Maybe you can define what the actual charges were?

The system may not suit you, but both sides of the political fence are not changing it.

I would like to see the reporters following up on what the story is about, anyone can get the neck of a redneck red'er by dangling trivia. But then again try not limit yourself to the last 5 minutes.

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The fact of the matter is that the charges which never seem to be defined in these types of print from the Nation, were ones that were committed by many others on both sides of politics. Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party. Corruption appears endemic in a form that westerners can't tolerate or understand in most parts of Asia. But most parts of Asia had good teachers from Colonial times.

"were committed by many others on both sides of politics" - which other politicians approved their wife's land purchase from a government entity?

"Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court" - and that's not enough?

"by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party" - It was Mr T's party in power when the court made their decision.

So Thaksin organised the coup? Opposing party, can even sit with you?

The charges against his wife were eventually dropped? as they ran out of time.

Maybe you can define what the actual charges were?

The system may not suit you, but both sides of the political fence are not changing it.

I would like to see the reporters following up on what the story is about, anyone can get the neck of a redneck red'er by dangling trivia. But then again try not limit yourself to the last 5 minutes.

"So Thaksin organised the coup? Opposing party, can even sit with you?" :blink: &lt;deleted&gt; is that supposed to mean?

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how about this, i'll go talk to them about it when you decide to butt out and let others speak for themselves when they're in discussion.... deal?

i thought not.

rubl blatantly put 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' in quotations to suggest that people who had a problem with the crackdown are of the opinion that they were all peaceful protesters...so show me one regular on here who claims such a thing!

some of ye are all so black and white about things it's verging on the rrrrrrridiculous

i'm interested in what rubl has to say, since that's who i was asking... thanks

Rubl regularly (blatantly) uses the reference to the "Peaceful protesters. Not terrorists" sign when red shirts suggest just that.

It's not the "regular"s on here who are claiming such things. It's the red shirts themselves.

If you can point me to one place where one of the red shirt leaders has accepted that they (or even some of them) were violent and/or armed, that sign will lose some of it's relevance.

Until then, the "Peaceful protesters. Not terrorists" sign will continue to be referred to by many people, including rubl.

oh get out of it... are you saying the person/people holding this sign were terrorists and not peaceful protesters??

again we have the tar a massive amount of people with the one brush attitude that we are so used to seeing on this forum by most of ye.

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when you decide to butt out and let others speak for themselves when they're in discussion.... deal?

i'm interested in what rubl has to say, since that's who i was asking... thanks

It's best to accomplish that through a personal message (PM).

If you post on the public forum, any member in the public reading it can and will respond to it.


thanks for the advice buchholz

and your clarification of how internet forums' work has completely enlightened me, thanks

maybe you're transparent dreams of becoming a mod will come true after all.

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