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Pardon For Thaksin: Thai Govt Takes Dangerous Path


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RT@veen_NT: Deputy PM Pracha Pronok is to hold a press conference on the 'royal pardon' plan at 2.40pm at FROC. TR @PongpatMgr ~@noppatjak L.B

Any news about this?????

Any reason why this should be at FROC?

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RT@veen_NT: Deputy PM Pracha Pronok is to hold a press conference on the 'royal pardon' plan at 2.40pm at FROC. TR @PongpatMgr ~@noppatjak L.B

Any news about this?????

Any reason why this should be at FROC?

Probably because FROC is being flooded with calls for this travesty to be stopped in its tracks.

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RT@veen_NT: Deputy PM Pracha Pronok is to hold a press conference on the 'royal pardon' plan at 2.40pm at FROC. TR @PongpatMgr ~@noppatjak L.B

Any news about this?????

Any reason why this should be at FROC?

Probably because FROC is being flooded with calls for this travesty to be stopped in its tracks.

Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister and FROC Director all one person... Pracha

What he announced at the press conference:

"Thaksin will not receive benefit from the decree and his name will not be included in the list of convicts eligible for royal pardon," Pracha said.

"Convicts on the run will not be eligible."


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Could this be a sign of some of them on the inside understanding that they might be pushing things...too far/soon if it was done?

I mean, it is counted in hours how long time ago some cabinet members seemingly was very reluctant to give any proper info besides how they could send journalists to jail if they questioned the cabinet members too much.

If there was never an attempt to get Thaksin on the list the retort would have been fast, simple and point-winning.

Now it is only a sign that they have delayed the plans.

Edited by TAWP
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Could this be a sign of some of them on the inside understanding that they might be pushing things...too far/soon if it was done?

I mean, it is counted in hours how long time ago some cabinet members seemingly was very reluctant to give any proper info besides how they could send journalists to jail if they questioned the cabinet members too much.

If there was never an attempt to get Thaksin on the list the retort would have been fast, simple and point-winning.

Now it is only a sign that they have delayed the plans.

I think the trial balloon did a Hindenburg.

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<quote name='nurofiend' timestamp='1321551557' post='4854264'>

rubl, show me one regular on this forum who would argue that every red shirt at the protest in 2010 was a peaceful protester...show me just one...

or else stop with the 'peaceful protesters' baloney, please


Good, then we all agree that what the army cleaned up was rioters, right? Maybe that's why the soldiers got flowers by the public for doing it...

yeah, well done....very smart stuff there mate

hopefully you patted yourself on the shoulder and laid back in your seat after posting that comment, if not... you should have done, amazing.

it was an A+ retort to what i said.

I work at Ratchaprasong and went there every day until end April. I heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd on, there was nothing peaceful about what I saw and heard

My comment about rioters was based on my own daily observations

your "Good, then we all agree that what the army cleaned up was rioters, right?" comment was a condescendingly smart alec way of changing completely what i was actually saying to suit your own agenda's

it's this kind of child like responses and petty word twisting that we see from posters on this forum that over-shadows' peoples personality's to the point of people viewing them as not actually having the ability within them to have an adult debate on issues..

Good nurofiend, let's have an adult discussion

I base my observation that what the army removed was indeed rioters on that I worked at Ratchaprasong and went there every day. I myself heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd to burn. I myself walked passed and wondered about the cooking gas bottles, why were there so many? Then the guards at Central World told me that the "peaceful protersers" brought in even more in May and that they broke the windows to Central World, opened the valves, threw them all in and light it all up with grenades. Now, this is my personal opinion: Rioters do things like that. Is it perhaps your adult opinion that "peaceful protesters" do that?

Perhaps you could share your adult opinion of what your "peaceful protesters" should use all the gas bottles to

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I work at Ratchaprasong and went there every day until end April. I heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd on, there was nothing peaceful about what I saw and heard

My comment about rioters was based on my own daily observations

your "Good, then we all agree that what the army cleaned up was rioters, right?" comment was a condescendingly smart alec way of changing completely what i was actually saying to suit your own agenda's

it's this kind of child like responses and petty word twisting that we see from posters on this forum that over-shadows' peoples personality's to the point of people viewing them as not actually having the ability within them to have an adult debate on issues..

Good nurofiend, let's have an adult discussion

I base my observation that what the army removed was indeed rioters on that I worked at Ratchaprasong and went there every day. I myself heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd to burn. I myself walked passed and wondered about the cooking gas bottles, why were there so many? Then the guards at Central World told me that the "peaceful protersers" brought in even more in May and that they broke the windows to Central World, opened the valves, threw them all in and light it all up with grenades. Now, this is my personal opinion: Rioters do things like that. Is it perhaps your adult opinion that "peaceful protesters" do that?

Perhaps you could share your adult opinion of what your "peaceful protesters" should use all the gas bottles to

and there i was thinking 'great' when i read the first sentence

but then

"Now, this is my personal opinion: Rioters do things like that. Is it perhaps your adult opinion that "peaceful protesters" do that?

Perhaps you could share your adult opinion of what your "peaceful protesters" should use all the gas bottles to"

perhaps if you re-read what i originally wrote, you will understand i was clearly not saying anything close to this.

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You seem to know very little of this!

if your wife is Thai and buys land you have to sign or she cant buy it!

All bids were sealed and the winning bid overvalued the land at the time. Who says so? The other bidders!

The only screaming was buy people using any excuse they could to get at Thaksin.

The bidding process was found to be legal and above board.

There were two supreme court rulings from before Thaksin's tenure that ruled the relevant agency independent from government!

If the bidding process was legal where is the corruption?

The so called corruption is a man signing a paper giving his wife permission to buy a piece of land, as required by Thai law, where the bidding process was ruled legal!

This is not an attempt to whitewash Thaksin but an example of how the law was circumvented and used retrospectively to get him and applies only to this case.

Whether he is guilty or not of other things is a subjective issue. Most people scream for his head knowing very little about him or his time in government!

To me it seems that the vast majority parked your brains at the airport when you came here! You cannot apply western values to Thailand and this is your biggest mistake.

You think the news papers etc tell the truth when the do not by a long way!

Read the news from outside of Thailand and you may actually get educated! Not as easy as it sounds because anything truthful about this country is usually banned!

The law says that he had to sign for his wife's purchase. The law also found that as PM, they aren't allowed to be involved in buying state property.

What "retrospective" (retroactive?) law was used? He was found guilty using a 1997 law. They found that he was the "de facto" supervisor of the fund that his wife bought the land from.

As PM, he should have kept clear of any transactions related to the government.

let me say it in a way as to make it clear to you!

he was not involved in any way other than to ok his then wife's purchase!

Let me also state that a lower court overturned two decisions by the highest court in the land! namely that the agency was independent from government!

if the same court ruled that the deal was above board then there seems to be a problem!

if that too difficult to understand?

Dear Angry Dude -

First, you need to chill and give the exclamation points a rest.

Second, by your own admission he was involved in his wife's purchase of state-owned real estate.

Third, as PM that was illegal.

Fourth, no exclamation points: it's easy - see?

PB, apparently you don't understand, no matter how simply it has been broken down. Believe commonly known facts, not the legend spread around to inflame the credulous. The configuration of the government constitution and courts hierarchy are on the web in official English translations.


> No LOWER COURT can overturn the HIGHER COURTS rulings. <

Higher courts can, and sometimes do, over turn lower courts on appeal.

The HIGHER COURTS have supremacy regardless of decisions by lower courts.

It is considered an error of the LOWER court, if a Higher court over turns it's verdict.

You stated yourself the facts that he was convicted on,

and your only defense is based in incorrect legal theory or logic.

Thaksin hasn't disputed those facts, just says they were politically motivated,

so unjust, and so he gets a pass. That is not a legal argument,

but a political argument and holds no water in courts.

Edited by animatic
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Why dont they let him back in the country but not allow him to hold political power?

K. Thaksin can return to his beloved country any time he wants. Of course a fugitive criminal returned to his home country will be apprehended on arrival.

BTW Thailand has certain laws prohibiting convicts from standing for political offices. Political power is not something you would see described in laws though (I think)

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<quote name='MikeyIdea' timestamp='1321599753' post='4855373'>

I work at Ratchaprasong and went there every day until end April. I heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd on, there was nothing peaceful about what I saw and heard

My comment about rioters was based on my own daily observations


your "Good, then we all agree that what the army cleaned up was rioters, right?" comment was a condescendingly smart alec way of changing completely what i was actually saying to suit your own agenda's

it's this kind of child like responses and petty word twisting that we see from posters on this forum that over-shadows' peoples personality's to the point of people viewing them as not actually having the ability within them to have an adult debate on issues..

Good nurofiend, let's have an adult discussion

I base my observation that what the army removed was indeed rioters on that I worked at Ratchaprasong and went there every day. I myself heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd to burn. I myself walked passed and wondered about the cooking gas bottles, why were there so many? Then the guards at Central World told me that the "peaceful protersers" brought in even more in May and that they broke the windows to Central World, opened the valves, threw them all in and light it all up with grenades. Now, this is my personal opinion: Rioters do things like that. Is it perhaps your adult opinion that "peaceful protesters" do that?

Perhaps you could share your adult opinion of what your "peaceful protesters" should use all the gas bottles to

and there i was thinking 'great' when i read the first sentence

but then

"Now, this is my personal opinion: Rioters do things like that. Is it perhaps your adult opinion that "peaceful protesters" do that?

Perhaps you could share your adult opinion of what your "peaceful protesters" should use all the gas bottles to"

perhaps if you re-read what i originally wrote, you will understand i was clearly not saying anything close to this.

From your posts: You are posting in a thread called - Pardon For Thaksin: Thai Govt Takes Dangerous Path

From your posts: You have an issue with quotation marks that you think are incorrectly used. You do not approve with that the rioters who occupied Ratchaprasong and then went on a burning spree of the capital of Thailand are identified as "peaceful protesters"

Why on earth do think the quotation marks around "peaceful protesters" are misplaced?

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<quote name='MikeyIdea' timestamp='1321599753' post='4855373'>

I work at Ratchaprasong and went there every day until end April. I heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd on, there was nothing peaceful about what I saw and heard

My comment about rioters was based on my own daily observations


your "Good, then we all agree that what the army cleaned up was rioters, right?" comment was a condescendingly smart alec way of changing completely what i was actually saying to suit your own agenda's

it's this kind of child like responses and petty word twisting that we see from posters on this forum that over-shadows' peoples personality's to the point of people viewing them as not actually having the ability within them to have an adult debate on issues..

Good nurofiend, let's have an adult discussion

I base my observation that what the army removed was indeed rioters on that I worked at Ratchaprasong and went there every day. I myself heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd to burn. I myself walked passed and wondered about the cooking gas bottles, why were there so many? Then the guards at Central World told me that the "peaceful protersers" brought in even more in May and that they broke the windows to Central World, opened the valves, threw them all in and light it all up with grenades. Now, this is my personal opinion: Rioters do things like that. Is it perhaps your adult opinion that "peaceful protesters" do that?

Perhaps you could share your adult opinion of what your "peaceful protesters" should use all the gas bottles to

and there i was thinking 'great' when i read the first sentence

but then

"Now, this is my personal opinion: Rioters do things like that. Is it perhaps your adult opinion that "peaceful protesters" do that?

Perhaps you could share your adult opinion of what your "peaceful protesters" should use all the gas bottles to"

perhaps if you re-read what i originally wrote, you will understand i was clearly not saying anything close to this.

From your posts: You are posting in a thread called - Pardon For Thaksin: Thai Govt Takes Dangerous Path

From your posts: You have an issue with quotation marks that you think are incorrectly used. You do not approve with that the rioters who occupied Ratchaprasong and then went on a burning spree of the capital of Thailand are identified as "peaceful protesters"

Why on earth do think the quotation marks around "peaceful protesters" are misplaced?

"You do not approve with that the rioters who occupied Ratchaprasong and then went on a burning spree of the capital of Thailand are identified as "peaceful protesters" "

i don't approve of the red shirt protesters being referred to as 'peaceful protesters' - in quotations, as a whole, no.

not because it was a mimic of the signs that were used but because of it what it obviously was implying.. i've explained it quite clearly tbf

i don't approve of people who simplify issues and events by tarring a whole mass of people with the one derogatory brush, no.

again it's all there, if you still don't understand my side then fair enough... i can't explain it any easier for you.

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Good nurofiend, let's have an adult discussion

I base my observation that what the army removed was indeed rioters on that I worked at Ratchaprasong and went there every day. I myself heard the loudspeakers at full blast egging the crowd to burn. I myself walked passed and wondered about the cooking gas bottles, why were there so many? Then the guards at Central World told me that the "peaceful protersers" brought in even more in May and that they broke the windows to Central World, opened the valves, threw them all in and light it all up with grenades. Now, this is my personal opinion: Rioters do things like that. Is it perhaps your adult opinion that "peaceful protesters" do that?

Perhaps you could share your adult opinion of what your "peaceful protesters" should use all the gas bottles to

and there i was thinking 'great' when i read the first sentence

but then

"Now, this is my personal opinion: Rioters do things like that. Is it perhaps your adult opinion that "peaceful protesters" do that?

Perhaps you could share your adult opinion of what your "peaceful protesters" should use all the gas bottles to"

perhaps if you re-read what i originally wrote, you will understand i was clearly not saying anything close to this.

From your posts: You are posting in a thread called - Pardon For Thaksin: Thai Govt Takes Dangerous Path

From your posts: You have an issue with quotation marks that you think are incorrectly used. You do not approve with that the rioters who occupied Ratchaprasong and then went on a burning spree of the capital of Thailand are identified as "peaceful protesters"

Why on earth do think the quotation marks around "peaceful protesters" are misplaced?

"You do not approve with that the rioters who occupied Ratchaprasong and then went on a burning spree of the capital of Thailand are identified as "peaceful protesters" "

i don't approve of the red shirt protesters being referred to as 'peaceful protesters' - in quotations, as a whole, no.

not because it was a mimic of the signs that were used but because of it what it obviously was implying.. i've explained it quite clearly tbf

i don't approve of people who simplify issues and events by tarring a whole mass of people with the one derogatory brush, no.

again it's all there, if you still don't understand my side then fair enough... i can't explain it any easier for you.

The point your missing is it is the Red Shirts that tarred themselves with that brush, not Thai Visa posters. Anyhow, let's move on.

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Could this be a sign of some of them on the inside understanding that they might be pushing things...too far/soon if it was done?

I mean, it is counted in hours how long time ago some cabinet members seemingly was very reluctant to give any proper info besides how they could send journalists to jail if they questioned the cabinet members too much.

If there was never an attempt to get Thaksin on the list the retort would have been fast, simple and point-winning.

Now it is only a sign that they have delayed the plans.

The most interesting theory I have heard, and there is no way to know if it is true, is that the billions of baht in bags that was stored at the Transport Minister's house was destined to be used for the red army to counter the rallies of the anti-Thaksin forces. Unfortunately, when it was stolen a few days before the cabinet meeting that was going to change the rules for the pardon, things became chaotic. They couldn't stall the legislation because Dec. 5 is a hard date, but without the money they had to try and keep it secret and hope for the best.

When it became clear it was not going to work and they couldn't get enough cash together in a short period of time, they were forced to abandon their plans and wait for another opportunity.

If any of this is true, I suspect the 2 billion baht that the thieves are reporting they found in the house is probably low by a significant margin.

It does seem odd that anyone would keep that kind of cash on hand in a house. I mean, a bank account in the Cayman Islands is a much more reasonable location if it were not destined to be disbursed to individuals.

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Could this be a sign of some of them on the inside understanding that they might be pushing things...too far/soon if it was done?

I mean, it is counted in hours how long time ago some cabinet members seemingly was very reluctant to give any proper info besides how they could send journalists to jail if they questioned the cabinet members too much.

If there was never an attempt to get Thaksin on the list the retort would have been fast, simple and point-winning.

Now it is only a sign that they have delayed the plans.

The most interesting theory I have heard, and there is no way to know if it is true, is that the billions of baht in bags that was stored at the Transport Minister's house was destined to be used for the red army to counter the rallies of the anti-Thaksin forces. Unfortunately, when it was stolen a few days before the cabinet meeting that was going to change the rules for the pardon, things became chaotic. They couldn't stall the legislation because Dec. 5 is a hard date, but without the money they had to try and keep it secret and hope for the best.

When it became clear it was not going to work and they couldn't get enough cash together in a short period of time, they were forced to abandon their plans and wait for another opportunity.

If any of this is true, I suspect the 2 billion baht that the thieves are reporting they found in the house is probably low by a significant margin.

It does seem odd that anyone would keep that kind of cash on hand in a house. I mean, a bank account in the Cayman Islands is a much more reasonable location if it were not destined to be disbursed to individuals.

The thing about Thailand is, almost nothing is too weird or outlandish to be believable, but I think that particular theory may just qualify.

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Could this be a sign of some of them on the inside understanding that they might be pushing things...too far/soon if it was done?

I mean, it is counted in hours how long time ago some cabinet members seemingly was very reluctant to give any proper info besides how they could send journalists to jail if they questioned the cabinet members too much.

If there was never an attempt to get Thaksin on the list the retort would have been fast, simple and point-winning.

Now it is only a sign that they have delayed the plans.

The most interesting theory I have heard, and there is no way to know if it is true, is that the billions of baht in bags that was stored at the Transport Minister's house was destined to be used for the red army to counter the rallies of the anti-Thaksin forces. Unfortunately, when it was stolen a few days before the cabinet meeting that was going to change the rules for the pardon, things became chaotic. They couldn't stall the legislation because Dec. 5 is a hard date, but without the money they had to try and keep it secret and hope for the best.

When it became clear it was not going to work and they couldn't get enough cash together in a short period of time, they were forced to abandon their plans and wait for another opportunity.

If any of this is true, I suspect the 2 billion baht that the thieves are reporting they found in the house is probably low by a significant margin.

It does seem odd that anyone would keep that kind of cash on hand in a house. I mean, a bank account in the Cayman Islands is a much more reasonable location if it were not destined to be disbursed to individuals.

You should write fiction. My mistake, you already do ;) Keep that anger burning, fella...

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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

The lack of tourists has more to do with the global recession, rather than anything the Thai government did or didn't do. But the yellow and red shirts did not help matters when the took over the Airport and central world! If you work in the Industry you should Know that!

Though Thaksin did help farangs, when he wanted western English teachers in all the schools. The problem was most of those claiming to be English teachers did so with forged diplomas etc. Which they bought in BKK. There by creating another route for scams and graft.

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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

The lack of tourists has more to do with the global recession, rather than anything the Thai government did or didn't do. But the yellow and red shirts did not help matters when the took over the Airport and central world! If you work in the Industry you should Know that!

Though Thaksin did help farangs, when he wanted western English teachers in all the schools. The problem was most of those claiming to be English teachers did so with forged diplomas etc. Which they bought in BKK. There by creating another route for scams and graft.

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The point your missing is it is the Red Shirts that tarred themselves with that brush, not Thai Visa posters. Anyhow, let's move on.

i don't agree with, so therefore didn't miss that point.

i don't think everyone tars them with the 'terrorist' brush tbf...

of course some most definitely do!

but i know a lot of people view it by how it really is and saying that red shirts = rioters and terrorists is simply simplistically simple.

speaking both in general and of attending rallies, i believe there is a sporadic minority of hateful, violent, thugs within a group of a massive amount of people.

but there are also many many good people who are peaceful who aren't terrorists and who do have good morals and values, and i truly believe they are the majority...

just the same as society in general, that's what i think.

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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

The lack of tourists has more to do with the global recession, rather than anything the Thai government did or didn't do. But the yellow and red shirts did not help matters when the took over the Airport and central world! If you work in the Industry you should Know that!

Though Thaksin did help farangs, when he wanted western English teachers in all the schools. The problem was most of those claiming to be English teachers did so with forged diplomas etc. Which they bought in BKK. There by creating another route for scams and graft.

good to see all the farangs jumping in to a political frenzy of Thaksin hatred, but really it isn't our country and remember we are only guests here, so keep your heads down or get out !

now Garfield my friend, remember when there's a global recession people will holiday still ! you know that having worked in the Tourism trade, all they do is look for cheaper more affordable holidays and Thailand was very high on that list. Now since Thaksin left ! Thailand's baht has grown stronger,(without Thaksin!) how is that possible? this has stopped many westerners coming to Thailand and quite a few leaving!

So how has the Thai baht stayed so strong, during Riots, floods, coups, bombs going off in the far south and Bangkok, western women getting raped and killed, etc...? that is my question !

awaiting replies !

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speaking both in general and of attending rallies, i believe there is a sporadic minority of hateful, violent, thugs within a group of a massive amount of people.

but there are also many many good people who are peaceful who aren't terrorists and who do have good morals and values, and i truly believe they are the majority...

just the same as society in general, that's what i think.

What have these "many many good people" done themselves about the "sporadic minority of hateful, violent, thugs"?

Have they identified them, denounced them, disassociated from them, decried their actions, assisted police in their apprehension, removed them from their so-called movement, barred their presence?

Anything along those lines?

The sort of things society in general tends to do.


Edited by Buchholz
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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

The lack of tourists has more to do with the global recession, rather than anything the Thai government did or didn't do. But the yellow and red shirts did not help matters when the took over the Airport and central world! If you work in the Industry you should Know that!

Though Thaksin did help farangs, when he wanted western English teachers in all the schools. The problem was most of those claiming to be English teachers did so with forged diplomas etc. Which they bought in BKK. There by creating another route for scams and graft.

good to see all the farangs jumping in to a political frenzy of Thaksin hatred, but really it isn't our country and remember we are only guests here, so keep your heads down or get out !

now Garfield my friend, remember when there's a global recession people will holiday still ! you know that having worked in the Tourism trade, all they do is look for cheaper more affordable holidays and Thailand was very high on that list. Now since Thaksin left ! Thailand's baht has grown stronger,(without Thaksin!) how is that possible? this has stopped many westerners coming to Thailand and quite a few leaving!

So how has the Thai baht stayed so strong, during Riots, floods, coups, bombs going off in the far south and Bangkok, western women getting raped and killed, etc...? that is my question !

awaiting replies !

Mostly because of the strong trade surplus and significantly adding to foreign reserve deposits. Both of which occured under the past administration. Now it would appear that the country is about to run huge deficits (not related to GFC) and both of those are heading in the opposite direction as is the USD:THB exchange rate.

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I personally like Mr. Thaksin, it was under his leadership Thailand looked to be going forward with a lot of farangs ploughing money into Thailand, i know for a fact the tourism industry went through a 'Boom' time whilst he was in power and i was never short of work here (i work within the travel and tourism industry) but now for the past 3/4 years i have struggled to find any work, and tourism no matter which figures you read, is definitely down and i mean way down !

So Thaksin was slightly corrupt....erm excuse me, but which government is not? Someone on TV.com quoted 'he stole the Thai's money' isn't that what all governments do?

I for one look forward to his return to his beloved country, it wasn't so long ago he returned to an absolute heroes welcome with the media and the people cheering him as he walked out of the airport? it was live on most tv channels here as well.

Good luck Thailand **Comments removed**

The lack of tourists has more to do with the global recession, rather than anything the Thai government did or didn't do. But the yellow and red shirts did not help matters when the took over the Airport and central world! If you work in the Industry you should Know that!

Though Thaksin did help farangs, when he wanted western English teachers in all the schools. The problem was most of those claiming to be English teachers did so with forged diplomas etc. Which they bought in BKK. There by creating another route for scams and graft.

good to see all the farangs jumping in to a political frenzy of Thaksin hatred, but really it isn't our country and remember we are only guests here, so keep your heads down or get out !

now Garfield my friend, remember when there's a global recession people will holiday still ! you know that having worked in the Tourism trade, all they do is look for cheaper more affordable holidays and Thailand was very high on that list. Now since Thaksin left ! Thailand's baht has grown stronger,(without Thaksin!) how is that possible? this has stopped many westerners coming to Thailand and quite a few leaving!

So how has the Thai baht stayed so strong, during Riots, floods, coups, bombs going off in the far south and Bangkok, western women getting raped and killed, etc...? that is my question !

awaiting replies !

Mostly because of the strong trade surplus and significantly adding to foreign reserve deposits. Both of which occured under the past administration. Now it would appear that the country is about to run huge deficits (not related to GFC) and both of those are heading in the opposite direction as is the USD:THB exchange rate.

thank you lannarebirth, im not much of an expert when it comes to politics! unlike the masses who got involved with this post, hahahaha Lanna rebirth suggests your up north like me?


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The lack of tourists has more to do with the global recession, rather than anything the Thai government did or didn't do. But the yellow and red shirts did not help matters when the took over the Airport and central world! If you work in the Industry you should Know that!

Though Thaksin did help farangs, when he wanted western English teachers in all the schools. The problem was most of those claiming to be English teachers did so with forged diplomas etc. Which they bought in BKK. There by creating another route for scams and graft.

good to see all the farangs jumping in to a political frenzy of Thaksin hatred, but really it isn't our country and remember we are only guests here, so keep your heads down or get out !

now Garfield my friend, remember when there's a global recession people will holiday still ! you know that having worked in the Tourism trade, all they do is look for cheaper more affordable holidays and Thailand was very high on that list. Now since Thaksin left ! Thailand's baht has grown stronger,(without Thaksin!) how is that possible? this has stopped many westerners coming to Thailand and quite a few leaving!

So how has the Thai baht stayed so strong, during Riots, floods, coups, bombs going off in the far south and Bangkok, western women getting raped and killed, etc...? that is my question !

awaiting replies !

Mostly because of the strong trade surplus and significantly adding to foreign reserve deposits. Both of which occured under the past administration. Now it would appear that the country is about to run huge deficits (not related to GFC) and both of those are heading in the opposite direction as is the USD:THB exchange rate.

thank you lannarebirth, im not much of an expert when it comes to politics! unlike the masses who got involved with this post, hahahaha Lanna rebirth suggests your up north like me?


I'm not much of an expert when it comes to politics either and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be one. Yes, I'm in Chiang Mai.

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The point your missing is it is the Red Shirts that tarred themselves with that brush, not Thai Visa posters. Anyhow, let's move on.

i don't agree with, so therefore didn't miss that point.

i don't think everyone tars them with the 'terrorist' brush tbf...

of course some most definitely do!

but i know a lot of people view it by how it really is and saying that red shirts = rioters and terrorists is simply simplistically simple.

speaking both in general and of attending rallies, i believe there is a sporadic minority of hateful, violent, thugs within a group of a massive amount of people.

but there are also many many good people who are peaceful who aren't terrorists and who do have good morals and values, and i truly believe they are the majority...

just the same as society in general, that's what i think.

You didn't by any chance happen to go to the rallies at Ratchaprasong and listen to how the red skirt organisers egged the crowd to burn, did you?

Perhaps this is too simple for you but organisers of "peaceful protests" simply do not allow speakers advocate arson and the burning of a capital city

Simply simplistically simple conclusion

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The point your missing is it is the Red Shirts that tarred themselves with that brush, not Thai Visa posters. Anyhow, let's move on.

i don't agree with, so therefore didn't miss that point.

i don't think everyone tars them with the 'terrorist' brush tbf...

of course some most definitely do!

but i know a lot of people view it by how it really is and saying that red shirts = rioters and terrorists is simply simplistically simple.

speaking both in general and of attending rallies, i believe there is a sporadic minority of hateful, violent, thugs within a group of a massive amount of people.

but there are also many many good people who are peaceful who aren't terrorists and who do have good morals and values, and i truly believe they are the majority...

just the same as society in general, that's what i think.

You didn't by any chance happen to go to the rallies at Ratchaprasong and listen to how the red skirt organisers egged the crowd to burn, did you?

Perhaps this is too simple for you but organisers of "peaceful protests" simply do not allow speakers advocate arson and the burning of a capital city

Simply simplistically simple conclusion

If I was a peaceful protester, hearing that, I'd have gotten up and left.

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The point your missing is it is the Red Shirts that tarred themselves with that brush, not Thai Visa posters. Anyhow, let's move on.

i don't agree with, so therefore didn't miss that point.

i don't think everyone tars them with the 'terrorist' brush tbf...

of course some most definitely do!

but i know a lot of people view it by how it really is and saying that red shirts = rioters and terrorists is simply simplistically simple.

speaking both in general and of attending rallies, i believe there is a sporadic minority of hateful, violent, thugs within a group of a massive amount of people.

but there are also many many good people who are peaceful who aren't terrorists and who do have good morals and values, and i truly believe they are the majority...

just the same as society in general, that's what i think.

That is true, what it's also true is that Red Shirt leaders, instead of dissociating from them, called on those violent elements to "defend" them against the government. These violent elements were by and large part of the "protest" organization not a spontaneous manifestation, as red Shirted guards and less conspicuous black shirted militias.

Do you think there just happened to be an armed militia among the Red Shirts on the night of the 19th of May?, do you think that the bomb attacks around the city (many against banks holding Thaksin's frozen assets) were sporadic acts of violence? Where the gas soaked, sharpened bamboo, propane tank rigged barricades the acts of random thugs? did random thugs among the Red Shirts spontaneously charged into the Chulalongkorn hospital? Do you think that the smoke from the burning barricades and the noise from firecrackers just coincidentally served to conceal the actions of the Black Shirts?

Violence was part of the protests, not an accidental result of it, violence to force political changes. I'll check the dictionary for a definition of that, be back in a minute...

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