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Characters Inserted Into Email....Virus, Or What ?


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I recently wrote a formal letter to someone and was puzzled when I viewed my own email tacked onto the bottom of the reply. Where I had written:

Yours Faithfully,

John Smith

now reads :

Yours Faithfully,

& nbsp, John Smith.

I then created another email and sent it to myself, and the "& nbsp" appeared in this email too.

I thought it looked like an acronym, and was alarmed to Google it and find that "& nbsp" means "and no bullshit please". Is this a coincidence ? Do these characters somehow get inserted by Yahoo Mail for some other obscure reason, or is my Yahoo account (or perhaps computer) infected with a weird virus ?

Edited by Latindancer
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No offence taken !

In fact now that you have pointed out the ludicrousness of the situation, I've had a good laugh myself.

Thanks MJCM for giving that explanatory link. I hope that the Australian government worker who receives my email knows what the letters mean........

Edited by Latindancer
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