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Did I Find Rocket In The Market?


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I saw a bunch of something I didn't recognise in the market so I bought it. The seller was full on busy so I couldn't ask her the name in Thai. When I got home, I realised it looked like rocket with its leaves having a series of "rounded spikes". It also tasted like rocket, i.e. peppery. I ate it raw in joke.

Has anyone else seen rocket on sale in the market? It is the first time for me. If so, what is the Thai name? Thanks.

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It's possible, I know rocket's grown here. I can't think of anything else with that distinctive peppery taste, and you say it looks like rocket so there's a good chance it is.

Which market? Was it cheap?

Laem Chabang, but not the big 4 moom market. Extremely cheap. 3 Baht for a large bunch. Though once you get away from the big supermarkets and the tourist areas, fruit and veg and ridiculously cheap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry but what is "rocket"?

Food for guinea pigs.. I often find myself picking it out of pre made baguettes etc.

Philistine. What was the point of your pointless post? I've no doubt you pick out everything else happens to be green also.

BACK on topic. I personally adore Rocket and usually have to resort to schlepping to one of the large supermarkets to get it. It is grown here, in the northern climes of course. I've tried for a translation of both it's names and come up with nothing.

Anyone know the Thai name? Bound to be 'pak' something. I can then ask for it at my local talad sots/nats rather than grazing the entire stall.

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