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Yingluck And Thaksin Plead Ignorance About Amnesty


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As if the bad handling of the flood isen't enough, and now this.

I think PTP can be in for a hell of a bumpy ride.

<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">_ A fugitive who has not shown any sorrow for wrongdoing and conducts himself in a way that threatens the country does not deserve a royal pardon.

There's no more to ad......jap.gif

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The Nation must be really pitching a tent now that the end of November has finally arrived and the annual petition process is underway. Love the headline, too, which is a thoroughly well-thought out piece of BS and not supported by the actual article itself. Thanks, Nation. Let the flames begin...

Both of them denied knowledge of the amnesty. What's wrong the headline?

What's wrong with the headline???? "Tiansford doesn't like it, thats all!!!

I don't think that the "soggy reds" are going to be able to put up much of a fight against their " enraged rainbow coloured opponents" - not unless they start paddling to Bangkok NOW!!!!

Maybe Thaksin will charter all of the planes from Chiang Mai and the North to put up a token resistance to the "fury of the masses"!!!!:jap:.

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Thaksin is a an exceedingly clever politician playing a long game.

Interesting that "leading figures" is mentioned. That should undercut what is said with the people. "leading figures" dictating everything without any consideration for the lesser or what they think is one thing that seems a lot less accepted than it used to be

Don't know how you can see him as clever.

Any one with a clear mind can see he is a egotistical bully who uses his money to corrupt Thai politicians and drain the Thai money into the Shinawatra's bank account.

Nothing clever about him at all he is an your face type bully.

A clever person you would not even know he was screwing you.

I don't really post but this just remided me so much of some dialogue from one of my fav movies which i thought appropriate to share... and aside from those of us who have a clear mind and can see what's going on... and apart from throwing out $s to have support, it still surprises me how blind people are to not see how they're being screwed and still love it... just googled the script from the movie so here it is:

"I mean, you've got them animals in there

eating out of the palm of your hand.

You beat them, you take their money,

you call them names to their faces...

and they love you.

I don't know how you do it.

I never saw anything like it.

Beating a man out of his money, that's easy.

Anybody can do that.

But beating a man out of his money

and making him like it...

that's an art.

That's an art of a true hustler."

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Just out of interest (and I hope some of the more politically astute TV members maybe able to chip in with a reply). How many other state / government officials convicted of corruption who are over 60 would be eligible for this proposed royal pardon?

It can't only be Taksin in this category, can it?

What about Vattana and Kamnan Poh? Loads of we love Kamnan Poh car stickers around Chonburi right now. There werent until recently.

Most state and government officials etc convicted of anything get two years or less as up to two years can be suspended and usually is. A little off topic but that is another thing that has undercut court reputation as how Thaksin was treated was never the same as other PMs and he used it very very skillfully to wrap his myth into the reality of what the poor experience at the hands of state institutions

Right so they have added a highly controversial clause to the royal pardon request to seek clemency for 3 people (who we know of). Hmmm

technically they wont have added a clause (we dont actually know what they have done tbh but assuming allegations are correct). They will have removed a clause the previous government wrote in to exclude those convicted of corruption. The added clause was technically from the last government and it was for those who support Thaksin highly controversial to change a pardon to exclude one man especially as the last government had removed the time served condition of the 2007 version.

And could the reason that there wasn't an uproar when they did that be because most people either didn't object to it, or didn't care one way or the other, and the people who were in opposition at the time said nothing as the chosen one had already promised to return anyway, plus the others that it excluded were unimportant cannon fodder.

Edited by Thaddeus
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Right so they have added a highly controversial clause to the royal pardon request to seek clemency for 3 people (who we know of). Hmmm

technically they wont have added a clause (we dont actually know what they have done tbh but assuming allegations are correct). They will have removed a clause the previous government wrote in to exclude those convicted of corruption. The added clause was technically from the last government and it was for those who support Thaksin highly controversial to change a pardon to exclude one man especially as the last government had removed the time served condition of the 2007 version.

And could the reason that there wasn't an uproar when they did that be because most people either didn't object to it, or didn't care one way or the other, and the people who were in opposition at the time said nothing as the chosen one had already promised to return anyway, plus the others that it excluded were unimportant cannon fodder.

So, let me try to understand this.

A clause to allegedly exclude a single person is bad, a clause to allegedly include a single person is good :huh:

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Thaksin is a an exceedingly clever politician playing a long game.

Interesting that "leading figures" is mentioned. That should undercut what is said with the people. "leading figures" dictating everything without any consideration for the lesser or what they think is one thing that seems a lot less accepted than it used to be

Don't know how you can see him as clever.

Any one with a clear mind can see he is a egotistical bully who uses his money to corrupt Thai politicians and drain the Thai money into the Shinawatra's bank account.

Nothing clever about him at all he is an your face type bully.

A clever person you would not even know he was screwing you.

I don't really post but this just remided me so much of some dialogue from one of my fav movies which i thought appropriate to share... and aside from those of us who have a clear mind and can see what's going on... and apart from throwing out $s to have support, it still surprises me how blind people are to not see how they're being screwed and still love it... just googled the script from the movie so here it is:

"I mean, you've got them animals in there

eating out of the palm of your hand.

You beat them, you take their money,

you call them names to their faces...

and they love you.

I don't know how you do it.

I never saw anything like it.

Beating a man out of his money, that's easy.

Anybody can do that.

But beating a man out of his money

and making him like it...

that's an art.

That's an art of a true hustler."

As you have just doubled your number of posts with this one I can't argue with your opening statement!!!

A cunning and clever thief doesn't get caught - Fact!!!

But, by the laws of statistics, if you spend your entire life lieing, "raping your country and the people", cheating and entertaining "illegal practises" in the name of wanton self- greed then you are going to get caught some time - Fact!!!

Anyone who supports Thaksin and thinks he has done "no wrong" and deserves a pardon is stupid and an unbelievable fool "of the highest order" and deserves ridiculing - Fact!!!! (as far as I'm concerned anyway):jap:.

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There seem to be two possible results here:

1. Thaksin will be furious, humiliated, embarrassed, blah, blah, blah.... Or:

2. Many hundreds of people will be injured and some killed in Red Shirts vs Yellow Shirt clashes.

I know how I would decide.

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The Nation must be really pitching a tent now that the end of November has finally arrived and the annual petition process is underway. Love the headline, too, which is a thoroughly well-thought out piece of BS and not supported by the actual article itself. Thanks, Nation. Let the flames begin...

Both of them denied knowledge of the amnesty. What's wrong the headline?

What's wrong with the headline???? "Tiansford doesn't like it, thats all!!!

I don't think that the "soggy reds" are going to be able to put up much of a fight against their " enraged rainbow coloured opponents" - not unless they start paddling to Bangkok NOW!!!!

Maybe Thaksin will charter all of the planes from Chiang Mai and the North to put up a token resistance to the "fury of the masses"!!!!:jap:.

Do you seriously think that the multicoloureds can gather anywhere near the numbers that the reds can? Are you unaware of the large red minority in Bangkok and the huge red numbers in the provinces surrounding Bangkok? Are you not aware that the last red demo on it s big days was mostly filled with people from Bangkok and surrounding provinces? I actually know quite a few people who used to attend the PAD rallies back in the old days. I can assure not one of those I know will attend a multicoloured or PAD rally this time.

For the multicoured and PAD to get big numbers they will need the Dems to back them and they will also need a lot of money and to reestablish the logisitical links and allegiances the PAD had before. Considering the PAD have split, hate the Democrats, given up on the army and elite that is going to be quite an ask. Considering the extreme right wing politics of the multicoloured leader and the PAD leadership, it is moot how much even the Dems would want to get into bed with them. There is also the little question of how many people including business groups will want the disruption of another colour coded bunch taking over and blocking all kinds of important infrastructure straight after the devastation of the flood especially as they know it will be resisted massively by the red movement and nobody wants to see anyone risk a coup.

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The most disturbing part of all this is that one of the most corrupt politician decides that there will be an amnesty for corrupt politicians, thus setting a precedent just in case he gets himself caught and asks for returning the favor.

What it comes down to is that PT politicians give themselves an absolution for all past and future acts of corruption. Despicable. :bah:

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Right so they have added a highly controversial clause to the royal pardon request to seek clemency for 3 people (who we know of). Hmmm

technically they wont have added a clause (we dont actually know what they have done tbh but assuming allegations are correct). They will have removed a clause the previous government wrote in to exclude those convicted of corruption. The added clause was technically from the last government and it was for those who support Thaksin highly controversial to change a pardon to exclude one man especially as the last government had removed the time served condition of the 2007 version.

And could the reason that there wasn't an uproar when they did that be because most people either didn't object to it, or didn't care one way or the other, and the people who were in opposition at the time said nothing as the chosen one had already promised to return anyway, plus the others that it excluded were unimportant cannon fodder.

So, let me try to understand this.

A clause to allegedly exclude a single person is bad, a clause to allegedly include a single person is good :huh:

No, they are both bad.

It's the number of people who think it is bad was the point I was trying to make.

A clause written in to exclude one person (if that happened) and you could hear a pin drop. A clause written in to include one person - uproar.

(I was trying to tackle that 'the majority of Thais' phrase which is constantly trotted out, incorrectly)

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The Nation must be really pitching a tent now that the end of November has finally arrived and the annual petition process is underway. Love the headline, too, which is a thoroughly well-thought out piece of BS and not supported by the actual article itself. Thanks, Nation. Let the flames begin...

Both of them denied knowledge of the amnesty. What's wrong the headline?

What's wrong with the headline???? "Tiansford doesn't like it, thats all!!!

I don't think that the "soggy reds" are going to be able to put up much of a fight against their " enraged rainbow coloured opponents" - not unless they start paddling to Bangkok NOW!!!!

Maybe Thaksin will charter all of the planes from Chiang Mai and the North to put up a token resistance to the "fury of the masses"!!!!:jap:.

Do you seriously think that the multicoloureds can gather anywhere near the numbers that the reds can? Are you unaware of the large red minority in Bangkok and the huge red numbers in the provinces surrounding Bangkok? Are you not aware that the last red demo on it s big days was mostly filled with people from Bangkok and surrounding provinces? I actually know quite a few people who used to attend the PAD rallies back in the old days. I can assure not one of those I know will attend a multicoloured or PAD rally this time.

For the multicoured and PAD to get big numbers they will need the Dems to back them and they will also need a lot of money and to reestablish the logisitical links and allegiances the PAD had before. Considering the PAD have split, hate the Democrats, given up on the army and elite that is going to be quite an ask. Considering the extreme right wing politics of the multicoloured leader and the PAD leadership, it is moot how much even the Dems would want to get into bed with them. There is also the little question of how many people including business groups will want the disruption of another colour coded bunch taking over and blocking all kinds of important infrastructure straight after the devastation of the flood especially as they know it will be resisted massively by the red movement and nobody wants to see anyone risk a coup.

And just WHO has created this unsatisfactory situation - We have to absolve Thaksin from blame though, actually, as he was "blissfully unaware" that they were going to attempt to get this pardon for him!!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!! He's a one!!!:lol:.

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Thaksin is a an exceedingly clever politician playing a long game.

Interesting that "leading figures" is mentioned. That should undercut what is said with the people. "leading figures" dictating everything without any consideration for the lesser or what they think is one thing that seems a lot less accepted than it used to be

Don't know how you can see him as clever.

Any one with a clear mind can see he is a egotistical bully who uses his money to corrupt Thai politicians and drain the Thai money into the Shinawatra's bank account.

Nothing clever about him at all he is an your face type bully.

A clever person you would not even know he was screwing you.

I don't really post but this just remided me so much of some dialogue from one of my fav movies which i thought appropriate to share... and aside from those of us who have a clear mind and can see what's going on... and apart from throwing out $s to have support, it still surprises me how blind people are to not see how they're being screwed and still love it... just googled the script from the movie so here it is:

"I mean, you've got them animals in there

eating out of the palm of your hand.

You beat them, you take their money,

you call them names to their faces...

and they love you.

I don't know how you do it.

I never saw anything like it.

Beating a man out of his money, that's easy.

Anybody can do that.

But beating a man out of his money

and making him like it...

that's an art.

That's an art of a true hustler."

Bruce, I sat next to Mars at this years Main Event in Vegas. He is one weird dude. He went a little deeper than me on good calls and better luck.

Said he's working on script for Poker Junkies, but some problems with getting the title registered. Hope he figures it out.

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"Yingluck and Thaksin plead ignorance about amnesty"

Casablanca (1942)

Rick: "How can you close me up? On what grounds?"

Captain Renault: "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"

[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]

Croupier: "Your winnings, sir."

Captain Renault: [sotto voce] "Oh, thank you very much."


Captain Renault: "Everybody out at once!"

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Perhaps the following is against forum rules:

HRH King Bhumibol Adulyadej is held in the highest regard by his people. I find it disgraceful that the occasion of HM birthday is being used for political purposes.

While it is still up then...I totally agree with you and that he is a convicted criminal who has never done in chains time and who will not admit to his wrong doing. Pheu Thai and the Shinawatra's are a disgrace to Thailand and the monarchy.

Just goes to show how they respect the king.

they give new meaning to the word scum

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Thaksin is a an exceedingly clever politician playing a long game.

Interesting that "leading figures" is mentioned. That should undercut what is said with the people. "leading figures" dictating everything without any consideration for the lesser or what they think is one thing that seems a lot less accepted than it used to be

Don't know how you can see him as clever.

Any one with a clear mind can see he is a egotistical bully who uses his money to corrupt Thai politicians and drain the Thai money into the Shinawatra's bank account.

Nothing clever about him at all he is an your face type bully.

A clever person you would not even know he was screwing you.

Of course he is clever. He wouldnt still be the most powerful politician (not) in Thailand with huge support including a minority of the elite who cant be coerced away from him, a load of big donor business groups and a government in place that basicially is his if he wasnt clever. I understand people dont like him but to underestimate his ability is a little excessive. Who else would have been able to hold a party together filled with all those factions as they were offered all kind of things to change sides?

simple answer

some one with as much money and as low if not lower morals and a complete disregard for Thailand. Nothing clever about it.

Trust me I may not be a Rhodes Scholar but even I can see through him. Some people it would seem can not see past money.

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Thaksin is a an exceedingly clever politician playing a long game.

Interesting that "leading figures" is mentioned. That should undercut what is said with the people. "leading figures" dictating everything without any consideration for the lesser or what they think is one thing that seems a lot less accepted than it used to be

Don't know how you can see him as clever.

Any one with a clear mind can see he is a egotistical bully who uses his money to corrupt Thai politicians and drain the Thai money into the Shinawatra's bank account.

Nothing clever about him at all he is an your face type bully.

A clever person you would not even know he was screwing you.

I don't really post but this just remided me so much of some dialogue from one of my fav movies which i thought appropriate to share... and aside from those of us who have a clear mind and can see what's going on... and apart from throwing out $s to have support, it still surprises me how blind people are to not see how they're being screwed and still love it... just googled the script from the movie so here it is:

"I mean, you've got them animals in there

eating out of the palm of your hand.

You beat them, you take their money,

you call them names to their faces...

and they love you.

I don't know how you do it.

I never saw anything like it.

Beating a man out of his money, that's easy.

Anybody can do that.

But beating a man out of his money

and making him like it...

that's an art.

That's an art of a true hustler."

As you have just doubled your number of posts with this one I can't argue with your opening statement!!!

A cunning and clever thief doesn't get caught - Fact!!!

But, by the laws of statistics, if you spend your entire life lieing, "raping your country and the people", cheating and entertaining "illegal practises" in the name of wanton self- greed then you are going to get caught some time - Fact!!!

Anyone who supports Thaksin and thinks he has done "no wrong" and deserves a pardon is stupid and an unbelievable fool "of the highest order" and deserves ridiculing - Fact!!!! (as far as I'm concerned anyway):jap:.

You say

"Anyone who supports Thaksin and thinks he has done "no wrong" and deserves a pardon is stupid and an unbelievable fool "of the highest order" and deserves ridiculing - Fact!!!! (as far as I'm concerned anyway)"

You are a lot more polite than I am. So I don't go there.

You might stop to consider that they are in reality unscrupulous and do it for money. Thaksin has a large pay roll for unrelated expenses to his legal business What was it the secretary of transportation supposedly had 200 million baht at home.

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incredible how does a PM not know what her own government is doing. Is that contempt for the Thai electorate's intelligence, or are they really that dumb?

Lieing "big time" perhaps?????

Actually, just make that lieing - as that is a "bog standard" practice for them and is part of their motto I would imagine.

Something along the lines of:

"Dishonesty is our endeavour" or "Lie for loot" or lastly "no gain without other people's pain"

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You say

"Anyone who supports Thaksin and thinks he has done "no wrong" and deserves a pardon is stupid and an unbelievable fool "of the highest order" and deserves ridiculing - Fact!!!! (as far as I'm concerned anyway)"

You are a lot more polite than I am. So I don't go there.

You might stop to consider that they are in reality unscrupulous and do it for money. Thaksin has a large pay roll for unrelated expenses to his legal business What was it the secretary of transportation supposedly had 200 million baht at home.

How can you question his integrity!!!!!!!

He's probably a good saver and couldn't find a big enough piggy bank so turned his house into one - not many people can claim to live INSIDE their piggy bank, you know!!!!!

Question!!!! When he wants to tap some of his hard earned stash does he have to order the demolishers in to gain access to it or find a great big hammer.

Why doesn't he keep all that lovely lolly in a real bank you may ask - what!!! and trust all those thieving *ankers with it!!! No way are they going to get their hands on it and another thing - I just know they are going to ask where I got all this money from and that suspicious lot will automatically think "corruption"!!! What a terrible thing to be unfairly accused of and I'm just not having it!!!!:jap:.

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Right so they have added a highly controversial clause to the royal pardon request to seek clemency for 3 people (who we know of). Hmmm

technically they wont have added a clause (we dont actually know what they have done tbh but assuming allegations are correct). They will have removed a clause the previous government wrote in to exclude those convicted of corruption. The added clause was technically from the last government and it was for those who support Thaksin highly controversial to change a pardon to exclude one man especially as the last government had removed the time served condition of the 2007 version.

And could the reason that there wasn't an uproar when they did that be because most people either didn't object to it, or didn't care one way or the other, and the people who were in opposition at the time said nothing as the chosen one had already promised to return anyway, plus the others that it excluded were unimportant cannon fodder.

So, let me try to understand this.

A clause to allegedly exclude a single person is bad, a clause to allegedly include a single person is good :huh:

Nop, not good, but the Thai constitution says no law should be created to benefit individuals, it doesn't say otherwise... just shameless, all they're trying to do and the way they're trying it. I've seen just as few people as evil as Mr. T is, he's happy having protests and people dead on the streets for his own gain.

Question for anyone, can the King reject names in the pardon list? Maybe the King in all his wisdom will know how to handle this...

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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To get a pardon, don't they have to have accepted/admitted they committed a crime, and to have to have served time. Otherwise how can someone who maintains his innocence ask for pardon? Asking for a pardon for something he hasn't done sounds dumb to me.

ps when I read the headline, I nearly spilt my beer.

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