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PM Yingluck's Gaffe - Remember Your Lines


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but few of them never got a Masters Degree in America either.

Her brother has abysmal English, and apparently bought himself a PhD.

Since with his English skills couldn't even read a PhD Thesis out loud,

let alone defend it in front of Professors.

It is a reasonable assumption money talked and a Masters walked,

and she forgot what little she knew soon after. Oh I'd say she sat through the courses,

and such but clearly english as required for a USA Uni student is lacking.

The biggest lesson to take out of that is that you don't need to be fluent in English to make a fortune.

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I thought she did rather well seeing as she has somewhat had all of this thrust upon her.

It just seems like she's yet to reach the levels of confidence and experience which the other Thai Dips and Hons mentioned in the lead article have reached after decades spent in the field of diplomacy.

It's an unfair comparison in my opinion.

"I thought she did rather well seeing as she has somewhat had all of this thrust upon her".

Did her brother torture her then!!!!!:blink:. She's a grown woman quite capable of saying NO!!!! Maybe she wishes she had gone with her initial instincts and done just that, as all that crying must have played havoc with her mascara!!!!

And she had said "No" to him for years, before finally agreeing and getting the nomination 49 days before becoming Prime Minister.


And just WHY did she change her mind??? It cannot be anything to do with Thaksin's amnesty as she stated several times "my brother's situation is not a priority for this government should we be elected"....I suppose you believed this!!!

She was there to serve the people and improve "their lot" she spouted unconvincingly from the rooftops, before Thaksin (nothing to do with the running of this government gov!!! honest) decided to make a third of Thailand resemble Waterworld by instructing that "no water was to be released from the dams to damage his expensive rice crops until they had been harvested"!!!!

The only good thing to come out of this is that his crops copped it as well.

OK then please inform me as to what reason you think "Yingluck the Novice" changed her mind then and thought it a good idea to get involved in politics all of a sudden when she had resisted for so long as she clearly "didn't fancy it"!!!!

I think she finally relented because over the years, Thaksin, ver. 2.0 (Samak) turned out to be a bust when the priority was never achieved (Thaksin's return and exoneration.

Thaksin, ver. 3.0 (Somachai) also turned out to be a bust for the priority of his return.

After that, and the Reds violence, really left Abhisit's early election with but one option, the closest Thaksin association yet (a cloned sister). He put the screws to her by bringing up all the failed previous attempts, putting forth this his last ditch at winning an election and installing a blood relative to get the job done and thus Yingluck finally capitulated and agreed to take the helm... completely naive as to what it would entail if any outside situation occurred (the floods in which she's floundered about in her Burberry footware).

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Actually, that would be the Foreign Minister Surapong, Yingluck's and Thaksin's cousin.

He's used translators during international discussions in English, despite having completed a Master's Degree AND a Doctoral Degree at two different American universities in English.

OK!!! is it a "he" or "she"????

I shouldn't imagine that it would be so difficult completing a Masters Degree and Doctorate in America without understanding a word of English!!!!!:jap:.

However, to reach professorship status you would probably need to know conversational pieces such as "how are you" and "I am fine, and you"????

Definitely a "he" on the right:

Chiang Mai's Pheu Thai Party candidate Surapong Towichakchaikul on the election campaign trail with a masked campaign worker:


From his parliamentary bio:

Master's Degree (Engineering), Youngstown State University, Ohio, U.S.A.

Doctoral Degree (Engineering), University of Akron, Ohio, U.S.A.


Odd - could have sworn I have seen him speak english in TV interviews

Yes, he can speak English to some perfunctory level. I would certainly hope he can manage rudimentary English what with him be DR. Surapong and all... but he has used translators during talks with foreign dignitaries, where a higher level than his elementary ABC's is expected and necessary.


Can the new Thai Foreign Minister actually speak English?



DR. Surapong


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I ask myself why a multi millionairess would ever choose Kentucky University for her Masters Degree.

Equally, I've always been bemused by Thaksin's Doctorate in Criminology, again from a somewhat obscure US university.

When you can afford the best in life why settle for lower rated universities for something as prestigious as a Masters or Doctorate?

Despite the need to have a TOEFL rated English level prior to study abroad and then ability to write grammaticly correct English and with an advanced level of vocabulary - Thaksin always strangled the language, struggled to speak effectively and made communication rather awkward.

But his rapping in English is top-notch first class....

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but few of them never got a Masters Degree in America either.

Her brother has abysmal English, and apparently bought himself a PhD.

Since with his English skills couldn't even read a PhD Thesis out loud,

let alone defend it in front of Professors.

It is a reasonable assumption money talked and a Masters walked,

and she forgot what little she knew soon after. Oh I'd say she sat through the courses,

and such but clearly english as required for a USA Uni student is lacking.

The biggest lesson to take out of that is that you don't need to be fluent in English to make a fortune.

And if you've got a fortune, there's a sub 3,000 ranked Uni

that needs a new dorm or endowed chair willing to take some of it.

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I ask myself why a multi millionairess would ever choose Kentucky University for her Masters Degree.

Equally, I've always been bemused by Thaksin's Doctorate in Criminology, again from a somewhat obscure US university.

When you can afford the best in life why settle for lower rated universities for something as prestigious as a Masters or Doctorate?

Despite the need to have a TOEFL rated English level prior to study abroad and then ability to write grammaticly correct English and with an advanced level of vocabulary - Thaksin always strangled the language, struggled to speak effectively and made communication rather awkward.

But his rapping in English is top-notch first class....

They guy can't even think of a lie without the lie detector blinking giving it away before he even spits it out.

Not to mention it's all about " I ".

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I watched that video. She is, without any doubt in my mind, pronouncing welcome like a Thai person. Compare to "twenty" sounding like "seventy" from most Thais. The "o" sound that begins the pronunciation of "w", even in English, coupled with the very common "v" sound used for "w" comes out resembling "ov". Add in the de-emphasized "l" sound, and you have ove®come.

The hub bub is quite ridiculous.

At 2 minutes. Actually sounds more like she stumbled on 'welcome' as opposed to overcome.

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But his rapping in English is top-notch first class....

wow . . . if this is the ORIGINAL clip that made in 2552 ( 2009 ), at the 2.18 minute, Mr T siad 'my younger sister is going to be the prime minister, I am too old' !! he could read the future, that is scarey :-)

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6 pages of comments about a non-English speaker mispronouncing an English word.

More flagrantly biased non-news from The Nation.

I'm no Yingluck fan but this is ridiculous. I saw her interviewed on Channel News Asia earlier in the week and she handled herself quite well. Sometimes it pays to remember what incredibly disparate languages Thai and English are.

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I'm no fan of her / her brother but what's the big deal here? Everyone will know what the intended word was and it's not her first language. You can bet your life she did better than ANY non Thai politician would do giving even a one minute speach in Thai. This just isn't a news story, just an incidental part of Clinton's visit...where any focus should be.

Your initial comments are correct. Her sincere intentions will be widely understood.

She was obviously welcome (overcome) by the significance of meeting an ex- US President.

But ....

English is the universal language of communication.

The beautiful country of Thailand has a population of about 70m, (about the population of London, England) and it's mother tongue is not taught in schools in any other country ( maybe 1 or 2 near neighbours ?).

Whereas English is the principal 2nd language taught in most schools in the non- English speaking world

Comparisons with politicians of any other country are hardly relevant.

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Must be a quiet day if her slip of the tongue is the talk of the town

For political language gaffs i suggest

G.W.Bush - nuff said (and i won't even go into HRH Prince Phillip and his use of language)

BTW , , HRH Prince Philip is not a politician.

He is above politics, which make his comments all the more interesting as his remarks are not gaffes, but genuine expressions of his thinking.

He is not a mere, fork-tongued politician ...............

His thinking may be out-dated, but he has the intellectual integrity to 'say it as he sees it'.

As for GWB, well .............. (I dare not say, I am not HRH)

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Same same. 99% of China, Japanese & Australia PMs don't speak good English if at all. It fact, most have worst English than YS. Yet they are SUPER powers.

Maybe in next PM acceptance citeria, Candidates should required to have a TOEIC 550 cert; just like in many semi-govt companies like PTT & TG.



yes, of course OZ.

How would the real superpower CHINA keep going if the Ozzies didn't supply all the minerals.

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Presumably she used English to pass her degree at Kentucky State University?

Or would it be one of those universities who always pass foreign students, even if their standard of English is not good enough to write any dissertations, etc?

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Presumably she used English to pass her degree at Kentucky State University?

Or would it be one of those universities who always pass foreign students, even if their standard of English is not good enough to write any dissertations, etc?

It sounds like what the universities here do. Pay the fee, wait some years then get the degree.

Many Thais think that a USA degree looks better on the resume / biography, regardless of whether it is obtained in the same way as Thai degrees.

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Prime Minister Yingluck was not appointed to lead the government ruling party because of her expertise in reading English but for her expertise in political leadership.

Considering she had no prior experience as an MP, she can hardly be described as an expert.

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Prime Minister Yingluck was not appointed to lead the government ruling party because of her expertise in reading English but for her expertise in political leadership.

Considering she had no prior experience as an MP, she can hardly be described as an expert.

She has zero prior experience in ANY political position, MP or otherwise.

I do, however, concede that her made-up position or meaningless figure-head position for her brother's companies could be construed by the employees, in the context of office politics, as a "political leader".


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The Nation complains about the English skills of the current Prime Minister, yet they post articles on a daily basis like this current hot story that commences...

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has call on Thais to have reconciliation and express confidence that government of his sister will not do anything to benefit him especially.



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At 2 minutes. Actually sounds more like she stumbled on 'welcome' as opposed to overcome.

I think most would understand that overcome means welcome especially those who have conversed with Thais in English and know the accent Thai English accent and there is a matter of nerves on her part involved . What i don't understand is a few sentences later ( at 2.20) she says that "Thailand and United states have long enjoyed close ties for friendship and covert co-operation" Should we be reading something else into this statement and what?

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A well-known media personality, Somkiat Onwimon, who has more than 70,000 followers on Twitter tweeted (in Thai) after the press conference:

Having listened to the statement by Prime Minister Yingluck in response to Secretary Hillary Clinton, I found that her formal English communication was as terrible as her Thai


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I think most would understand that overcome means welcome especially those who have conversed with Thais in English and know the accent Thai English accent and there is a matter of nerves on her part involved . What i don't understand is a few sentences later ( at 2.20) she says that "Thailand and United states have long enjoyed close ties for friendship and covert co-operation" Should we be reading something else into this statement and what?

I think she did a great job. She was under no obligation to speak English and I'm sure Hillary really appreciated her effort. I did too.

English speakers should get a grip on reality and appreciate foreign diplomats' attempts to speak their language. Many foreign diplomats won't even try - and I don't blame them, especially after reading this ridiculous thread.

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I ask myself why a multi millionairess would ever choose Kentucky University for her Masters Degree.

Equally, I've always been bemused by Thaksin's Doctorate in Criminology, again from a somewhat obscure US university.

When you can afford the best in life why settle for lower rated universities for something as prestigious as a Masters or Doctorate?

Despite the need to have a TOEFL rated English level prior to study abroad and then ability to write grammaticly correct English and with an advanced level of vocabulary - Thaksin always starngled the language, struggled to speak effectively and made communication rather awkward.

And yet we asked to believe that an American University found his standard of written English [ his thesis ] way in advance of his oral ability and did not question it! Then little sister follows but settles for a Masters. That must be her second degree and yet she has difficulty joining up the dots of an reasoned debate. In the same breath we are expected to believe she was a competent business woman; capable of running a multi- million dollar company.

I wonder then just why she gives the impression of being out of her depth if asked to run a raffle.

For such a clearly ignorant woman it only suits her to plead ignorance when it comes to matters that involve the amnesty for her brother. Of course she knows nothing.

A masters from Kentucky State proves that.

Her English can be described as follows: Original, Grilled, Extra Crisp or Popcorn but sometimes she just wings it.

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Obama congratulated Shinawatra on her "inspirational" election win, and offered condolences and assistance to those affected by the flooding in Thailand.

He also described Thailand as one of America's oldest allies and spoke of the two nations' great friendship. When Shinawatra expressed her regret at not having visited the United States, Obama responded by inviting her to Hawaii.


Of course "never" and "not having" are not the same thing and she may have been referring to the APEC meeting. Maybe.

I really hope so...or we have found the true gaffe.

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