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Obama Hails Thai PM's 'Inspirational' Election Win


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Obama hails Thai PM's 'inspirational' election win

NUSA DUA, November 19, 2011 (AFP) - US President Barack Obama on Saturday warmly praised Thai premier Yingluck Shinawatra's victory at the ballot box as "inspirational", in a boost to her young leadership.

Thailand, a longstanding US ally, has been riven by political divisions that culminated in protests in Bangkok last year, during which more than 90 people died in clashes between the army and supporters of Yingluck's brother Thaksin.

Thaksin was ousted in a 2006 coup but Yingluck, who Thaksin once described as his "clone", was named Thailand's first female prime minister after her Puea Thai party won a general election in July.

At a meeting on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit on the Indonesian island of Bali, Obama said he wanted to "extend congratulations to the prime minister" for an "inspirational election".

The symbolism of Yingluck's appearance alongside Obama is unlikely to be missed in Thailand, and his choice of words -- which went well beyond standard diplomatic niceties -- sends an unmistakable signal of support.

Parties led by or linked to Thaksin have won the last five general elections thanks to his huge support among the rural poor.

But the Bangkok elites, who have power bases in the judiciary, bureaucracy and military in a country that has seen 18 actual or attempted coups since 1932, despise him as authoritarian and a threat to the monarchy.

As well as Thaksin's own military ouster, two of his allies have been removed from the premiership by the courts -- one of them for being paid to host a cooking show on television -- and two of the parties dissolved.

Days after this year's poll, the defeated Democrat party launched a legal bid to have Puea Thai disbanded on the grounds that banned politicians such as Thaksin were involved in its campaign.

Since coming to power Yingluck has been sorely tested by Thailand's worst flooding in decades, which has left almost 600 people dead and outer parts of the capital Bangkok inundated.

She has been heavily criticised over her government's handling of the crisis, and the confusing information it has provided, with the army in contrast winning praise for its response.

"We will extend any assistance we can," said Obama. "The US and Thailand are two of the oldest allies, with great friendship. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the victims of the flood."

Yingluck thanked Obama for his co-operation.

Obama's warm words come after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to Bangkok this week, where she said she was reassured of Yingluck's commitment to democracy in comments also seen as supportive of the government.

A US warship is in port in Thailand to help recovery efforts and Washington has pledged more than $10 million in flood aid.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-11-19

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Early in the floods crisis Washington despatched warships to Thailand to help with relief efforts, but they left after no formal request for help was issued.

Serious waste of fuel. Washington forget tsunami?

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I imagine that those who get their news from TVF and the Nation are surprised to learn that much of Thailand and the rest of the world doesn't view her brother as the second Antichrist, much to their chagrin. I find it especially amusing to see him vilified because he is a convicted criminal, while the people who supported and engineered a coup to overthrow a twice elected government walk around free. Double standards, much?

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Interesting after Hillary stressed in Thailand that the US supports "this government" and stands behind "Thailand's civilian government". It doesnt sound like the US wants to see any coup like activity. Interesting form a major investor. And it seems a more public touching on of what has been rumoured over the past year or so

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So, how much money are the Thaksins and their "associates" funneling into the Obama reelection campaign?

I think Thaksin also provide them with secret decoder rings for the Soros global conspiracy. Simply amazing the powers of this global arch-fiend. That must be why the rest of the world simply doesn't understand the gravity of the threat he poses to not only Thailand, but the entire World!

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I assume Obama is desperate to retain any influence and friends he can in the region.

ASEAN countries are moving closer together and could become a very powerful economic force. When you bare in mind that a number of the countries have strong ties with China and the largest religious group within it is Muslim it is understandable that the USA might have some concerns over its strategic interests here.

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So what is Obama after from Thailand. Does he really think it was an Inspirational Victory?

America heed the warning signs. Me thinks that you have Presidential elections coming up soon?


It's called politics, ain't it? They say these nice things in public. It's really not a whole lot different in any country with 'positive' international diplomacy. He would have said the same thing if the election weren't near.

What would you expect him to say? "PM Yingluck, you know I want to tell you how shocked I was when you won the election. I called my wife over from the kitchen to check it out on the TV, and she said 'well, she's certainly a knockout gorgeous woman for her age, Barack'. Of course, I didn't confirm anything with my wife Michelle because any man knows that its a setup to reaffirm something like that. But, now that we're here, I want to let you know that I think you are gorgeous. Anyway, good luck with the water. The city looks crazy. Hey, where can I find a good Indonesian restaurant in Bangkok?"

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I don't think he know anything about Thailand exceptit is a country.

With strategically placed airstrips big enough for a B52.

Bolden flew more than 100 combat missions in North and South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, while stationed in Namphong, Thailand, from 1972-1973.


Being just down the road from Namphong and not in the mood for painting I thought of conspiracy theories as a way to pass the time until the first Leo beckons.

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I imagine that those who get their news from TVF and the Nation are surprised to learn that much of Thailand and the rest of the world doesn't view her brother as the second Antichrist, much to their chagrin. I find it especially amusing to see him vilified because he is a convicted criminal, while the people who supported and engineered a coup to overthrow a twice elected government walk around free. Double standards, much?

You're correct in that what happens in Thailand doesn't really interest people abroad much (mostly). With larger parts of the world still trying to recover from a major financial crisis, people worrying about job, house, pension, who would care about things 'only Thai could understand' anyway?

BTW there's no such thing as a twice-elected government. You probably mean that a party was either the single largest, or even in a majority. The government formed in 2001 was dissolved, the government formed 2005 was dissolved. The 2006 elections were annulled, there was no legal government, even the caretaker role was being abused. minor details with which we will not bother Pres. Obama who has other worries really ;)

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It is open U.S. foreign policy to step up and act as a counterbalance all over Asia to the very real increase in Chinese bullying. This isn't about starting a war with China but to provide a power balance. Thailand is obviously a historically important player in American-Asian foreign policy, post WW2.

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Looks like his administration will be the latest to wildly go forth in this region, without a lot of understanding as to what it is, that makes these places work. Is there genuine "love", or is it more a realization that while the US has been focused on yet another set of un-winnable wars, the Chinese have been making friends ? Still, at least this administration (as long as it lasts) is showing interest. Let's hope they will also be willing to listen and learn and not make the same mistakes as they did during the Cold War period.

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I assume Obama is desperate to retain any influence and friends he can in the region.

ASEAN countries are moving closer together and could become a very powerful economic force. When you bare in mind that a number of the countries have strong ties with China and the largest religious group within it is Muslim it is understandable that the USA might have some concerns over its strategic interests here.

I agree partially. Indeed China has strong cultural, historical and economic ties to all but a handful of countries all over Asia, but please don't forget that many countries in the region publicly (and privately, as reported in various outlets) desire US/Euro ties and support to counter-balance China's power. It's been this way for a very long time. China's MO has historically been 'pseudo-imperialistic' swallowing up nations or significant power positions in nations through various things: mass emigration, hard work, etc. Many countries in the region don't seem to be 'down' with it and resist it to varying degrees. Think Vietnam, Taiwan, Philipines, Tibet, etc.

Of course, in the end, countries just want to be prosperous, so they will do what's in their best interests whether it comes from China or the US or EU.

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I imagine that those who get their news from TVF and the Nation are surprised to learn that much of Thailand and the rest of the world doesn't view her brother as the second Antichrist, much to their chagrin. I find it especially amusing to see him vilified because he is a convicted criminal, while the people who supported and engineered a coup to overthrow a twice elected government walk around free. Double standards, much?

And you get your news from where? The Nation? BP? The same sources as '... much of Thailand and the rest of the world ..."?

Edited by JohnAllan
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Of course, in the end, countries just want to be prosperous, so they will do what's in their best interests whether it comes from China or the US or EU.

True, giving in may also be in 'best interest' when a big and powerful brother leans on you :ermm:

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Thaksin and his family/proxies are globalists - no wonder the puppet Obama and the banksters like them. I prefer the stance of the king, to keep out of the global scam and push for Thai independence, moving more people from the cities to work on the land and create real wealth and self-support before the international vampires get a real hold on Thailand, too.

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Thaksin and his family/proxies are globalists - no wonder the puppet Obama and the banksters like them. I prefer the stance of the king, to keep out of the global scam and push for Thai independence, moving more people from the cities to work on the land and create real wealth and self-support before the international vampires get a real hold on Thailand, too.

Your words are good I like them, easier said than done though.

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