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PAD Calls Off Gathering Against Royal Pardon


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People's Alliance Calls off Gathering Against Royal Pardon

The People’s Alliance for Democracy has called off its planned rally for today at the Council of State to protest the Royal Pardon Royal Decree which is believed to have benefited former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra after the justice minister came out yesterday to assure that Thaksin will not be eligible for royal pardon this time.

Spokesperson for the People’s Alliance for Democracy, or PAD, Parnthep Puapongpan said Justice Minister Pracha Promnok has announced that the decree to grant royal pardon to convicts on the occasion of His Majesty the King’s 84th birthday this upcoming December 5 will still contain the condition set by the Democrat-led administration in 2009 to ban a royal pardon for those convicted of drug or corruption-related offenses.

This means that former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra will not be eligible as his two-year jail term is a corruption-related sentence.

Parnthep said the PAD leaders decided that since the government has changed its stance and backed down on this issue, there is no need for the group to mobilize its supporters to gather at the Council of State today to protest against it.

Therefore, the PAD is changing its planned gathering into one at the outdoor stage at Ban Chaophraya, the headquarters of ASTV, to hear PAD leaders speak about politics from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. instead.

The PAD spokesperson thanked all PAD supporters in the provinces who were prepared to travel to Bangkok to join the gathering and stated that the group has been successful in pressuring the government to back down on the issue and for Thaksin's issuing a letter on Sunday morning, asking Thais to ‘forgive and forget.’

Parnthep apologized to PAD supporters for the sudden change of plans but said they can still join activities at Ban Chaophraya.


-- Tan Network 2011-11-21


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The reporter notes that PAD has adjusted their ac activities and now plan to hold a rally at Ban Chaopraya to Talk about "PAD" politics for five or six hours. PAD should be speaking on the clean up and what PAD citizens can be doing to help out.

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I am guessing that PAD could not raise a significant number of people to attend anyway as there are more pressing things on the minds of the citizens of Bangkok at the moment.

PAD is just exercising the not-to-well understood concept here of "principles"...

I do know a number of people that did want to go along to the PAD rally and others. It would of been interesting for them to go ahead just to see the numbers, but canceling them is the right move.

However, owing to the behaviour of self-serving, inept clowns over the past few months who bribed their way into power, am sure another opportunity for an anti-govt gathering will prevail sooner or later. The number of disappointments through broken election promises and poor management are only set to increase further.

Edited by Insight
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The reporter notes that PAD has adjusted their ac activities and now plan to hold a rally at Ban Chaopraya to Talk about "PAD" politics for five or six hours. PAD should be speaking on the clean up and what PAD citizens can be doing to help out.

i agree, and so should the red shirts

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I am guessing that PAD could not raise a significant number of people to attend anyway as there are more pressing things on the minds of the citizens of Bangkok at the moment.

PAD is just exercising the not-to-well understood concept here of "principles"...

I do know a number of people that did want to go along to the PAD rally and others. It would of been interesting for them to go ahead just to see the numbers, but canceling them is the right move.

However, owing to the behaviour of self-serving, inept clowns over the past few months who bribed their way into power, am sure another opportunity for an anti-govt gathering will prevail sooner or later. The number of disappointments through broken election promises and poor management are only set to increase further.

Likewise, here also, there were organizing a convoy of vans ready to join in.

Agree also on the principles you mention.

As said, in one of the other four or so PAD threads...

It will start again if the Yingluck government starts to try and absolve Thaksin again.

PAD's always been pretty straight forward about this and the latest confirms it.

Thaksin backs off and they back off.


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I am guessing that PAD could not raise a significant number of people to attend anyway as there are more pressing things on the minds of the citizens of Bangkok at the moment.

PAD is just exercising the not-to-well understood concept here of "principles"...

I do know a number of people that did want to go along to the PAD rally and others. It would of been interesting for them to go ahead just to see the numbers, but canceling them is the right move.

However, owing to the behaviour of self-serving, inept clowns over the past few months who bribed their way into power, am sure another opportunity for an anti-govt gathering will prevail sooner or later. The number of disappointments through broken election promises and poor management are only set to increase further.

Likewise, here also, there were organizing a convoy of vans ready to join in.

Agree also on the principles you mention.

As said, in one of the other four or so PAD threads...

It will start again if the Yingluck government starts to try and absolve Thaksin again.

PAD's always been pretty straight forward about this and the latest confirms it.

Thaksin backs off and they back off.


He'll try again, but honestly, I think was his last good shot at it. He's best when he can take a government that's running surpluses and run it into the ground with debt for the next guy to take care of. Yingluck is going to do that already so they're won't be much in the way of a juicy apple to take a bite out of in the future. I see him mainly as an influence peddler. His head's still in the trough but the reverence and glory won't be all he'd wish for.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I am guessing that PAD could not raise a significant number of people to attend anyway as there are more pressing things on the minds of the citizens of Bangkok at the moment.

PAD is just exercising the not-to-well understood concept here of "principles"...

I do know a number of people that did want to go along to the PAD rally and others. It would of been interesting for them to go ahead just to see the numbers, but canceling them is the right move.

However, owing to the behaviour of self-serving, inept clowns over the past few months who bribed their way into power, am sure another opportunity for an anti-govt gathering will prevail sooner or later. The number of disappointments through broken election promises and poor management are only set to increase further.

Likewise, here also, there were organizing a convoy of vans ready to join in.

Agree also on the principles you mention.

As said, in one of the other four or so PAD threads...

It will start again if the Yingluck government starts to try and absolve Thaksin again.

PAD's always been pretty straight forward about this and the latest confirms it.

Thaksin backs off and they back off.


He'll try again, but honestly, I think was his last good shot at it. He's best when he can take a government that's running surpluses and run it into the ground with debt for the next guy to take care of. Yingluck is going to do that already so they're won't be much in the way of a juicy apple to take a bite out of in the future. I see him mainly as an influence peddler. His head's still in the trough but the reverence and glory won't be all he'd wish for.

That was his first shot, but he didn't play it appropriately in order to secure a pardon. For that, admission of guilt required and that wasn't forthcoming.

And it was hardly a strong hand when everybody concerned said that it was nothing to do with them. Blatant lying.

So, no admission of guilt, blatant lying and no-one admitting the idea came from them.

Hardly difficult for the other side to gently push it over.

PAD quite marginal to the process.

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Aww shucks...I really wanted to see how many people would have turned out for that demo.

2 men in a boat ??

The rason PAD could not gather enough is because it is a street protest.

After been pampered at the airport (children even play badminton there while their parrents are having a good food and great music) with air-con, covered parking (most important for the M-Benz) and 5 star toilets, no want to scream under the sun anymore.

Just wait until PAD got wind of Thaksin in-boind flight details. BKK will be shut itself down again, en-mass.

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