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Range Rover have a VDU Screen that only the Passenger can watch when a Movie Plays, Mythbusters say thats impossible. Anything the Yanks cant make is always failed.by Dumb and Dumber.cheesy.gif.

Yep that's it, dumb and dumber to think a stupid paint can stop those high tech cameras.. :cheesy: :cheesy: Something only an imperialist would fall for. By the way Star have you figured out how to post a simple "Jpeg" here yet? :cheesy: But you know a stupid paint blocks a camera from taking your tag number? :cheesy:


If you're really worried, just spend 3-4K baht on a radar detector - the Thai motoring forums have vendors selling Whistler's and Bell's every day :)

Yes, I have one I brought over years ago from back home but it doesn't help with jpegs they give off no signal that provides an advanced warning unfortunately, but so far knock wood I've been lucky :whistling: .


Yo Warpy, i wouldn't know a J Peg from a Clothes Peg. Im told to take my Mobile off the Table, it embarrassed the Family. I can plug this Laper into the Lighter Socket , and foreget to plug the Cougar Radar thing back in. Ive mastered Ring Top Beer Cans at last after years of stabbing them . Just an Old Crumblie with an Old V8, and a love of Fast Women.w00t.gif


Having a good giggle at this until the post arrived today and

guess what, a similar fan letter saying I was doing 126kmph

in a 90kmph limit, location Klongphal, thats on the way back

from Korat Highway 2, near the big dam - but I am getting done

for 500 baht.

Wifey tells me there has been a seed camera near the police checkpoint for years. Guess it is not always turned on tho :whistling:


Range Rover have a VDU Screen that only the Passenger can watch when a Movie Plays, Mythbusters say thats impossible. Anything the Yanks cant make is always failed.by Dumb and Dumber.cheesy.gif.

Yep that's it, dumb and dumber to think a stupid paint can stop those high tech cameras.. :cheesy: :cheesy: Something only an imperialist would fall for. By the way Star have you figured out how to post a simple "Jpeg" here yet? :cheesy: But you know a stupid paint blocks a camera from taking your tag number? :cheesy:

back home the windscreen of Audi A8 helps, as it contains aluminum to reflect heat, thus face cant be photographed. Here it wouldnt work as fine goes to reg owner of vehicle


Having a good giggle at this until the post arrived today and

guess what, a similar fan letter saying I was doing 126kmph

in a 90kmph limit, location Klongphal, thats on the way back

from Korat Highway 2, near the big dam - but I am getting done

for 500 baht.

Wifey tells me there has been a seed camera near the police checkpoint for years. Guess it is not always turned on tho :whistling:

Now you tell me

Went to Post Office today to pay fine, but told as we had gone past

the payment deadline would have to go to the named Police station,

no problem as long as we do it before the next tax disc is due. Thai

fella there paying off four tickets,a monthly routine he says.


Range Rover have a VDU Screen that only the Passenger can watch when a Movie Plays, Mythbusters say thats impossible. Anything the Yanks cant make is always failed.by Dumb and Dumber.cheesy.gif.

Yep that's it, dumb and dumber to think a stupid paint can stop those high tech cameras.. :cheesy: :cheesy: Something only an imperialist would fall for. By the way Star have you figured out how to post a simple "Jpeg" here yet? :cheesy: But you know a stupid paint blocks a camera from taking your tag number? :cheesy:

back home the windscreen of Audi A8 helps, as it contains aluminum to reflect heat, thus face cant be photographed. Here it wouldnt work as fine goes to reg owner of vehicle

Dont tell the Dumb Plank. He cant understand how the Paint Works. As for the Tax , stick it upside down on the Passenger Side Visor , then Flip it Down when you park. . I Do .1zgarz5.gif


Range Rover have a VDU Screen that only the Passenger can watch when a Movie Plays, Mythbusters say thats impossible. Anything the Yanks cant make is always failed.by Dumb and Dumber.cheesy.gif.

Yep that's it, dumb and dumber to think a stupid paint can stop those high tech cameras.. :cheesy: :cheesy: Something only an imperialist would fall for. By the way Star have you figured out how to post a simple "Jpeg" here yet? :cheesy: But you know a stupid paint blocks a camera from taking your tag number? :cheesy:

back home the windscreen of Audi A8 helps, as it contains aluminum to reflect heat, thus face cant be photographed. Here it wouldnt work as fine goes to reg owner of vehicle

Dont tell the Dumb Plank. He cant understand how the Paint Works. As for the Tax , stick it upside down on the Passenger Side Visor , then Flip it Down when you park. . I Do .1zgarz5.gif

I know exactly how the paint works! It doesn't!!!! :cheesy: Paint on the plates and aluminum formed into the windshield glass are 2 completely different topics and purposes in spite of the unintended bonus effect. But of course you knew that!! :rolleyes:

Further more if it's true you can be sure in a first world country it'll be outlawed soon enough if not already due to it.


Guess the yanks dont have a successfull over exposure spray :whistling:

edit: perhaps the cams in denver arent as sophisticated as tests show spray works http://www.youtube.c...feature=related

Guess you guys have just been naive and lucky and eventually your luck will run out.. But you keep putting your faith in snake oil remedies those companies selling you that stuff love taking a fools money. There is one born every minute you know except in those Imperially ruled colonial countries that is, where the numbers are obviously much higher :cheesy:...


Talked to a friend in transport ministry other day who said they have cameras wired up on the bangna toll way and chonburi motorway, but they are hesistant to use them because military brass and politicians may have a ticket sent to homestead from mistress car. Doesnt seem too likely, but im in favor of anything which will prevent thailand becoming as speed cam and ticket crazy as australian roads.

obviously the over-exposure spray wont work, i dont condone excessive speeding but i do drive bang na toll way late night/early morning and feel i can do speeds well over 120 in safety, if the cam was light sensitive could have a relay switch which turns on a bright leds around the front and rear plates and then disengage after dropping speed automatically like those which pause video with parking brake activation, lol that be nice to have it activated once exceeding 120kmph at night time (when headlights are engaged). :)


We got one of these letters at our house but it was our land lords car! She must have it registered to our address. The ticket was for 140 KM/H near Pattaya. The fine was 1000 baht! Ouch. I was amazed at how good the photo was. They even had a higher res inset picture of the license plate. You couldn't see in the wind shield because of the angle and glare but I bet that 65 year old women was beaming while flying down that highway!


As for the Paint , how do i know it works until i get a Photograph .?? I had one before , but not since . I did 2 Roads with warnings at 140 , so lets see.. In the meantime perhaps out Yank Poster can carry on Striding and talk into a Mobile , as Bill Bryson says , that's all we Yanks do well any more .sorry.gif . Warpy..


Talked to a friend in transport ministry other day who said they have cameras wired up on the bangna toll way and chonburi motorway, but they are hesistant to use them because military brass and politicians may have a ticket sent to homestead from mistress car. Doesnt seem too likely, but im in favor of anything which will prevent thailand becoming as speed cam and ticket crazy as australian roads.

obviously the over-exposure spray wont work, i dont condone excessive speeding but i do drive bang na toll way late night/early morning and feel i can do speeds well over 120 in safety, if the cam was light sensitive could have a relay switch which turns on a bright leds around the front and rear plates and then disengage after dropping speed automatically like those which pause video with parking brake activation, lol that be nice to have it activated once exceeding 120kmph at night time (when headlights are engaged). :)

There are signs just before the big bend entering the Bangkok toll booth northbound at the end of Bang na Trad and I agree I like to haul the nail on that road until you get to where it reduces to 2 lanes after that point in both directions it is a dangerous washboard with some serious potholes even in the fast lane..


As for the Paint , how do i know it works until i get a Photograph .?? I had one before , but not since . I did 2 Roads with warnings at 140 , so lets see.. In the meantime perhaps out Yank Poster can carry on Striding and talk into a Mobile , as Bill Bryson says , that's all we Yanks do well any more .sorry.gif . Warpy..

I see, very scientific that.. Try that with a revolver missing 5 bullets, give it a spin, put it to your head and pull the trigger it may or may not work out the same if you're lucky.. If that's your proof then Mythbusters are light years ahead of you scientifically and it's no wonder their science is over your head, just like the ceiling your sitting under :rolleyes: ..

No need to apologize either, I'm just considering the limitations of the source.


Talked to a friend in transport ministry other day who said they have cameras wired up on the bangna toll way and chonburi motorway, but they are hesistant to use them because military brass and politicians may have a ticket sent to homestead from mistress car. Doesnt seem too likely, but im in favor of anything which will prevent thailand becoming as speed cam and ticket crazy as australian roads.

obviously the over-exposure spray wont work, i dont condone excessive speeding but i do drive bang na toll way late night/early morning and feel i can do speeds well over 120 in safety, if the cam was light sensitive could have a relay switch which turns on a bright leds around the front and rear plates and then disengage after dropping speed automatically like those which pause video with parking brake activation, lol that be nice to have it activated once exceeding 120kmph at night time (when headlights are engaged). :)

its actually been discussed for privacy reasons to black out the windshield, as the tickets goes to reg owner anyway. still have to explain why you where on the highway in your private car when you said your where working OT B)


I just had a reminder while home in Aust about speeding fines, 14km/h over 4500 Baht, done with a handheld laser so the number plate treatments would not work.

There was a segment on a TV show in Aust a couple of years ago showing how effective the paint is. They painted a plate as per instructions then did a test run through a speed camera. First look at the photo and plate unreadable, hit a button in the software package and plate perfectly readable. So pretty reasonable chance the paint will be less than effective.

There was a big thing with special number plate protectors a few years ago. They had vertical lines etched into the surface which gave a prismatic effect. Standing straight in front plate readable, move a bit to side, plate unreadable, a bit more to the side and plate readable etc etc. Must have been effective as they were promptly banned.

Tried to buy some while I was there, not banned for sale, only for use. Unfortunately could not find any as no one is buying them anymore :angry:



As for the Paint , how do i know it works until i get a Photograph .?? I had one before , but not since . I did 2 Roads with warnings at 140 , so lets see.. In the meantime perhaps out Yank Poster can carry on Striding and talk into a Mobile , as Bill Bryson says , that's all we Yanks do well any more .sorry.gif . Warpy..

I see, very scientific that.. Try that with a revolver missing 5 bullets, give it a spin, put it to your head and pull the trigger it may or may not work out the same if you're lucky.. If that's your proof then Mythbusters are light years ahead of you scientifically and it's no wonder their science is over your head, just like the ceiling your sitting under :rolleyes: ..

No need to apologize either, I'm just considering the limitations of the source.

Dont realy care if it works or not, the Radar thing goes off for no reason , so i leave it unpluged , the fines are peanuts anyway. At least when you get pulled over its break time for a Smoke.w00t.gif


I just had a reminder while home in Aust about speeding fines, 14km/h over 4500 Baht, done with a handheld laser so the number plate treatments would not work.

There was a segment on a TV show in Aust a couple of years ago showing how effective the paint is. They painted a plate as per instructions then did a test run through a speed camera. First look at the photo and plate unreadable, hit a button in the software package and plate perfectly readable. So pretty reasonable chance the paint will be less than effective.

There was a big thing with special number plate protectors a few years ago. They had vertical lines etched into the surface which gave a prismatic effect. Standing straight in front plate readable, move a bit to side, plate unreadable, a bit more to the side and plate readable etc etc. Must have been effective as they were promptly banned.

Tried to buy some while I was there, not banned for sale, only for use. Unfortunately could not find any as no one is buying them anymore :angry:


It seems more like ineffective cameras then effective paint.. I guess Aussie land needs to update their antiquated equipment.

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