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I noticed both threads he opened were closed. I guess because an admin believes he's a troll or that this subject attracts unwanted comment from other board users.

Give the guy a break. Imagine if his story is genuine. Nobody knows him and NOBODY has the right to judge him.

Don't know how to help you Jake, but I hope someone on this board can.


I noticed both threads he opened were closed. I guess because an admin believes he's a troll or that this subject attracts unwanted comment from other board users.

Give the guy a break. Imagine if his story is genuine. Nobody knows him and NOBODY has the right to judge him.

Don't know how to help you Jake, but I hope someone on this board can.


I agree with you Loaded but quite often there isn't a lot of humanity on the board, too many judges and juries, if something upsets them they slag it/ the poster to death without thought. I hope he finds his son and it has a happy ending, if he doesn't try then he'll never know if his son wants him or not.

I noticed both threads he opened were closed. I guess because an admin believes he's a troll or that this subject attracts unwanted comment from other board users.

Give the guy a break. Imagine if his story is genuine. Nobody knows him and NOBODY has the right to judge him.

Don't know how to help you Jake, but I hope someone on this board can.


I agree with you Loaded but quite often there isn't a lot of humanity on the board, too many judges and juries, if something upsets them they slag it/ the poster to death without thought. I hope he finds his son and it has a happy ending, if he doesn't try then he'll never know if his son wants him or not.

Just a point of interest. It seems that a lot of people on this forum like to use the word "JUDGE" . Like in this instance where a guy is supposed to be looking for a long lost son.

To those , Oh So Nice Folks, I submit that the only one doing any judging in YOU, yourself.

I was under the opinion that this was a forum for all [you judges read "not just those with whose opinion you agree"] I say again, for all to express their opinion on whatever the subject. Now in this case I understand that the pursuit on which this gentlemen, Jake, is on may be illegal in Thailand and that the further allowance of discussion may put the forum in conspiratorial jeopardy. I can accept that.

If you have an opinion, please express it, and if I disagree with you perhaps I will post a rebuttal. But I would submit, don't accuse others of doing just that which you are doing yourself.

NOBODY has the right to judge him

Anybody can judge anyone else, anytime they feel like it. You don't need the 'right'.


I closed the second topic.

I closed it NOT because the poster broke any rules or was trolling, but because it was gathering more negative comments again and didn't want to re-do the original nasty discussion. I admit I was a bit quick with that, but given the way the second post was worded with some "I will pray to God to forgive you" it was probably a safe assumption on my part that additional serious flak was to be expected. :D

I DID however leave the topic in place so people could read his post and perhaps respond to him in person if they have useful tips. (If the post would have broken forum rules then most likely it would have been removed, rather than just closed for further discussion).

So in short, closing a topic does not mean that any poster broke any rules, and indeed no warnings or cautions were issued. I do fully understand that it seemed that way to Loaded and likely other forum members.

Anyway, it seems we now have a third topic.. :o I actually agree with Loaded, that the person received some needless personal attacks. So now that we have a third topic, let's keep it clean and respectful to all.




Thanks Chanchao. I appreciate that the poster was leaving himself open to flaming because of some of his comments.

For the 2 posters who feel that an opinion can be given on any subject, or that any poster can judge another - fair comment. However, an uninformed opinion or judgement (not that either of you do this) displays a certain amount of ignorance and will provoke a strong reaction. Hence a downward spiral to 'thread closed'.

Hence a downward spiral to 'thread closed'.

... and/or awarding of holidays... :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Things are not always what they seem.

Some people do not want to be found, and have their right to privacy, and some posters requesting help with finding others are sometimes not doing it for the sentimental reasons they display - they may be hired to do this job for other reasons... fill in the blanks.

On the Internet, anyone can pose as anyone they like, and this has to be taken into account.

Things are not always what they seem.

Some people do not want to be found, and have their right to privacy, and some posters requesting help with finding others are sometimes not doing it for the sentimental reasons they display - they may be hired to do this job for other reasons... fill in the blanks.

On the Internet, anyone can pose as anyone they like, and this has to be taken into account.

Correct, and that's our policy. I know that www.khaosanroad.com regulary posts these kind of requests, maybe OP could email them instead.


I pointed the OP in a couple of directions and in his new thread he had the gall to write 'I am sorry you cannot help me'. I've done a fair bit of research on the Vietnam War's Amerasians and thought that my suggestions were helpful and in the right direction. Maybe I shouldn't bother next time.

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