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Why Are Traffic Lights Out Of Order So Frequently?


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My opinion..... the people that do the installations and repairs, don't know enough about what they are doing. Much the same as Uni graduates, who have a diploma that says they have graduated from uni, but they cannot read it.....image. You don't have to know what you are doing , just make it look like you know.

But in all probability, the start of the problem is they get budgeted for a very good piece of equipment , get the budget approved , then go out and buy the cheapest piece of junk that will look like it will do the job. The difference disappears into some in between pocket or to be stored in some bedroom closet.

I would submit that , that goes for many segments of the society here in Thailand. Get the certificate, but not the education.

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The op's observation/question indicates we have one more in the minority of Chiang Mai dare devils, who pay attention to their surrounding while driving. Most of the kamikaze pilots on the road would not notice the lights are turned off. This is another of the BIB tricks, they use the confusion caused to go have a coffee or urgent business behind the nearest tree.

To follow this line, why on one week the lights are set so traffic advances/turn on only one side of the highway (outward bound), then at someone's discretion the light is set so both outward and inward bound go/turn at the same time?

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Instead of so quick in making up another "yet again" unfounded judgment about Thailand and thai people. Why don't you all move your tootsies down to the nearest traffic police station and ask the question?

You will be quite surprised of how logical the answer it can be… as why it happened. Easy as that.

I thought the so called "first world" education supposes to teach you to think more logically first as what might be the cause(s) of it, instead of being so quick in making another racist comment.wink.gif

.............6 of you up there, except mr. Slapout who is at the borderline & appear to be the least of all the 5 evils above.

Clue: ….Most major cities in Thailand, at some point during the day, will use this method. Unless it's really a mechanical malfunctioned, then what I just said …doesn't apply

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Being credited as the least of 6 evils would make my father proud, (rest his soul) The policeman at the northeast corner of the moat does exactly what I referred to at 0700, not many maintenance crews out at that time.

The next scenario happens regularly at the intersection near Pun Pun. You can normally tell when electronic maintenance or there is a power problem as the lights will be inoperative over a grid area of a couple kilometers.

I really did not detect, Thai bashing, in the responses, as maybe there are foreigners doing the light sequence settings that seems unique to CM.

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Instead of so quick in making up another "yet again" unfounded judgment about Thailand and thai people. Why don't you all move your tootsies down to the nearest traffic police station and ask the question?

You will be quite surprised of how logical the answer it can be… as why it happened. Easy as that.

I thought the so called "first world" education supposes to teach you to think more logically first as what might be the cause(s) of it, instead of being so quick in making another racist comment.wink.gif

.............6 of you up there, except mr. Slapout who is at the borderline & appear to be the least of all the 5 evils above.

Clue: ….Most major cities in Thailand, at some point during the day, will use this method. Unless it's really a mechanical malfunctioned, then what I just said …doesn't apply

Hi, I have no idea what any of this means.. I'm a caveman.. Please explain more carefully.

traffic lights go out more frequently in thailand than in other countries, please explain why this statistical fact is a racist statistic? It says nothing about the genetic makeup of Thais versus people from other countries, so I'm curious as to how it's racist. Or, do you simply think that pointing out differences and seeking an explanation for them is racist? just curious.

Either way, what's the reason why traffic lights are out more often in chiang mai , than say in comparison to Sydney, Auckland, Miami, Las Vegas, New York , and Boston?

Just curious. That's my only question.. I'm implying nothing about the intellectual capabilities of Thai's.

(By asking if it was cultural, I was actually making a joke, btw.. See if you can figure out why!!)

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Instead of so quick in making up another "yet again" unfounded judgment about Thailand and thai people. Why don't you all move your tootsies down to the nearest traffic police station and ask the question?

You will be quite surprised of how logical the answer it can be… as why it happened. Easy as that.

I thought the so called "first world" education supposes to teach you to think more logically first as what might be the cause(s) of it, instead of being so quick in making another racist comment.wink.gif

.............6 of you up there, except mr. Slapout who is at the borderline & appear to be the least of all the 5 evils above.

Clue: ….Most major cities in Thailand, at some point during the day, will use this method. Unless it's really a mechanical malfunctioned, then what I just said …doesn't apply

Hi, I have no idea what any of this means.. I'm a caveman.. Please explain more carefully.

traffic lights go out more frequently in thailand than in other countries, please explain why this statistical fact is a racist statistic? It says nothing about the genetic makeup of Thais versus people from other countries, so I'm curious as to how it's racist. Or, do you simply think that pointing out differences and seeking an explanation for them is racist? just curious.

Either way, what's the reason why traffic lights are out more often in chiang mai , than say in comparison to Sydney, Auckland, Miami, Las Vegas, New York , and Boston?

Just curious. That's my only question.. I'm implying nothing about the intellectual capabilities of Thai's.

(By asking if it was cultural, I was actually making a joke, btw.. See if you can figure out why!!)

...yeah,doji,people get killed out there,sometimes just because of the pure stupidity of the ones responsible for the safety on the roads...you figure it out...do you want examples ?! :realangry:

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...yeah,doji,people get killed out there,sometimes just because of the pure stupidity of the ones responsible for the safety on the roads...you figure it out...do you want examples ?! :realangry:

That's RACIST!!! :)

...no ,it's not !!! :):lol::lol:

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1322242362[/url]' post='4871882']

Fai dang mai dee mak mak! But hopefully with all the LED technology now available here, they will be able to make dee mak ones soon. Also let's not let this become another Thai bashing thread. Remember puen, we are guests here. jap.gifjap.gifjap.gif

Who is Puen? I can't find the post anywhere

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Most of the kamikaze pilots on the road would not notice the lights are turned off.

I would invite anyone wishing to experimentally verify this to use the pedestrian crossing between Boots and the Art Cafe when it says Walk. I find the audio feature of this signal for the visually impaired especially amusing...

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Racism !

Hum All the world I have lived in is racist, fact of life and Thais are certainly inclined that way. ( Try the Mid East)

I think the US invented racism and will never get over it.

No British fault if we had left it as New Amsterdam they would never have had a Civil war and Apartheid would still be normal in Sud Afrika.

As for Thai traffic lights, a National disgrace which we Flangs will have to live with.

I was once fined B 400 for going through a Red light, I asked the two Sgts down the Police Station since when has it been abnormal to go through a red light. (Yellow light maybe 3 seconds brake hard and die)

They both laughed but insisted I pay b 400.


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I thought the so called "first world" education supposes to teach you to think more logically first as what might be the cause(s) of it, instead of being so quick in making another racist comment.wink.gif

.............6 of you up there, except mr. Slapout who is at the borderline & appear to be the least of all the 5 evils above.

Why might it be racist or evil, to suggest that one reason for one-of-three lights to not be working, might relate to the quality of the light-bulbs used ? ;)

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I find the burnt out light an excellent example in Thai patients and resilience...

They seem to easily take the situation in stride with a MacGyver Mai Ben Rai attitude :Dave::wai:

If the lights were to go out in any 1st World Country horn blowing, road rage, tasers and lawsuits usually ensue...

Edited by sfokevin
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it's an innocent question. I notice the same thing and its quite hazardous to anyone using the many affected intersections.

It might be a number of reasons like

low quality equipment

lack of replacement supplies (perhaps related to the flooding)

lack of qualified repair technicians

high tolerance of unsafe situations

few people complain about it to authorities

The whole flooding debacle has somewhat highlighted that Thailand is not that good at forward planning and engineering. Oh well.

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I have no problem about the enquire wants to know about street lights.

However by adding the implication if this a "cultural thingy", it soon became apparent to me that this is not simply a fact finding inquiry only, but opening the door for another yet again thai bashing thread.

Don't you all get tired doing this over and over again, day in and day out? And don't you all have nothing else better to do than thinking up mostly negative things to say about Thailand, its people and culture?

I'm not implying that everything in Thailand is all soo goody goody or rooosy roooosy. All countries have its own flaws.

But to get up everyday and only see and want to talk about all the negatives (or imagine it to be like that/ or use your one time negative experience to blanket everything else to be the same)…it's just weird and twisted. I hope you guys are not the unified leaders of the majority of expats here in Thailand.

I like chatting up with many expats here in Thailand so I can learn a thing or two about them/ their life experiences, their country, or why did they choose Thailand…etcs. There are many good bunches out there, I was fortunate enough to have came across. But in thaivisa….well what can I say. I didn't know before that so many expats that live here have so much dislikes about the place and people.

Or it could be only me that have the problem, or making the hill from a mole( so to speak)…..pls accept my advance apology if this is the case.

PS...My previous reply was based on the similar experience that had happened in my neighborhood in bkk around rush hour traffic, to ease the congestion in certain direction. Sometimes the traffic police programs the light differently in duration/ or shut them off completely. Don't ask me why, they just do it that way.

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My opinion..... the people that do the installations and repairs, don't know enough about what they are doing. Much the same as Uni graduates, who have a diploma that says they have graduated from uni, but they cannot read it.....image. You don't have to know what you are doing , just make it look like you know.

But in all probability, the start of the problem is they get budgeted for a very good piece of equipment , get the budget approved , then go out and buy the cheapest piece of junk that will look like it will do the job. The difference disappears into some in between pocket or to be stored in some bedroom closet.

I would submit that , that goes for many segments of the society here in Thailand. Get the certificate, but not the education.

At the same time the voltages/frequency/power supplies over here are up and down like a bride's nighty. If you really want to see it get a clamp meter and use it on the power lead at your meter at the house. Only one of the many reasons lamps burn out faster combined with the low quality, usually chinese cheap imports.

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I have no problem about the enquire wants to know about street lights.

However by adding the implication if this a "cultural thingy", it soon became apparent to me that this is not simply a fact finding inquiry only, but opening the door for another yet again thai bashing thread.

Don't you all get tired doing this over and over again, day in and day out? And don't you all have nothing else better to do than thinking up mostly negative things to say about Thailand, its people and culture?

I'm not implying that everything in Thailand is all soo goody goody or rooosy roooosy. All countries have its own flaws.

But to get up everyday and only see and want to talk about all the negatives (or imagine it to be like that/ or use your one time negative experience to blanket everything else to be the same)…it's just weird and twisted. I hope you guys are not the unified leaders of the majority of expats here in Thailand.

I like chatting up with many expats here in Thailand so I can learn a thing or two about them/ their life experiences, their country, or why did they choose Thailand…etcs. There are many good bunches out there, I was fortunate enough to have came across. But in thaivisa….well what can I say. I didn't know before that so many expats that live here have so much dislikes about the place and people.

Or it could be only me that have the problem, or making the hill from a mole( so to speak)…..pls accept my advance apology if this is the case.

PS...My previous reply was based on the similar experience that had happened in my neighborhood in bkk around rush hour traffic, to ease the congestion in certain direction. Sometimes the traffic police programs the light differently in duration/ or shut them off completely. Don't ask me why, they just do it that way.

Actually, the reason why I bring it up, is because I think Thai people should be aware that it's a fixable problem. If I only lived in Thailand, I too would think that it's perfectly normal for traffic lights to be out at the same intersection for 5 days or more. But, since I've seen been other places, I become aware of the fact that the TECHNOLOGY EXISTS.. And not only that, the technology has existed for a very long time. And so, it is likely inexpensive as well...

Do you realize that this is a serious problem? Not all farang are here on the same accord as others, for some it is less of a choice than it is for others. So, while we may enjoy the pro's of living in Thailand, there are some serious negatives.. And I'm not talking about my internet service being out, getting served ice with my beer, or getting the wrong coffee I ordered. We're talking about personal safety. Perhaps you don't worry about loved ones or friends dying needlessly, but fortunately, I do. While this forum is cluttered with guys talking about how they got conned by some woman, there are legitimate gripes that people have.. I mention culture because it seems when someone gets screwed over in some way, some clown comes on here and tells him/her how he has to suck it up, and he hasn't done enough to learn the culture, learn the language, etc.

And no, we're not talking about the police turning the lights off and directing traffic for a few hours or whatever the h3ll you mentioned.

Complaining about road safety is essentially no different than complaining of a violent crime.. If there were circumstances which increased the likelihood of being a victim of a heinous act, it's actually a similar comparison to having the odds increased off being in a head on collision with a truck driver pumped up on meth..

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I have no problem about the enquire wants to know about street lights.

However by adding the implication if this a "cultural thingy", it soon became apparent to me that this is not simply a fact finding inquiry only, but opening the door for another yet again thai bashing thread.

Don't you all get tired doing this over and over again, day in and day out? And don't you all have nothing else better to do than thinking up mostly negative things to say about Thailand, its people and culture?

I'm not implying that everything in Thailand is all soo goody goody or rooosy roooosy. All countries have its own flaws.

But to get up everyday and only see and want to talk about all the negatives (or imagine it to be like that/ or use your one time negative experience to blanket everything else to be the same)…it's just weird and twisted. I hope you guys are not the unified leaders of the majority of expats here in Thailand.

I like chatting up with many expats here in Thailand so I can learn a thing or two about them/ their life experiences, their country, or why did they choose Thailand…etcs. There are many good bunches out there, I was fortunate enough to have came across. But in thaivisa….well what can I say. I didn't know before that so many expats that live here have so much dislikes about the place and people.

Or it could be only me that have the problem, or making the hill from a mole( so to speak)…..pls accept my advance apology if this is the case.

PS...My previous reply was based on the similar experience that had happened in my neighborhood in bkk around rush hour traffic, to ease the congestion in certain direction. Sometimes the traffic police programs the light differently in duration/ or shut them off completely. Don't ask me why, they just do it that way.

Actually, the reason why I bring it up, is because I think Thai people should be aware that it's a fixable problem. If I only lived in Thailand, I too would think that it's perfectly normal for traffic lights to be out at the same intersection for 5 days or more. But, since I've seen been other places, I become aware of the fact that the TECHNOLOGY EXISTS.. And not only that, the technology has existed for a very long time. And so, it is likely inexpensive as well...

Do you realize that this is a serious problem? Not all farang are here on the same accord as others, for some it is less of a choice than it is for others. So, while we may enjoy the pro's of living in Thailand, there are some serious negatives.. And I'm not talking about my internet service being out, getting served ice with my beer, or getting the wrong coffee I ordered. We're talking about personal safety. Perhaps you don't worry about loved ones or friends dying needlessly, but fortunately, I do. While this forum is cluttered with guys talking about how they got conned by some woman, there are legitimate gripes that people have.. I mention culture because it seems when someone gets screwed over in some way, some clown comes on here and tells him/her how he has to suck it up, and he hasn't done enough to learn the culture, learn the language, etc.

And no, we're not talking about the police turning the lights off and directing traffic for a few hours or whatever the h3ll you mentioned.

Complaining about road safety is essentially no different than complaining of a violent crime.. If there were circumstances which increased the likelihood of being a victim of a heinous act, it's actually a similar comparison to having the odds increased off being in a head on collision with a truck driver pumped up on meth..

...well,well...I'll 2nd that LB...and BTW,doji,where are you from may I ask...some things are working good in other countries,why not to be wise and just "copy" THAT !!!???...what(?),are you gonna lose your face by learning something good ??!!B)

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