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Belle, Who Knows It Well ...


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I'm Belle. A 4 years old female rottweiler.

Through sad circumstances my owner has to find me another good home.

I'm good with people, although initially I may bark at strangers. I'm a rottweiler after all. Love sausage and cooked live, though ;)

I didn't grow up with children and because I'm big and crossed with a bulldozer (well my care-taker said that, I don't really agree with that), I rather stay with someone who has no or only grown-up children. Just to be rather safe then sorry.

I grew up with a miniature schnauzer female, but again because of my size my care-takers thinks my best match will be big male dogs.

When the humans talk about 'catsssss' 'rrrrabbits' or something with 'pig' I do not really know what they mean. What is that? Is it nice? Can you eat it?

I love playing with my squeaky ball. :)

Who is willing to take me in, in their caring and loving home? In return I'll give you unconditional love and will protect your property against bad people.

If interested and you want to meet me, I'm currently staying at LuckyDogs. You can contact Nienke: 0 8 9 nine nine 7 8 one four 6

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@ LarryBird: a full-bred Rottie at the in- and outside. But then, you will be surprised at the great variety that you can find here in most breeds. :rolleyes:

@ Lannarebirth: Thank you. :) I'm having a similar problem, or I would consider keeping her. But I fear that my pit-pug will go beserk. Plus, that my GSD's spondylose leaves him almost paralyzed in the hind. So, he won't be happy with a bulldozer in his pack.

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Hi Belle,

How well does Nienke know your former owner? Well enough to know that you aren't like the rottie mix that I adopted because the owner "moved out of town".

When that sweet, gentle, creature tried to kill a guest in my house, I felt sure it wasn't the first such incident - no doubt the real reason for giving the dog up.

So, I hope Nienke screens big dogs like you very carefully. Good luck.

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Don't worry, amexpat, I've done my homework.

Those who are seriously interested and come over to have a look at Belle will get the full story which, btw, does not include eating guests.

On a side-note, 3 stories:

* My late rottie, male, was well-behaved, good with people and children. Have taken him to a primary school even.

However, it wasn't a good idea to come in without me, my ex or my staff around. Nor was it a good idea to just approach him as a stranger, without our knowledge or content, with the intention to pet him. Guests were always well-introduced to him.

* I've know a well-behaved rottie who was very good with a family-friend. One night the lady-owner and this friend went out and they forgot the key of the house. The friend said: "no problem, I just jump over the fence." "No way", said the rottie, "I'm on guard".

* a boxer male was living with the owner, a female boxer, and grannie. Their house had a high wall around and the gate was made of teak-wood with a little door in it. One evening grannie came home on foot. She just opened the door without calling the dogs first, and got bitten by her own dog. (luckily she understood her own mistake, and did not punish her dog)

Belle is a lovely animal, very sweet and hungry for love, attention, and consistency. But she remains a rottie and any dog can bite. The fist facial transplant was done on a woman, whose face was half bitten off by her own labrador.

Edited by Nienke
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OK, I'm glad to hear you've done your homework.

As for the stories of the rotties just dutifully defending the territory, well, we always hear it's the fault of the owner or the victim. My guest was a young girl who spent 15 minutes

petting the (neutered) dog and rubbing his belly as he lay on his back. That was just before he followed her into another room and attacked.

Any dog can bite. I'd rather be bitten by any dog other than a rottie or pit.

Keep up the good work. I still love dogs.

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