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Thai Visa Classified Premium Ads


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I think Thai visa classified ads is a great thing and much appreciate it.

Recently i went with a Premium ad to get better exposure and it worked great as i got to the first page of real estate for a price that is very reasonable.

One thing was really strange though,

when i look for a bike for sale or house for sale i go to the region i wish to buy near, not the general motorcycle or house for sale section.

Although my premium ad shows up on page 1 of the real estate section my ad shows up on page 11 of the Phuket region listings, the very last page.

I think this is a flaw in the design of the site and that when you pay for a premium ad it should also show up on page 1 of the region you want to look under.

Does anyone agree with me?

Maybe if many people agree they may have their webmaster update the site to allow for this and more people would pay for the premium ads since it exposes their items so much better.

Anyway, thanks Thai Visa for an almost perfect website.

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