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Our Fearless Leader


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When people fight for something they never had from a government one emotion is generated.

When people lose something that had from a government another more primal emoting is generated.

In the last 2 weeks I think we have seen what was bubbling and festering just below the surface in the T. Government  finally break the surface with the censoring and direct attacks on vocal people.

I think you will see a series of events unfold in the coming weeks that will much resemble a cornered animal. I think we can find without looking too far back recent events in other countries that mirror what will be coming. Keep your cameras loaded and ready, there is the smell of history in the making.

Who is fighting? Thais?

Maybe down south they have some fighting.

Thaksin is the leader, voted into the office, nothing can change that other than his personal reasons.

He is accepted and appreciated (by other countries) and on his way to be the leader of the region.

In my farang, Thailand could not have a better leader than him at this time.

I would say that, Thais have confirmed my opinion. There were elections February this year.

But, as the oppositions says - his "to do" list is getting too long.


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who was the last leader around here being scared of stars and fortune tellers?

who even aligned his policies according to the stars? and remember his country's denomination of 9, 45 and 90 with the money? because 9 was his lucky number.

yes, it was burma's dictator ne win.

Edited by danone
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