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Child Abuse In Thailand


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what a lot of shit you men are talking. Take a look on the streets of Pattaya - the gay streets - I am a journalist and I was told I would be dead if I talked the truth about it............ young, young boys......... go see for yourselves.......

If you are a responsible journalist with a conscience, why wouldn't you publish what you believe to be the truth, or if you're worried about reprisals, why not take what you know to be the truth to the appropriate authorities?

Paedophiles should be prosecuted, and innocent, defenceless children should be protected.

This will never happen if people put their heads in the sand or turn a blind eye to paedophilia.

BRAVO BRAVO...If there were more people like youself than the kids would be more safe :o

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The closed thread on Gary Glitter touched on a very worrying subject and I would welcome some information about what is going on.

In the UK, caring parents would not allow their young children to wander the streets and would want to know where they were every minute of the day. That's because there is a good chance that an opportunist paedophile might be looking for children to abduct. The same parents would also keep an eye and ear open to the relationships that their children had with with adult friends and relatives.

I have three step children in Thailand. They are allowed to wander as they wish around the village amongst friends and family. I respect the family's judgement and have not openly questioned this freedom even though it has bothered me a little.

So, how safe are children in Thailand? Have there been many publicised cases of abuse or abduction? Is there more risk in some areas than in others? Is it getting worse? What truth is there in the stories about child prostitution rings? I would welcome information and views about this very serious topic.

I think the kids wandering about in the villages are fairly safe - the small communities are very close knit and the consequences of any such behaviour would be handed out very locally and severely. About the citys and tourist areas where people could hide easily - very risky. When in Thailand my son and daughter both half Thai twins 8 yrs are allowed to wander free in the village. In Bangkok and Pattaya they never leave my sight. Child abduction is also fairly rife.

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Child abduction is also fairly rife.

That is another area, not necessarily related to sex.

Over the years there have been stories in the press of children begging on the street, with broken limbs to

attract sympathy, being recognised by parents as abductees.

The vans roll into rural areas, grab the children and are off......... :o

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