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Global Drive To Bring Back Tourists To Thailand


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It is so true that Thailand is very expensive!

So expensive that many Thais live on less than 5,000 baht a month and pretty much no one is hungry.

Ditto for me.

I find it interesting to see so many people bitching about the poor exchange rate and then blaming Thailand for decreasing quality of life experiences, instead of blaming their home governments for mismanaging the currencies into oblivion.

Several members of my family recently came to Thailand for the first time for my wedding. They had a great time, seeing everything from country life, the old city area of Sukothai, nice hotels in several locations, good food and entertainment, etc. There wasn't a single complaint about cost, rip-offs, quality of accommodation/food/drink, hotel services, ground transport, air transport and so on. One member of my family declined to come, citing risks of problems with the flooding. So be it. All they did was miss a great time.

I'm tired of reading all the whinging.

Thailand needs to promote tourism to counter the effects of the flood and political unrest, but that's about it. Thailand doesn't need to apologize or compensate for poor exchange rates. Sure food costs are up, diesel costs are up, and other costs are up. But these mostly impact the local economies, which affects me and my family, but the average tourist is more or less immune to it. From my perspective, there are still bargains galore throughout Thailand, for tourists and non-tourists alike.

If a tourist wants a "Sandals" type vacation experience, then go to a "Sandals" type destination. If a tourist wants some adventure and an unique life experience, then Thailand has been and remains a great place to go. Thailand has all of this and more, for practically every type of tourist budget there is. How many tourist destinations can claim the same thing?

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It sounds like a lot of people here don't meet either the legal or usual definition of a tourist.

I think the OP is talking about people who come on a holiday and then go home.

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I see nothing in regard to "free" tourist visa's.....

Yeah no mention about that. I read a while back they were considering it. Any updated news on that? I'm thinking about an extended holiday soon but if that doesn't happen I'll head down to Malaysia.

Maybe its just a rumor and hearesay that tourism in Cambodia and Vietnam is booming. Are these countries, that have not been hit by unusual heavy monsoon?

I live in Phnom Penh and Cambodia was hit pretty heavily but not in the big tourist areas of Siem Reap or Phnom Penh. Lots of flooding in the provinces that has caused a bit of a problem for the locals. Lots of aid being boated out to people in the sticks. Don't see that in the news though...

Don't know about Vietnam.

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Re: rip off and expensive Thailand. I've been ripped of in London, ( and I mostly live there) NYC, India, Pick pocketed in Caracas, Had my face slashed (slightly but I nearly lost an eye) by muggers in Paris, Almost drove of a cliff in an out of control minibus in Albania, Car hi jacked and kidnapped in Holland, Arrested as a NATO spy in Serbia and much more but I've never had any problem during about 15 visits to Thailand. Thailand is still relatively cheap but £, $ and Euro are down and west has also got much more expensive too. Neighboring countries just don't have as much to offer for tourists. They're 10 yrs behind but still Thailand must take a lesson from rip off Greece which lost it's tourist Industry to cheaper and more honest Turkey.

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you think Thailand is expensive think again even with the flood it is still 70% more cheap then Belgium

You get what you pay for in many cases. For example the beer in Belgium is exquisite, Thai beer is terrible in comparison.

Thais will still pay 6 to 12 times more for a German car than a Belgian would, even for one assembled in Thailand.

Would you rather sip your beer even if it's Singha not Stella) in the warm, sunny atmosphere of Thailand or cold and gloomy Belgium....No competition.

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Thailand is not the 'cheap' holiday destination that it used to be, it's more of a rip off destination now.

I wouldn't say rip-off, however most things cost more now.

I'm not talking about currency rates, I'm talking about something that used to cost 100 baht now costs 130 baht. Something that was 500 baht is now 650 baht.

For repeat customers we remember these things. When you're on a long-ish holiday, you're usually looking for good deals but when things cost more (in addition to the poor exchange rates for Euro/Dollar) it can get aggravating. I can sympathize with the people complaining about costs, but it just means you need to be smarter in your purchases. Shop around, you may like what you find.

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my parents were going to visit us in thailand this xmas until i told them the

exchange rate, they are now going to malaysia and we are hoping to go visit them

there , .....i spend most of my time here in rayong, the average price of a beer

on entertainment street is 120B !!,...... for a small one , thats nearly £5 per

pint !!......... its becoming like the UK now , i buy from the supermarket and

drink at home or on the beach , the average thai on 275B per day , they have a

choice,.eat OR drink !!! :blink:

Which exchange rate do you use? I thought the BHT v's GBP = 48/49THB

Okay just noticed a pint would normally equal two bottles.

I get a laugh when people from other countries complain about Thailand, the costs and other problems, like floods and demonstrations.

People leaving and arriving in England are having a problem with the STRIKE by Government workers at the Immigration Dept. That does not help tourism. Costs in London are unreal, extremely expensive. Terrorists attacks-ugh. England has problems same as Thailand but they never talk about problems in their country, just complain about cost of beer and cheap hotels. Thailand is a major tourist attraction in Asia and it's prices do not reflect that. Problem with those complaining is that they want everything for almost nothing. I would hate to think what a tourist pays for a beer in London.

Yes it's a laugh. London is very expensive especially for tourist attractions, taxis, underground, restaurants, food, drinks, entertainment,...just everything and it's the same all over Europe.

Listen everyone, once you've paid your travel costs Thailand is still very cheap. And I've been ripped off in numerous countries including UK and USA but not in Thailand. We call the UK ripoff Britain for a reason you know.

A pint of beer in London is about 120-180 Baht so it's cheap really. We don't want a revolution after all. But a cold beer is not as satisfying in gloomy, rainy London as it is in warm, sunny Thailand is it....Oh! and a small bottle of water is £1-1.60...= 50-80B

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I would suggest TAT could arrange a few free and easy improvements for tourists.

Relax the silly drinking hours laws, make alcohol sales 24 hours.

More immigration staff at airports and regional offices.

Make visa runs 30 days minimum.

Let Chiang Mai beer bars open after 12pm like the rest of the country.

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Expensive compared to which country? Compared with North America,Europe and Australia Thailand is bloody cheap.Maybe that some destinations in the region like Laos or Cambogia are cheaper, but have very little to offer compared to Thailand...Philippines?Horrible food and expensive hotels,Africa?Most countries there are much more expensive than Thailand.Rip offs?Yes, but we are talking about very isolated cases and concerning unimportant matters.People come to Thailand because it's still BLOODY CHEAP compared to their own country and because the safety here is amazingly high.Yesterday I went to the dentist for a complete check up and clanaing: 9 euro.

i ate a delicious fried rice on the street: 50 euro cent.i bought a nice jeans: 4 euro.And I am now lodging in a comfortable airco room with refrigerator and en suite bathroom for 12 euro.Yes, Thailand it's bloody expensive indeed...

why must you live your life as a down and out pennyless pauper ?

eating rice on the streets !! :o

you poor sorry boy :(

I am in complete agreement with the Romanoba post on Thailand and have lived and worked in many countries which gives me a very good frame of reference. Do you know how to read or what? The place that the guy is living in sounds like a paupers crib to you- man I wish I was carrying your purse! Food on the streets- The Thai food that I have purchased on the streets has almost invariably been fresh and delicious and tastes better than the stuff that I get for 4X the price at upscale restaurants. (Yes fresh, like when I see the person who has just cooked my "street meal" buying the ingrediants at a local market two hours earlier). Frankly eating at tables set up in the market or street is enjoyable and more often than not, entertaining. Medical and Dental? I have always received excellent services in Thailand and can pay for it without trauma to my finances. I could go on and on but considering the mentality displayed by the source that I am rebutting it would be a waste of time (you poor, sorry, sorry, sorry boy!). I am certain you can find someone to take a lot of money from you for things that need not be expensive.

:cheesy: Go ahead sport! Show up all of them paupers. :cheesy:

Well said. Romanoba is right and Randee sounds like a stuck up, patronizing snob who just doesn't get it.

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Gee, Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore? Get real, is any place like it was? Thailand is too expensive and too many rip-offs? Go to the Philippines or Peru, or Mexico, or Egypt if you want to see rip-offs. Expensive, compared to where, the UK, the US, Germany, Japan? It's more expensive for the same quality of housing and food in the Philippines than here in Thailand. Sure there are cheaper places, but do they have all the amenities? I am not just talking wet and warm and fuzzy things. If it's so bad, don't get that return visa. Thailand would be much better without all us falangs--we are a major cause of price increases and the rip-offs. Get out of the tourist traps, where the vast majority of falangs hang and where the majority of expense and rip-offs occur, and see for yourself.

You hit the nail on the head there.

I choose to live in Pattaya and as such pay more than if we lived in the sticks.

However there is still a bar in the next street offering beer from 29 baht a bottle. Some places mainly after hi-so Thai's it's over 150 for a beer. You can still eat cheap here if thats what you want. Hotel rooms from about 500 Baht a night. You others tell me how this is rip off central?

If someone doesn't want to buy from a Hawker or pay and inflated taxi journey they don't have to. I would never hire a Jet Ski and advise any tourists I meet not to.

It's like anywhere there is an influx or tourists... A fool and their money WILL be parted no matter where they are in the world.

It's true. Tourist seasons are short and many of those in the industry want to milk it while they can. It happens everywhere. Ripoff Greece lost most of it's tourist industry to Turkey. So Thailand (TAT) must watch out before it's too late. Myanmar is opening up for the tourist $ and Vietnam, Malaysia. Cambodia, Vietnam all want more of the action. All those countries are 10-20 years behind Thailand but so was Turkey and look where Greece is now. Tourism was all Greece had but they adopted the Euro got greedy and lost everything. So maybe they can compete with Thailand when they desperately reintroduce the worthless Drachma.

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Thailand is not the 'cheap' holiday destination that it used to be, it's more of a rip off destination now.

Agree 100%.

Thailand is now very expensive. Many people do not want an expensive holiday

Many people will not come to Thailand now because too expensive and too many rip offs

Gee, Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore? Get real, is any place like it was? Thailand is too expensive and too many rip-offs? Go to the Philippines or Peru, or Mexico, or Egypt if you want to see rip-offs. Expensive, compared to where, the UK, the US, Germany, Japan? It's more expensive for the same quality of housing and food in the Philippines than here in Thailand. Sure there are cheaper places, but do they have all the amenities? I am not just talking wet and warm and fuzzy things. If it's so bad, don't get that return visa. Thailand would be much better without all us falangs--we are a major cause of price increases and the rip-offs. Get out of the tourist traps, where the vast majority of falangs hang and where the majority of expense and rip-offs occur, and see for yourself.

I just came from the Philippines where I've lived for 6 years and I can't agree more. Cost of Living in Philippines is significantly higher than in Thailand and what's worse, with a lower Standard of Living to match. Yes you pay more and get less there.

I was here for barely a week when the floods came to Pathum Thani and I had to shift out of my condo & had to pay another 2 months despite/1 month rental for another apartment where fortunately the flood did not hit. I had the 3 months rental deducted from my 2 weeks October salary and you can imagine how my Filipino wife and I (with a baby to boot) had to be careful with our spending for the month of November. If this had been the Philippines. there is no way we can last the full month (2 weeks is more like it, given our cash balance after the deduction), but much to our pleasant surprise, we still managed to have a tiny bit left over by end November, and we did have a higher standard of living than we've had in Philippines for this past 6 weeks.

So how does one say Thailand is a "rip-off' place? Maybe it depends how and here one goes to spend the money? Guess what? After 6 weeks here in Thailand, I felt I was "ripped-off" in Philippines. My Filipino wife and I do not often frequent "Touristy" places back there - It was the everyday cost of living there that ripped us off. My incumbent Home Minister of Finance is of course very happy now :D

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I read that the hotel association wants to raise rates 20% because they say to align with rates in surrounding countries. Hmmm. I feel for them, but fear that the move will not help generate more visitors.

Typical Thai mentality, business is down, so raise prices to make up the difference.

A 20% hike in room rates will only serve to drive away tourists who are already leery of traveling to Thailand.

As another poster questioned, just where in the region are hotel rates 20% higher, Japan?

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thanchart above.

I'm really sorry to hear about your distress but as you know It's caused by unpredictable nature which we have no control over. But what are these people on about. Thailand is expensive compared to where?? Considering all Thailand offers in normal times (when not flooded) it's very cheap. The cost of living is going up massively all over the world. Including China and India. Can anyone give positive alternatives to Thailand. It's not all just about saving a bit of money. Lifestyle in Thailand is great too..Anyway .I hope things improve for you quickly so you can start to enjoy life in Thailand again...Best wishes

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Thailand is not the 'cheap' holiday destination that it used to be, it's more of a rip off destination now.

Agree 100%.

Thailand is now very expensive. Many people do not want an expensive holiday

Many people will not come to Thailand now because too expensive and too many rip offs

Gee, Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore? Get real, is any place like it was? Thailand is too expensive and too many rip-offs? Go to the Philippines or Peru, or Mexico, or Egypt if you want to see rip-offs. Expensive, compared to where, the UK, the US, Germany, Japan? It's more expensive for the same quality of housing and food in the Philippines than here in Thailand. Sure there are cheaper places, but do they have all the amenities? I am not just talking wet and warm and fuzzy things. If it's so bad, don't get that return visa. Thailand would be much better without all us falangs--we are a major cause of price increases and the rip-offs. Get out of the tourist traps, where the vast majority of falangs hang and where the majority of expense and rip-offs occur, and see for yourself.

Let me put it this way from recent experience. My living expenses in Thailand match my living expenses in the west, while living the same lifestyle. Some things in Thailand are cheaper, yes, while other items are 3 times the price of the same item in the west. As for your list, I have lived or worked in all those places, except Egypt.

And I just loved the throw away cliche; if you don't like it, then leave. So de rigueur. :rolleyes:

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For all those that complain about the exchange rate: When I first came here, 1984, US$ was around 22 baht, UK pound in the 30s. Some of us will remember the good time of 1997 when we got over 100 for our UK pound. But today it is still better for the tourist than back in 84....I'm not an economist and really don't know whether Thailand should devalue or not. I just wanted to point out some history and show that as far as exchanging your pensions/savings are concerned it is not the worst it has been.

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Thailand is not the 'cheap' holiday destination that it used to be, it's more of a rip off destination now.

Agree 100%.

Thailand is now very expensive. Many people do not want an expensive holiday

Many people will not come to Thailand now because too expensive and too many rip offs

Agreed. Thailand has become way too expensive for the average tourist especially in a bad economy. When I first came in 1989 it was very affordable.

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I read that the hotel association wants to raise rates 20% because they say to align with rates in surrounding countries. Hmmm. I feel for them, but fear that the move will not help generate more visitors.

Typical Thai mentality, business is down, so raise prices to make up the difference.

A 20% hike in room rates will only serve to drive away tourists who are already leery of traveling to Thailand.

As another poster questioned, just where in the region are hotel rates 20% higher, Japan?

You're right about Thai mentality but don't worry they won't do the 20% hike.. Not for years.

But let's be honest Thai hotels are relatively cheap at least if you use a site like Agoda.

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Thailand is not the 'cheap' holiday destination that it used to be, it's more of a rip off destination now.

Agree 100%.

Thailand is now very expensive. Many people do not want an expensive holiday

Many people will not come to Thailand now because too expensive and too many rip offs

Gee, Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore? Get real, is any place like it was? Thailand is too expensive and too many rip-offs? Go to the Philippines or Peru, or Mexico, or Egypt if you want to see rip-offs. Expensive, compared to where, the UK, the US, Germany, Japan? It's more expensive for the same quality of housing and food in the Philippines than here in Thailand. Sure there are cheaper places, but do they have all the amenities? I am not just talking wet and warm and fuzzy things. If it's so bad, don't get that return visa. Thailand would be much better without all us falangs--we are a major cause of price increases and the rip-offs. Get out of the tourist traps, where the vast majority of falangs hang and where the majority of expense and rip-offs occur, and see for yourself.

How is Peru or Mexico a rip off? I've spent a great deal of time at both and never ran into "rip offs". Actually some things in Thailand are more expensive than in the USA now.

But I agree that nowhere is the same anymore. Such is life.

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Thailand is not the 'cheap' holiday destination that it used to be, it's more of a rip off destination now.

Not true..

It's still very affordable even for working class Russians, Middle class Indians, Chinese and other Asians. What to speak of Farang in general. A holiday in Europe or America would cost far more.

Other Asian countries about the same as Thailand. The Caribbean much more. even darkest Africa is far more expensive... So where are you comparing Thailand to.??....

Prices are increasing everywhere you know.

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Thailand is not the 'cheap' holiday destination that it used to be, it's more of a rip off destination now.

Agree 100%.

Thailand is now very expensive. Many people do not want an expensive holiday

Many people will not come to Thailand now because too expensive and too many rip offs

Agreed. Thailand has become way too expensive for the average tourist especially in a bad economy. When I first came in 1989 it was very affordable.

It's still very affordable even for working class Russians, Middle class Indians, Chinese and other Asians. What to speak of Farang in general. A holiday in Europe or America would cost far more.

Other Asian countries about the same as Thailand. The Caribbean much more. Even darkest Africa is far more expensive... So where can we compare Thailand to.??....This high season might be cheaper due to cancellations and it might take Thailand a few years to recover. Expect more floods next year and in the future but the Islands are not affected. My prediction is Thailand will need to get cheaper to maintain it's huge market share. Thailand still has more to offer than almost ANY DESTINATION ON THE PLANET...please excuse the caps..No I don't work for TAT. lol.

Prices are increasing everywhere you know.

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Gee, Dorothy, you aren't in Kansas anymore? Get real, is any place like it was? Thailand is too expensive and too many rip-offs? Go to the Philippines or Peru, or Mexico, or Egypt if you want to see rip-offs. Expensive, compared to where, the UK, the US, Germany, Japan? It's more expensive for the same quality of housing and food in the Philippines than here in Thailand. Sure there are cheaper places, but do they have all the amenities? I am not just talking wet and warm and fuzzy things. If it's so bad, don't get that return visa. Thailand would be much better without all us falangs--we are a major cause of price increases and the rip-offs. Get out of the tourist traps, where the vast majority of falangs hang and where the majority of expense and rip-offs occur, and see for yourself.

You hit the nail on the head there.

I choose to live in Pattaya and as such pay more than if we lived in the sticks.

However there is still a bar in the next street offering beer from 29 baht a bottle. Some places mainly after hi-so Thai's it's over 150 for a beer. You can still eat cheap here if thats what you want. Hotel rooms from about 500 Baht a night. You others tell me how this is rip off central?

If someone doesn't want to buy from a Hawker or pay and inflated taxi journey they don't have to. I would never hire a Jet Ski and advise any tourists I meet not to.

It's like anywhere there is an influx or tourists... A fool and their money WILL be parted no matter where they are in the world.

Two great posts

Most of the complainers are clueless. They forget that though prices have gone up here in Thailand they have gone up all over the world.

I doubt if most of them could find their way out of the tourist traps and just think all of Thailand is like that.

If the conditions are so much better why are they here?

Answer because they don't want to lose the standard of living they enjoy here.

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thanchart above.

I'm really sorry to hear about your distress but as you know It's caused by unpredictable nature which we have no control over. But what are these people on about. Thailand is expensive compared to where?? Considering all Thailand offers in normal times (when not flooded) it's very cheap. The cost of living is going up massively all over the world. Including China and India. Can anyone give positive alternatives to Thailand. It's not all just about saving a bit of money. Lifestyle in Thailand is great too..Anyway .I hope things improve for you quickly so you can start to enjoy life in Thailand again...Best wishes

Thanks I am already seeing the possibilities. I can do far more here with a given sum of cash than I can ever do back in Philippines. I just got a 20" Acer LCD monitor to complement my notebook for < 3000k baht. Back there I have to pay about 7~8k pesos for the same model. Even if I take into account exchange rate, the numbers there just don't add up. Most things (if not everything) tell the same story - from food to medicine to electronic gadgets, even cost of borrowing. If I am here for a holiday, I could be buying things here and and selling them at a profit back there - if the Phil immigration don't try to milk me, hehe. So even if I come as a tourist, I''m 100% sure I will get good mileage for my money and would not get rip off big time, as I am not into those places where rip-offs occur.

By the way I am not a Filipino. I come from a country mentioned on this thread and I know how expensive things are back there. There's just the way things are, but the standard of living of course is high there.

Also, I;ve been to Thailand many times since 1992 (not just BKK) and yes,I noticed prices have gone up but its the same almost everywhere. I've just not had the chance to live here till now.

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I honestly think that the Thai Tourism authorities could do a lot better, if they concentrated on removing all of the things that people complain about regularly on here, How long have members complained about dual pricing, jet ski scams, the tuk-tuk mafia, visa problems, the immigration queues and many, many more problems that are simply never addressed ?

The kind of tourists targeted by the authorities, are, we are told, families. But if you have a wife and a couple of kids, entry to somewhere that charges you double, or more, simply because you're a foreigner, quickly becomes a lot more expensive a holiday than you had budgeted for. If you end up spending a lot more than you had expected to, will you return ?

The fact that Jet ski scams and the tuk-tuk mafia are both allowed to continue is simply ridiculous. Neither bring any benefit to the country, and only result in people not returning, and also give extremely bad publicity to the tourism industry here as a whole.

While the initial 30 day tourist visa is quite adequate for most holiday makers, for those on long term stays the visa runs are a nightmare.

The immigration queues, are just what you don't need after a long flight, it spoils the start of the holiday, and again should have been sorted out long ago, as should the attitude of many of the immigration staff. Once you get through immigration, there is then the crowds of illegal taxi owners, at exorbitant prices to get through. hardly a memorable welcome.

The political problems of the last few years, have also stopped a lot of people even considering Thailand as a holiday destination. It would be interesting to know, how many of the people stuck at the airport, during the PAD occupation have ever returned to Thailand. The red shirt protests and the violence that followed are another factor that weighs heavily against the first-time tourist coming here, if you'd never been. Would you bring your loved ones to a country where bombs are going off, the army are shooting civilians, and politicians are performing blood rituals ? No, me neither.

The current floods are yet another reason for looking elsewhere to spend your holiday money. The mismanagement of the situation is farcical, floods bring dirt, disease, and health problems. Would you risk coming here, in a major economic crisis, when there is a good chance you may end up seriously ill ?

While I'm sure the tourism figures will be manipulated to give the right result, I'm sure that in reality, the drive will be a failure. It's an awful shame, this is a lovely country, the majority of it's people are good, but with all the problems I can only see tourism going down over the next few years.

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For all those that complain about the exchange rate: When I first came here, 1984, US$ was around 22 baht, UK pound in the 30s. Some of us will remember the good time of 1997 when we got over 100 for our UK pound. But today it is still better for the tourist than back in 84....I'm not an economist and really don't know whether Thailand should devalue or not. I just wanted to point out some history and show that as far as exchanging your pensions/savings are concerned it is not the worst it has been.

True enough, but what you forget to mention, is that you could get a hut on the beach for 30baht and live well on a fiver a day!

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And just the other day some bigwig from Starwood was saying that Thai hotels in the high-end sector should raise their rates by 20% to be on a par with HK and Singapore. Ridiculous comment given the overheads of those two destinations vis a vis Thailand. Will the staff on the floor see a % of that? Doubtful. And Thailand isn't cheap anymore as others have said. If Thailand starts to get serious about the mafia taxi, tour guides, jet-ski and tuk-tuk scams, then maybe it can call itself a quality destination but I might as well p**s into the wind.

plus a big one

It is wishful tinkering with the truth. Can he really compare Singapore with a backward country like this one? Soi dogs all over (symptom of urban decay), motorcycles roaming freely on the sidewalks endangering the lives of pedestrians. Add to that the perennially scummy buses that only get washed when it rains and before Songkran, and few of them with signs in English. Not only in Bangkok but in many cities where trash is either jogged over a fence or placed in plastic bags on the sidewalk only to have the soi dogs rummage through them and spread the rubbish all over. A country that gives little importance to the safety and protection of tourists: Poisoning, electrocutions, victims of scams, etc. Is this a country at a par with Singapore and Hong Kong? There are many more examples about this country that has an overinflated ego and pretends to be today what decades ago could have been: another Singapore. Not today. Thailand is a superficially modern country with the head in the year 1,000.

I agree fully with your statement. Thailand can never equate itself to Hong Kong and Singapore. i have been visiting and living in these 3 places since 1970 Both Hong Kong and Singapore have built a country that is on par with it's costs. Unfortunately, thailand hasen't made the grade. With the slums mixing with the elite, there can be no praise for what has happened to Thailand in the last 40 years. It is just a hollow cover for the crap underneath that has never changed. I guess if you drink all day and night you probably wouldn't know the difference. I do not live here and i would not! Especially now!!! Take an impressive vacation to Hong Kong or Singapore; come to Thailand if you want to get drunk day and night or be an old fat fart with a 4 year educated bumpkin from the sticks to be so proud of.;)

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For all those that complain about the exchange rate: When I first came here, 1984, US$ was around 22 baht, UK pound in the 30s. Some of us will remember the good time of 1997 when we got over 100 for our UK pound. But today it is still better for the tourist than back in 84....I'm not an economist and really don't know whether Thailand should devalue or not. I just wanted to point out some history and show that as far as exchanging your pensions/savings are concerned it is not the worst it has been.

True enough, but what you forget to mention, is that you could get a hut on the beach for 30baht and live well on a fiver a day!

True also, but do you expect prices to remain the same over a period of 27 years....inflation is something that every country has, Thailand is not an exception to this. I'd reckon about 3x the price, on average, over that period.

And I didn't forget to mention anything...I may not have included something that you'd have like to seen written.Please don't accuse me of forgetting to mention something you wanted to say....

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come to Thailand if you want to get drunk day and night or be an old fat fart with a 4 year educated bumpkin from the sticks to be so proud of.

I do wish people like you would not over generalise. While there maybe some in Thailand who fit your description it by no means is anywhere near the majority. I personally do not get drunk day and night, I'm not so sure I'm actually old yet at 59, I'm certainly not fat at 70kg, I live quite happily alone so don't have a 4-year educated bumpkin from the sticks. I would admit to some odious emissions sometimes but who doesn't...so that part of your description (fart) may be the only thing that applies and it would apply to just about anyone anywhere including yourself.

Awaiting retraction of, what I consider to be, your vastly offensive statement....

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