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Global Drive To Bring Back Tourists To Thailand


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Come on get real. The great advantage Thailand has is that it has accomondations for the backpacker and for the 5 star travelor. You can spend as little as 1000 baht a night and have a nice, basic clean hotel room or go to a five star hotel and spend around 5000-7000 baht a night which would be double in places like New York and Tokyo. You can eat at the local stalls (and not get sick) or go to an international chain and spend as much as you would back home. If one thinks Thailand is expensive, try Singapore, Beijing, or another big Asian city. True, Thailand is NOT as cheap as it use to be but maybe that has to do with the US dollar and Euro not being as strong as it use to be.

I had a nice basic hotel room with free Wifi close to the beach for 600 Baht in Malaysia.

Can I ask where in Malaysia was this room ?

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I see nothing in regard to "free" tourist visa's.....

Like go figure .. do you really think the Thai's who make 100's of millions of ThB in the Farang Visa Industry are going to turn their "RICE BOWL" upside down. You one clazy falang!! Sai Bai Dee!


I just don't get what all the fuss is about free visas. I mean, you're going to spend $1000s for a holiday to Thailand is an extra $35 for a visa going to stop you coming. I don't think so. And for some you can stay a month with free visa on entry anyway.

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I see nothing in regard to "free" tourist visa's.....

Like go figure .. do you really think the Thai's who make 100's of millions of ThB in the Farang Visa Industry are going to turn their "RICE BOWL" upside down. You one clazy falang!! Sai Bai Dee!


I just don't get what all the fuss is about free visas. I mean, you're going to spend $1000s for a holiday to Thailand is an extra $35 for a visa going to stop you coming. I don't think so. And for some you can stay a month with free visa on entry anyway.

Excellent point. The vast majority of people on holiday travel do not stay for 30 days. In the US, you're lucky to get 10 paid vacation days a year. In Europe it's about 20 or 22 on average. Though most people don't take all of their vacation at one time so, really, very few people spend an entire month on vacation in one stretch.

Most of the people who get all bent out of shape about the cost or length of tourists visas are people staying in the country for non-tourism related reasons thus in the country illegally (applying for a tourist visa for non-tourism related reasons is illegal). There are some exceptions like people who are on an extended holiday between jobs or bouncing around the globe on a once in a lifetime sort of vacation but the vast majority of people simply don't have the luxury and if they did paying $35 to stay for an extended period of time would be a laughable amount of money to them.

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Come on get real. The great advantage Thailand has is that it has accomondations for the backpacker and for the 5 star travelor. You can spend as little as 1000 baht a night and have a nice, basic clean hotel room or go to a five star hotel and spend around 5000-7000 baht a night which would be double in places like New York and Tokyo. You can eat at the local stalls (and not get sick) or go to an international chain and spend as much as you would back home. If one thinks Thailand is expensive, try Singapore, Beijing, or another big Asian city. True, Thailand is NOT as cheap as it use to be but maybe that has to do with the US dollar and Euro not being as strong as it use to be.

I had a nice basic hotel room with free Wifi close to the beach for 600 Baht in Malaysia.

Can I ask where in Malaysia was this room ?

Langkawi (spelling). In Tioman you can also get something for 20 Ringit and something nicer for 50-60 Ringit. Just on Tioman everything beside the duty free alcohol and scuba diving is crap.

Langkawi is basically Phuket minus beer bars, minus prostitutes, minus smiling, minus scams at better environment.

If you ask me if I want to go there again: NO....terrible boring there.

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I see nothing in regard to "free" tourist visa's.....

Like go figure .. do you really think the Thai's who make 100's of millions of ThB in the Farang Visa Industry are going to turn their "RICE BOWL" upside down. You one clazy falang!! Sai Bai Dee!


I just don't get what all the fuss is about free visas. I mean, you're going to spend $1000s for a holiday to Thailand is an extra $35 for a visa going to stop you coming. I don't think so. And for some you can stay a month with free visa on entry anyway.

Excellent point. The vast majority of people on holiday travel do not stay for 30 days. In the US, you're lucky to get 10 paid vacation days a year. In Europe it's about 20 or 22 on average. Though most people don't take all of their vacation at one time so, really, very few people spend an entire month on vacation in one stretch.

Most of the people who get all bent out of shape about the cost or length of tourists visas are people staying in the country for non-tourism related reasons thus in the country illegally (applying for a tourist visa for non-tourism related reasons is illegal). There are some exceptions like people who are on an extended holiday between jobs or bouncing around the globe on a once in a lifetime sort of vacation but the vast majority of people simply don't have the luxury and if they did paying $35 to stay for an extended period of time would be a laughable amount of money to them.

Well I know both students and retired people who spend 2-4 month in South East Asia.

The students don't spend much money, but these are the people who get good salary later and will come back (or not).

As well the cheap tourists spend the money at locally owned hotels and shops and not in foreign or rich BKK Chinese owned one.

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my parents were going to visit us in thailand this xmas until i told them the

exchange rate, they are now going to malaysia and we are hoping to go visit them

there , .....i spend most of my time here in rayong, the average price of a beer

on entertainment street is 120B !!,...... for a small one , thats nearly £5 per

pint !!......... its becoming like the UK now , i buy from the supermarket and

drink at home or on the beach , the average thai on 275B per day , they have a

choice,.eat OR drink !!! :blink:

Which exchange rate do you use? I thought the BHT v's GBP = 48/49THB

Okay just noticed a pint would normally equal two bottles.

I just paid 139bht for 3 large bottles of Chang (+20 for ice), served and poured by a series of 20yo(ish) university students, in an entertainment area of CM.

I suggest you visit entertainment areas aimed at Thai customers where the foreigners are not being fleeced.

the entertainment street in rayong IS aimed at thais, and they are willing to pay 120B per bottle , .....your not one of theses people that think nearly all thais are poor are you ?? ,

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Come on get real. The great advantage Thailand has is that it has accomondations for the backpacker and for the 5 star travelor. You can spend as little as 1000 baht a night and have a nice, basic clean hotel room or go to a five star hotel and spend around 5000-7000 baht a night which would be double in places like New York and Tokyo. You can eat at the local stalls (and not get sick) or go to an international chain and spend as much as you would back home. If one thinks Thailand is expensive, try Singapore, Beijing, or another big Asian city. True, Thailand is NOT as cheap as it use to be but maybe that has to do with the US dollar and Euro not being as strong as it use to be.

I had a nice basic hotel room with free Wifi close to the beach for 600 Baht in Malaysia.

Can I ask where in Malaysia was this room ?

go check out trivago or agoda, there are many in malaysia for 600B , and a few at even 400b , harder to find one in thailand for 400b on these sites

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For all those that complain about the exchange rate: When I first came here, 1984, US$ was around 22 baht, UK pound in the 30s. Some of us will remember the good time of 1997 when we got over 100 for our UK pound. But today it is still better for the tourist than back in 84....I'm not an economist and really don't know whether Thailand should devalue or not. I just wanted to point out some history and show that as far as exchanging your pensions/savings are concerned it is not the worst it has been.

True enough, but what you forget to mention, is that you could get a hut on the beach for 30baht and live well on a fiver a day!

True also, but do you expect prices to remain the same over a period of 27 years....inflation is something that every country has, Thailand is not an exception to this. I'd reckon about 3x the price, on average, over that period.

And I didn't forget to mention anything...I may not have included something that you'd have like to seen written.Please don't accuse me of forgetting to mention something you wanted to say....

Oh dear Oh dear, calm down, it's just a figure of speech.

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Come on get real. The great advantage Thailand has is that it has accomondations for the backpacker and for the 5 star travelor. You can spend as little as 1000 baht a night and have a nice, basic clean hotel room or go to a five star hotel and spend around 5000-7000 baht a night which would be double in places like New York and Tokyo. You can eat at the local stalls (and not get sick) or go to an international chain and spend as much as you would back home. If one thinks Thailand is expensive, try Singapore, Beijing, or another big Asian city. True, Thailand is NOT as cheap as it use to be but maybe that has to do with the US dollar and Euro not being as strong as it use to be.

I had a nice basic hotel room with free Wifi close to the beach for 600 Baht in Malaysia.

Can I ask where in Malaysia was this room ?

go check out trivago or agoda, there are many in malaysia for 600B , and a few at even 400b , harder to find one in thailand for 400b on these sites

There are plenty of rooms in Thailand for this price and less. Thailand is still cheaper than Malaysia and you get more for your money.You just have to look around.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Greed and corruption will be the death blow for tourist industry here in Thailand. Long live Cambodia, Vietnam and other neighboring countries. Thailand has become second hand choice by greed and corruption

:lol:.......nice one. No greed and corruption in Cambodia. Go ask Hun Sen's henchmen. What a cracker!

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Well I know both students and retired people who spend 2-4 month in South East Asia.

The students don't spend much money, but these are the people who get good salary later and will come back (or not).

As well the cheap tourists spend the money at locally owned hotels and shops and not in foreign or rich BKK Chinese owned one.

I know someone who can put their fist in their mouth. That doesn't mean everyone can do it. It doesn't mean lots of people can do it. It just means that someone can do it.

Yes, there are people who do come to Thailand on extended school break holidays, retirement trips around the world, etc. But they're a small percentage of the total visitors coming to Thailand. According to the TAT the average stay in Thailand for tourists is a tad over 9 days (stats from 2007).


As far as students, the TAT has said over and over and over and over again that those Cheap Charlie tourists are not the ones they're trying to attract. That's why they always compare Thailand's hotel room rates to Singapore and HK and not Laos or Burma. The country wants to raise the level of tourists coming to Thailand.

The fundamental problem is one of price vs. value. Thailand used to be a good value. Today, I think many are beginning to question whether or not Thailand offers sufficient value in comparison to other holiday destination choices. It's easy for someone to say that they can find a 100 baht steak but if it tastes horrible then it isn't a good value. In fact, a better value might be a 200 baht steak that tastes as good as any steak prepared at the world's best steak houses.

The people talking about 600 baht hotel rooms are missing this important distinction. I've stayed in 5-star hotels in Thailand costing several hundred US dollars a night and felt they were a far better value than much cheaper hotels. Likewise, I've stayed in 5-star hotels in Thailand that I felt were a horrible value and in 1000 baht a night hotels that I felt were worth far more than their price.

Thailand's problem is that the value has stayed the same or declined while the prices increase. Many hotels that used to be a good value are no longer a good value. In many of the resort areas the scams have gotten increasingly aggressive, the taxi mafias more powerful, and the general attitudes of the people worse and worse. That can turn a hotel that used to be a good value into a very poor value. Add to that that the prices keep increasing and pretty soon tourists start looking elsewhere to spend their money.

It doesn't matter how many 600 baht a night rooms Thailand has. People who spend thousands of dollars to arrive here have to feel that the entire experience was money well spent. The price of the hotel is one factor. There are many other factors which go into how people perceive value. And Thailand is failing on many of those factors.

Unfortunately, this concept of value vs. price is one lost on many businesses, the government, and to some degree, the people.

Edited by digibum
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Well I know both students and retired people who spend 2-4 month in South East Asia.

The students don't spend much money, but these are the people who get good salary later and will come back (or not).

As well the cheap tourists spend the money at locally owned hotels and shops and not in foreign or rich BKK Chinese owned one.

I know someone who can put their fist in their mouth. That doesn't mean everyone can do it. It doesn't mean lots of people can do it. It just means that someone can do it.

Yes, there are people who do come to Thailand on extended school break holidays, retirement trips around the world, etc. But they're a small percentage of the total visitors coming to Thailand. According to the TAT the average stay in Thailand for tourists is a tad over 9 days (stats from 2007).


As far as students, the TAT has said over and over and over and over again that those Cheap Charlie tourists are not the ones they're trying to attract. That's why they always compare Thailand's hotel room rates to Singapore and HK and not Laos or Burma. The country wants to raise the level of tourists coming to Thailand.

The fundamental problem is one of price vs. value. Thailand used to be a good value. Today, I think many are beginning to question whether or not Thailand offers sufficient value in comparison to other holiday destination choices. It's easy for someone to say that they can find a 100 baht steak but if it tastes horrible then it isn't a good value. In fact, a better value might be a 200 baht steak that tastes as good as any steak prepared at the world's best steak houses.

The people talking about 600 baht hotel rooms are missing this important distinction. I've stayed in 5-star hotels in Thailand costing several hundred US dollars a night and felt they were a far better value than much cheaper hotels. Likewise, I've stayed in 5-star hotels in Thailand that I felt were a horrible value and in 1000 baht a night hotels that I felt were worth far more than their price.

Thailand's problem is that the value has stayed the same or declined while the prices increase. Many hotels that used to be a good value are no longer a good value. In many of the resort areas the scams have gotten increasingly aggressive, the taxi mafias more powerful, and the general attitudes of the people worse and worse. That can turn a hotel that used to be a good value into a very poor value. Add to that that the prices keep increasing and pretty soon tourists start looking elsewhere to spend their money.

It doesn't matter how many 600 baht a night rooms Thailand has. People who spend thousands of dollars to arrive here have to feel that the entire experience was money well spent. The price of the hotel is one factor. There are many other factors which go into how people perceive value. And Thailand is failing on many of those factors.

Unfortunately, this concept of value vs. price is one lost on many businesses, the government, and to some degree, the people.

I have long wondered why so many high level tourists come to Thailand, given that once outside the 5* hotel doors it's a decrepit, broken environment. However, I completely understand why so many low level tourists come ( I was one for many years ).

It's a mystery to me why the TAT concentrates on the 5* crowd, when the loyal people that will keep coming regardless of what happens are ignored and even penalised.

I guess it's the same sort of attitude that makes airlines only advertise how amazing first class is, and pretend economy passengers don't exist.

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Come on get real. The great advantage Thailand has is that it has accomondations for the backpacker and for the 5 star travelor. You can spend as little as 1000 baht a night and have a nice, basic clean hotel room or go to a five star hotel and spend around 5000-7000 baht a night which would be double in places like New York and Tokyo. You can eat at the local stalls (and not get sick) or go to an international chain and spend as much as you would back home. If one thinks Thailand is expensive, try Singapore, Beijing, or another big Asian city. True, Thailand is NOT as cheap as it use to be but maybe that has to do with the US dollar and Euro not being as strong as it use to be.

I had a nice basic hotel room with free Wifi close to the beach for 600 Baht in Malaysia.

Can I ask where in Malaysia was this room ?

Langkawi (spelling). In Tioman you can also get something for 20 Ringit and something nicer for 50-60 Ringit. Just on Tioman everything beside the duty free alcohol and scuba diving is crap.

Langkawi is basically Phuket minus beer bars, minus prostitutes, minus smiling, minus scams at better environment.

If you ask me if I want to go there again: NO....terrible boring there.

I like it there for all the minus points you mentioned :) even the smiling. Its like my missus says (Thai)that in Thailand these days in beach resorts the smile doesn't reach the eyes.

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For all those that complain about the exchange rate: When I first came here, 1984, US$ was around 22 baht, UK pound in the 30s. Some of us will remember the good time of 1997 when we got over 100 for our UK pound. But today it is still better for the tourist than back in 84....I'm not an economist and really don't know whether Thailand should devalue or not. I just wanted to point out some history and show that as far as exchanging your pensions/savings are concerned it is not the worst it has been.

True enough, but what you forget to mention, is that you could get a hut on the beach for 30baht and live well on a fiver a day!

True also, but do you expect prices to remain the same over a period of 27 years....inflation is something that every country has, Thailand is not an exception to this. I'd reckon about 3x the price, on average, over that period.

Let's see ... 1984 £1 = THB33, 2011 £1 = THB47. Then 300% Thai inflation over 27 years ... means Brits need a rate of £1 = THB99 just to stay afloat.

The question is: are Brits earning 99/47 times (2.1X) more? Quite possibly, so Thailand is still the relative bargain it always has been, at least for food and accommodation. However 'entertainment services' have risen at least 4X.

Edited by Trevor25222
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Let's see ... 1984 £1 = THB33, 2011 £1 = THB47. Then 300% Thai inflation over 27 years ... means Brits need a rate of £1 = THB99 just to stay afloat.

The question is: are Brits earning 99/47 times (2.1X) more? Quite possibly, so Thailand is still the relative bargain it always has been, at least for food and accommodation. However 'entertainment services' have risen at least 4X.

1984 schoolteacher wage 6,000UKP a year.

2011 schoolteacher wage 24,000UKP a year.

UK Wage inflation 400%, so a British schoolteacher would need a rate of 1UKP =THB25 just to stay even, at THB49 that's a bargain!

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Let's see ... 1984 £1 = THB33, 2011 £1 = THB47. Then 300% Thai inflation over 27 years ... means Brits need a rate of £1 = THB99 just to stay afloat.

The question is: are Brits earning 99/47 times (2.1X) more? Quite possibly, so Thailand is still the relative bargain it always has been, at least for food and accommodation. However 'entertainment services' have risen at least 4X.

1984 schoolteacher wage 6,000UKP a year.

2011 schoolteacher wage 24,000UKP a year.

UK Wage inflation 400%, so a British schoolteacher would need a rate of 1UKP =THB25 just to stay even, at THB49 that's a bargain!

An interesting comparison but was a teacher's salary really that low in 1984? I wasn't a teacher but I thought that the first Thatcher govt increased public service salaries by a significant percentage.

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The rich get richer and keep there money , the poor don't get money and get poorer. The rich do what they like in Thailand because they can , the rich just use a Little money and things are made right,the poor get blamed for it, It all starts with education at school level. as usual its all back to Money number one. that goes for constuction, most public civil services,

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general culture of superficiality should ensure that Thailand will continue to look more and more like a big rubbish dump.

I'm continually telling off the kids that live in my soi not to drop their ice cream wrappers on the street but to put them in one of the many bins available....Am I winning..NO...it's got to the point now that the kids parents are having a go at me for telling their kids not to litter. When the garbage truck does come round, about every 10 days, around 50% of what they should be picking up ends on the street together with a foul smelling liquid where they have squeezed the rubbish in an already overflowing truck in an attempt to get more in......

One day we are going to hear about you get killed by a parent or kid.

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Let's see ... 1984 £1 = THB33, 2011 £1 = THB47. Then 300% Thai inflation over 27 years ... means Brits need a rate of £1 = THB99 just to stay afloat.

The question is: are Brits earning 99/47 times (2.1X) more? Quite possibly, so Thailand is still the relative bargain it always has been, at least for food and accommodation. However 'entertainment services' have risen at least 4X.

1984 schoolteacher wage 6,000UKP a year.

2011 schoolteacher wage 24,000UKP a year.

UK Wage inflation 400%, so a British schoolteacher would need a rate of 1UKP =THB25 just to stay even, at THB49 that's a bargain!

An interesting comparison but was a teacher's salary really that low in 1984? I wasn't a teacher but I thought that the first Thatcher govt increased public service salaries by a significant percentage.

My first professional wage, 4 years before that I was earning 40UKP a week in a factory.

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