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How To Say 'it's Not Your Fault'?


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How do I say 'it's not your fault', in roman script please?  Please give the tones if you can.

And if anyone wants to add any other useful short phrases then please feel free.


Khun mai dai phid ( Phom phid eng grrrrrrr) or mai chai kwam phid khong khun.

คุณไม่ได้ผิด ( ผมผิดเอง :o ) ไม่ใช่ความผิดของคุณ

Phee phid eng, Nong mai dai phid. พี่ผิดเอง น้องไม่ได้ผิด

Tiirak mai chai kwam phid kong khun ( kong phom tang haak..grrr)

ที่ร้ากกกก ไม่ใช่ความผิดของคุณ ( ของผมตั่งหาก ) :D beware of flying pan, hehehee

Edited by Saothai
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Easy explanation: 'instead' or 'contrary to what you believe/think' (contradicting the speaker's assumption).

Standard written form: ต่างหาก

(BTW, it is very, very weird to a farang that Thais get upset AFTER you have admitted to a mistake... in most Western cultures that is considered mature and the right thing to do. Makes you start to understand why Thai politicians never seem to accept responsibility for anything, even when they are caught with the hand firmly jammed down the cookie jar. Nobody wants to be subject to flying/frying pans. :o)

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