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Required Shots/Pills Before Traveling To Bkk


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I'm anxious to get back to the entertaining city of Bangkok for a plethora of reasons. HOWEVER, I am wondering if getting the immunization shots/pills is a must.

This year, when I left the States bound for LOS, I went to a doctor's office, had a physical taken, then was prescribed two medications: one that was anti-malaria, the other anti-typhoid (I think). My question, then, is this: do I need to do this next time I come to Thailand (the pills cost a total of $130/US, which was not at all cool)?

Is there an immunization shot that is available for cheaper?

Are these precautions necessary? Of course, my reasoning last time was that it would not be worth it to get sick as a dog in Thailand and spend time recuperating in a hotel. Has any members here left the States (or Europe, NZ, etc) and not gotten the shots/pills?

Please let me know. I don't wish to be redundant; I only wish to make a smooth transition into LOS by spending as little as possible with pre-arrangements.


Edited by Crossy
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If you're going to Bangkok don't bother. If however you are planning a jungle trek then better buy your smarties.

smokes, thanks for the quick reply...I figured that. I live in Hawaii and could do without the whole "jungle-sticks-camps-whatever" sellathon.

Much good news....Born and raised in Los Angeles, lived in Honolulu my entire adult life, and look forward to getting back to a major metropolis that starts with a B, ends in a K, and needs no introduction to life in the city consisting of grime, crime, and slime.

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Years ago I often took anti malaria tablets, had shots for everything you could imagine, and then an honest doctor told me that there are so many strains of malaria that you will never protect against more than a couple, and most of the other shots weren't necessary either. I haven't taken tablets or had shots for anything for over 15 years, been to a lot of SE Asian countries, travelled rough, slept on rivers, etc., and never an issue. your choice.

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Twinrix vacination protects against Hep A & B, these are the two strains doctors recommend travellers protect against. Google and you will find out why it's a good idea.

I disagree...If dogs can drink out of gutters and live their lives, a farang can come to BKK and get by just doing fine without the dependence on meds. I should have done it last time and saved $130/US.

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Much good news....Born and raised in Los Angeles, lived in Honolulu my entire adult life, and look forward to getting back to a major metropolis that starts with a B, ends in a K, and needs no introduction to life in the city consisting of grime, crime, and slime.

Somehow this reminds me of the Dillinger song “ a knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork that’s the way to spell New York.

Anyway you won’t need any shots and if you do happen to get down with something nasty there’s always the local brew that’ll disinfect/kill just about anything. :)

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I'm in the navy and last year on are way back from the Falklands, we stopped in a couple countries. Brazil was one. The armed forces have a duty of care over there personnel. We got no pills or jabs. They just say cover up at sunset and use bug spray. Oh and wrap your tool. :whistling: . Sorry, going off topic.

If your not being bitten your not going to catch anything. When i'm in Thailand i get bitten probably 5 times in a 4 week stint. I religously use bug spay because i itch like crazy when bitten. So the 5 minutes it takes to put it on, is nothing for the hours i would be itching.

Stop worrying.

I always say," the amount of Vodca in my alcohol system is enough to take down an elephant; what chance has malaria got."


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You do not need any sort of tablets and certainly not malaria prophylaxis. Whether or not you need any immunizations depends on what immunizations you have already had.

Anyone coming here should be immunized against Hepatitis A + B, so check to see if you are.

Also strongly advise rabies immunization.

Japanese B encephalitis vaccine recommended if you will be in a very rural area but not necessary in urban.

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I agree. You don't need malaria meds as I've never heard of anyone getting malaria here. Maybe in Africa... But everyone who travels should get vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B.

Does any forum members have a ball-park figure of how much a vaccination for Hep A and B is (in Thai baht or $US)?

$10 US, $40 US, $120 US?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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