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NBTC Approves Trial Run Of 4G Cellular Broadband Service In Thailand


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Thailand does not go 4G!

Thailand does not even go 3G like most countries in Dark Africa or like Cambodia did over a decade ago.

As long as fossils in the TOT and CAT are allowed to form a government within a government and are able to frustrate government policy by staying corrupt and allowing only their CP friends to benefit grossly, Thailand is stuck in a hardly working GPRS environment. hardly working because lots of areas do not even have GPRS coverage.

The elite has kept Thailand back for at least half a century.

An idiot is born every day. Wud be good to back up a rant with hard facts..... If u cud

Edited by skippybangkok
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Must be that they ran out of tricks to delay the 3G licenses and just take it the easy way.

We're going for 4G right away and will skip the 3G licenses :lol:

Actually that is quite clever. The arm twisting has about finished on 3G and progress has started to be made BUT if 4G raises its ugly head then its all back to the drawing board and the establishment TOT, TToT will survive a bit longer........

In five years someone will come up with a new idea 5G............pathetic

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Thailand does not go 4G!

Thailand does not even go 3G like most countries in Dark Africa or like Cambodia did over a decade ago.

As long as fossils in the TOT and CAT are allowed to form a government within a government and are able to frustrate government policy by staying corrupt and allowing only their CP friends to benefit grossly, Thailand is stuck in a hardly working GPRS environment. hardly working because lots of areas do not even have GPRS coverage.

The elite has kept Thailand back for at least half a century.

An idiot is born every day. Wud be good to back up a rant with hard facts..... If u cud

The new communications minister, a guy who actually wants to move forward as opposed to the former character who thought the internet was some evil monster, said pushing forward for progress was like playing on the horns of a bull. Whichever way you turn there is a horn waiting to gore you.

This is the problem besetting forward thinkers

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Thailand does not go 4G!

Thailand does not even go 3G like most countries in Dark Africa or like Cambodia did over a decade ago.

As long as fossils in the TOT and CAT are allowed to form a government within a government and are able to frustrate government policy by staying corrupt and allowing only their CP friends to benefit grossly, Thailand is stuck in a hardly working GPRS environment. hardly working because lots of areas do not even have GPRS coverage.

The elite has kept Thailand back for at least half a century.

An idiot is born every day. Wud be good to back up a rant with hard facts..... If u cud

The new communications minister, a guy who actually wants to move forward as opposed to the former character who thought the internet was some evil monster, said pushing forward for progress was like playing on the horns of a bull. Whichever way you turn there is a horn waiting to gore you.

This is the problem besetting forward thinkers

3G is actually a CAT/TOT problem, one that the brilliant minds at CAT/TOT now are trying to tackle by becoming 3G monopolists.

CAT and TOT make most of their money from so-called "concession fees" where all mobile operators have to give a percentage of their proceeds to CAT/TOT and in return... get nothing... it's like a tax, except instead of going to the state, it goes to CAT/TOT.

3G causes the problem that - if it were introduced according to the law - there would be no concession fees. That would bankrupt CAT and TOT so they can't allow it.

4G has the exact same "problem". Unless somebody can dismantle the powers wielded by CAT/TOT, nothing will change.

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Thailand does not go 4G!

Thailand does not even go 3G like most countries in Dark Africa or like Cambodia did over a decade ago.

As long as fossils in the TOT and CAT are allowed to form a government within a government and are able to frustrate government policy by staying corrupt and allowing only their CP friends to benefit grossly, Thailand is stuck in a hardly working GPRS environment. hardly working because lots of areas do not even have GPRS coverage.

The elite has kept Thailand back for at least half a century.

An idiot is born every day. Wud be good to back up a rant with hard facts..... If u cud

The new communications minister, a guy who actually wants to move forward as opposed to the former character who thought the internet was some evil monster, said pushing forward for progress was like playing on the horns of a bull. Whichever way you turn there is a horn waiting to gore you.

This is the problem besetting forward thinkers

3G is actually a CAT/TOT problem, one that the brilliant minds at CAT/TOT now are trying to tackle by becoming 3G monopolists.

CAT and TOT make most of their money from so-called "concession fees" where all mobile operators have to give a percentage of their proceeds to CAT/TOT and in return... get nothing... it's like a tax, except instead of going to the state, it goes to CAT/TOT.

3G causes the problem that - if it were introduced according to the law - there would be no concession fees. That would bankrupt CAT and TOT so they can't allow it.

4G has the exact same "problem". Unless somebody can dismantle the powers wielded by CAT/TOT, nothing will change.

athe whole problem is that this is a country, with so many laws that nobody is able to know them all and are which are only enforced if someone personally profits from it, and where the left hand doesn't have a clue about what the right hand is doing.

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Why is everyone complaining? This is how it is everywhere. Companies release electronic systems, make you buy the components, and then next year they release the next one [which they already have but hold back from releasing so they can make a fortune selling the inferior technology first]. Its the same with the computer hardware industry. How many of you have a computer that is already outdated? Its all about making money.

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Why is everyone complaining? This is how it is everywhere. Companies release electronic systems, make you buy the components, and then next year they release the next one [which they already have but hold back from releasing so they can make a fortune selling the inferior technology first]. Its the same with the computer hardware industry. How many of you have a computer that is already outdated? Its all about making money.

I think you missed the point.

People are complaining because what you describe in NOT happening.

I for one would like to spend on 3G now and would happily spend more next year to upgrade to 4G if they just let the operators go and do their job...

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I'm on a supposed connection of 460 Kbps in Phetchabun. In reality, (when it works - it's down more than a Pattaya bar girls drawers), it's around 404 bps upload and download. I'd be happy if they could fulfill the 460Kbps I pay for, instead of seeing adverts night after night on TV, advertising all kinds of ridiculous speeds. Do they actually achieve the speeds they advertise, or is it just more bullsh*t ?

This lack of modernisation of the internet system, will cost Thailand in the end, as surrounding countries leave them behind, but "face' is everything here, isn't it?

I usually read through a whole thread before answering, I have made an exception, what is your point?jap.gif

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Britain hasn't even got around to auctioning the licenses. I'm seriously considering moving to Sweden just for the broadband.

I think part of the delay in the UK is down to the fact that analogue tv is using the frequencies needed. Once the switch over is finished early next year I assume things will get moving so we don't get overtaken by Thailand. :lol:

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AIS chief executive officer Wichian Mektrakarn said his company was likely to conduct a test of the service upcountry but declined to elaborate.

" We're really excited about 4G. It'll be something for your great-great grandchildren to benefit from. Don't be concerned yourself. By the time it's up and running you'll be so much dust or worm food and the rest of the planet will be on 250G and flying about in hover cars. "

I also love the bit about " declined to elaborate ".

Something along the lines of " TVF poster MCA says that spends his evenings in a one on twenty orgy with a gaggle of Korean girl band starlets and his days as head of an international mega-corp jetting around in a G-550 snorting coke from the belly button of a top supermodel but declined to elaborate "

Edited by mca
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AIS chief executive officer Wichian Mektrakarn said his company was likely to conduct a test of the service upcountry but declined to elaborate.

" We're really excited about 4G. It'll be something for your great-great grandchildren to benefit from. Don't be concerned yourself. By the time it's up and running you'll be so much dust or worm food and the rest of the planet will be on 250G and flying about in hover cars. "

I also love the bit about " declined to elaborate ".

Something along the lines of " TVF poster MCA says that spends his evenings in a one on twenty orgy with a gaggle of Korean girl band starlets and his days as head of an international mega-corp jetting around in a G-550 snorting coke from the belly button of a top supermodel but declined to elaborate "

I'll pop round in my 'apparently' hovering minivan with a copy of 'Asian Babes' (series 1-12) and some cold beer! , make sure the K-starlets don't leave before I get there, my wife has a golden opportunity for them.

- Give me your address!

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AIS chief executive officer Wichian Mektrakarn said his company was likely to conduct a test of the service upcountry but declined to elaborate.

" We're really excited about 4G. It'll be something for your great-great grandchildren to benefit from. Don't be concerned yourself. By the time it's up and running you'll be so much dust or worm food and the rest of the planet will be on 250G and flying about in hover cars. "

I also love the bit about " declined to elaborate ".

Something along the lines of " TVF poster MCA says that spends his evenings in a one on twenty orgy with a gaggle of Korean girl band starlets and his days as head of an international mega-corp jetting around in a G-550 snorting coke from the belly button of a top supermodel but declined to elaborate "

I'll pop round in my 'apparently' hovering minivan with a copy of 'Asian Babes' (series 1-12) and some cold beer! , make sure the K-starlets don't leave before I get there, my wife has a golden opportunity for them.

- Give me your address!


:lol: :lol:

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3G is actually a CAT/TOT problem, one that the brilliant minds at CAT/TOT now are trying to tackle by becoming 3G monopolists.

CAT and TOT make most of their money from so-called "concession fees" where all mobile operators have to give a percentage of their proceeds to CAT/TOT and in return... get nothing... it's like a tax, except instead of going to the state, it goes to CAT/TOT.

3G causes the problem that - if it were introduced according to the law - there would be no concession fees. That would bankrupt CAT and TOT so they can't allow it.

4G has the exact same "problem". Unless somebody can dismantle the powers wielded by CAT/TOT, nothing will change.

Sure. I have no comment with you assessment, and it's similar to mine. But the OP I quoted had a severe bout of verbal diarrhea. Take away TOT, concession fees, and they wud go belly up

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Thailand does not go 4G!

Thailand does not even go 3G like most countries in Dark Africa or like Cambodia did over a decade ago.

As long as fossils in the TOT and CAT are allowed to form a government within a government and are able to frustrate government policy by staying corrupt and allowing only their CP friends to benefit grossly, Thailand is stuck in a hardly working GPRS environment. hardly working because lots of areas do not even have GPRS coverage.

The elite has kept Thailand back for at least half a century.


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I get great 3G speeds in Pattaya in fact I rarely use my Wireless at home sticking to my AIS 3G as it's just as fast as my 20 Meg True ultra internet.

I'll happily trial 4G as my handset already supports it. You need to bear in mind most handsets aren't 4G compatible, and in that I mean any iCon from Apple.....

So imagine all those Poor Thai's scrimping to get the iCons overpriced crap. Not being able to get the full internet offered by their provider.

The first time I saw the HSPDA signal on my phone I was on Khao Yai it seems it was trialled on the quiet there first. That was Feb,March time this year.

I use an AIS aircard and don't even get 3G. The best i can get is HSPA, which give me about 1Mbs. why do companys promote 7.2Mbs and 3G when they don't even have the proper networks. I just got my AIS aircard in December and for you to say you have been using 3G since Feb/March, I think is a fluke. The only companys that I've seen on a 3G network are DTAC and TRUE. I dont belive AIS is truely on a 3G network yet.

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Cambodia launched 4G back in November. jap.gif

Cambodia has 4G does it? How extensive the network coverage? I will bet that my DTAC wireless 3G could blow the doors off it for speed and stability. In my travel experience networks that have great maximum specs cannot come close to providing them because they cannot handle the high user traffic.

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Thailand does not go 4G!

Thailand does not even go 3G like most countries in Dark Africa or like Cambodia did over a decade ago.

As long as fossils in the TOT and CAT are allowed to form a government within a government and are able to frustrate government policy by staying corrupt and allowing only their CP friends to benefit grossly, Thailand is stuck in a hardly working GPRS environment. hardly working because lots of areas do not even have GPRS coverage.

The elite has kept Thailand back for at least half a century.

An idiot is born every day. Wud be good to back up a rant with hard facts..... If u cud

I would like to have seen the rest of your post. It certainly began right-on. :jap:

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I use an AIS aircard and don't even get 3G. The best i can get is HSPA, which give me about 1Mbs. why do companys promote 7.2Mbs and 3G when they don't even have the proper networks. I just got my AIS aircard in December and for you to say you have been using 3G since Feb/March, I think is a fluke. The only companys that I've seen on a 3G network are DTAC and TRUE. I dont belive AIS is truely on a 3G network yet.

HSPA is faster than 3G, sometimes marketed as 3.5G.

Whatever the network you never get the theoretical maximum speeds. It all depends on how close to the base station you are and how many people are sharing the same connection. One meg aint that bad, better than most ISP's provide with their ADSL broadband...

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Cambodia launched 4G back in November. jap.gif

Cambodia has 4G does it? How extensive the network coverage? I will bet that my DTAC wireless 3G could blow the doors off it for speed and stability. In my travel experience networks that have great maximum specs cannot come close to providing them because they cannot handle the high user traffic.

Cambodia has WiMax, not real 4G even if marketed as 4G. Problem with WiMax is that speeds are there in good HSPA/HSPA+ range and no phones available. So limited for use with laptop via USB Dongle.

They also have licences out for LTE frequencies, not sure if anyone has network installed yet. LTE also not 4G but will most likely be the base for the 4G technology. No phones yet, maybe late 2012 so at the moment only USB Dongles.

Other issue for countries like Cambodia is the capasity and speed of their backhaul network. To have any benefit of 4G network you need the infra to haul that traffic to outside world from the base stations.

And for the record, real 4G has speeds over one gig, there is somekind of agreement that these 3G Evolutions and WiMax are marketed as 4G but it's all smoke and mirrors...

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Cambodia launched 4G back in November. jap.gif

Cambodia has 4G does it? How extensive the network coverage? I will bet that my DTAC wireless 3G could blow the doors off it for speed and stability. In my travel experience networks that have great maximum specs cannot come close to providing them because they cannot handle the high user traffic.

Cambodia has WiMax, not real 4G even if marketed as 4G. Problem with WiMax is that speeds are there in good HSPA/HSPA+ range and no phones available. So limited for use with laptop via USB Dongle.

They also have licences out for LTE frequencies, not sure if anyone has network installed yet. LTE also not 4G but will most likely be the base for the 4G technology. No phones yet, maybe late 2012 so at the moment only USB Dongles.

Other issue for countries like Cambodia is the capasity and speed of their backhaul network. To have any benefit of 4G network you need the infra to haul that traffic to outside world from the base stations.

And for the record, real 4G has speeds over one gig, there is somekind of agreement that these 3G Evolutions and WiMax are marketed as 4G but it's all smoke and mirrors...

Cambodia has 4G LTE network with EMAXX almost ready to go I believe.

EMAXX operate a WiMAX network already and there was some controversy over the deals apparently.

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Cambodia has 4G LTE network with EMAXX almost ready to go I believe.

EMAXX operate a WiMAX network already and there was some controversy over the deals apparently.

That's the case in Cambodia.

LTE is faster than HSPA for sure but not yet in real 4G speeds either.

I understand the need to brand and market as 4G, just wondering what they do when real 4G arrives?

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I'd give it a 50/50 chance of it working countrywide by 2020

And your chances of understanding it's deployment. Why would anyone deploy 4G nationwide?

Very good point! Of course the major cities would get 4G, but how about small areas where tourists frequent? How can a place like Ko Samet apply for 4G equipment to be installed?

To clarify, is the 3G rollout planned to be nationwide?

Edited by IsaanUSA
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