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Red And Yellow Shirts Ready For Reconciliation


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Red and yellow shirts ready for reconciliation

The Nation

The red-shirt movement will on this afternoon convene a meeting to map out a next step on spearheading for justice, red chairwoman Thida Thawornseth said on Wednesday.

"The red shirts are clear about their conditions for reconciliation," she said.

Thida said the national reconciliation will hinge on three conditions - uncovering the truth behind the political mayhem, bringing the culprits behind the last year's crackdown to justice and a guarantee to prevent a repeat of bloodshed.

On Tuesday, MP Sonthi Boonyaraglin, speaking in his capacity as chairman of the House committee on reconciliation, called for all sides to forgive and forget the policial disturbances.

He also said he would invite the rival camps to testify and spell out conditions to bring about reconciliation.

Reacting to Sonthi's remarks, Thida said she viewed the call for forgiveness was an empty gesture without a tangible plan to achieve reconciliation.

She said in her view, the red shirts would embrace reconciliation once the three conditions were met.

She also said the red shirts would not agree to a blanket amensty without punishing the culprits responsible for the bloodshed.

The People's Alliance for Democracy will welcome reconciliation only after uncovering the truth and punishing those responsible for triggering the violence and violating legal and constitutional provisions in the past five years.

"Forgiveness can happen but not via a short cut to whitewash the culprits," PAD's Suriyasai Katasila said in his capacity as leader of Green Politics, a splinter movement.

Suriyasai said he suspected the Pheu Thai Party to have been exploiting the committee on reconciliation in order to rescue Thaksin.

Though the red and yellow shirts are speaking about justice as the basis for reconciliation, the two camps are poles apart.

To the reds, a critical step for reconciliation would be the punishment of those cracking down on their rallies.

For the yellows, the reconciliation process should not help Thaksin elude his two-year jail term.

Multi-colour shirt leader Tul Sitthisomwong said amnesty, if granted, should confine to political activities and not criminal violations, such as rioting, assualts and corruption.


-- The Nation 2011-12-07

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Ok so now everyone gives their diametrically opposed visions we have to start to move to a mutually acceptable position and of course there is still Thaksin and the elite to accomodate, and in fact the PAD and multicoloureds are small groups with little backing when it come to it. The powerful players are the elite including their managed political party, Thaksin and his business/poltical allies and the red shirts who are little seperated from the Thaksin group these days. In many ways to equate reconcilliation as bweing between PAD (who hate everyone) sided with multicoureds who are are a very small ultra nationalistic group and the red shirts who are a mass movement is a little off track.

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Three conditions right?

'uncovering the truth behind the political mayhem, bringing the culprits behind the last year's crackdown to justice and a guarantee to prevent a repeat of bloodshed.'

The truth will never be uncovered due to so many stakeholders from both sides of the divide.

She may also want to look closer to home with her own organisation, no one is blameless.

Edited by sungod
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The alternative to reconcilliation is victory for one of the main protagonists and defeat for the other(s). If nobody gets serious about reconcilliation this is the route it will be forced to take unless someone thinks the status quo of tension, division, riots, demos, economic damage, coups, destrcution of the credibility of state bodies, increased inequality and no actual change is actually viable and acceptable to people over the long term. Be interesting to see which way it goes. Reconcillaition does though seem to offer the best option for the interests of the majority

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I read on here somewhere the PAD want all foreigners and their investments and businesses out. Is this true as I can't find a reference to it?

Bye,bye Toyato, Honda, Coca Cola, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Intel etc.

Oh and the tourists.

Good luck with that one. North Korea are doing well for themselves, too. And how are the PAD still getting a platform IF this is all true? Surely it's pure facism?

I didn't even mention the 'poor cannot vote' nonsense :lol:

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Interesting that both Khun Thida and the PAD seem to agree, a blanket-amnesty or white-wash is not the way forward, presumably because of who each group believes might then escape justice ?

The question is whether the government could accept the Red-Shirt acting-leader's conditions, also how much the rest of the Red-Shirts agree with her, and what Dear-Leader Thinks ? B)

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The alternative to reconcilliation is victory for one of the main protagonists and defeat for the other(s). If nobody gets serious about reconcilliation this is the route it will be forced to take unless someone thinks the status quo of tension, division, riots, demos, economic damage, coups, destrcution of the credibility of state bodies, increased inequality and no actual change is actually viable and acceptable to people over the long term. Be interesting to see which way it goes. Reconcillaition does though seem to offer the best option for the interests of the majority

The bias of your position is that you don't see the return of Thaksin and the whitewashing of his and his proxies crimes as the victory of one side over the other.

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I read on here somewhere the PAD want all foreigners and their investments and businesses out. Is this true as I can't find a reference to it?

Bye,bye Toyato, Honda, Coca Cola, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Intel etc.

Oh and the tourists.

Good luck with that one. North Korea are doing well for themselves, too. And how are the PAD still getting a platform IF this is all true? Surely it's pure facism?

I didn't even mention the 'poor cannot vote' nonsense :lol:

Just goes to show you that you can find any kind of wing nut you want here on TV.

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I read on here somewhere the PAD want all foreigners and their investments and businesses out. Is this true


They are extreme nationalists though, and their political party logo is a yellow swastika.

I agree with you.... not the above, but the below posted earlier

Godwin's Law?

You couldn't make it up. Hilarious. :lol:

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You do not enter reconciliation talks making demands - not if you want the reconciliation to work. If on the other hand you are merely grandstanding :angry:

Well said.

Truer words were never spoken.

. 'Red and Yellow ready to reconcile' The headline is nonsense, the article should be headed ' Red and Yellow stand off continues".

The only common ground these two have is that in each case they can say, to quote a minister earlier in the week: : we are on the same path, but going in different directions" ie We are right and you are wrong.

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Godwin's Law?


Not sure it really applies for any debate regarding the PAD. We aren't talking about our favourite cheese here :rolleyes: I don't believe everything I read but this site had a huge thread on the subject recently so I wondered were the source came from. Seems like there wasn't as nobody has any proof.

However, they DID suggest that the poor or uneducated should not be allowed the vote.

What would you call that?

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Godwin's Law?


Not sure it really applies for any debate regarding the PAD. We aren't talking about our favourite cheese here :rolleyes: I don't believe everything I read but this site had a huge thread on the subject recently so I wondered were the source came from. Seems like there wasn't as nobody has any proof.

However, they DID suggest that the poor or uneducated should not be allowed the vote.

What would you call that?

"the poor or uneducated should not be allowed the vote"

A trial-proposal floated on a rally-stage, which was withdrawn a few days later, some years ago & from a marginal pressure-group, who have never had even one MP in Parliament, and don't get-on with the main right-of-centre Democrat Party.

Also I think it was that the poor or uneducated should have a lesser vote, rather than no vote at all, but I may be mistaken, it's so long ago, but still trotted-out regularly since it supports the yellow-bashing political-agenda.

That's what I'd call it, and condemn it, incidentally. B)

Edited by Ricardo
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You do not enter reconciliation talks making demands - not if you want the reconciliation to work. If on the other hand you are merely grandstanding :angry:

"You do not enter reconciliation talks making demands", not true. You start by making excessive demands, leaving you room to negotiate and moderate downwards.

It is just like bargaining in a market. The seller says 100 Baht, you say 10 baht, you both know you will settle on 50 Baht.

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Well its a beginning down the right path. Didn't Sondhi the PAD leader and media mogul used to be friends with Thaksin before? It's time they kissed and made up and stopped all this nonsense. I think most Thais are sick to the sight of this yellow and red crap. Though these demands are sure to be bargaining chips used to favour certain individuals. Surely a newly elected government associated with the red shirt movement is not going to encourage a major lose face campaign on its enemies the yellow shirts and their associates the elite just after 2 months of a flooding disaster. I don't think thats what the people want at the moment.

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You do not enter reconciliation talks making demands - not if you want the reconciliation to work. If on the other hand you are merely grandstanding :angry:

"You do not enter reconciliation talks making demands", not true. You start by making excessive demands, leaving you room to negotiate and moderate downwards.

It is just like bargaining in a market. The seller says 100 Baht, you say 10 baht, you both know you will settle on 50 Baht.

I wouldn't call that reconciliation. More like bargaining. Not the same thing at all!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you for posting.

I'd like to take this moment to salute Oberkommando for his efforts.

/edit to add, I'd love to see all far-right attitudes removed entirely from both sides of this unholy conflict. Unfortunately their adoption seems to drum up far to much valuable anger for their despot, ethically void leaders for it to go ignored by them.

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The yellow shirts philosophy maybe called far right, conservative, fascist, beaurocratic and neo nazism. The red shirts philosophy maybe be called far left, communist, Karl Marx, Fidel Castrol and power to the people. This is not new in south east asia. Its just old news repeating itself. Whats different this time is a much stronger Chinese infulence the far left and a weaker America far right. Isn't it true that America supports the present government and has endorsed it being democratically elected?

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