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If Thai Public Schools Taught As Well As They Inforced Haircuts


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what about cutting a swath on the teachers back?

Exactly , no matter what some may say , excepting the consequences of your children participating in the Thai school system is of course rubbish to the top , my son is my son and doing as they doing is unacceptable for me ,I threatened the teacher with if he did this to my son I will cut his ....I also went to the head of school telling her that all is fine but that i do not wish to participate in their prisoner camp alike you know what , all different is fine .

Never had to feel annoyed anymore afterwards , they know how I feel about it , leave my son alone , if not I just change schools and start all over, believe me they don't want that ....And by the way my son does look neatly cut , is on a private school( 50k year ) and has very good grades and lots of friends ,it can be done though talk to the head of school not direct with teachers , keep it quiet with an ice cold face , Thais don't know what to do and will accept it anyways ,

this is the way you can make things done here , not any other except willing as most do , not for me .

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The rules were in place waaaay before your kid even borned. Why are you sending your kid to a cheap public school, if you don't like the rules?

Take him out to a private school, simple as that……..instead of ranting that you don't like that and this. Are you trying to teach your kid to be a whiner?

They want that haircut at private schools as well these days , mr Thaksin got rid of it a while ago but they

re-introduced it under the Abhisit government , they tend to be unwilling of modernising anything really ....

Hope they change it back , and focus on education ...

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I really don't get it. Some of you guys REALLY prefer "discipline" over an education that qualifies you for a life as a human being? With the ability to make decissions, find problem solutions and not just say "yes sir" in a submissive tone!

Brave new world!

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I really don't get it. Some of you guys REALLY prefer "discipline" over an education that qualifies you for a life as a human being? With the ability to make decissions, find problem solutions and not just say "yes sir" in a submissive tone!

Brave new world!

Agree 100%

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I really don't get it. Some of you guys REALLY prefer "discipline" over an education that qualifies you for a life as a human being? With the ability to make decissions, find problem solutions and not just say "yes sir" in a submissive tone!

Brave new world!

not really that many, just the couple guys who thought this was one of those pattaya forums and never left. Don't need education when all they dream for their children is to make them become tv star or "barmaids" or maybe exporters of large thai amulets

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i ask you what does it take to get a job in a dept.store or an-other's,this is just a few exsperiance's lately,we all visit stores where the minute you walk in you are followed as if y were a dog on heat,y ask for something y either get a have or a nod,then y ask where, then comes the screw of the face y are shown something completly diff.we bought some paint the wrong mix was added,co.had changed the codes lies they had made the mistake,then there was the visit to the power mall looking for a bread maker,phillips had a big stand so the wife asked the staff reply nod me have,what she brought us was a toaster,wife said first we need to make bread.this one is good how often do y see staff doing their make up,doing their hair ect.the wife phoned a hospital to ask for details for some cosmetic surgery after 5mins talking to the receptionist she asked to make an appointment,reply can y ring back later i am gin-kow,had it done elswhere.what did tony blair say[education,education,education] not cheap in los.

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Just a haircut - get a grip.

No. it is a physical assault and an infringement of a parents' rights.

It is also a criminal act. It is illegal for a 3rd party, even a teacher, to inflict such harm on a minor. This does not even get into the corporal discipline zone.

If this bully was that concerned, he could have written a note to the parents or asked for a meeting with the parents.

And yes, I feel very strongly about the subject. There was neither a legal nor a moral basis to physically assault the child and to inflict such a humiliating and degrading injury.

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The rules were in place waaaay before your kid even borned. Why are you sending your kid to a cheap public school, if you don't like the rules?

Take him out to a private school, simple as that……..instead of ranting that you don't like that and this. Are you trying to teach your kid to be a whiner?

They want that haircut at private schools as well these days , mr Thaksin got rid of it a while ago but they

re-introduced it under the Abhisit government , they tend to be unwilling of modernising anything really ....

Hope they change it back , and focus on education ...

In my sons private school there are number of boys with almost shoulder length hair, my kid is not one. I grew up with long hair as a teenager but IMHO it does not suit these kids. However it is their (and their parents) choice and they are to my knowledge not breaking with school policy.

Great believer in children being raised with 'good manners' but in general manners are taught in the home not in the school.

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I really don't get it. Some of you guys REALLY prefer "discipline" over an education that qualifies you for a life as a human being? With the ability to make decissions, find problem solutions and not just say "yes sir" in a submissive tone!

Brave new world!

Agree 100%


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I really don't get it. Some of you guys REALLY prefer "discipline" over an education that qualifies you for a life as a human being? With the ability to make decissions, find problem solutions and not just say "yes sir" in a submissive tone!

Brave new world!

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Why does it have to be "either/Or"? I am paying for my son to have a good quality of education but I expect that to be combined with dicipline in the school environment.

Simple things like please/thank-you, respect when taught young last a life-time.

Again the ideas of discipline and a good education are not diametrically opposed.

Edited by Gers1873
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I really don't get it. Some of you guys REALLY prefer "discipline" over an education that qualifies you for a life as a human being? With the ability to make decissions, find problem solutions and not just say "yes sir" in a submissive tone!

Brave new world!

Agree 100%


Why does it have to be "either/Or"? I am paying for my son to have a good education but I expect that to be combined with dicipline in the school environment.

I don't think we're saying either/or, although I'll defer. I think we are simply making a statement of preference of focus. Of course having both is good, but certainly school is the place where overwhelmingly students should be learning things they cannot learn at home, and, as someone above put it, manners should be taught at home, anyway. The problem is that there is too much focus on the wrong stuff. The mixture percentages are incorrect.

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