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Slow Internet And High Ping After 2 Pm


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for the past few days i am noticing that my other dsl line which is a true 6 mb is getting high ping and slow internet download internationally just exactly after 2 pm i know many of you may say that its cuz many people are using the internet and stuff but its got so worst that pinging thaivisa is almost going as high as 200 ms, in the morning its only 50-60 ms , and pinging american sites goes to 500 ms + in the morning its just 250 avg

this problem lasts for 2 to 6 pm and everything is back to normal after 6 like nothing happened and this started happening since the start of the current month

Anyway this isn't my primary line but i use it often since my primary line is in my room and i use this alternative when i am not in my room

Contacting true doesn't help either they say they cant guarantee for international websites

anyway the interesting thing is it just happens at exactly 2 pm and lasts for 6 pm

anyone know any possible explanation ?

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Don't tell them you are having slow response or high latency to international sites.

You gave them the "out" when you mentioned it.

Do several tracert (Windows e.g. tracert www.pantip.com) to a Thai website during normal times and during your 2 to 6PM busy time.

It will show the hop with the "slowest" link.

Then ask True for help and show them the tracert output. Be advised, they may not "own" the slow link, so they may not care to help you with the issue.

Also, check your system (Task Manger, Network tab) to see if you're sending or receiving any amount of non-authorized traffic during that time.

You can post the tracert output for us to see and advise..

Edited by rakman
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Don't tell them you are having slow response or high latency to international sites.

You gave them the "out" when you mentioned it.

Do several tracert (Windows e.g. tracert www.pantip.com) to a Thai website during normal times and during your 2 to 6PM busy time.

It will show the hop with the "slowest" link.

Then ask True for help and show them the tracert output. Be advised, they may not "own" the slow link, so they may not care to help you with the issue.

Also, check your system (Task Manger, Network tab) to see if you're sending or receiving any amount of non-authorized traffic during that time.

You can post the tracert output for us to see and advise..

traceroute to www.adslthailand.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets

1 MyDslModem ( 0.615 ms 0.416 ms 0.252 ms

2 ( 5.214 ms 1.291 ms 1.951 ms

3 ( 1.336 ms 1.460 ms 1.470 ms

4 ( 2.171 ms 2.367 ms 3.128 ms

5 ( 2.743 ms 2.807 ms 1.385 ms

6 ( 1.495 ms ( 1.356 ms ( 4.742 ms

7 ( 2.631 ms 2.772 ms 2.973 ms

8 mx-ll-110.164.2-166.static.3bb.co.th ( 3.474 ms 2.857 ms 3.353 ms

9 ( 3.077 ms 2.034 ms 2.992 ms

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250ms second ping? Only for half a day? Lucky you.

This week we've been 5 days without internet from ToT and three weeks ago 6 days with no internet.

Where we are located in Banglamung we don't have another option.

Complaints to ToT's 1100 call center get the usual response that they will forward the report to the engineers. Visiting the Pattaya ToT office gets no remorse, apology or action.

Every month we will loose at least five or six half-day or longer periods where network speeds drops to a ping such as you've mentioned or worse, but these 5 and 6 day stretches with nothing, for no apparent reason and withour any explanation or apology are the final straw.

The result. 15 Thai people have now lost their and we're relocating our business to Cambodia where:

3G abounds across the nation

Companies can be registered 100% in a foreigner's name for $700

No ridiculous 90-day reports or BS limitations on work permits

People at government departments speak English and documents are supplied in Khmer and English

Thailand and it's third-world infrastructure and couldn't care less customer service attitude can follow the example of the ToT engineer in the attached photo.


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On my True Cable internet the thing goes loopy around 2pm for maybe half an hour, forcing the Modem to lose connection and then it struggles to reconnect. Sometimes its all stable again after 5-10mins, sometimes it can take upto an hour.

This is the only problem i've had with this connection, the rest of the time its rock solid and fast, i get a ping of around 250-270ms to the USA game servers i connect to.

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Kids get out of school at 2PM and immediately go to the nearest net cafe to play games

Not really hard to understand why your connections drop at that time

Except it also happens on non-school days...

... whilst the schoolkids can be attributed to slower internet, i dont think its relevant to my particular problem, as the whole modem loses its connection and goes thru its re-connection process... unless you are suggesting the school kids somehow 'kick me off' my connection

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Kids get out of school at 2PM and immediately go to the nearest net cafe to play games

Not really hard to understand why your connections drop at that time

Except it also happens on non-school days...

... whilst the schoolkids can be attributed to slower internet, i dont think its relevant to my particular problem, as the whole modem loses its connection and goes thru its re-connection process... unless you are suggesting the school kids somehow 'kick me off' my connection

Exactly what I am suggesting

If you look at ISP's web sites you will see that you pay a premium for faster connections, those faster connections are because you are not sharing a line with as many other customers

School days or non school days, go to a local (Thai) Internet Cafe and see how many kids are in there around the 2-3 PM time frame

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250ms second ping? Only for half a day? Lucky you.

This week we've been 5 days without internet from ToT and three weeks ago 6 days with no internet.

Where we are located in Banglamung we don't have another option.

Complaints to ToT's 1100 call center get the usual response that they will forward the report to the engineers. Visiting the Pattaya ToT office gets no remorse, apology or action.

Every month we will loose at least five or six half-day or longer periods where network speeds drops to a ping such as you've mentioned or worse, but these 5 and 6 day stretches with nothing, for no apparent reason and withour any explanation or apology are the final straw.

The result. 15 Thai people have now lost their and we're relocating our business to Cambodia where:

3G abounds across the nation

Companies can be registered 100% in a foreigner's name for $700

No ridiculous 90-day reports or BS limitations on work permits

People at government departments speak English and documents are supplied in Khmer and English

Thailand and it's third-world infrastructure and couldn't care less customer service attitude can follow the example of the ToT engineer in the attached photo.

Not really , i basically have two lines

my primary line is A fibre optic one which is great

my second line is true adsl line good occasionally but starting this month something has happened to it

you mentioning about thailand and its third world infrastructure maybe true for a average dsl payer

but my primary line which is a fibre optic gets excellent speeds both locally and internationally

here is an example of what i am talking about

1639507476.png this is to LA

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My 3BB line here Ilive in central Bangkok is 6MB and its been working fine until recently , its becoming very slow in the evenings and late nights.

Impossible to stream a video, so I just give up and wait until the morning , it will be back to normal speed.....

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The last four or so days my building connection (True, Bangjark, BKK) has been flakey in the early mornings. It's just starting to stabilize now (noon). Previously mornings have been the best times to download BBC content.

Edited by phaethon
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Don't tell them you are having slow response or high latency to international sites.

You gave them the "out" when you mentioned it.

Do several tracert (Windows e.g. tracert www.pantip.com) to a Thai website during normal times and during your 2 to 6PM busy time.

It will show the hop with the "slowest" link.

Then ask True for help and show them the tracert output. Be advised, they may not "own" the slow link, so they may not care to help you with the issue.

Also, check your system (Task Manger, Network tab) to see if you're sending or receiving any amount of non-authorized traffic during that time.

You can post the tracert output for us to see and advise..

traceroute to www.adslthailand.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets

1 MyDslModem ( 0.615 ms 0.416 ms 0.252 ms

2 ( 5.214 ms 1.291 ms 1.951 ms

3 ( 1.336 ms 1.460 ms 1.470 ms

4 ( 2.171 ms 2.367 ms 3.128 ms

5 ( 2.743 ms 2.807 ms 1.385 ms

6 ( 1.495 ms ( 1.356 ms ( 4.742 ms

7 ( 2.631 ms 2.772 ms 2.973 ms

8 mx-ll-110.164.2-166.static.3bb.co.th ( 3.474 ms 2.857 ms 3.353 ms

9 ( 3.077 ms 2.034 ms 2.992 ms

If this is the normal traceroute, then the connection is pretty good.

How about the traceroute during bad times?

Edited by rakman
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