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Former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich sentenced to 14 years for corruption


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Today, from Yahoo: "Mont. man gets 25 years prison for investment scam".

Blago's crime is, in my view, far more serious that this guy's crime, and the impact on society far worse. If this guy got 25 years, on a relative scale, Blago should have gotten 50+ years. Actually, when I think about other white collar criminals, I would put Blagojevich and Bernie Madoff on an equal scale., and, as I recall, Madoff was given life in prison with no chance for parole.

And I did not in my earlier post suggest that Blago's crime and Eliot Spitzer's crime were in any way "equivalent". I also do not care about his interest in young attractive women, even if he has to pay for them. Most of us have the same interest, even if we do not have his willingness or capacity to pay for them. Estimates are that he spent more than $80,000 on prostitutes in a 2 or 3 year period (imagine what that would buy in Thailand!). His biggest crime is being a total hypocrite, which is probably the norm among politicians. I used him as an example of someone who was thrown from public office in disgrace ("ruined" as JT puts it), only to rise from the ashes and salvage a career on TV. There is even talk that he might run for mayor of NY next term (God forbid!). So, he is not "dead", although he should be. Blago falls into that same category. He will be a curiosity, a freak that people will pay money to see, and given his propensity for exploitation, he will capitalize on it to his financial gain. I can see Blago "finding God" while in prison, and becoming an evangelical preacher a la Jim (and Tammy) Baker -- he'd be able to extract millions from the gullible in that gig. Stay tuned, Blago's story is not over.....

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