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Are You A Face Queen?


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bkk1970: You and I would have no trouble checking out the talent in Thailand as we would never be after the same guy. You can have your muscle-bound guys ... give me a (reasonably) cute face, (reasonably) skinny body and a great smile and I go weak at the knees.

I have met Thai guys who spend a lot of time at the gym building up those mscles and they are very proud of their physique, but muscles do nothing for me.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh what fun.

I've a little confession to make. Not living in LOS, and not having a b/f, I've been amusing myself for a while by lurking on a board for Thai Out gays. I just like to look at the pictures, and occasionally vote for those I find attractive. Now I don't know if this is sick or what, but I've been saving some of these guys pics, even though I don't know them, have no hope of knowing them, and most likely aren't their type even if I did.

So I have a few pretty faces to post. No I don't hold the copyright to this pics, they are all, AFIK, posted by the owner of the face.

This one posted that he's "not cute but oh so cool" well, I'd say cute but not cool. He's got a peter-pan face, a great smile and I bet he doesn't like his nose, but I think it's just right for him.


Well I was going to only post one of each, but here's another of him:


Another, sultry, naughty, and cute:


This guy didn't want to tell her orientation, what a hoot! Too bad she's not smiling.


Another naughty impish look:


Just simply cute:


Well, you all better not encourage me or I'll post more. I guess I'm all over the map on what looks good, except I don't like guys with muscles, lantern jaws or too much weight.

And my experience is that what looks attractive to me in a photo often does not in person, and vice versa.

Edited by jerry921
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OK, here's one for the book:

I go for what most of you guys would describe as the "homely" or downright ugly face. In most ugly guys' faces there's that animal magnetism that really spikes my meter. Now it can't be a "sissy-ugly," or "baby-ugly" face. There's gotta be a "macho-ugly" element there. You know--fierce deep-set eyes, thick brows, snarling lips, etc.

Then add a scar on the cheek, or a broken nose, (even a missing tooth) and he's just downright irresistible. (Maybe I should be in prison?)

The nice part about this twisted attraction, is that when I sincerely tell these guys they are handsome to me, they're like putty in my hands (arms, bed, etc.). They're totally flattered and would die for me. Human nature, of course.

The nice side: I've met some real diamonds-in-the-rough (i.e. spectacular personalities, superb intelligence, and a body to die for.)

Another nice side. My LTR started out an ugly duckling at 19 when I met him (pitifully skinny, painfully shy, gapped front teeth, acne-faced Isaan farm boy); now at 24 years old, he's blossomed into a muscular, confident, suave, clear-skinned, straight-toothed hunk whom the girls swoon after in his wake (little do they know...he's gay and spoken for...). On top of that, he's earned his B.A. and M.B.A., sporting a pair of stylish glasses that give him that "Clark Kent-Hunk" look. It's ok, though, if my love mellows a bit, I just pull out his old ugly-faced pictures to spark that flame before a wild night in the bedroom...

So, send me all your rejects. I'll cope with 'em somehow.

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I have had sufficient dates and short relationships with "drop dead beautiful men" to realize that after a few weeks, one is looking through the eyes and into the heart and the surface no longer comes to mind.

Laying next to a naked and gorgeous man, physically and facially, palls in time when there is nothing inside.

Thus in response to IJWT's OP, I would say I am attracted first to the body, ordinary looks will do, and then the insides become the most important thing. For long term need fullfillment, I need a good body as a cover for a good heart.

I suspect those who go for the face first, can end up with a good heart and thus have the face-heart combination for a LTR while I am in the good body-heart camp for a LTR.

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  • 1 month later...

interesting question, this.

i think looks are VERY important in a relationship (and casual encounters, of course). i for one do not want to wake up in the moring with some snaggle-toothed bug-eyed saggy-titted monster from the deep lookalike lying on the pillow beside me.*shudder*

am a sucker for chiselled features and cheekbones. preferably brunette or dark blond. light blond guys and their pale coloured pubes are kinda creepy.the body is tres important too. call me shallow but he MUST HAVE ABS.

of course, he must be real intelligent too. but thats another story.

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To be honest, the face is important for me... when I was still single, having a nice looking face matters but eventually fades when I begin to know the person. It always goes to the first impression. But the strange thing is, when I was young, I always have a certain standard.... but based in experience, I always get the opposite of what I want. Which is totally fine with me. Luckily, my partner is very attractive to gay and straight people, so I have no reasons to complain.

Oh, I've talked to some thai guys, they say that their preference now adays for local guys are the one who looked chinese or the thai-chinese guys. hhmmmm..

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I noticed someone has copied the OP onto another forum for teachers and is trying to pass it of as theirs and has tried to turn it into a straight post. I’m not sure how he can do that with "queen" in the title. Shame on you Clint C for stealing IJWT's idea for a post or is that you, in disguise, Steven? I wonder what the C stands for, copy? Or maybe cock?

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