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Paradise Turns To Hell When You Learn The Thai Language


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Well let me tell you fellaz a little something about Assumptions, not only are they the rapists of truth they are also the profiteers of propaganda and the child molesters of dignity. I have more metaphors than the number of rich whores at Suvarnabuttfukk airport. So if u want to make a calumny of my character and play the insult game U can take your banana and go bulldoze a band-wagon of bull sh!t. I don't have time to engage in your childish infantile masturbation.

The reasons for your tough time in Thailand have become apparent. You're a couple of cans short of a sixpack, mate.

Guys like Joe are convinced that if he's miserable, then dam_n it, everyone else has to be miserable as well. And if you're not, then you're the enemy! I must say, though, that I am shocked to know that rich whores hang out at airports. Are there even such things as "rich whores?" Sorry, I digress.

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Thai men don't like me-probably cause their women do. Lol.

I know enough thai to get by but not like one of those geeks that knows every word but hasn't a clue of the 'real world' usage.

You know the types, that walk into 711 and for no apparent reason says "krap pom". Sounds cool in some classroom I guess but you never here a thai use it in such a way.

Back on topic- thai men generally suffer from inferiority complex-especially security guards, motorbike taxis and the like. Hence the predictably 12 year old language and giggles amongst buddies after you walk by.

It used to wind me up (and you don't want to do that) but now I just brush it off knowing that my dick will always be bigger than theirs ;)

Tune in tomorrow when we discuss a hot topic "is your flight attendant a bird, a plane or superman".

Your exactly the type of farang that makes your people look bad.

One bad apple can indeed spoil the entire batch.

But he's still right about nearly everything he said. ;)

"Right about nearly everything he said?" Only in a delusional sort of way.

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Beautiful verse and thanks for speaking for me brother but I can defeat an army of machine gunned cowards with a few lines of my own home cooked brave honesty..

Its amazing how many of you make attacks, judgements and assumptions of my life because I come online to blow off some steam and express the way I feel. I didn't know a stream of consciousness needed a gudamn paragraph. Oh sheite I just mis-spelled the word God, maybe I will be discriminated against once again for my inferior intelligence or lack of grammar? I would hate to see a man with down syndrome attempt to post a forum on this site? Just imagine how great you would feel about yourself after belittling a man because he was born handicapped? Or what if a man used this site who originated from inner city chicago and didn't get the same opportunity to learn at a private school as some of you did. Does that make you feel a sense of empowerment to judge and criticize others like an online bully with balls the size of insect eggs?

Hmmmm it's quite humorous to me to find the type of degrading discriminatory reactions I received from so many of you under a topic of DISCRIMINATION of thai-speaking foreigners in Thailand. Some of you assumed I was poor and didn't shower, uneducated, english teacher, loser, ugly, victim of a thai whore, cheated, old and some of you even went as far as to assume I was raping the sisters of Moto-taxi's to cause Thai people to attempt to murder me! Well let me tell you fellaz a little something about Assumptions, not only are they the rapists of truth they are also the profiteers of propaganda and the child molesters of dignity. I have more metaphors than the number of rich whores at Suvarnabuttfukk airport. So if u want to make a calumny of my character and play the insult game U can take your banana and go bulldoze a band-wagon of bull sh!t. I don't have time to engage in your childish infantile masturbation.

That's why I stay away from Sukhumvit or Kao San road and it's also why I didn't give specific details of my problems or even what country I am from or what I do for a living because than I would just be judged and stereotyped even moreso than from my vague rant on the discrimination of foreigners in Thailand.. People being Indifferent to me would be a dream come true and its the same whether I'm anywhere in Bangkok or the outskirts of Udon or the inner city of Hat Yai people look at me as if I'm an animal at a zoo or a disfigured midget at a freak-show. I've been here for a bit over 3 years and know more about Thailand and her language than half of you morons who have been here for over 20 years. I keep an open mind and I always try to be compassionate and I've GIVEN a lot more to the Thai's and there country then I've ever taken from them. I have a few real friends who are thai and they are probably the reason I'm still alive.

I love Thailand and many aspects of this country are truly amazing, wonderful and that is why I want to make a positive impact on this country but the problems here are only going to get worse and thats the truth that hurts me the most. Oh and going to China? Where innocent westerners go missing everyday and are never found again for joining human rights movements?? No thanks. I'm just a man trying to be a figment of the solution and not an addition to the problems caused by the sh*t stains of society. SO should I smile and put on my headphones and ignore others while they are attempting to murder me while I'm sleeping in my own bed?

I'd rather die on my feet with pride today than live on my knees and hide for the rest of eternity.....

After reading this diatribe of bon mots, all I can say is I have the overwhelming feeling of having been flogged by wet lettuce.

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I know where you are going, I can speak Thai not perfectly but can get by, I totally agree with you, many Thais see you as they have been indoctrinate as child and by their parents, and TV. I hear many Thai people speaking bad about me and western people in general. Some like me, to speak Thai, the ones in the Village mainly, Some cannot believe that a falang would want to, and can speak Thai, I mainly keep quiet now and just listen. Some times it gets Embarrassing for my Thai wife because she knows i understand .She has even been ask why she has taught me Thai, in fact i could speak a Little Thai before i met her because she could not speak English. But there is a fruit called falang, ke nok, I have been told there are not many around now in Thailand. The bottom line is you have to put up with it, Its their Country.

My son is 4 yrs old and he calls farangs bad and stupid. We never instilled this in his mind, it is something that he has got from other children either in our estate or at school. We are constantly correcting him and he tells us his friends shimmy, bouy and nok tell him that farangs are not good and are very bad people. He doesn't identify me as a farang tho. The only place that children could get this attitude from would be adults or thier parents and it is a form of brainwashing (instilled racism) at a young age so grow up always believing that farangs are not good.

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I know where you are going, I can speak Thai not perfectly but can get by, I totally agree with you, many Thais see you as they have been indoctrinate as child and by their parents, and TV. I hear many Thai people speaking bad about me and western people in general. Some like me, to speak Thai, the ones in the Village mainly, Some cannot believe that a falang would want to, and can speak Thai, I mainly keep quiet now and just listen. Some times it gets Embarrassing for my Thai wife because she knows i understand .She has even been ask why she has taught me Thai, in fact i could speak a Little Thai before i met her because she could not speak English. But there is a fruit called falang, ke nok, I have been told there are not many around now in Thailand. The bottom line is you have to put up with it, Its their Country.

My son is 4 yrs old and he calls farangs bad and stupid. We never instilled this in his mind, it is something that he has got from other children either in our estate or at school. We are constantly correcting him and he tells us his friends shimmy, bouy and nok tell him that farangs are not good and are very bad people. He doesn't identify me as a farang tho. The only place that children could get this attitude from would be adults or thier parents and it is a form of brainwashing (instilled racism) at a young age so grow up always believing that farangs are not good.

My son had some experience of racialism when he started in our small village school ,2to 5 year olds . The word farang was used negatively and he brought it home negatively. I guess being so young at the time he saw the word's use as intended . He defined me as a farang then,as he submited to peer pressure . I might add he has got over that stage and now calls me a gweilo .

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Sometime people should know the whole story before writing anything.

In the village near my house in Isaan, there is a bar where the foreigners like to meet. The reason ? The beer is the cheapest in the area. They are usually drunk before they come for their first drink before lunch. They talk sh_t, they show no respect to the other people around them, only to their foreigner drinking buddies. Nobody like them, nobody respect them, not even their "wives" but iMO they have only themselves to blame.

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Sometime people should know the whole story before writing anything.

In the village near my house in Isaan, there is a bar where the foreigners like to meet. The reason ? The beer is the cheapest in the area. They are usually drunk before they come for their first drink before lunch. They talk sh_t, they show no respect to the other people around them, only to their foreigner drinking buddies. Nobody like them, nobody respect them, not even their "wives" but iMO they have only themselves to blame.

How is that different to most western men and their wives (of any nationality)?

Cheap beer sounds good to me, they sound like a sensible bunch.

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I think you wrong on the one detail,when the Thai call you farang kee nok it because bird shit is white and fall from the sky just like when you fall from plane and land in thailand

another think...I always to eat lot of cheap food on street and no person call me the kee niow name.maybe your clothes are old and make you to look poor :lol:

You maybe right ,but it is also used to mean western bird shit. Many Thais have confirmed this after hearing mere pua call farangs it when they came into the shop when the coach used to stop here.

The only farangs she called it were the wanna be hippy <deleted> with their hair braided dressed like tramps and drunk old farangs dressed like slobs. Although she doesn't seem to have a problem with all the Thai drunk slobs dressed like tramps that sit here drinking all day, but I think that's more to do with being regular customers and she only seems to care about making money.

So many Thais find how these wanna be hippies dress patronising, ooohh we've come to mix with the backward poor people. :rolleyes: I saw many speak down to her like she's a stupid poor old Thai woman. She's a very succesful lady and they're some unemployed pratt with an arts degree.

Not aimed at person quoted,but:

The problem is so many farangs come here and don't work (not including guys who have retired in that) sit about all day getting drunk many with prostitutes or girls half their age (good luck to them). Think about the roles being reversed if foreigners went to your home country and did this it's pretty obvious what people of your country would think. Especially when people don't know your personal situation it creates a stereotype.

You will always get low educated Thais that hate you whoever you are, the same as you get thick racists in every country. They simply aren't worth bothering wasting your time with.

More educated Thais in the main do not think like this and love having western friends and whenever you go out with them they never let you pay for anything so it's not about money unlike when you drink with Thais who don't like work that involves getting up in the morning.

Edited by arthurwait
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The bottom line is you have to put up with it, Its their Country.

I agree. It only becomes a problem if you let it become one.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out

-- Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me

-- and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemoller must be spinning in his grave at such a ridiculous use of his words.


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what a long -winded load of <deleted>.

Yeap in his first rant he states he got in taxi to Ko san road, but in his last states he stays away from Ko San road....so which is it ?

his entire rant is a total contradiction..

OP DiabloJoe, u might be Satan but I really must agree with what you've written, I usually read these forums as a guest but when I saw your Post I was quite intrigued! Don't let these haters of truth bring you down mate, 2 u mindless morons attacking the OP for making contradictions and the only thing u cite is that he said in his first post"when he arrived in Thailand (probably for the first time) went to Kao San road and in the next he said he doesnt go to Kao San road, u fools are twisting his words out of context. because one u idiots was probably giving him ignorant recommendations while u were sitting next to him on the plane ride to Bangkok. The point is that he said in his response that he stays away from Kao San Road and Sukhumvit because of all the foreign trash that he has probably learned to ignore since being in Thailand as I have myself. OP I have also just a few TRUE friends that I surround myself with and that really brings a smile to your face. I have a son with a thai woman who was BORN abroad and I've never encountered as much racism (or as he) since coming back to Thailand on numerous occassions and my wife agrees with your post as well mate..

I'd say the guy who started this forum has more sense than most ignorant <deleted> I've met from my recent arrival back to Thailand.....

Keep up the positive work for change in a country that TRULY needs it!.


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Sometime people should know the whole story before writing anything.

In the village near my house in Isaan, there is a bar where the foreigners like to meet. The reason ? The beer is the cheapest in the area. They are usually drunk before they come for their first drink before lunch. They talk sh_t, they show no respect to the other people around them, only to their foreigner drinking buddies. Nobody like them, nobody respect them, not even their "wives" but iMO they have only themselves to blame.

It seems like a few of these trashy, alcoholic, closet pedophiles could perhaps be commenting on this topic right now. AND what a better way to make Thai people confirm there own pre-concieved notions of westerners than to sit around a bar throwing bottles of Archa Beer at eachother and running around with there shirts off and grabbing the thai women like animals. SOME OF YOU need to go back to the zoo or prisons you've escaped from..and stop giving the FARANG a bad name..

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Sometime people should know the whole story before writing anything.

In the village near my house in Isaan, there is a bar where the foreigners like to meet. The reason ? The beer is the cheapest in the area. They are usually drunk before they come for their first drink before lunch. They talk sh_t, they show no respect to the other people around them, only to their foreigner drinking buddies. Nobody like them, nobody respect them, not even their "wives" but iMO they have only themselves to blame.

It seems like a few of these trashy, alcoholic, closet pedophiles could perhaps be commenting on this topic right now. AND what a better way to make Thai people confirm there own pre-concieved notions of westerners than to sit around a bar throwing bottles of Archa Beer at eachother and running around with there shirts off and grabbing the thai women like animals. SOME OF YOU need to go back to the zoo or prisons you've escaped from..and stop giving the FARANG a bad name..

Thats a pretty impressive 6th post !

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I know where you are going, I can speak Thai not perfectly but can get by, I totally agree with you, many Thais see you as they have been indoctrinate as child and by their parents, and TV. I hear many Thai people speaking bad about me and western people in general. Some like me, to speak Thai, the ones in the Village mainly, Some cannot believe that a falang would want to, and can speak Thai, I mainly keep quiet now and just listen. Some times it gets Embarrassing for my Thai wife because she knows i understand .She has even been ask why she has taught me Thai, in fact i could speak a Little Thai before i met her because she could not speak English. But there is a fruit called falang, ke nok, I have been told there are not many around now in Thailand. The bottom line is you have to put up with it, Its their Country.

I think if your walking by a group of Taxi Scooters and the are all shouting out Farang Kee Nok u can be 99 percent sure they are talking about YOU and not the extremely rare small sized fruit That is unless they are not talking about what they were staring at between your legs that is...Either way most of the time people should stand up and speak up for themselves if they are being disrespected. ..

EXPERIENCE is the best teacher and as the OP and myself have learned. Being a part of the solution is much better than adding to the filth of a third world country....

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Sometime people should know the whole story before writing anything.

In the village near my house in Isaan, there is a bar where the foreigners like to meet. The reason ? The beer is the cheapest in the area. They are usually drunk before they come for their first drink before lunch. They talk sh_t, they show no respect to the other people around them, only to their foreigner drinking buddies. Nobody like them, nobody respect them, not even their "wives" but iMO they have only themselves to blame.

It seems like a few of these trashy, alcoholic, closet pedophiles could perhaps be commenting on this topic right now. AND what a better way to make Thai people confirm there own pre-concieved notions of westerners than to sit around a bar throwing bottles of Archa Beer at eachother and running around with there shirts off and grabbing the thai women like animals. SOME OF YOU need to go back to the zoo or prisons you've escaped from..and stop giving the FARANG a bad name..

Thats a pretty impressive 6th post !

Sorry I have a life outside of ThaiVisa Forum and have better things to do than check out other members profiles, get drunk everyday at the local expat bar and come back home to drink more beer and again come on to the thaivisa forum and add another worthless post as the 4901 that you have made at this point in your worthless life, I have a family to raise and be with, DO YOU?

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Being born, raised and educated in the west is a privilege, never forget.

+1 Again.......totally correct. The fundamental problem with Thailand is it's lack of educational standards that then leads to ignorance of too many matters, including some fundamental manners. The recent Chiang Mai Nazi Parade was a national embaressment.

You then get hit with the catch all phrase of "Thai Culture" to try to explain away some of the ignorant, insular and quite frankly offensive ways that some Thai's behave. It's not culture, it's ignorance.

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Sometime people should know the whole story before writing anything.

In the village near my house in Isaan, there is a bar where the foreigners like to meet. The reason ? The beer is the cheapest in the area. They are usually drunk before they come for their first drink before lunch. They talk sh_t, they show no respect to the other people around them, only to their foreigner drinking buddies. Nobody like them, nobody respect them, not even their "wives" but iMO they have only themselves to blame.

It seems like a few of these trashy, alcoholic, closet pedophiles could perhaps be commenting on this topic right now. AND what a better way to make Thai people confirm there own pre-concieved notions of westerners than to sit around a bar throwing bottles of Archa Beer at eachother and running around with there shirts off and grabbing the thai women like animals. SOME OF YOU need to go back to the zoo or prisons you've escaped from..and stop giving the FARANG a bad name..

Thats a pretty impressive 6th post !

Sorry I have a life outside of ThaiVisa Forum and have better things to do than check out other members profiles, get drunk everyday at the local expat bar and come back home to drink more beer and again come on to the thaivisa forum and add another worthless post as the 4901 that you have made at this point in your worthless life, I have a family to raise and be with, DO YOU?

Well to be honest - I didn't post here from 2007 until last month.

To assume I have a worthless life really makes me ask why you have even joined a forum - maybe to bring some colour into your own existance?

FWIW - I was working in India as a Technical trainer for Pepsico - spent a year there and now have some back to Thailand with my wife ( 15 years marriage) and my 13 year old son.

We are building a house on our land and really enjoying the Thai way of life.

If you would like more details - I can pm you my mobile number.


ps still waiting for your solution by the way :)

pps ooops there goes 4906

Edited by chonabot
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Being a part of the solution is much better than adding to the filth of a third world country....

So how do we address and correct this issue ?

The first step would be to get off your barstool, second step would be to stop getting drunk everyday, third step would be to show your child and wife more love than your alcohol and the final step (That is if u can make it this far) is for you to go out and make yourself a POSITIVE role model for others to follow and not just by your words that you've wasted so much time in typing but in the actions you make everyday..

I volunteer for a cause that I wholeheartedly believe in when I'm not working on the weekends and MY FAMILY also joins in on the fun of making Thailand a better place for everyone, do you have a problem with that?

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I think you wrong on the one detail,when the Thai call you farang kee nok it because bird shit is white and fall from the sky just like when you fall from plane and land in thailand

another think...I always to eat lot of cheap food on street and no person call me the kee niow name.maybe your clothes are old and make you to look poor :lol:

You maybe right ,but it is also used to mean western bird shit. Many Thais have confirmed this after hearing mere pua call farangs it when they came into the shop when the coach used to stop here.

The only farangs she called it were the wanna be hippy <deleted> with their hair braided dressed like tramps and drunk old farangs dressed like slobs. Although she doesn't seem to have a problem with all the Thai drunk slobs dressed like tramps that sit here drinking all day, but I think that's more to do with being regular customers and she only seems to care about making money.

So many Thais find how these wanna be hippies dress patronising, ooohh we've come to mix with the backward poor people. :rolleyes: I saw many speak down to her like she's a stupid poor old Thai woman. She's a very succesful lady and they're some unemployed pratt with an arts degree.

Not aimed at person quoted,but:

The problem is so many farangs come here and don't work (not including guys who have retired in that) sit about all day getting drunk many with prostitutes or girls half their age (good luck to them). Think about the roles being reversed if foreigners went to your home country and did this it's pretty obvious what people of your country would think. Especially when people don't know your personal situation it creates a stereotype.

You will always get low educated Thais that hate you whoever you are, the same as you get thick racists in every country. They simply aren't worth bothering wasting your time with.

More educated Thais in the main do not think like this and love having western friends and whenever you go out with them they never let you pay for anything so it's not about money unlike when you drink with Thais who don't like work that involves getting up in the morning.

arthurwait tells it just as it is.

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Being a part of the solution is much better than adding to the filth of a third world country....

So how do we address and correct this issue ?

The first step would be to get off your barstool, second step would be to stop getting drunk everyday, third step would be to show your child and wife more love than your alcohol and the final step (That is if u can make it this far) is for you to go out and make yourself a POSITIVE role model for others to follow and not just by your words that you've wasted so much time in typing but in the actions you make everyday..

I volunteer for a cause that I wholeheartedly believe in when I'm not working on the weekends and MY FAMILY also joins in on the fun of making Thailand a better place for everyone, do you have a problem with that?

Sounds good - but I can't help feeling you are assuming I have this 'problem'

If you wish to give advice - an impartial approach is recommended.

Maybe you could read my post regarding my ironing antics - do some background on your subjects before generalisation..just saying


ps if you need a postergirl give me a shout :)

Edited by chonabot
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Being born, raised and educated in the west is a privilege, never forget.

I miss the Irony-smiley here... I do hope you simply forgot it before clicking "Add Reply"

Would you like to expand on that post or would you prefer to just snipe from the sidelines?

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[quSometime people should know the whole story before writing anything.

In the village near my house in Isaan, there is a bar where the foreigners like to meet. The reason ? The beer is the cheapest in the area. They are usually drunk before they come for their first drink before lunch. They talk sh_t, they show no respect to the other people around them, only to their foreigner drinking buddies. Nobody like them, nobody respect them, not even their "wives" but iMO they have only themselves to blame.

It seems like a few of these trashy, alcoholic, closet pedophiles could perhaps be commenting on this topic right now. AND what a better way to make Thai people confirm there own pre-concieved notions of westerners than to sit around a bar throwing bottles of Archa Beer at eachother and running around with there shirts off and grabbing the thai women like animals. SOME OF YOU need to go back to the zoo or prisons you've escaped from..and stop giving the FARANG a bad name..

Thats a pretty impressive 6th post !

Sorry I have a life outside of ThaiVisa Forum and have better things to do than check out other members profiles, get drunk everyday at the local expat bar and come back home to drink more beer and again come on to the thaivisa forum and add another worthless post as the 4901 that you have made at this point in your worthless life, I have a family to raise and be with, DO YOU?

Well to be honest - I didn't post here from 2007 until last month.

To assume I have a worthless life really makes me ask why you have even joined a forum - maybe to bring some colour into your own existance?

FWIW - I was working in India as a Technical trainer for Pepsico - spent a year there and now have some back to Thailand with my wife ( 15 years marriage) and my 13 year old son.

We are building a house on our land and really enjoying the Thai way of life.

If you would like more details - I can pm you my mobile number.


ps still waiting for your solution by the way :)

pps ooops there goes 4906

Wow you really are something special, u worked for the same Pepsi corporation that had union organizers murdered in India in the late 90's? The same Pepsi corporation that owns TriCon Restuarants in 1997 so they could focus exclusively on soft drinks and the destroying the earth?. The "Tri" in the company represented the restuarant chains absorbed from the division from PepsiCo: KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut.

The company has since purchased the Long John Silvers and A&W chains and renamed itself as Yum! Brands.

Oh I forgot step 5, strap explosives to your body and go back to Pepsi-Co headquarters preferrably in the USA and detonate yourself in the CEO's office! NOW THAT IS the best way (In your circumstances) to become a part of the SOLUTION u worthless ro-bot, then if your son needs a REAL father as a role model u can adopt him to me..

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[quSometime people should know the whole story before writing anything.

Wow you really are something special, u worked for the same Pepsi corporation that had union organizers murdered in India in the late 90's? The same Pepsi corporation that owns TriCon Restuarants in 1997 so they could focus exclusively on soft drinks and the destroying the earth?. The "Tri" in the company represented the restuarant chains absorbed from the division from PepsiCo: KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut.

The company has since purchased the Long John Silvers and A&W chains and renamed itself as Yum! Brands.

Oh I forgot step 5, strap explosives to your body and go back to Pepsi-Co headquarters preferrably in the USA and detonate yourself in the CEO's office! NOW THAT IS the best way (In your circumstances) to become a part of the SOLUTION u worthless ro-bot, then if your son needs a REAL father as a role model u can adopt him to me..

You're quite insane aren't you Vernon :)

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Would you like to expand on that post or would you prefer to just snipe from the sidelines?

I think it's not me who should expand or snipe from the sidelines. An answer from the one whose post I quoted would bring some light in the dark.

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