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Anyone Having Problems With Itchy Eyes?


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The last couple of weeks, I have woken up in the morning and have had itchy eyes, and of course I rub them and they get red and itchier. I usually only have this problem when there is a lot of burning -- but it is happening too early in the season for that I think.

Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this, and if it early burning, pollenation, or a lot of polution in the air??? Or, is it just me?

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My bees are finding plenty of pollen at the moment, indeed the wild-flower honey-flow is on in Mae-Jo, so it might be hay-fever or sensitivity to certain types of pollen ?

There's also limited burning-off of rice-fields, following the harvest, in preparation for planting a second/irrigated crop, but since we've also had a few showers & there's still a dew most mornings, I'd think smoke-pollution was a less-likely explanation.

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I was waking up with itchy eyes and of course starting to rub them during the day. I went to see Dr Rachada at RAM and she suggested Vidisic Opthalmic Gel, apply a couple of drops in each eye before sleeping. It seems to have done the trick, it's about 150 Baht tube in pharmacies (imported by Bauche & Lomb).

Edit: I got mine from RAM and it was a lot more expensive, it is imported from Germany though. The 150 Baht I quoted was by merely asking the pharmacy on the lower ground floor of KSK "how much is Visidic Gel?", so it might be a Thai brand, but I'm sure whatever it is, will be OK and that's where I'll replace it from. (the pharmacy towards the back next to Export shop)

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it is called allergies... there is a specific medication (other than eye drops) that targets just the eye itch...ask your pharmacist.. little yellow pills with no side effects (for me).

Every year it's the same for me. Another thing that is the exact opposite of what I experienced in the West. In the West I suffered allergic reactions to pollen during the Spring to early Summer seasons. In Thailand, it's always during the Fall to early Winter seasons.

Edited by venturalaw
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I've been getting dry eyes for a while now, mainly due, I suspect, to my using a fan rather than AC during the day while sitting at the computer. I can limit it by aiming the fan lower so it cools the body but the air-stream misses my head.

Do you use a fan at night?

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There is burning going on in different places - it looks like they are trying to get it done before the clamp down - to which no one takes any notice anyway

Heaps of burning in rice fields east of the city. Plus lots of dusty roads & building sites. A lot of landfill going on on hwy 1317 south of San Kamphaeng - raising existing pads after the floods there earlier this year.

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Probably dosen't apply to you.

But I do not get enough oxygen at night when I sleep and it causes my eyes to itch and get red.

I have a machine to take oxygen out of the air at night and it pretty much stops the itch. Th eyes are still red but that I can live with.

I was told that certain eye drops are not god for you they will contribute to Glaucoma. Best to check with a doctor.

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Looks like they are trying to catch up on the burning that was reduced by the continuous rains.

Heavy smell of burning every night for the last couple of weeks,ash dropping in to the pool and the filters dirtier than normal.

Not good news after a relatively smoke free year.

I guess burning at night the "fire police" cannot see the smoke rising!:rolleyes:

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I had lunch with a friend yesterday and he says the area around the New Amphur where he rents, the air is very bad due to local industry, Plastic manufacture related.

A second friend living near Saraphe has mentioned burning causing him discomfort.

I am one of the folks who suffers during the main burning season, March April and in past have left CM for the sea side.


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I was fine... until today. I have no history with allergies, and I spent nearly a full year in Manila and it's wicked smog with no apparent deleterious effect, so it's not like I'm prone to this sort of thing.

What I don't get is I look out at the big mountain and I see it clear as a bell today... usually it's obscured by clouds or smog or whatever. Stars twinkling in the sky. I don't see or smell smog, yet my eyes are burning. And this is scary... just signed the one year lease... I was prepared to travel for the reputedly bad days of April, but January, February, and March too? What's going on?

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I was fine... until today. I have no history with allergies, and I spent nearly a full year in Manila and it's wicked smog with no apparent deleterious effect, so it's not like I'm prone to this sort of thing.

What I don't get is I look out at the big mountain and I see it clear as a bell today... usually it's obscured by clouds or smog or whatever. Stars twinkling in the sky. I don't see or smell smog, yet my eyes are burning. And this is scary... just signed the one year lease... I was prepared to travel for the reputedly bad days of April, but January, February, and March too? What's going on?

Actually, March is reputed to be the cruelest month for air quality here in CM, and April's runner-up.

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Looks like they are trying to catch up on the burning that was reduced by the continuous rains.

Heavy smell of burning every night for the last couple of weeks,ash dropping in to the pool and the filters dirtier than normal.

Not good news after a relatively smoke free year.

I guess burning at night the "fire police" cannot see the smoke rising!:rolleyes:

There does seem to be more night time burning this year in the Mae Taeng area as well. Yesterday, saw lots of fields get torched during the daylight hours too as the farmers transition from rice to soy bean. Surprisingly, the skies up here are very clear as long as you are not near one of the burns. This strong north wind seems to be carrying the smoke away, but it sure is chilly!

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