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Grammy Terminates Sek Loso's Contract


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What an ODD story and saga...

The guy must have a death wish for his music career... because everything he's done post the photo emerging has been pretty much wrong.

He may know music, but he sure doesn't know how to handle his affairs. What did he think was going to happen after making such a public proclamation in Thailand?

If you have ever dealt with the Grammy control freaks,

his attitude would be a bit more clear.

He is a rock in roller who writes from the heart and has a lot of western experience.

No conducive to being under their thumbs as they want.

But in many ways Grammy dropped the ball handling him properly too.

Edited by animatic
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Exactly. Bating his wife is much worse than taking drugs. It's funny that the domestic violence wasn't even mentioned as part of his termination.

Smoke some meth, loose your contract....but beat your wife, and nothing happens!

Apparently it was a picture taken in Prague showing him using drugs that did him in.

With drug use being decriminalized in the Czech Republic he didn't do anything wrong so he could have downplayed things a bit from that perspective.

Going by the comments he made later he's doing a good job of shooting himself in the feet.

He was photographed smoking a meth pipe.

I don't give a shit if he's a junkie, it's the beating his wife in front of kids that I find unpalatable.

Good role model for the Thai youth right enough, what with the massive methamphetamine problem the region faces.

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""As an artist, I must use [drugs] but I strongly believe I can manage it," he said, though he was quick to advise young people and his fans to pick his better qualities and not use drugs."

What a ridiculous statement... sad that he believes that.

I am not at all against drugs; if it was up to me the war on drugs would stop tomorrow, all drugs would be legal and those that have a debilitating effect on people would be monopolized and sold only by the government, and at cost. Want to kill yourself with heroin? Be my guest.

But... drugs are never necessary. And if somebody believes that they are dependent on them for their livelihood than that's horrible! Yikes!

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Have you ever been a victim of drug-addled spousal abuse?

I don't think drug-addled spousal abuse is any different from non-drug-addled spousal abuse.

I am with you in that I don't care what he was smoking. Take anything you want. But you're still 100% responsible for your actions.

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Beating up his wife?

Not once, but several times?

Even admitting it in public and then stating he can control it?

1st time is bad enough, but 2nd time one is doing this, it has become a pattern.

I liked the music LOSO produced, has he produced much top notch stuff after that period?

Seems to me each concert these days are still the old LOSO stuff, with guest artists singing along.

I might be wrong here. Anyone?

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There's a farang tangent to the Sek Loso 'drama' now. Some farang came out claiming that Sek Loso's mia noi is his ex-wife and that she swindled him out of some random amount of financial assets.


Who are those Farang?

Pic of the guy here with wedding photos. A 40-year-old Australian by the name of Brendon John Hookey (sp?).

If I understood it correctly there's some speculation she's 3 months pregnant and also doubt as to the paternity, the former husband or Sek Loso?


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Bit more in Siamdara.

Apparently she married the Australian guy in May of this year, obtaining a 300,00 Baht dowry, 7 Baht in gold, a diamond ring and a further 240,00 Baht in living expenses. He returned to Australia thinking all was well (presumably to work) and she then promptly cut off contact with him, He's talking about suing for damages for being tricked into the marriage just for the money.


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Ponpimon, Sek's 'personal secretary', said she met Brendan through the recommendation of a friend in Germany and communicated via the internet. She only decided to marry him to obtain permission to live in Australia and Brendan wanted to marry her as he wished to buy land in Thailand.

After a brief honeymoon Brendan returned to Australia .

I read she received 200,000 baht and 6 baht wight gold for her dowry, Ponpimon claimed Brendan only transferred 70,000 baht to her after he returned to Australia and it all went on the application to Australia expenses.

Sek invited her to work for him, and seeing he was a superstar, she gladly accepted his offer.

I think the story can be summarised as follows: Mss Ponpimon wanted a better life and saw Brendan as a way forward, but when Sek entered the scene, the attraction of Brendan immediately lost its lure and Miss Ponpimon dumped him forthwith.

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I think the story can be summarised as follows: Mss Ponpimon wanted a better life and saw Brendan as a way forward, but when Sek entered the scene, the attraction of Brendan immediately lost its lure and Miss Ponpimon dumped him forthwith.

Seems like a fairly normal behavior from a female (human or animal).

Anyhow, back to the subject, the drug abusing wife beater.

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Beating up his wife?

Not once, but several times?

Even admitting it in public and then stating he can control it?

1st time is bad enough, but 2nd time one is doing this, it has become a pattern.

I liked the music LOSO produced, has he produced much top notch stuff after that period?

Seems to me each concert these days are still the old LOSO stuff, with guest artists singing along.

I might be wrong here. Anyone?

It's true. He's reduced to playing bar-girl dives like Hillary on Suk soi 4. Not that that in itself is such a bad thing, if you started out there. But he's so unreliable, professionally and musically, that no one will give him a good venue anymore. Sad. Check this video to see Lek So-So ruining an otherwise great all-Thai music production in NYC a few years back. Yep that's Lek So-So slapping Noi Pru with a pair of flipfops after the director tried to get Sek to play to script.

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Beating up his wife?

Not once, but several times?

Even admitting it in public and then stating he can control it?

1st time is bad enough, but 2nd time one is doing this, it has become a pattern.

I liked the music LOSO produced, has he produced much top notch stuff after that period?

Seems to me each concert these days are still the old LOSO stuff, with guest artists singing along.

I might be wrong here. Anyone?

It's true. He's reduced to playing bar-girl dives like Hillary on Suk soi 4. Not that that in itself is such a bad thing, if you started out there. But he's so unreliable, professionally and musically, that no one will give him a good venue anymore. Sad. Check this video to see Lek So-So ruining an otherwise great all-Thai music production in NYC a few years back. Yep that's Lek So-So slapping Noi Pru with a pair of flipfops after the director tried to get Sek to play to script.

Well Carabao plays Hillary also, and they also fill arena's. It's a club that likes to bring in well known local acts. It also has bar girls. Bar girls go to arena gigs. It's the music business your fans come from all cross sections of society.

As to NYC, Noi Pru was foolish to hire Loso for that gig in the first place. A total mismatch.

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The story about 'S.Loso' and the disturbing picture we all speculate about it. But what keeps me thinking far is, that the ONCB gives him a week.

A week for what? for enter rehab? for leave the Country, or for pay a big big big fine for making the promotion in public of using drugs ?

Anyway I hope he'll end the way of Amy Winehouse.

Always the best artists are hit by the same problems.

Grammy sucks !

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Sek Loso is a wife beater and a yaabaa user.

I lose respect for people when learning facts like these, especially for men that beat women in front of kids.

The moment we base our judgements on the 'he said / she said',

public pronouncements of a nasty divorce, we lose credibility also.

I've seen the nicest and calmest of men attacked by enraged wives,

in front of the kids, who then tripped, fell down, injured themselves and blamed him, longly and loudly, because they had a bruise to show and were mad as a wet hen. Thai women can fly off the handle as easily as western women.

Even though witnesses said this is not how it happened, domestic disputes rarely

ever show the truth to the outside world. So we rarely can base accurate judgments on them.

I've met him a few times, and for a rock n rol icon he's pretty dam_n mellow.

There's photos of him smoking methamphetamine all over the internet.

He's an acknowledged wife beater and drug user.

End of story.

Have you never used any illegal drug in your whole life?

Would it be ok if Sek admitted to being an alcoholic?

Do you have no respect for alcoholics and drugg addicts?

Did you know that they have a disease?

BTW - I lose repect for people who glorify Nazi leaders in the username.

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There's a farang tangent to the Sek Loso 'drama' now. Some farang came out claiming that Sek Loso's mia noi is his ex-wife and that she swindled him out of some random amount of financial assets.


You have a nerve talking about farangs like that - 'some farang'.

You happen to be, as a Thai person, a minority on this webforum for expats.

Keep your derision for farang to one of your Thai forums.

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There's a farang tangent to the Sek Loso 'drama' now. Some farang came out claiming that Sek Loso's mia noi is his ex-wife and that she swindled him out of some random amount of financial assets.


You have a nerve talking about farangs like that - 'some farang'.

You happen to be, as a Thai person, a minority on this webforum for expats.

Keep your derision for farang to one of your Thai forums.

Hahaa... Some of Us farang don't really like the tag anyway.

I mean... if farang means foreigner,. why aren't Chinese or Japanese farang too?

What about Africans and Indians...?

No, no... farang is like 'nigger', you can only use the phrase if you are one yourself.

I personally don't like to be referred to as a farang, be it 'some farang' or whatever.

I would hate to tell you what names we have for Thais, or the reason most of us are actually here... and you should know that Thai men have a reputation for being wife beaters, unlike us 'farang'.

Also, Thai women have a reputation for being...####

So, maybe a bit more restraint when talking about us??

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I'd say that drugs really "created" some very good music, still hear able in approx. 10 million years.....

Amazing how some people behind their booze and chain smoking are against drugs! It's true that there's no excuse for beating a woman, jap.gif

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Have you never used any illegal drug in your whole life?

Would it be ok if Sek admitted to being an alcoholic?

Do you have no respect for alcoholics and drugg addicts?

Did you know that they have a disease?

BTW - I lose repect for people who glorify Nazi leaders in the username.

To answer your question, I have no respect for cowardly, wife beating junkies, nor the pondlife that try to make excuses for their behaviour.

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There's a farang tangent to the Sek Loso 'drama' now. Some farang came out claiming that Sek Loso's mia noi is his ex-wife and that she swindled him out of some random amount of financial assets.


You have a nerve talking about farangs like that - 'some farang'.

You happen to be, as a Thai person, a minority on this webforum for expats.

Keep your derision for farang to one of your Thai forums.

*yawn* No derision intended. Some farang as in some farang that I don't know the exact details about. Sensitive much?


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