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Hi guys,

We have a CRV and I have never been pulled over on the highways or anything (apart from 2 illegal u-turns I did) and I always see pick up trucks being pulled over.

I just ordered a Ford Ranger and just thought about this issue.

Will I get more grief from the police in Thailand now because I have a pickup? Do they fine pick up owners for petty reasons?


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crv, 3 x 4 door pickups, 3 x fortuna, accord 2,4, camry 2,4, yaris, all the same with my cars

load in pickups must be covered of its over edge of bed, and many dont bother. Fine due

every second vehicle on the road is a pickup, so for evey crv pulled over they should pull over +100 pickups to be fair


Now that a funny thing, why do pickup get pulled over.

Live north of BKK, pickup travels to the south every month, before always had BKK plates and always every trip got pulled over at least twice every trip. March 2011 bought another new pickup but this time have Khao Lak plates, 9 months on the only time pulled over was having a double rear wing for a truck in the back, and on red plates, [so a goods pickup on 'red plates' cannot carry goods ?] 100 baht sorted it out.

Never noticed before but do now, appears most if not all the pickup pulled over I see have BKK plates.

If you put on a canopy, if tinting the windows use light tint, learn't long ago if police cannot see what is in the back your more likely get pulled over when you pass a check point and have to get out and open the back up. in 8 years only once about 6 years ago did I get asked for my drivers license, anyway getting pulled over, mostly is where are you going? where have you come from? have a good trip, and your on your way again, nothing to worry about.

If your getting a 2 door model then there used to be problems with what you had on the pickup and the colour of the number plates, think things have changed in resent years.


Fortunalately they Do. Ignore KBB , as you can see he mistakes a Camry and Yarris for a Truck giggle.gif, and fails to mention they pull New Cars out of the line up at spot checks , but never a Truck As you will find out when you change. The Plates from the N.E. are prime targets for Drug Running , but they still use them despite being constantly stopped. coffee1.gif.


Fortunalately they Do. Ignore KBB , as you can see he mistakes a Camry and Yarris for a Truck giggle.gif, and fails to mention they pull New Cars out of the line up at spot checks , but never a Truck As you will find out when you change. The Plates from the N.E. are prime targets for Drug Running , but they still use them despite being constantly stopped. coffee1.gif.

See you have worked out Mr Kata too, not a week goes by without him reminding us of how many vehicles/motorbikes/houses he owns, has owned or is planning to own.


Two door pickups which there are stacks of, are not meant to carry passengers in the rear bed. Of course the locals completely ignore this so its an easy source of income for the BIB. In fact in my town the Police hardly have to break sweat in walking out in front of the station, placing a few bollards out and then spend a few hours waving down pickups for contributions to the glug glug fund.

In the Thai Rath a few months back there was front page pic of a Vigo truck which had been modified underneath for smuggling illegal wood, very clever, not sure if it was a tip off or just a random bit of luck by BIB.


In my experience I was pulled over quite a few times when I had a truck all over Thailand. I have never been pulled over in my car since I bought it 5 years ago.


I drive a lot of long distances in Thailand in my Honda and am regularly stopped at checkpoints. They also have radars and I've also been stopped for speeding 300 to 500bht tea money. As someone said previously. They appear to stopping more pickups, because there are more on the road.


Fortunalately they Do. Ignore KBB , as you can see he mistakes a Camry and Yarris for a Truck giggle.gif, and fails to mention they pull New Cars out of the line up at spot checks , but never a Truck As you will find out when you change. The Plates from the N.E. are prime targets for Drug Running , but they still use them despite being constantly stopped. coffee1.gif.

See you have worked out Mr Kata too, not a week goes by without him reminding us of how many vehicles/motorbikes/houses he owns, has owned or is planning to own.


Two door pickups which there are stacks of, are not meant to carry passengers in the rear bed. Of course the locals completely ignore this so its an easy source of income for the BIB. In fact in my town the Police hardly have to break sweat in walking out in front of the station, placing a few bollards out and then spend a few hours waving down pickups for contributions to the glug glug fund.

In the Thai Rath a few months back there was front page pic of a Vigo truck which had been modified underneath for smuggling illegal wood, very clever, not sure if it was a tip off or just a random bit of luck by BIB.

Sounds like you really envy KBB as his posts say something to understand something where as yours usually give the wrong information ;)


I envy his Age, but ive done more Klics backwards here in Lotus Car Parks than hes done on Fantasy Island, or anywhere else in Thailand. He doesn't take himself seriously either. A point you should note Boy.!!.bah.gif.


Fortunalately they Do. Ignore KBB , as you can see he mistakes a Camry and Yarris for a Truck giggle.gif, and fails to mention they pull New Cars out of the line up at spot checks , but never a Truck As you will find out when you change. The Plates from the N.E. are prime targets for Drug Running , but they still use them despite being constantly stopped. coffee1.gif.

See you have worked out Mr Kata too, not a week goes by without him reminding us of how many vehicles/motorbikes/houses he owns, has owned or is planning to own.


Two door pickups which there are stacks of, are not meant to carry passengers in the rear bed. Of course the locals completely ignore this so its an easy source of income for the BIB. In fact in my town the Police hardly have to break sweat in walking out in front of the station, placing a few bollards out and then spend a few hours waving down pickups for contributions to the glug glug fund.

In the Thai Rath a few months back there was front page pic of a Vigo truck which had been modified underneath for smuggling illegal wood, very clever, not sure if it was a tip off or just a random bit of luck by BIB.

Sounds like you really envy KBB as his posts say something to understand something where as yours usually give the wrong information wink.gif

That's rich coming from the biggest windbag on here!, and as for understanding the babbling Scandi-whistling.gif


May i ask why you have decided to buy a Truck Mr Web.. Im sure many posters have wondered that too... As for ENVY,i envy Youth, and Toned Down Subaru and Evoes, like the Cops drive on You Tube. Motorway Cops. U.K. .Thats what id have asked to be leased if i didn't carry stock about all day..coffee1.gif


i have driven both types here for years ,and notice no differance ,if its your turn to be stopped ,no problems ,ive been pulled over more times than anything else when the car/truck has red plates fitted ,


I envy his Age, but ive done more Klics backwards here in Lotus Car Parks than hes done on Fantasy Island, or anywhere else in Thailand. He doesn't take himself seriously either. A point you should note Boy.!!. bah.gif.

I thought this topic was about pickups, not beachbumslicklips.gif

anyway my reason for listing some of the cars I have owned here, was to show whatever you drive you get pulled over just as often. But on Province border checkpoints, BKK plates are pulled over much more frequent, and stripped down much more frequent

and I dont drive much car in Phuket, except yesterday to get beer and did you know those tiny maxda2 sedans take 12 crates of large Leo in the trunk? well possibly more, as 12 was all I could afford for Christmas

In Phuket I prefere bikesthumbsup.gif


Nope pickups arent as likely to be pulled over in my experience, red or unique paint jobs and out of province plates and of course a foreigners face are more likely to get the attention of coppers waiting outside toll booths. good tinted windows seem to help too as being a foreigner will also increase your chances of being flagged down. This is why i prefer not to park waiting for red lights on far left side of road when on a nice bike. dont make it easy for the predators to single you out from the pack of cars and bikes.


Fortunalately they Do. Ignore KBB , as you can see he mistakes a Camry and Yarris for a Truck giggle.gif, and fails to mention they pull New Cars out of the line up at spot checks , but never a Truck As you will find out when you change. The Plates from the N.E. are prime targets for Drug Running , but they still use them despite being constantly stopped. coffee1.gif.

See you have worked out Mr Kata too, not a week goes by without him reminding us of how many vehicles/motorbikes/houses he owns, has owned or is planning to own.


Two door pickups which there are stacks of, are not meant to carry passengers in the rear bed. Of course the locals completely ignore this so its an easy source of income for the BIB. In fact in my town the Police hardly have to break sweat in walking out in front of the station, placing a few bollards out and then spend a few hours waving down pickups for contributions to the glug glug fund.

In the Thai Rath a few months back there was front page pic of a Vigo truck which had been modified underneath for smuggling illegal wood, very clever, not sure if it was a tip off or just a random bit of luck by BIB.

Sounds like you really envy KBB as his posts say something to understand something where as yours usually give the wrong information wink.gif

That's rich coming from the biggest windbag on here!, and as for understanding the babbling Scandi-whistling.gif

laugh.png I feel I must apologize to you, thought it was Warpy's post whistling.gif and l retract my words, sorry.

Wind bag, heh, me, your right. emot-kiss.gif


May i ask why you have decided to buy a Truck Mr Web.. Im sure many posters have wondered that too... As for ENVY,i envy Youth, and Toned Down Subaru and Evoes, like the Cops drive on You Tube. Motorway Cops. U.K. .Thats what id have asked to be leased if i didn't carry stock about all day..coffee1.gif

Well I decided I never had one before and thought why not, plus they are practical and pretty cheap.

I actually wanted to by a fortuner, then I was in my brother inlaws new hilux and it was basically almost the same thing but much cheaper and about to buy one of those. Then I went to the motorshow and saw the Ford Ranger and decided to get that instead. Pretty decent car for what they are asking for it.


Yeah I have driven both the Tuna and the Hilux and they are basically feel the same. I lived the Hilux but the Ford impressed me a little more.

I think the fortuner only looks better than the Hilux, but not worth the difference in price as they look and drive almost the same.


Maybe BS but I was told that because pick ups have green plates they are deemed to be 'agricultural vehicles' and should not venture into the outside carriageway.

This makes them an easy target for the BiB along with the fact that many are over-loaded.


I was stopped and told exactly that by Mr Plod in a Motorway Car.. But Our Experts disagree . But then the Patroll Car Driver isn't an expert according to some of our Bar Stool Hamilton's in their constant bleating about Pick Ups not being a Commercial. Strange how a plate colour can change the concept. Ill paint the Wifes Car plate Blue and pretend its a Bus , or a Fire Engine.cheesy.gif


I was stopped and told exactly that by Mr Plod in a Motorway Car.. But Our Experts disagree . But then the Patroll Car Driver isn't an expert according to some of our Bar Stool Hamilton's in their constant bleating about Pick Ups not being a Commercial. Strange how a plate colour can change the concept. Ill paint the Wifes Car plate Blue and pretend its a Bus , or a Fire Engine.cheesy.gif



It’s been mentioned earlier in the thread. Pickups in my area near the border tend to be checked more than other vehicles usually when intelligence has been received of stuff being transported. I’ve heard this from a number of local sources in the know. Various methods are used by the plod to hide the fact they’re on the lookout.

A classic example of this was a few weeks ago when my radar detector warned me of radar. I slowed while the other 2 SUVs traveling at 140 went through the trap at that speed. The road block about a km up the road waved us all through. Only pickups traveling well within the speed limit were pulled over and searched.


A few years back, I was a regular commuter between Pattaya and Udon using Vigo 4 by's. Preferred to do the night run as daylight gets those BS-band radar stops. Usually pulled aside at the regular vehicle checkpoints but only asking where I was going, etc.. Once had an arsehol_e plod south of Korat keep asking for 'special paper' even after seeing the rental agreement, license and insurance stuff. The 'special paper' was red colored... a couple of them sufficed.

Point of warning on the on-ramp to the expressway at Chidlom... been harrased there for money by motocy cop because 'pickup cannot enter here'.... regardless of the fact that several other pickups were driving past. Must have been the farang face. There's no signage saying as much (as far as I have been able to find out) so it's defo a contribution to their welfare fund. This tosser wanted 5000 baht in lieu of taking my license and writing a ticket... a request that made my wife choke on her double latte. For his valiant efforts, he got my expired Texas license and my earnest promise to behave myself in future.

I drive a CR-V now and never been stopped or pulled aside at the traffic stops. If you make eye contact with the Ray-Banned, face-masked highwaymen traffic cop and smile or nod, they go all soft and wave you through.


A classic example of this was a few weeks ago when my radar detector warned me of radar. I slowed while the other 2 SUVs traveling at 140 went through the trap at that speed. The road block about a km up the road waved us all through. Only pickups traveling well within the speed limit were pulled over and searched.

Radar detector? Does it do BS-Band? Mine doesn't but it lights up at every cellphone tower.... very <deleted>' handy! It's in the glovebox now.... maybe.


A classic example of this was a few weeks ago when my radar detector warned me of radar. I slowed while the other 2 SUVs traveling at 140 went through the trap at that speed. The road block about a km up the road waved us all through. Only pickups traveling well within the speed limit were pulled over and searched.

Radar detector? Does it do BS-Band? Mine doesn't but it lights up at every cellphone tower.... very <deleted>' handy! It's in the glovebox now.... maybe.



Whistler Pro 78 SE and it works well in Thailand. Too many features to list but covers just about everything apart from the latest camera vans using an angled narrow beam I’ve encountered in other countries. It detects them when you’re 45 degrees to the van and passing the camera.

I don’t use it in built up areas unless I want to find the nearest bank or 7-11.rolleyes.gif It has modes for city/highway plus another 3 filter modes that i haven't bothered to use.

The trap the other week was unusual as they used a standard reddish brown/white police pickup parked under a shady tree in someone’s driveway instead of a 2 tone highway police sedan. Transam you might know the spot on 226 between Bung Wai and Tha Lat wink.gif

Back on topic. The pickups pulled over were all loaded.


True Story. B in Law bought new Bling Bling Black 4 Door Navara, Never uses it,as per Thai Way sometimes, so he asked if i could use it,to take his 2 Kids to our place 870 Klics from Ubon Rat .I got stopped 4 times. One rude Cop told the Kids they were not Brother and Sister because one looks like her Dad. Lao Face, and the Boy has a pointed nose , like Wife's Sister.. The Girl then Snivelled for ages .My Wife refused to tell me why the Girl Cried till we got home. Lucky Cop . I like Navaras Now , they feel solid, and reasonably powerful, all the Writing on the Door told me so .coffee1.gif

Whistler Pro 78 SE and it works well in Thailand. Too many features to list but covers just about everything apart from the latest camera vans using an angled narrow beam I’ve encountered in other countries. It detects them when you’re 45 degrees to the van and passing the camera. I don’t use it in built up areas unless I want to find the nearest bank or 7-11.rolleyes.gif It has modes for city/highway plus another 3 filter modes that i haven't bothered to use. The trap the other week was unusual as they used a standard reddish brown/white police pickup parked under a shady tree in someone’s driveway instead of a 2 tone highway police sedan. Transam you might know the spot on 226 between Bung Wai and Tha Lat wink.gif Back on topic. The pickups pulled over were all loaded.

I got a top-of-the-line Cobra and it does all the known bands apart from the Thai BS one. Also has the city/highway filters but I can't honestly say that it has managed to keep me out of a traffic stop as the slowing down for every fart and burble became a chore. It's bad enough avoiding the slow chook wagons, buses in the outside lane and contra-flow motocycles with +3 up! Whenever I do a daylight run, I try and keep the speed around 110 and pull over and let the flying eedjits talk their way out of tickets. Paying attention to the oncoming traffic flashing their lights when they have nada in front of them is helpful as that usually means speed trap ahead... or major prang.

We are making a daylight run to Chantaburi after Christmas so I will dig out the Cobra and give it a whirl.

Back on topic: I agree if the OP isn't hauling sh!t and just a weekend cowboy (Houston term for a Dallas-based pickup truck wrangler), he shouldn't notice any increased harassment from those whose paychecks say they work for the Highway Patrol.

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